Lisa casually sipped her iced cappuccino as she put her feet up on her desk and leaned back in her chair. It was a hot and busy day at the candy delivery call center where she worked, but as a supervisor, she was not subject to the daily annoyances and frustrations faced by the customer services representatives. She loved her position of authority and abused it to the tenth degree. She never could be lowered to take a call, no matter how busy the lines were, yet she'd take any excuse to bitch out a worker who wasn't giving a minimum effort of 200%.
She was the kind of girl who could frequently get away with such bitchiness, as she came from money and was quite attractive. Hers was more of a sophisticated beauty than the typical stick-figure Paris Hilton type of appeal. While far from being fat, the pretty 5'9'' tall brat possessed a feminine curvy figure, with well large voluptuous breasts and an round, ample, and flawless ass. She enjoyed wearing outfits that flaunted her figure, and today's ensemble consisting of skin-tight gray leggings and ribbed white crop top were no exception.
With olive-toned skin , straight platinum blond hair reaching down to her mid-back, and stunning dark brown eyes, it was no surprise that most any guy (and even some girls) would practically let her get away with murder. Nearly all employees dreaded the days when she was in charge, as she was by far the biggest bitch the company had. The top managers of the company were all well liked, but didn't have as much contact with the customer service reps as they mainly worked in the other rooms of the building handling corporate matters. This generally left whoever was acting as supervisor in full reign of the service floor, which was much to the chagrin of the employees.
As she surveyed the customer service floor, she saw every last representative was busy handling multiple calls. As soon as one solitary call came in on the monitor though, she was quick to chastise. “Let's go! Somebody take that call right now! If this call stays in the cue for more than thirty seconds several of you will soon be standing in the unemployment line”, screamed Lisa as she turned up the air conditioning for her small section of the room while making sure the customer service area's vents were fully shut off.
Throughout the course of any day, various customers would call in with questions that the average representative was not fully able to answer. When this would happen, they were instructed to ask for help from the supervisors, who were supposed to be walking up and down each row of desks at all times to be available for assistance. Most of the supervisors would take this fairly well and do their best to help, but Lisa would take it almost as a personal insult – how dare anyone actually ask her to work for a living? She rarely walked the rows as she was supposed to, seldom leaving her desk except for when she was going out for one of her more than extended break periods.
On this particular day, Simon, a new employee, had been experiencing the misfortune of getting several such calls from difficult customers. His most recent call had been from an elderly woman who was asking for a delivery to be made the next day, which was the 4th of July to her granddaughter who lived in a remote part of Arizona, something with Simon knew to pretty much be impossible. After placing the customer on hold, he went up to Lisa's desk. “I'm sorry to be asking for help yet again Lisa, but I have this really nice old lady on the line who wants a delivery made tomorrow to an area where we have no member shops. Is there any possible way we can make this happen?” Simon asked hopefully.
“I realize you're new, but it's no excuse for being stupid. Just tell her we can do it. Who cares if it doesn't get there on time? We'll get her money and she'll probably be too senile to ever check up on the delivery anyway”, Lisa retorted. “And please, for the love of God, just try to handle one of these yourself for a change. You're not being paid to ask me for help.” Simon then shuffled back to his desk and with a twinge of sympathy for his customer, did as he was instructed.
Around 3:30 in the afternoon, Lisa decided to go out for a smoking break. On her way out, she spied Colleen, a shy teenaged girl who had been with the company for about a year signing back into her row after returning from her break. Employee breaks were limited to two fifteen minute breaks per 8 hour shift, and as Colleen signed back in, Lisa saw that her break had lasted from 3:17 to 3:33, exceeding the alloted time by one minute. As Colleen got ready to return to her desk, Lisa caught her by the arm and turned her around so that she and the shy girl would be face to face. “Just who the hell do you think you are? Don't you realize that you only get 15 minutes for your breaks, or do you think you're somehow above the rules?” Lisa demanded.
Before Colleen could reply, Lisa decided to bring her humiliation up a few notches and immediately demanded that every worker put their calls on hold. Once this was done, she addressed all of the employees by saying, “Now I'm sure all of you here know Colleen. Apparently she thinks she's better than the rest of us and is operating under the delusion that break time limits don't apply to her. Either that or she's incapable of telling time and doing basic math – I'd believe either. Anyway, this infraction will be going down in her personal file and I hope this example of stupidity will serve as a reminder to the rest of you to follow the rules and do as you're told. Now get back to your calls – and that goes double for you Colleen. I don't want to see you slacking off for one second or you're finished.” With that, she released her grip on Colleen's arm, as Colleen retreated to her desk, struggling not to cry from the embarrassment.
