A Christmas Wish (M/f)
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A Christmas Wish (M/f)
A Christmas Wish
Shopping at the mall was hell. Shopping this close to Christmas was double hell. Not only was the crowd larger than normal but the mall was smaller than normal; temporarily kiosks warred with Christmas display over parts of the concourse as the customers tried to squeeze passed them.
Megan Leeds turned the corner and had to do a double take. Sure, Christmas was getting close, but she didn't expect to see something like this, not even at a Santa's Village at a mall. A teenager dressed like an elf in shorts and stockings, that wouldn't be out of place, but this woman was years past being a teenage. It wasn't so much the fake ice in the woman's blond hair or how top heavy she was but the woman's outfit that caught Megan's eye. The skirt of the woman's green dress was so starched that it stood up like something in a cartoon. She had ruffles under it (those were starched as well) and when she bent she flashed "panties" that looked designed to be seen. They were like the things that cheerleaders wore, whose name temporarily escaped Megan.
'Spankies.' Megan thought, remembering the name. 'That's what cheerleaders wear.'
Megan grinned a secret smile as she thought of that word. Spanking was something fascinated Megan. It always had and Megan hoped that it always would.
While Megan was lost in her private smile, the woman turned to her. With an embarrassed look, the woman introduced herself.
"Hello there. I'm Glinda, the Christmas Witch, and I seem to have lost my magic wand. Have you seen it? It's red with a green tip."
"Sorry lady, but I'm not into the Christmas spirit this year. Maybe if you ask a 12 year old? Or maybe an eight year old? I'm sure one of them would love a quest to find the missing Christmas wand."
"Oh no, I couldn't do that." Glinda said in a shocked voice. "There are some things that you just don't involve children in and this is one of them."
"Sorry, but I can't help." Megan said, turning away.
"Okay, I'll keep looking. I'll need it to grant Christmas wishes." Glenda told her.
"Right." Megan said, still walking, thinking, 'That woman really goes in character. She must be a method actor who's working here because she can't find real acting work.'
Megan picked up a few last minutes items, then cut through the Santa's Village to avoid a packed crowd in front of an outlet store. As she did so, her foot brushed against something. Glancing down, she saw a wand sticking out from under a fake snow bank. Of course it was red with a green tip.
'She must not have been able to find a kid to help her look.' Megan thought.
The actress playing the role of Glenda was on the other side of the Christmas village and the ambient noise level was too loud for Megan to call over to the woman. On a whim she bent down and retrieved the prop, planning to walk it over Glenda.
'If only magic did really work.' Megan thought. "What a wonderful place the world could be.'
It was a nice, if childish thought. Magic wasn't real. It existed only in stories and make believe and maybe in the hearts of children at Christmas, but not in the real world.
As she straightened from picking up the wand, Megan saw a display being unveiled on the other side of a storefront window. She wasn't sure what was going on sale, but the words "HOUR LONG SPECIAL 50% OFF!" caught her eye. Her planned good deed forgotten, Megan jammed the wand into one of her bags and rushed the store.
When she emerged 20 minutes later Megan was carrying a coffeemaker that she didn't need. She went to the Christmas Village display, but there was no sign of Glenda. Or anyone. The display was roped off and deserted.
'Should I just put the wand back where I found it or should I bring it back tomorrow?' Megan pondered.
Megan was tempted to leave the wand, but that would involve moving a rope to enter the village and mall security might not like that. Worse, someone else might find the wand. It didn't look valuable but if someone walked off with it then she would be to blame.
'Looks like I'm coming back here tomorrow.' Megan thought ruefully.
The mall's parking lot was packed and countless cars were circling for spots. It took Megan 20 minutes to get her car to the road and heading home. Driving home, all she could think about was how she would have to battle through the parking lot tomorrow just to return the wand.
Once home she hit her computer, looking for the details of the story of Glinda the Christmas Witch and the missing wand. To her surprise it wasn't on the net.
'It must be a custom piece they're doing at the mall.' Megan decided. 'It must have been cheaper to pay some kid to write that bit than to buy the rights for a Disney Christmas adventure.'
Switching tabs, Megan stopped reading about Christmas and started reading about something that was infinitely more enjoyable - spanking. Her buns quivered as she read a story about a careless secretary working for a take charge boss. Her palm itched to smack as she read one about a college boy whose girlfriend enjoyed playing the role of a strict babysitter. Reading story after story it didn't matter if her buns were quivering at the thought of being spanked or her palm was itching to give a spanking, her engine was turning as she pictured herself as the spanker or the girl getting her bottom smacked.
Megan sighed.
"It's been too long." Megan muttered to herself.
She wasn't the sort to sleep around and she was kind of in a relationship, but her sometimes boyfriend, Alfred Dokes, was vanilla. If he wasn't, if Alfred was into spanking, then he would be perfect. He made her laugh and was there for her but he missed every hint that she had ever given him and some of those 'hints' had been just this side of asking him to spank her. He was good in the sack, but the lack of spanking left her with unfulfilled needs.
It had been years since anyone had really spanked her and even longer since the last time she dished one out. No one had really coloured her bottom since her senior year of college and Megan hadn't spanked anyone since that time in her sophomore year when she had spanked a drunken freshman. She had dated a couple of guys since then who played at smacking her bottom, but none of them had done more than turn her bottom pink. And even in college, noise concerns kept Megan from having a good, long, hard spanking, like the sort of spanking she dreamt of getting.
In theory she knew what a spanking like that felt like, but in practice Megan could barely remember her preteen years and she knew that she hadn't been spanked after her tenth birthday. Her memories of being spanked came more from people telling her that it had happened than her actually remembering those long ago events. She even wasn't sure when those spankings had stopped. The closest she came to a real memory was remember when she turned 10 and someone joking about giving her birthday spanked and thinking that spankings only happened to little kids.
Megan was honest enough to admit that maybe she wouldn't enjoy a real blistering but that didn't stop her from dreaming about getting one. Or giving one, but mostly her fantasies focused on getting a spanking that left her sobbing. She had experiment a bit with a bath brush but self spanking lacked the iron hand she yearned for. With self spanking she could go easy on herself and half the time she barely tapped her bottom, which was nothing like someone deciding to spank her until he decided that she had had enough.
Seeing the clock in her toolbar, Megan decided it was time to shift gears. Alfred was going to drop over in an hour and a half, maybe just to dropped off some presents, maybe for a bit more, and Megan wanted a clear head when he arrived. Or at least a head that wasn't focused on spanking.
Pouring a glass of wine, Megan decided to relax in front of the TV and watch the news. Wine from a box was inexpensive, but Megan bought it mostly because it came with an airtight spigot. With a box you could pour a single glass and not worry about the wine spoiling. Bottles were commitments that had to be finished within a few days of opening them, but a box would keep the wine fresh for months.
Sipping her wine, Megan found herself retrieving the wand she had picked up at the mall.
"Christmas wishes, huh?" Megan said, addressing the wand. Smiling, she waved it. "Well I wish I lived in a world where a gal could get her bottom smacked at the drop of a hat. Where the police could be called to help out if a girl didn't want to take her spanking. Where Alfred was willing to smack my butt into next week."
Wishing was nice, but as Megan's grandmother used to say: "If wishes were fishes we could walk on the sea". With a sigh, Megan put down the wand, picked up the remote, and turned on the news.
To see a smiling bride hiking up her wedding dress to reveal white stocking tops, garters, and white thong. Then, still smiling, the girl bent over the groom's lap.
"What the fuck?" Megan sputtered, half swallowed wine flying from her mouth.
The usual announcer's voice came on, but the woman's words only added to Megan's confusion.
"And will Prince Conner allow that thong to remain? No, it seems not. He's lowering the thong so he can give his bride a proper bare bottom spanking. Now as the shot zooms out we can see his father, Prince Richard and his grandfather, King Paul, looking on with pride as twenty year old Conner prepares to welcome his new bride to the royal family in what has become the traditional way."
"Thanks Kate. As many of our viewers know, this isn't just an average royal marriage. As every schoolgirl knows, or should know, George Washington, First King of America, had no issue. Some trace the royal line of successor from his eldest half brother while others trace the succession from one his younger full brothers. As Prince Conner marries his distant cousin he is uniting the claims of the strongest pretender with his own more valid claim and removing the possibility of another civil war. Kate?"
"Thanks Dave. It looks as if Prince Conner is going with the razor strap for this wedding day spanking. He is! What a lucky girl. Yes, this will put the final nail in the coffin of the Southern Secessionist movement. Dave?"
"Thanks Kate. Wow, she really felt that one! Yes, uniting the line is a good thing, but it seems odd that anyone could ever doubt the King's claim. As you know, our Kings have their full names recorded to differentiate them from the European nobles and the idea that anyone could doubt that Paul Emerson Washington is the rightful heir to the throne is mind boggling. Back to you Kate."
"Thanks Dave. That would make a wonderful question. I'd wager that most people out there don't know why we formally refer to our monarchs by their full names while the European ones only use their first names. I know I didn't know that. Back to Dave."
"You didn't? Then I know one big girl whose going to spend the commercial break getting her bottom strapped."
"But Dave! Um, well, I suppose I did almost ask for that one. But do me a favour: the weather girl rarely watches before her piece is shot so could you ask her the same question and give her the same treatment if she gets it wrong?"
"Well Kate, are you talking back to me? Maybe I'll ask her, but you should take off that mike. Don't give me that look! I warned you, next time you talked back I'd start your spanking before the break and I meant it."
Megan stared at the screen in shock. She knew that she wasn't watching an adult channel. Even if she had the wrong station there were no adult channels that offered spanking in her area (she'd checked often enough). The normal news anchors, Kate and Dave, were having their usual 'bantering about the news' talk, but the talk was about spanking and Megan was watching a newlywed spanking his bride with a strap.
And that talk about kings and princes? George Washington had been the first President, not a king. There were no kings or queens in the country and there never had been.
But thoughts about kings and logic were crowded out by the sight of the girl's bottom being strapped red. Megan had seen enough spanking videos to know that there was nothing fake about it. That no special effects or camera tricks were being used. Whoever that girl was she was getting a serious strapping on her wedding day.
Then channel went to a commercial. Megan barely saw the familiar ad for a happy meal as her brain tried to process what she had seen. Was it real? Had she had a stroke? Was she dreaming? Was this some sort of wonderful prank the station was putting on, one tied to some historic event? If it was, then how could the FCC allow them to show a bare bottom on network TV?
When the news returned it showed the familiar news studio, only while Dave was sitting there in his standard blazer and tie, a red face Kate was standing wearing what looked like the upper half of a school uniform. Her blouse fell well below her waist, to where the news desk covered her, but on that desk in front of her was a skirt that looked to complete Kate's uniform.
"Wasn't that a lovely royal wedding?" Dave asked.
"Sniff. It was. And it was wonderful to see Prince Conner continuing the tradition that his grandfather started. Some people say that if King, then Prince, Paul hadn't have done that then today us girls would be as unspanked as the European women are."
"What a terrible thought." Dave commented. "But it leads into our next report. And now for an in-depth report on corporal punishment in school from our investigative reporter Mindy Jackson. Specifically on whether it should be reintroduce in an effort to prepare girls for the sort of spankings they'll have to endure as adults."
Megan watched a surreal report about a school where the female teachers could be spanked but the worst the students faced was detention. A pair of saucy teenage girls giggled as they talked about how they frequently got their teachers spanked. When reminded that their own tails would shortly be at risk, the giggles turned into nervous ones, but the girls were adamant that spankings were for "big girls" and not students.
"And how do you do it? By that I mean how do you get your teachers spanked?" Mindy Jackson asked.
That question turned into the high point of the interview as it led to Mindy Jackson being strapped over a spanking bench while "the board of education" whacked the bottom of her skirt.
Thrown into a daze, Megan started to channel surf. All of the shows she saw were familiar ones, but many (not all, but many) now included schoolgirl uniforms, French maid outfits, and other kinky costumes for the female characters. Characters who were sometimes paddled or otherwise smacked. From the reactions of the other actors those smackings were just something that happened as opposed to some special "today only" publicity stunt.
She returned to the news in time for the human-interest bit at the end. Megan had expected a cute "letters to Santa" bit or something else that would fit the Christmas genre, but what she found was a segment on "Surprised European Tourists At Christmas". Women who were visiting friends and family who had moved to (or were working in) the States discovering that you didn't have to be born here to be spank here. Most of the scenes only showed the women's faces as it was explained to them but there were a few shots of foreign tails being tanned, including one by a customs officer who didn't like a tourist's attitude.
Flipping the channels again changed nothing, except give Megan a look at another spanking.
"What the fuck is happening?" Megan asked herself as she watched a female DA being paddled by a defence attorney.
She turned off the TV but the sounds of spanking didn't stop. They just changed directions. Confused, Megan stumbled out of her apartment, seeking the source of the sounds. She saw that her nearest neighbour's door was open and when she peeked in she saw her neighbour Fred Hicks spanking his naked wife. Mary Hicks was a few years older than Megan and was usually a calm and collected woman, but now she was squirming face down over her husband's lap as he bounced his palm off her backside. Gone was her confident voice. In its place was a whiny little girl chant of "I be good I promise".
With the door opened it was practically the same as if they were doing it in public. Letting everyone hear and not caring who saw them at it.
Shaken, Megan retreated to her apartment. It was one thing for reporters, media personalities, and actresses to be spanked but seeing someone she knew as a real person being spanked, that was something else.
"The board." Megan muttered. "What are they saying about this on the board?"
Rushing to her computer, Megan found that her bookmarks had changed. The one that once led to a spanking forum now led to a "spanked girls" page. Post after post showed women getting spanked or doing corner time. Some of them included some light restraints, mainly wrist bindings, and included comments about how so-and-so still kept trying to shield her bottom from blows. Others showed tearful faces of women with bars of soaps in their mouths. A few threads were labelled "diaper discipline" or "enema training" and Megan didn't dare open them.
Switching to a social media site, Megan was agog at the spanking pictures she found posted. All of her girlfriends had at least one red bottom shot posted and most had photos of them wearing what Megan considered fetish costumes. Harem outfits, French maid outfits, and others caught her eyes, but the majority of the odd costumes were schoolgirl ones.
As one hand absentmindedly drifted under her skirt, Megan tried another track. Googling "differences in spanking Europe" produced a wikipedia page on something called "The Grownup Schoolgirl Reform Act of 1953". Megan stared with her mouth open as she read about how a twenty year old King Paul had assumed the throne in 1953 and started on his crusade to ensure that every woman in America knew what a good spanking felt like. Some of the comments concerned "unfounded rumours" about a governess spanking Prince Paul long into his teenage years but most of the page covered what a European visitor needed to know before she crossed the Atlantic. There were even linked to tourist areas, some where a visitor could expect to remain unspanked during her stay and others where she was sure to be spanked in one of dozens of possible fantasy scenarios that she (or her travelling companion) could select.
As for the average American girl, she could look forward frequent spankings and life long learning. A part to the Grownup Schoolgirl Reform Act encouraged men (and older women) to quiz girls on random facts and discipline them for wrong answers. Most news programs offered random facts that "every schoolgirl knows, or should know" which were perfect fodder for men who wanted an excuse to spank a girl. Ask any girl over 19 to recite one of those "common facts" and if she didn't you had a perfectly legal reason to spank her. Men were limited to one question a day and charges could be filed over impossible riddles, if the asked question wasn't answered then the girl would be spanked.
Which left Megan with a single question. Had the entire world gone crazy or had she lost her mind?
"I can't be going crazy." Megan muttered. "I can't. How can the rest of the world be different when I'm the same?"
Megan had sticky fingers when she rose from the computer and went to explore her apartment. She had meant to head straight to her bedside table and the delightful battery device that she kept there, but when she opened that drawer she found unfamiliar toys. Some (such as the butt plugs and other anal intruders) were things that she had never thought to play with while others were on her "if I were more daring I'd get one" list. The fur lined cuffs lack a key, leaving Megan to wonder where it might be and who might have it.