Shit, I just don't get paid enough, thought Lisa as she walked out the front door and lit her cigarette. Over the course of her break, which lasted well beyond 20 minutes, Lisa walked around the exterior of the office building and casually window shopped at several of the stores in the adjacent strip mall, and then picked up some Chinese food she'd ordered out for. When she finally got back to her desk, she ate the Chinese food and read from the issue of Cosmopolitan that she'd brought with her that morning. This was disturbed only by a phone call from her boyfriend, and then another from a friend who was inviting her to a party she was having that night.
As the latter of the calls was winding down, Lisa spied three employees gathered around the nearby copy machine, making copies of some invoices and bemoaning their miserable working conditions. “I realize it's summer, but that doesn't mean we have to die of heat exhaustion”, said Jim, one of the workers using the copy machine. “You said it, but of course the supervisor area is air conditioned – and apparently not subject to the no food rule that we are”, replied Tammy, another of the employees. “You'd think we could at least have it a little less depressing in here,” remarked Gretta, the third employee, “Here it is, almost the 4th of July and instead of having some patriotic decorations up, all we have are gray walls as if we were in some kind of a sweat shop.”
Quickly angering as she overheard this, Lisa told her friend she'd have to hold for just a moment, and then she went over to the copy machine to confront her “subjects”. “Ok break it up. You're here to work, not to bitch and moan. If you don't like how things are here, you can get the fuck out. I can't be bothered to deal with these petty gripes of yours when I have work up to my ears” Lisa admonished. Jim, Gretta, and Tammy all looked at each other and rolled their eyes at that remark, as everyone knew Lisa did about as much work in a year as everyone else did in a typical hour.
After they all returned to their desks, Lisa walked up to Bill, who was currently handling three separate calls at once. “Get going Bill, there are more calls in cue and we can't afford to have you sitting around doing nothing!” snarled Lisa. “I'm handling three calls already and that's the limit of what we can do on these phones. We're all working at full capacity right now and if there's a call that needs to be answered, I don't know what's stopping you from taking it yourself”, Bill replied in frustration. Lisa was initially quite taken aback by this and at first almost didn't know what to say. Quickly collecting herself, she angrily shouted back, “You can't speak that way to me! Clear out your desk, you're fired!”
Just as these words left her mouth, she felt a hand tap her shoulder and turned around to see Fred, the president of the company standing behind her. “Lisa, you don't have the authority to make such a decision and we need to see you in the company meeting room right away”, Fred informed her sternly. Lisa confidently replied, “Ok, I'll be there in just a minute. Just let me get my phone and then -” but before she could finish, Fred cut her off by simply stating, “Now.”
As Lisa was led into the meeting room, all of the customer service workers' eyes were on her – specifically those of the male employees, who admired her plush hindquarters as the bounced in time with her steps. Everyone was wishing they could be a fly on the wall in the meeting room, as there wasn't a person in the room who didn't sorely wish to see her be taken down a peg. As soon as Fred and Lisa had made their way into the room, Fred quickly shut the door behind them.
As Lisa took a seat, she realized that Mark, Heather, and Maureen, the other owners and highest ranking members of the company were also seated at the conference table. “Ok, so what's so important that you had to pull me away from my work on such a busy day?” inquired Lisa. “We'll be doing the talking Lisa. It would serve you best to not speak unless you are spoken to”, declared Heather. Mark then looked at Lisa and said, “Lisa, your behavior around here has been absolutely unacceptable. We try to keep our employees in high spirits and treat them with respect, but you constantly belittle them. We get complaints about your attitude from workers every day and quite frankly we've had enough.”
“You've seen how people are around here, they're just lazy and stupid. They're just complaining because they don't want to bother doing their jobs”, snapped Lisa. Fred angrily cleared his throat and said, “In case you've forgotten Lisa, we have surveillance cameras running in all rooms of the building at all times. We've reviewed these videos and know for a fact that everything the workers have been telling us about your behavior is true”. Maureen then added, “Just within this day alone we've seen you mistreat several of our employees, even bringing poor Colleen to tears over being one minute late coming back from her break. This would be bad enough on its own, but when one considers the fact that you exceed break times every single day, it's absolutely deplorable.”
“Ok, so you don't agree with my motivational techniques. I'd like to see anyone else do any better”, said an unrepentant Lisa. “All I know is that we never have to deal with these kinds of complaints about any of our other supervisors. You're making a better salary and getting better benefits here than you'd ever have a chance at earning anywhere else. You're receiving so much more than the service reps and aren't doing one tenth the work. You're on thin ice and it's a tough economy out there. If we let you go, you can well expect to quickly find yourself working the drive-in window at McDonald's”, informed Mark.