Her wardrobe held other surprises. Mixed in with the clothes she remembered owning were three different schoolgirl uniforms and a few other things that Megan would have never dared buy herself. There were belts hanging in her closet that lacked holes in them. There were unfamiliar hair bushes and even a few paddles scattered around her room.
"This isn't my real room." Megan told herself. "This is my dream room. What is it doing out of my head and real life."
A knock on her apartment's door ended her explorations. Part of Megan didn't want to see who it was but another part needed to know who was there.
After checking the peak hole, Megan opened the door to admit Alfred. He was right on time, as expected. He was loaded down with bags, as expected. Every part of him was what Megan expected. The sight of his normality made her question her recent memories. To wonder if she had fallen half asleep and dreamt everything. No sounds of spanked echoed in her building. True, the TV was off and the Hicks now had their door closed, but everything now seemed so completely, absolutely normal.
Megan let Alfred in, helped him with his bag, and closed the door. The world might look different but Alfred was the same. He said hi, she said hi back, and the normal small talk happened. With him acting so normal, Megan could only wonder if it had all been a dream. A waking fantasy, some sort of hallucination brought on by her unrequited needs.
"Oh, and I almost forgot. I know you said you didn't want to see any of your gifts before Christmas but I thought, why not?"
"Um, why not?" Megan agreed weakly, trying to wrap her head around recent events.
She wasn't prepared for what he produced.
A pair of paddles. Like the old roadside souvenirs that she sought out on eBay. One was labelled "Roadside Assistance" and the lettering on the other read "Applied Child Physiology".
Lacking the name of a town or any other lettering that would make them into a souvenir it was clear that they had one purpose and one purpose only - to paddle someone's seat. To paint a bum red. They were something that could fit in your purse and save wear and tear on your hand when a spanking was due. They were spanking paddles and Alfred was holding them.
Boring, vanilla, Alfred. Holding a pair of spanking paddles.
"Um, what are those?" Megan asked.
"The paddles you hinted you wanted." Alfred said with a smile. "Want to christen one of them now?"
"Christen?" Megan squeaked.
"Christen." Alfred confirmed. "Come on, you'll usually the one who suggests these things. Or are you bratting? Come on, you know I'm dense when it comes to these things. I mean, if you hadn't have asked me to quiz you all those times I would have never known you liked me. Even then it took you wearing those 'spank me if you like me' panties to get the message across."
"Um, well, you weren't supposed to get it until Christmas." Megan said, stalling for time.
"I know, but I know you hate waiting for something you really want."
"Um, well..."
Megan was torn. If this was really happen then a long desired dream might actually come true, but how could this be true? How could Alfred be ready to spank her?
"Well? I've got an early day tomorrow. If we're doing this then we better get a move on."
That was more like boring old Alfred. He lived his life to a schedule. He even scheduled a projected end time to their dates, based around his need to get eight hours of sleep a night.
"Um, mind if I change first?" Megan asked. "To make it special?"
"Sure, change if you want."
Megan nodded and disappeared into her bedroom. Then, before she could change her mind, she rushed back out wearing one of the schoolgirl outfits.
"That's a nice choice." Alfred noted. "Oh, and to make this official, here's a question from the news. Who uses the full names of their royalty? Us or the Europeans."
Megan knew the answer.
"Um, that was on the news, wasn't it? It's the reason that Dave spanked Kate."
Alfred's face fell.
"Oh, so you saw that. Well, just for formality sake what's your answer."
Megan didn't have to think twice.
"Um, the Europeans do that. Not us, them." Megan answered.
Alfred laughed.
"Good old dependable Megan. Now do you want me to raise your skirt or are you taking it off?"
Megan undid her skirt. It dropped it to the floor and she stepped out of it.
Alfred laughed again and led her to the couch. Once there he acted like a pro. Like they had done this countless times. Maybe in this world they had. He guided her over his lap, lifting her shirttails up out of the way and wedging her left arm under her body. Then his fingers were in the waistband of her panties.
'Oh fuck this is it.' Megan thought. 'After all those dreams and all those nights with the toy he's going spank me.'
Alfred yanked down her panties to just below the swell of her bottom.
"This new paddle has never, ever been used before." Alfred told her. "Let's see if it works."
Megan jerked as the paddle exploded across the middle of her bottom, half of it landing on either side of her crack.
One on her left cheek, one on her right cheek. The shock of them landing shot through her body. Megan's hand shot back to shield her bottom, only to have Alfred grab her wrist and hold it fast.
"Good old dependable Megan." Alfred chuckled. "The same thing almost every time. Except when we use the cuffs."
Megan wondered how the cuffs would feel and if it was too late to ask to wear them now. It probably was. But maybe she didn't want to. Alfred's hand felt so strong and firm as he held her arm in position.
The paddle fell again, breaking Megan's train of thought. Again and again and again. Using that wicked paddle, Alfred quickly took Megan to the places she had been in college. The paddle worked much faster than any hand ever could.
Then he took her further.
A throbbing was building in her backside, tears were beginning to form. Not the "I want to cry" tears that she had shed in college but the "I must cry" tears that Megan had always dreamt off.
Suddenly it hit her: they hadn't picked a safe word. She had never played without a safe word before. If she screamed out "No, stop" then Alfred would think she meant it. He might stop.
Or worse, he might not. None of the posts she had read had touched on safe words. Girls didn't have safe words in this place. They had to take whatever type of spanking someone decided that they should get. No safe words allowed.
This spanking was going to go on as long as Alfred wanted it to.
Megan couldn't change that.
She wanted to cum right then and there, but Alfred was still spanking her and that wasn't an option, not with Alfred still spanking her.
And spanking her.
And spanking her.
He was pushing her passed all of her limits. Not that he knew that, he thought that they had done this countless times, but this was Megan's first real spanking ever. Maybe she had gotten a hard spanking back when she was a kid, maybe she hadn't, but this would be the first hard spanking she remembered.
Finally she couldn't help herself. Megan cried out for Alfred to stop and he ignored her. She begged for him to stop and he and he didn't. She pleaded and he ignored her pleas.
That wicked paddle worked its magic, travelling from just below the small of her back to just above where panties rested.
Tears came. Snot flowed from her nose. Her bottom throbbed with pain. Her begging turned into wails but Alfred didn't stop. It was only after Megan's wails became wordless sobs that Alfred called a halt to things.
Megan barely believed it when the paddle failed to fall. Then Alfred was speaking.
"I'm sorry to do things out of order, but you need a good hour of corner time and I've got to soon. After I go I'll go next door and ask Mary to check on you, to make sure that you stay in your corner.
Megan was still trying to make sense of Alfred's words when they hit the bedroom, then the bed. With her bottom throbbing and Alfred trying to pile drive her through the mattress, Megan's only thought was:
'This is as good as I thought it would be.'
When was over there was some cuddling, then Alfred led her naked into a corner, positioning her so that her nude rear faced her apartment door.
"It's nine now and you'll have to stay there until ten. Remember, Mary will be checking on you. I don't have to remind you what happened last time, do I? Just remember that if she catches you out of the corner she'll spank you harder than I ever would and she'll use a switch and you hate that."
Megan couldn't begin to imagine what a real switching would feel like, not on her already bruised bottom. And it was bruised; Megan could feel the marks forming.
"I'll set the timer on the microwave, just in case she forgets to tell you that the hour is up." Alfred called from the kitchen. "We don't want you standing there all night again, do we?"
Facing the corner, Megan heard Alfred leave. He shut the door but she didn't hear the click of the lock. Then she heard him knocking on the neighbour's door and part of a quiet conversation that confirmed that Mary would look in on her. She heard Mary Hicks calling in a loud voice:
"If she so much as looks out of that corner I'll wash her mouth out with soap, give her an enema, and then switch her so she can't sit until after Christmas."
Which was overkill. Megan had never tasted soap and hated the one time she had tried a colonic. She didn't even need the threat of a switch to hold her in place; it was enough that she was living the dream.
"Time must stop and the world freeze!"
Megan trembled. She was naked in her apartment, standing in the corner with a red bottom, and some strange woman had just yelled.
"So that's where my wand is. I knew that someone took it. Oh, you can turn around, time's stopped here so no one can check on you."
Megan turned slowly, her hands shielding her body, to see Glinda the Christmas Witch. The woman was still wearing that ridiculous dress and was triumphantly holding the red wand with green tip.
"Boy, when you make a Christmas wish you don't hold back, do you? Throw a shirt on or something while I figure out how to fix this."
"What are you doing here?"
Glinda the Christmas Witch fixed Megan with a hard stare.
"I'd ask if you wanted another spanking but I'm not sure if you'd answer yes or no." Glinda told Megan. "But just do what I say or you'll regret it."
Megan limped into her bedroom. She picked up the schoolgirl blouse from where Alfred had tossed it. Seeing that it fell passed mid thigh, Megan fastened the few buttons that remained and limped back to where Glinda waited.
"Um, good news and bad news." Glinda announced. "The bad news is that I can't fix this, the good news is that I know someone who can, and the best news is he's get the time to help us. Damn, I screwed the delivery. That's why they have me working at Santa villages, I just can't do announcements well so I can't do fieldwork. Just pretend that I said that I had bad news, good news, and better news. No, best news. That's better... I mean best, I mean..."
"Ho ho ho. Did someone call for the Fat Man?"
Megan turned in shock. There, standing by her window, was someone who looked more like Santa Claus than any mall or Coca-Cola Santa could. Megan could just feel a rightness about him.
"My, my. No, this isn't good. Normally I'd have an assistant handle things. Maybe Knecht Ruprecht, Zwarte Piet, or even Krampus, but I can sense that your bottom is already glowing brighter than my nose so I'll say no more about that."
Megan's hands shot back to cover her bottom. It was covered by her blouse and there was no way that the Fat Man should know about its current state, but Megan felt better with it covered.
"At least to you. Now Glinda, what had I told you about losing wands?"
"Um, we can worry about that later? Please?" Glinda was almost begging. "We have to fix this now and my wand's almost all out of magic."
"Ho ho ho that shouldn't be. It should be charged with belief from all the good little boys and girls that visit the mall. Well, there's still time over the next couple of days for you to charge it up. As for this problem, as several of my modern assistants would say it's just a matter of basic quantum mechanics. She shifted probabilities, that's all. She ended up on a probability string that's far, far away from her normal haunts. Washington becoming King? That might have happened so there's a whole branch for it, but public spankings for grown women? That's so rare that there can't be may probabilities where it happens. Why it's so rare that the closest branch twisted off in the 1700s and that's a long time ago for most folk."
"But don't worry. A touch of Christmas magic and it be all good again. This Megan will be back on her world, this world's Megan will be back here, and no one will remember either of them acting strangely. Yes, a bit of magic dust will do it. Why it will even put you to bed and an erase the marks that are forming on your cute little tush."
"Wait, what if I don't want everything to go back to normal?" Megan asked.
The Fat Man looked at Megan, focusing his attention on her.
Megan quaked and almost collapsed under that gaze. Somehow she knew that he could See more than just her standing there. That he could See everything she was, had been, and could ever be. She could sense that his power was such that his mere stare could harm her if he wasn't careful, that a stray thought from this Being might kill her or transform her in an unthinkable way.
"You don't get a choice. You don't believe in Christmas or magic so you can't have any of it. If you want magic you'll have to make your own."
Glinda leaned over the Fat Man's shoulder and mouthed "Don't worry, I can fix this.". Megan wasn't sure what Glinda meant by that, but she did know that neither of them would be challenging the Fat Man.
Then the Fat Man smiled. Megan could feel a threat vanishing, a threat that had been so great that she hadn't sensed it until it left.
"Ho ho ho you're right Glinda. Let's handle this before the Me that's in this world has to get involved. That Me still hands out straps, paddles, and switches, but only to big girls, not children, which sounds odd to this Me. Yes, all I need to do is - "
The buzzing alarm brought Megan to instant wakefulness. Shaking her head, she tried to make sense of things. Her bottom didn't feel hot and a quick check with a mirror showed that no mark marred its complexion.
"Was it a dream? Could it all have been a dream?" Megan muttered to herself.
She moved towards her closet and stumbled over the box of wine. A box that felt far lighter than it should.
"Did I get drunk and have weird dreams?" Megan muttered.
Searching her closet, she found no sign of any special clothing. No schoolgirl uniform, no fetish wear. The drawer by her bedside only held its normal load of special toys. Her computer showed its normal websites. Facebook lacked any pictures of spanking. The world was as it should be.
"How could I have dreamt it all?" Megan wondered out loud. "It felt so real."
Sighing, she picked up the box of wine to carry it back to the refrigerator. Halfway there she dropped it on the floor. One of the corners of the box was crumpled in by the impact, but Megan didn't notice it. Her entire attention was focused on her dinning table.
Two paddles waited at her place. One said "Roadside Assistance" and the other read "Applied Child Physiology". A note lay beside them. There, written in comically big letters were the words:
It was real.
Gifts given with love can travel through worlds.
Re-gift these.
your own
Your Friend,
Glinda the Christmas Witch
Whose wand is red with a green tip and whose bottom is now redder than her wand!
"It was real?" Megan croaked. "It wasn't a dream? It was real?"
Suddenly it hit her that there were other worlds out there. That on one of those worlds women got their bottoms smacked at the drop of a hat. That there existed world where the police could be called to help out if a girl didn't want to take her spanking. A world where a version of Alfred was a willing and able spanker.
"And who said there has to be just one?" Megan wondered aloud. "If I re-gift it..."
Ignoring the box of wine on the floor, Megan rummaged around for Christmas card and a gift bag. A paddle went in the bag, tissue paper got stuffed over it, and Megan wrote in the card.
To Alfred, for when I act up in the car.
Use with force.
PS: If you don't feel like driving anywhere then I think it might work in the bedroom too, but we'll have to test it to be sure. What else would we have planned for Christmas night?
and you can expect lots more than hugs and kisses after you use this gift
Megan tossed on clothes and drove frantically to Alfred's building, leaving the present with the doorman before she could change her mind.
"That's done and the rest is out of my hands." Megan muttered. "Let's see if that makes the magic I need."
Someplace in the Far North that existed as much as it didn't exist, a witch gazed at a crystal ball and smiled. Even if Megan's ploy meet with rejection, this moment with its act of perfect belief generated more magic than had been wasted by granting Megan's Christmas wish. The burst of magic did nothing for the sting in her own backside, but Glinda liked the feel of a sting there even more than Megan did.
"Here's hoping that things work for you kid." Glinda told the tiny figure in the crystal ball, then she took the harvested magic to the workshop where the Fat Man's elves would turn it to something special.
Shopping at the mall was hell. Shopping this close to Christmas was double hell. Not only was the crowd larger than normal but the mall was smaller than normal; temporarily kiosks warred with Christmas display over parts of the concourse as the customers tried to squeeze passed them.
Megan Leeds turned the corner and had to do a double take. Sure, Christmas was getting close, but she didn't expect to see something like this, not even at a Santa's Village at a mall. A teenager dressed like an elf in shorts and stockings, that wouldn't be out of place, but this woman was years past being a teenage. It wasn't so much the fake ice in the woman's blond hair or how top heavy she was but the woman's outfit that caught Megan's eye. The skirt of the woman's green dress was so starched that it stood up like something in a cartoon. She had ruffles under it (those were starched as well) and when she bent she flashed "panties" that looked designed to be seen. They were like the things that cheerleaders wore, whose name temporarily escaped Megan.
'Spankies.' Megan thought, remembering the name. 'That's what cheerleaders wear.'
Megan grinned a secret smile as she thought of that word. Spanking was something fascinated Megan. It always had and Megan hoped that it always would.
While Megan was lost in her private smile, the woman turned to her. With an embarrassed look, the woman introduced herself.
"Hello there. I'm Glinda, the Christmas Witch, and I seem to have lost my magic wand. Have you seen it? It's red with a green tip."