“Wait a minute – are you saying you're firing me?” asked Lisa incredulously. “Well that's up to you Lisa”, Heather replied. “We've all talked about it and we're going to let you stay, but only if you do as you're told and start pulling your weight around here.” With that, Heather handed her a document. As Lisa read through it, she saw that it was an employment contract stating that her services would be terminated immediately if she did not comply with what her employers ordered and that she would agree to submit to the company's disciplinary measures. “I'm sure as hell not signing this thing”, Lisa snottily remarked. “Then you're sure as hell fired. It's your choice Lisa”, answered Maureen. “Well what exactly are these disciplinary measures that you're talking about?” asked Lisa. Fred then went on to inform her as to what he and the other owners had decided Lisa deserved. As he described the details of her punishment, Lisa went from frustrated, to furious, to embarrassed, to terrified.
When the meeting was finished, Fred addressed all of the employees over the company's PA system. “Attention employees: As you know, tomorrow is the Fourth of July and consequently, all employees will be receiving holiday pay. I want you to know that management has been listening to your suggestions and from now on we will be going the extra mile to make sure that your working environment is as enjoyable as possible. Part of this, of course, will include keeping an eye on Lisa to make sure that she does not abuse her position. Tomorrow morning, she will be issuing an apology to everyone. Be sure to not miss work tomorrow as we will make the day well worth your while. That is all for now.”
Eventually the work day came to a close and as all of the employees headed home, they wondered exactly what it was that management had in mind for the next day. While everyone had their own theories, nobody had even the vaguest of ideas of the events management had planned. What the employees didn't know was that in her desperation to keep her job, Lisa had agreed to submit to whatever punishment her superiors had in mind. What Lisa didn't know was that they had planned to give her a taste of her own medicine and make her be the one to face public humiliation for a change. They had agreed that Lisa's humiliation needed to be to a greater degree of the humiliation she had imposed on their employees and they also agreed that the employees should be able to play a role in it. At Mark's suggestion, they decided the best way for this to be done was through a long and embarrassing spanking in front of everybody.
Everyone reported in to the office the following morning and for the first few hours of the day, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, save for the low volume of calls due to it being a holiday. At 11:30 am, the four owners of the company came to the front of the customer service floor and informed the employees that the operations would be suspended for the next hour. As everyone wondered what might be taking place, Lisa then emerged from the bathroom looking very nervous as she came to the front of the room to join her employers.
“As I promised yesterday, there are going to be some changes around here, and I think you will all be very happy with them”, began Fred. “First off, we will make sure that all areas of the building are air conditioned, and we will be implementing a three-minute grace period for returning from breaks. Additionally, we all think Lisa here has a little something to say to all of you.” Maureen then lightly pushed Lisa forward a bit as she stood up to face the employees. “Oh wait Lisa, before you begin, there's just one slight change needed”, said Heather. Heather then yanked Lisa's pants and panties down in one swift motion, leaving her naked from the waist down and with her smoothly waxed pussy visible to everyone. Shocked gasps filled the room as everyone stood and gaped at Lisa, as she felt waves of embarrassment washing over her entire body.
“Come on Lisa, we don't have all day”, said Heather impatiently. Lisa took a deep breath and then began to speak. “I'm sorry everybody, for the way that I have been acting. I'm sorry for being impatient and rude toward you and I'm sorry for never doing my share of the work while being so demanding of everyone else. I've been told that if I don't behave myself and start acting right I'm going to be fired and that if any of you are displeased with my actions that you are to report it to management as soon as possible.” “That's all well and good Lisa, but there's one line of your speech you still haven't said”, said Maureen sweetly as she smiled at Lisa. “No I can't – I won't do it” stammered Lisa in sheer fright. “Either you do it or you're fired”, Mark reminded her.
Looking down at her feet and speaking in a voice barely above a whisper, Lisa then said, “I also need to ask that you please spank my bare ass. By offering my bottom to you to be spanked and punished I hope to show you how truly sorry I am for my behavior. Will you please spank my naughty rear end?” By this point, Lisa was beginning to tear up, an irony that was not lost on Colleen. “What's the matter little girl, embarrassed much?” she asked, grinning widely. “I'd be happy to roast your little rump for you.” Fred then stated that Lisa was to walk down each row of desks in the call center and that every employee was to smack her bare ass she passed them and that this was to go on for the next ten minutes. Everyone then clapped and cheered and voiced their thanks to management. “Ok girl, get going”, Fred ordered as he gave Lisa's bottom a sharp smack.