"Sorry lady, but I'm not into the Christmas spirit this year. Maybe if you ask a 12 year old? Or maybe an eight year old? I'm sure one of them would love a quest to find the missing Christmas wand."
"Oh no, I couldn't do that." Glinda said in a shocked voice. "There are some things that you just don't involve children in and this is one of them."
"Sorry, but I can't help." Megan said, turning away.
"Okay, I'll keep looking. I'll need it to grant Christmas wishes." Glenda told her.
"Right." Megan said, still walking, thinking, 'That woman really goes in character. She must be a method actor who's working here because she can't find real acting work.'
Megan picked up a few last minutes items, then cut through the Santa's Village to avoid a packed crowd in front of an outlet store. As she did so, her foot brushed against something. Glancing down, she saw a wand sticking out from under a fake snow bank. Of course it was red with a green tip.
'She must not have been able to find a kid to help her look.' Megan thought.
The actress playing the role of Glenda was on the other side of the Christmas village and the ambient noise level was too loud for Megan to call over to the woman. On a whim she bent down and retrieved the prop, planning to walk it over Glenda.
'If only magic did really work.' Megan thought. "What a wonderful place the world could be.'
It was a nice, if childish thought. Magic wasn't real. It existed only in stories and make believe and maybe in the hearts of children at Christmas, but not in the real world.
As she straightened from picking up the wand, Megan saw a display being unveiled on the other side of a storefront window. She wasn't sure what was going on sale, but the words "HOUR LONG SPECIAL 50% OFF!" caught her eye. Her planned good deed forgotten, Megan jammed the wand into one of her bags and rushed the store.
When she emerged 20 minutes later Megan was carrying a coffeemaker that she didn't need. She went to the Christmas Village display, but there was no sign of Glenda. Or anyone. The display was roped off and deserted.
'Should I just put the wand back where I found it or should I bring it back tomorrow?' Megan pondered.
Megan was tempted to leave the wand, but that would involve moving a rope to enter the village and mall security might not like that. Worse, someone else might find the wand. It didn't look valuable but if someone walked off with it then she would be to blame.
'Looks like I'm coming back here tomorrow.' Megan thought ruefully.
The mall's parking lot was packed and countless cars were circling for spots. It took Megan 20 minutes to get her car to the road and heading home. Driving home, all she could think about was how she would have to battle through the parking lot tomorrow just to return the wand.
Once home she hit her computer, looking for the details of the story of Glinda the Christmas Witch and the missing wand. To her surprise it wasn't on the net.
'It must be a custom piece they're doing at the mall.' Megan decided. 'It must have been cheaper to pay some kid to write that bit than to buy the rights for a Disney Christmas adventure.'
Switching tabs, Megan stopped reading about Christmas and started reading about something that was infinitely more enjoyable - spanking. Her buns quivered as she read a story about a careless secretary working for a take charge boss. Her palm itched to smack as she read one about a college boy whose girlfriend enjoyed playing the role of a strict babysitter. Reading story after story it didn't matter if her buns were quivering at the thought of being spanked or her palm was itching to give a spanking, her engine was turning as she pictured herself as the spanker or the girl getting her bottom smacked.
Megan sighed.
"It's been too long." Megan muttered to herself.
She wasn't the sort to sleep around and she was kind of in a relationship, but her sometimes boyfriend, Alfred Dokes, was vanilla. If he wasn't, if Alfred was into spanking, then he would be perfect. He made her laugh and was there for her but he missed every hint that she had ever given him and some of those 'hints' had been just this side of asking him to spank her. He was good in the sack, but the lack of spanking left her with unfulfilled needs.
It had been years since anyone had really spanked her and even longer since the last time she dished one out. No one had really coloured her bottom since her senior year of college and Megan hadn't spanked anyone since that time in her sophomore year when she had spanked a drunken freshman. She had dated a couple of guys since then who played at smacking her bottom, but none of them had done more than turn her bottom pink. And even in college, noise concerns kept Megan from having a good, long, hard spanking, like the sort of spanking she dreamt of getting.
In theory she knew what a spanking like that felt like, but in practice Megan could barely remember her preteen years and she knew that she hadn't been spanked after her tenth birthday. Her memories of being spanked came more from people telling her that it had happened than her actually remembering those long ago events. She even wasn't sure when those spankings had stopped. The closest she came to a real memory was remember when she turned 10 and someone joking about giving her birthday spanked and thinking that spankings only happened to little kids.
Megan was honest enough to admit that maybe she wouldn't enjoy a real blistering but that didn't stop her from dreaming about getting one. Or giving one, but mostly her fantasies focused on getting a spanking that left her sobbing. She had experiment a bit with a bath brush but self spanking lacked the iron hand she yearned for. With self spanking she could go easy on herself and half the time she barely tapped her bottom, which was nothing like someone deciding to spank her until he decided that she had had enough.
Seeing the clock in her toolbar, Megan decided it was time to shift gears. Alfred was going to drop over in an hour and a half, maybe just to dropped off some presents, maybe for a bit more, and Megan wanted a clear head when he arrived. Or at least a head that wasn't focused on spanking.
Pouring a glass of wine, Megan decided to relax in front of the TV and watch the news. Wine from a box was inexpensive, but Megan bought it mostly because it came with an airtight spigot. With a box you could pour a single glass and not worry about the wine spoiling. Bottles were commitments that had to be finished within a few days of opening them, but a box would keep the wine fresh for months.
Sipping her wine, Megan found herself retrieving the wand she had picked up at the mall.
"Christmas wishes, huh?" Megan said, addressing the wand. Smiling, she waved it. "Well I wish I lived in a world where a gal could get her bottom smacked at the drop of a hat. Where the police could be called to help out if a girl didn't want to take her spanking. Where Alfred was willing to smack my butt into next week."
Wishing was nice, but as Megan's grandmother used to say: "If wishes were fishes we could walk on the sea". With a sigh, Megan put down the wand, picked up the remote, and turned on the news.
To see a smiling bride hiking up her wedding dress to reveal white stocking tops, garters, and white thong. Then, still smiling, the girl bent over the groom's lap.
"What the fuck?" Megan sputtered, half swallowed wine flying from her mouth.
The usual announcer's voice came on, but the woman's words only added to Megan's confusion.
"And will Prince Conner allow that thong to remain? No, it seems not. He's lowering the thong so he can give his bride a proper bare bottom spanking. Now as the shot zooms out we can see his father, Prince Richard and his grandfather, King Paul, looking on with pride as twenty year old Conner prepares to welcome his new bride to the royal family in what has become the traditional way."
"Thanks Kate. As many of our viewers know, this isn't just an average royal marriage. As every schoolgirl knows, or should know, George Washington, First King of America, had no issue. Some trace the royal line of successor from his eldest half brother while others trace the succession from one his younger full brothers. As Prince Conner marries his distant cousin he is uniting the claims of the strongest pretender with his own more valid claim and removing the possibility of another civil war. Kate?"
"Thanks Dave. It looks as if Prince Conner is going with the razor strap for this wedding day spanking. He is! What a lucky girl. Yes, this will put the final nail in the coffin of the Southern Secessionist movement. Dave?"
"Thanks Kate. Wow, she really felt that one! Yes, uniting the line is a good thing, but it seems odd that anyone could ever doubt the King's claim. As you know, our Kings have their full names recorded to differentiate them from the European nobles and the idea that anyone could doubt that Paul Emerson Washington is the rightful heir to the throne is mind boggling. Back to you Kate."
"Thanks Dave. That would make a wonderful question. I'd wager that most people out there don't know why we formally refer to our monarchs by their full names while the European ones only use their first names. I know I didn't know that. Back to Dave."
"You didn't? Then I know one big girl whose going to spend the commercial break getting her bottom strapped."
"But Dave! Um, well, I suppose I did almost ask for that one. But do me a favour: the weather girl rarely watches before her piece is shot so could you ask her the same question and give her the same treatment if she gets it wrong?"
"Well Kate, are you talking back to me? Maybe I'll ask her, but you should take off that mike. Don't give me that look! I warned you, next time you talked back I'd start your spanking before the break and I meant it."
Megan stared at the screen in shock. She knew that she wasn't watching an adult channel. Even if she had the wrong station there were no adult channels that offered spanking in her area (she'd checked often enough). The normal news anchors, Kate and Dave, were having their usual 'bantering about the news' talk, but the talk was about spanking and Megan was watching a newlywed spanking his bride with a strap.
And that talk about kings and princes? George Washington had been the first President, not a king. There were no kings or queens in the country and there never had been.
But thoughts about kings and logic were crowded out by the sight of the girl's bottom being strapped red. Megan had seen enough spanking videos to know that there was nothing fake about it. That no special effects or camera tricks were being used. Whoever that girl was she was getting a serious strapping on her wedding day.
Then channel went to a commercial. Megan barely saw the familiar ad for a happy meal as her brain tried to process what she had seen. Was it real? Had she had a stroke? Was she dreaming? Was this some sort of wonderful prank the station was putting on, one tied to some historic event? If it was, then how could the FCC allow them to show a bare bottom on network TV?
When the news returned it showed the familiar news studio, only while Dave was sitting there in his standard blazer and tie, a red face Kate was standing wearing what looked like the upper half of a school uniform. Her blouse fell well below her waist, to where the news desk covered her, but on that desk in front of her was a skirt that looked to complete Kate's uniform.
"Wasn't that a lovely royal wedding?" Dave asked.
"Sniff. It was. And it was wonderful to see Prince Conner continuing the tradition that his grandfather started. Some people say that if King, then Prince, Paul hadn't have done that then today us girls would be as unspanked as the European women are."
"What a terrible thought." Dave commented. "But it leads into our next report. And now for an in-depth report on corporal punishment in school from our investigative reporter Mindy Jackson. Specifically on whether it should be reintroduce in an effort to prepare girls for the sort of spankings they'll have to endure as adults."
Megan watched a surreal report about a school where the female teachers could be spanked but the worst the students faced was detention. A pair of saucy teenage girls giggled as they talked about how they frequently got their teachers spanked. When reminded that their own tails would shortly be at risk, the giggles turned into nervous ones, but the girls were adamant that spankings were for "big girls" and not students.
"And how do you do it? By that I mean how do you get your teachers spanked?" Mindy Jackson asked.
That question turned into the high point of the interview as it led to Mindy Jackson being strapped over a spanking bench while "the board of education" whacked the bottom of her skirt.
Thrown into a daze, Megan started to channel surf. All of the shows she saw were familiar ones, but many (not all, but many) now included schoolgirl uniforms, French maid outfits, and other kinky costumes for the female characters. Characters who were sometimes paddled or otherwise smacked. From the reactions of the other actors those smackings were just something that happened as opposed to some special "today only" publicity stunt.
She returned to the news in time for the human-interest bit at the end. Megan had expected a cute "letters to Santa" bit or something else that would fit the Christmas genre, but what she found was a segment on "Surprised European Tourists At Christmas". Women who were visiting friends and family who had moved to (or were working in) the States discovering that you didn't have to be born here to be spank here. Most of the scenes only showed the women's faces as it was explained to them but there were a few shots of foreign tails being tanned, including one by a customs officer who didn't like a tourist's attitude.
Flipping the channels again changed nothing, except give Megan a look at another spanking.
"What the fuck is happening?" Megan asked herself as she watched a female DA being paddled by a defence attorney.
She turned off the TV but the sounds of spanking didn't stop. They just changed directions. Confused, Megan stumbled out of her apartment, seeking the source of the sounds. She saw that her nearest neighbour's door was open and when she peeked in she saw her neighbour Fred Hicks spanking his naked wife. Mary Hicks was a few years older than Megan and was usually a calm and collected woman, but now she was squirming face down over her husband's lap as he bounced his palm off her backside. Gone was her confident voice. In its place was a whiny little girl chant of "I be good I promise".
With the door opened it was practically the same as if they were doing it in public. Letting everyone hear and not caring who saw them at it.
Shaken, Megan retreated to her apartment. It was one thing for reporters, media personalities, and actresses to be spanked but seeing someone she knew as a real person being spanked, that was something else.
"The board." Megan muttered. "What are they saying about this on the board?"
Rushing to her computer, Megan found that her bookmarks had changed. The one that once led to a spanking forum now led to a "spanked girls" page. Post after post showed women getting spanked or doing corner time. Some of them included some light restraints, mainly wrist bindings, and included comments about how so-and-so still kept trying to shield her bottom from blows. Others showed tearful faces of women with bars of soaps in their mouths. A few threads were labelled "diaper discipline" or "enema training" and Megan didn't dare open them.
Switching to a social media site, Megan was agog at the spanking pictures she found posted. All of her girlfriends had at least one red bottom shot posted and most had photos of them wearing what Megan considered fetish costumes. Harem outfits, French maid outfits, and others caught her eyes, but the majority of the odd costumes were schoolgirl ones.
As one hand absentmindedly drifted under her skirt, Megan tried another track. Googling "differences in spanking Europe" produced a wikipedia page on something called "The Grownup Schoolgirl Reform Act of 1953". Megan stared with her mouth open as she read about how a twenty year old King Paul had assumed the throne in 1953 and started on his crusade to ensure that every woman in America knew what a good spanking felt like. Some of the comments concerned "unfounded rumours" about a governess spanking Prince Paul long into his teenage years but most of the page covered what a European visitor needed to know before she crossed the Atlantic. There were even linked to tourist areas, some where a visitor could expect to remain unspanked during her stay and others where she was sure to be spanked in one of dozens of possible fantasy scenarios that she (or her travelling companion) could select.
As for the average American girl, she could look forward frequent spankings and life long learning. A part to the Grownup Schoolgirl Reform Act encouraged men (and older women) to quiz girls on random facts and discipline them for wrong answers. Most news programs offered random facts that "every schoolgirl knows, or should know" which were perfect fodder for men who wanted an excuse to spank a girl. Ask any girl over 19 to recite one of those "common facts" and if she didn't you had a perfectly legal reason to spank her. Men were limited to one question a day and charges could be filed over impossible riddles, if the asked question wasn't answered then the girl would be spanked.
Which left Megan with a single question. Had the entire world gone crazy or had she lost her mind?
"I can't be going crazy." Megan muttered. "I can't. How can the rest of the world be different when I'm the same?"
Megan had sticky fingers when she rose from the computer and went to explore her apartment. She had meant to head straight to her bedside table and the delightful battery device that she kept there, but when she opened that drawer she found unfamiliar toys. Some (such as the butt plugs and other anal intruders) were things that she had never thought to play with while others were on her "if I were more daring I'd get one" list. The fur lined cuffs lack a key, leaving Megan to wonder where it might be and who might have it.
Her wardrobe held other surprises. Mixed in with the clothes she remembered owning were three different schoolgirl uniforms and a few other things that Megan would have never dared buy herself. There were belts hanging in her closet that lacked holes in them. There were unfamiliar hair bushes and even a few paddles scattered around her room.
"This isn't my real room." Megan told herself. "This is my dream room. What is it doing out of my head and real life."
A knock on her apartment's door ended her explorations. Part of Megan didn't want to see who it was but another part needed to know who was there.
After checking the peak hole, Megan opened the door to admit Alfred. He was right on time, as expected. He was loaded down with bags, as expected. Every part of him was what Megan expected. The sight of his normality made her question her recent memories. To wonder if she had fallen half asleep and dreamt everything. No sounds of spanked echoed in her building. True, the TV was off and the Hicks now had their door closed, but everything now seemed so completely, absolutely normal.
Megan let Alfred in, helped him with his bag, and closed the door. The world might look different but Alfred was the same. He said hi, she said hi back, and the normal small talk happened. With him acting so normal, Megan could only wonder if it had all been a dream. A waking fantasy, some sort of hallucination brought on by her unrequited needs.
"Oh, and I almost forgot. I know you said you didn't want to see any of your gifts before Christmas but I thought, why not?"
"Um, why not?" Megan agreed weakly, trying to wrap her head around recent events.
She wasn't prepared for what he produced.