A humiliated and red faced Lisa then made her way up and down the aisles as instructed, with a new hand meeting her bare bottom with every step. Before long, her bottom was more red than her face though, as every employee gave her their full effort with each spank. Everyone watched and laughed as the beautiful and teary-faced girl made her way through the call center, her bare bottom getting redder by the second. Having her pants and panties around her ankles made walking a little bit difficult, as she hobbled and tripped a bit as she made her way through the office, taking her punishment. She was hailed with compliments on how hot her ass and pussy were, which served to just embarrass her further. Finally, the ten minutes were up, and Lisa returned to the front of the room.
“Now don't worry everyone, this bad girl's punishment isn't over yet. Since we're the head managers of the company, we think it's only fitting that we give Lisa some more guidance and motivation to get on track and behave as she should. To this end, the four of us are going each give her a sound paddling” Mark explained, “Now get over my knee Lisa.” The embarrassed girl did as she was told, and Mark began to briskly paddle her pretty little ass. Lisa kicked and screamed in a mixture of pain and embarrassment, until Mark had had his fill and then sent her to Heather's lap.
All of the employees laughed and cheered on the managers as they each punished Lisa in succession, turning her naughty little cheeks an even deeper shade of red. When they were finally done, they stood Lisa up in front of everyone and made her apologize for having disrupted their work day with her punishment. Her words were barely intelligible through her tears, and were met with mock consolation from the employees. Finally, she was finished and Fred instructed her to take a bow for the employees now that her performance was over. As she got ready to do so, Heather briskly turned her around and told her that this bow was to be done with her red ass facing everyone. Lisa then bent over, exposing her pussy and anus to everyone as she was met with a thunderous applause.
Feeling ready to die from humiliation, Lisa then went to pull up her pants and panties, but was quickly stopped by Fred. “Ah-ah-ah young lady. Leave your pants and panties were they are. You're going to be spending the rest of this day bare-assed”, said a smiling Fred. Heather then turned to the employees and said, “Now before we all get back to work, there's another issue we need to address. We know that today is a holiday and that some of you get a little depressed with the drab surroundings in here. We think it'd be great if you all did a little bit of decorating, and what better canvas could we have for some 4th of July artwork than Lisa's pretty red backside?” “None that I can think of!” laughed Simon, enticing laughs and high-fives from his colleagues.
Heather then dipped her fingers in a nearby jar of paint and drew some white lines across Lisa's ass with her fingers. “Let's do Uncle Sam proud and make Lisa's ass something we can all salute”, said Heather, as she passed out some blue and white star stickers for the employees to stick on to Lisa's ass. Within seconds, Lisa had hands all over her bare bottom, grabbing, squeezing, scratching, poking, and prodding. As the crowd dispersed, everyone took a step back and admired the American flag design now displayed on the naughty girl's ass. “Looks good, but every flag needs a good pole”, said Mark. With that, he took a nearby pencil and worked it into Lisa's asshole.
Everyone then gave Lisa's bottom a standing ovation before getting back to work. For the rest of the day, Lisa did as she was told, and politely walked up and down the aisles offering assistance when needed, despite her intense embarrassment, with her patriotic little rear and the pencil implanted in it bouncing with each step. As the day wore on, sweat from the embarrassment and multiple trips up and down the aisles caused some of the stickers to fall of and some of the paint to smear, but this did little to dampen the renewed spirits of the employees as they joyfully soaked in the sites of the spoiled brat getting her due.
When the day finally came to a close, management had one more humiliation in store for Lisa. Heather instructed all employees to get up and stand at attention while she brought Lisa to the front of the room and ordered her to sing the national anthem with her American Flag booty facing the employees. After what seemed like an eternity, Lisa managed to finish singing the anthem in a shy, sob-choked voice and the work day mercifully, (at least for Lisa) finally came to a close.
By the next day, the employees were treated to a much more quiet and well-behaved supervisor. Management had also been true to their word about creating a more cheerful and well decorated working environment, as the walls were all plastered with pictures of Lisa's punishment session. At last, it seemed like the bratty girl had finally learned her lesson, as she was even addressing employees as “Sir” and “Ma'am”, though she did this at the demand of her employers, not of free will. Later that night, she attended a Yankees game with her boyfriend, and when the celebrity singer sang the national anthem at the start of the game, Lisa's eyes began to tear up. Other spectators thought the girl was touched by the performance, but in reality, she was “touched” by way of the song sending a new wave of burning throughout her bottom.
Red, White, and Boo-Hoo (M/F and F/F Spanking)
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