A pair of paddles. Like the old roadside souvenirs that she sought out on eBay. One was labelled "Roadside Assistance" and the lettering on the other read "Applied Child Physiology".
Lacking the name of a town or any other lettering that would make them into a souvenir it was clear that they had one purpose and one purpose only - to paddle someone's seat. To paint a bum red. They were something that could fit in your purse and save wear and tear on your hand when a spanking was due. They were spanking paddles and Alfred was holding them.
Boring, vanilla, Alfred. Holding a pair of spanking paddles.
"Um, what are those?" Megan asked.
"The paddles you hinted you wanted." Alfred said with a smile. "Want to christen one of them now?"
"Christen?" Megan squeaked.
"Christen." Alfred confirmed. "Come on, you'll usually the one who suggests these things. Or are you bratting? Come on, you know I'm dense when it comes to these things. I mean, if you hadn't have asked me to quiz you all those times I would have never known you liked me. Even then it took you wearing those 'spank me if you like me' panties to get the message across."
"Um, well, you weren't supposed to get it until Christmas." Megan said, stalling for time.
"I know, but I know you hate waiting for something you really want."
"Um, well..."
Megan was torn. If this was really happen then a long desired dream might actually come true, but how could this be true? How could Alfred be ready to spank her?
"Well? I've got an early day tomorrow. If we're doing this then we better get a move on."
That was more like boring old Alfred. He lived his life to a schedule. He even scheduled a projected end time to their dates, based around his need to get eight hours of sleep a night.
"Um, mind if I change first?" Megan asked. "To make it special?"
"Sure, change if you want."
Megan nodded and disappeared into her bedroom. Then, before she could change her mind, she rushed back out wearing one of the schoolgirl outfits.
"That's a nice choice." Alfred noted. "Oh, and to make this official, here's a question from the news. Who uses the full names of their royalty? Us or the Europeans."
Megan knew the answer.
"Um, that was on the news, wasn't it? It's the reason that Dave spanked Kate."
Alfred's face fell.
"Oh, so you saw that. Well, just for formality sake what's your answer."
Megan didn't have to think twice.
"Um, the Europeans do that. Not us, them." Megan answered.
Alfred laughed.
"Good old dependable Megan. Now do you want me to raise your skirt or are you taking it off?"
Megan undid her skirt. It dropped it to the floor and she stepped out of it.
Alfred laughed again and led her to the couch. Once there he acted like a pro. Like they had done this countless times. Maybe in this world they had. He guided her over his lap, lifting her shirttails up out of the way and wedging her left arm under her body. Then his fingers were in the waistband of her panties.
'Oh fuck this is it.' Megan thought. 'After all those dreams and all those nights with the toy he's going spank me.'
Alfred yanked down her panties to just below the swell of her bottom.
"This new paddle has never, ever been used before." Alfred told her. "Let's see if it works."
Megan jerked as the paddle exploded across the middle of her bottom, half of it landing on either side of her crack.
One on her left cheek, one on her right cheek. The shock of them landing shot through her body. Megan's hand shot back to shield her bottom, only to have Alfred grab her wrist and hold it fast.
"Good old dependable Megan." Alfred chuckled. "The same thing almost every time. Except when we use the cuffs."
Megan wondered how the cuffs would feel and if it was too late to ask to wear them now. It probably was. But maybe she didn't want to. Alfred's hand felt so strong and firm as he held her arm in position.
The paddle fell again, breaking Megan's train of thought. Again and again and again. Using that wicked paddle, Alfred quickly took Megan to the places she had been in college. The paddle worked much faster than any hand ever could.
Then he took her further.
A throbbing was building in her backside, tears were beginning to form. Not the "I want to cry" tears that she had shed in college but the "I must cry" tears that Megan had always dreamt off.
Suddenly it hit her: they hadn't picked a safe word. She had never played without a safe word before. If she screamed out "No, stop" then Alfred would think she meant it. He might stop.
Or worse, he might not. None of the posts she had read had touched on safe words. Girls didn't have safe words in this place. They had to take whatever type of spanking someone decided that they should get. No safe words allowed.
This spanking was going to go on as long as Alfred wanted it to.
Megan couldn't change that.
She wanted to cum right then and there, but Alfred was still spanking her and that wasn't an option, not with Alfred still spanking her.
And spanking her.
And spanking her.
He was pushing her passed all of her limits. Not that he knew that, he thought that they had done this countless times, but this was Megan's first real spanking ever. Maybe she had gotten a hard spanking back when she was a kid, maybe she hadn't, but this would be the first hard spanking she remembered.
Finally she couldn't help herself. Megan cried out for Alfred to stop and he ignored her. She begged for him to stop and he and he didn't. She pleaded and he ignored her pleas.
That wicked paddle worked its magic, travelling from just below the small of her back to just above where panties rested.
Tears came. Snot flowed from her nose. Her bottom throbbed with pain. Her begging turned into wails but Alfred didn't stop. It was only after Megan's wails became wordless sobs that Alfred called a halt to things.
Megan barely believed it when the paddle failed to fall. Then Alfred was speaking.
"I'm sorry to do things out of order, but you need a good hour of corner time and I've got to soon. After I go I'll go next door and ask Mary to check on you, to make sure that you stay in your corner.
Megan was still trying to make sense of Alfred's words when they hit the bedroom, then the bed. With her bottom throbbing and Alfred trying to pile drive her through the mattress, Megan's only thought was:
'This is as good as I thought it would be.'
When was over there was some cuddling, then Alfred led her naked into a corner, positioning her so that her nude rear faced her apartment door.
"It's nine now and you'll have to stay there until ten. Remember, Mary will be checking on you. I don't have to remind you what happened last time, do I? Just remember that if she catches you out of the corner she'll spank you harder than I ever would and she'll use a switch and you hate that."
Megan couldn't begin to imagine what a real switching would feel like, not on her already bruised bottom. And it was bruised; Megan could feel the marks forming.
"I'll set the timer on the microwave, just in case she forgets to tell you that the hour is up." Alfred called from the kitchen. "We don't want you standing there all night again, do we?"
Facing the corner, Megan heard Alfred leave. He shut the door but she didn't hear the click of the lock. Then she heard him knocking on the neighbour's door and part of a quiet conversation that confirmed that Mary would look in on her. She heard Mary Hicks calling in a loud voice:
"If she so much as looks out of that corner I'll wash her mouth out with soap, give her an enema, and then switch her so she can't sit until after Christmas."
Which was overkill. Megan had never tasted soap and hated the one time she had tried a colonic. She didn't even need the threat of a switch to hold her in place; it was enough that she was living the dream.
"Time must stop and the world freeze!"
Megan trembled. She was naked in her apartment, standing in the corner with a red bottom, and some strange woman had just yelled.
"So that's where my wand is. I knew that someone took it. Oh, you can turn around, time's stopped here so no one can check on you."
Megan turned slowly, her hands shielding her body, to see Glinda the Christmas Witch. The woman was still wearing that ridiculous dress and was triumphantly holding the red wand with green tip.
"Boy, when you make a Christmas wish you don't hold back, do you? Throw a shirt on or something while I figure out how to fix this."
"What are you doing here?"
Glinda the Christmas Witch fixed Megan with a hard stare.
"I'd ask if you wanted another spanking but I'm not sure if you'd answer yes or no." Glinda told Megan. "But just do what I say or you'll regret it."
Megan limped into her bedroom. She picked up the schoolgirl blouse from where Alfred had tossed it. Seeing that it fell passed mid thigh, Megan fastened the few buttons that remained and limped back to where Glinda waited.
"Um, good news and bad news." Glinda announced. "The bad news is that I can't fix this, the good news is that I know someone who can, and the best news is he's get the time to help us. Damn, I screwed the delivery. That's why they have me working at Santa villages, I just can't do announcements well so I can't do fieldwork. Just pretend that I said that I had bad news, good news, and better news. No, best news. That's better... I mean best, I mean..."
"Ho ho ho. Did someone call for the Fat Man?"
Megan turned in shock. There, standing by her window, was someone who looked more like Santa Claus than any mall or Coca-Cola Santa could. Megan could just feel a rightness about him.
"My, my. No, this isn't good. Normally I'd have an assistant handle things. Maybe Knecht Ruprecht, Zwarte Piet, or even Krampus, but I can sense that your bottom is already glowing brighter than my nose so I'll say no more about that."
Megan's hands shot back to cover her bottom. It was covered by her blouse and there was no way that the Fat Man should know about its current state, but Megan felt better with it covered.
"At least to you. Now Glinda, what had I told you about losing wands?"
"Um, we can worry about that later? Please?" Glinda was almost begging. "We have to fix this now and my wand's almost all out of magic."
"Ho ho ho that shouldn't be. It should be charged with belief from all the good little boys and girls that visit the mall. Well, there's still time over the next couple of days for you to charge it up. As for this problem, as several of my modern assistants would say it's just a matter of basic quantum mechanics. She shifted probabilities, that's all. She ended up on a probability string that's far, far away from her normal haunts. Washington becoming King? That might have happened so there's a whole branch for it, but public spankings for grown women? That's so rare that there can't be may probabilities where it happens. Why it's so rare that the closest branch twisted off in the 1700s and that's a long time ago for most folk."
"But don't worry. A touch of Christmas magic and it be all good again. This Megan will be back on her world, this world's Megan will be back here, and no one will remember either of them acting strangely. Yes, a bit of magic dust will do it. Why it will even put you to bed and an erase the marks that are forming on your cute little tush."
"Wait, what if I don't want everything to go back to normal?" Megan asked.
The Fat Man looked at Megan, focusing his attention on her.
Megan quaked and almost collapsed under that gaze. Somehow she knew that he could See more than just her standing there. That he could See everything she was, had been, and could ever be. She could sense that his power was such that his mere stare could harm her if he wasn't careful, that a stray thought from this Being might kill her or transform her in an unthinkable way.
"You don't get a choice. You don't believe in Christmas or magic so you can't have any of it. If you want magic you'll have to make your own."
Glinda leaned over the Fat Man's shoulder and mouthed "Don't worry, I can fix this.". Megan wasn't sure what Glinda meant by that, but she did know that neither of them would be challenging the Fat Man.
Then the Fat Man smiled. Megan could feel a threat vanishing, a threat that had been so great that she hadn't sensed it until it left.
"Ho ho ho you're right Glinda. Let's handle this before the Me that's in this world has to get involved. That Me still hands out straps, paddles, and switches, but only to big girls, not children, which sounds odd to this Me. Yes, all I need to do is - "
The buzzing alarm brought Megan to instant wakefulness. Shaking her head, she tried to make sense of things. Her bottom didn't feel hot and a quick check with a mirror showed that no mark marred its complexion.
"Was it a dream? Could it all have been a dream?" Megan muttered to herself.
She moved towards her closet and stumbled over the box of wine. A box that felt far lighter than it should.
"Did I get drunk and have weird dreams?" Megan muttered.
Searching her closet, she found no sign of any special clothing. No schoolgirl uniform, no fetish wear. The drawer by her bedside only held its normal load of special toys. Her computer showed its normal websites. Facebook lacked any pictures of spanking. The world was as it should be.
"How could I have dreamt it all?" Megan wondered out loud. "It felt so real."
Sighing, she picked up the box of wine to carry it back to the refrigerator. Halfway there she dropped it on the floor. One of the corners of the box was crumpled in by the impact, but Megan didn't notice it. Her entire attention was focused on her dinning table.
Two paddles waited at her place. One said "Roadside Assistance" and the other read "Applied Child Physiology". A note lay beside them. There, written in comically big letters were the words:
It was real.
Gifts given with love can travel through worlds.
Re-gift these.
your own
Your Friend,
Glinda the Christmas Witch
Whose wand is red with a green tip and whose bottom is now redder than her wand!
"It was real?" Megan croaked. "It wasn't a dream? It was real?"
Suddenly it hit her that there were other worlds out there. That on one of those worlds women got their bottoms smacked at the drop of a hat. That there existed world where the police could be called to help out if a girl didn't want to take her spanking. A world where a version of Alfred was a willing and able spanker.
"And who said there has to be just one?" Megan wondered aloud. "If I re-gift it..."
Ignoring the box of wine on the floor, Megan rummaged around for Christmas card and a gift bag. A paddle went in the bag, tissue paper got stuffed over it, and Megan wrote in the card.
To Alfred, for when I act up in the car.
Use with force.
PS: If you don't feel like driving anywhere then I think it might work in the bedroom too, but we'll have to test it to be sure. What else would we have planned for Christmas night?
and you can expect lots more than hugs and kisses after you use this gift
Megan tossed on clothes and drove frantically to Alfred's building, leaving the present with the doorman before she could change her mind.
"That's done and the rest is out of my hands." Megan muttered. "Let's see if that makes the magic I need."
Someplace in the Far North that existed as much as it didn't exist, a witch gazed at a crystal ball and smiled. Even if Megan's ploy meet with rejection, this moment with its act of perfect belief generated more magic than had been wasted by granting Megan's Christmas wish. The burst of magic did nothing for the sting in her own backside, but Glinda liked the feel of a sting there even more than Megan did.
"Here's hoping that things work for you kid." Glinda told the tiny figure in the crystal ball, then she took the harvested magic to the workshop where the Fat Man's elves would turn it to something special.
Re: A Christmas Wish (M/f)
A quick note:
I hate working with a hard deadline - and Christmas is a hard deadline. Normally I'll let a story age before I post it, to allow it to fade from my mind so my mind doesn't do an "autocorrect" when I read it. When I don't let something age for a few weeks I can't see things like typos, missing words, mismatched tenses and the like.
So any see any problems with this story could they let me know? Either reply on this thread or PM me - but I'd love to correct those errors before Christmas.
I hate working with a hard deadline - and Christmas is a hard deadline. Normally I'll let a story age before I post it, to allow it to fade from my mind so my mind doesn't do an "autocorrect" when I read it. When I don't let something age for a few weeks I can't see things like typos, missing words, mismatched tenses and the like.
So any see any problems with this story could they let me know? Either reply on this thread or PM me - but I'd love to correct those errors before Christmas.
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- Joined: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:43 pm
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Re: A Christmas Wish (M/f)
I may have a new favorite Christmas story - megan getting lots of spankings IS a Christmas wish come true!
- Posts: 18
- Joined: Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:47 pm
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Re: A Christmas Wish (M/f)
Round of applause, Goodgulf.
- Posts: 13
- Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:32 pm
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Re: A Christmas Wish (M/f)
Loved it!
Re: A Christmas Wish (M/f)
Bravo, Goodgulf.
Re: A Christmas Wish (M/f)
Goodgulf, your stories are amazing and your writing style is the same. Deadline? Who would have known haven't you mentioned it. Great story. I always look forward to seeing you post.
Re: A Christmas Wish (M/f)
Thanks to all for the replies.
If you'd like to see other Christmas stories I've posted, you can find them at:
Getting into the Christmas Spirit (in works in progress)
http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... f=3&t=1750
Making it home for Christmas (F/f video)
http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... ?f=3&t=133
Christmas Across the County line - part 1 - slightly long
http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... ?f=3&t=130
Older ones can be found by going to
http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... &t=69#p139
and searching on the following titles:
Tattletale (which isn't a Christmas story but is inspired by the movie "A Christmas Story")
Christmas Gifts (You'll find part 2 listed before part 1)
Xmas Story - Santa's helper
If you'd like to see other Christmas stories I've posted, you can find them at:
Getting into the Christmas Spirit (in works in progress)
http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... f=3&t=1750
Making it home for Christmas (F/f video)
http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... ?f=3&t=133
Christmas Across the County line - part 1 - slightly long
http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... ?f=3&t=130
Older ones can be found by going to
http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... &t=69#p139
and searching on the following titles:
Tattletale (which isn't a Christmas story but is inspired by the movie "A Christmas Story")
Christmas Gifts (You'll find part 2 listed before part 1)
Xmas Story - Santa's helper
Re: A Christmas Wish (M/f)
Another well written story Goodgulf. A pleasing read as always 

Re: A Christmas Wish (M/f)
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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