My odd first spanking experience F/ff F/f (2681 words)

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My odd first spanking experience F/ff F/f (2681 words)

Post by captdeck11 » Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:59 pm

Standard disclaimers. Read this as fiction as names have been changed.
Spanking of real kids is not recommended.

My odd first spanking experience F/ff F/f (2681 words)

I can still recall in vivid detail my first spanking experience as a 16 year old
teen. My mom did not spank at all, ever. She did have this annoying had of
saying things like "If you want to be spanked, just keep it up", "Someone
looks like she could use a spanking" and "If you really want a spanking all
you have to do is ask". This was bad enough under normal circumstances
but worse when I or my two younger sisters had friends over. We would
have to tell our friends that neither of us had ever been spanked.

One day when I was over at my friend Darlene's house working on a school
project, Mrs. L. mentioned that Darlene's, 14 year old sister, Trisha was in
real trouble for a call from her social studies teacher about a paper not turned
in and a note sent home that was returned with someone other than Mrs. L.'s
signature. Darlene said we should move into her room. Mrs. L. said we had
to stay where we were. About 10 minutes later, in comes Trisha, dropping
her backpack and heading for her room.

Mrs. L. confronted Trisha about the problem and soon the truth was out.
Mrs. L. said Trisha was in for a spanking.

Trisha said, "Fine, if I really have to get it, I'll be in my bedroom."

Mrs. L. said, "Trisha, you know you're getting it here in the family room.
Make a quick trip to the bathroom, then get the paddle from Darlene's
dresser and be back in less than five minutes."

After a bunch of grousing and pleading, Trisha stomped down the hall. I had
never seen a spanking and was scared and excited.

Trisha said, "Mom, Darlene's friend Ellen is here. She'll see me."

Mrs. L. said, "And last month, weren't you and your friends watching
Darlene's bottom get really reddened. Your attitude needs to shape up or I
may have to super size your spanking."

Trisha said, "OK, Mom, let's get this over with. How many am I getting?"

Mrs. L. said, "We'll see, at least enough to do a good job. This won't be a
quick attention getter, or a really hard spanking, I hope. Please get ready."

Trisha turned away from us and slipped off her slacks, her face getting red
and come over to Mrs. L. Mrs. L. had pulled out a chair and was about 8 feet
from us.

Mrs. L. said, "Trisha, aren't you forgetting something."

Trisha said, "I don't think so, certainly you aren't going to spank me bare
bottom with Ellen here."

Mrs. L. said, "Other than a very few attention getters, all your spankings are
bare bottom. Darlene was bare bottom when you guys were watching."

Trisha said, "OK, if I have to."

Trisha then turned away, angrily pulled off her panties and hurled them
down the hall, saying she wouldn't be needing them till much later.

Mrs. L. said, "Trisha, I know you're upset. But for that, just before you leave
for school in the morning, you're getting so far 5 brisk spanks on your bare
butt. I expect better."

Soon Trisha was on Mrs. L.'s lap, face down, with her arms held in place.

Mrs. L. said, "Trisha, when you don't either do or turn in your paper, it's
like you are demanding to be spanked. This spanking could have been
avoided so easily. If I do this spanking right, possibly it will be quite a
before you're back over my lap for not doing your work. What went

Trisha said, "I got busy and forgot, that class is such a drag. This spanking is
going to be nearly as much fun as that class. Yes, I deserve this spanking and
if it got me out of having to do the lame paper, I think I would pick the
spanking. Ellen, do you have a good view?"

Mrs. L. said, "Trisha that comment was uncalled for."

I said, "Trisha, I'm sorry you're getting spanked. I've never been spanked or
watched a spanking. Watching isn't my idea."

Mrs. L. said, "Ellen, you will definitely learn something."

With that Mrs. L. started laying into Trisha's pale white bottom with the two
inch wide maple paddle. Each spank after the first about 5 got an
acknowledgment from Trisha along with pleas to stop. Mrs. L. took her time
and Trisha got about 35 hard spanks and was crying hard after about 15.
When let up Trisha got a nice hug from Mrs. L. and was bouncing around
the room, being naked from the waist down not being nearly the problem as
her really sore red butt. After about two minutes, Mrs. L. escorted Trisha to
the corner with her hands on her head where Darlene and I couldn't help but
see her red butt. Mrs. L. said she would be back in about 15 minutes for a
discussion. We were to report if Trisha started rubbing her butt.

It was hard making much progress on our project, but soon Mrs. L was back.

Mrs. L. said, "Turn around Trisha. This was part one for this incident. This
was for not doing or turning in your work. Part 2 is forging my signature on
the note sent home. I know you didn't sign the note, but in a few days, your
bottom is going to get a pretty similar treatment for your part. What's super
important now is finding out who signed my name. Mr. Jones is pretty sure
it wasn't you. I need a name and I need it now.

Trisha said, "I really can't tell. She was just trying to help me out and
prevent me from getting spanked. Please don't ask."

Darlene said, "Mom, I have to confess. I'm the one who tried to sign. Trisha
was supposed to get the work done tonight and turned in in the morning. I
don't like Trisha having to get avoidable spankings. I know it was wrong
and I fully deserve to be spanked. Can I have a minute to go to the bathroom
and get ready?"

Mrs. L. said, "Darlene, thank for being honest and trying to help, even if it
was misguided. Sometime you and Trisha are just at each other's throats. It's
nice to see you reaching out to help, even if it's something that means your
bottom gets that red color. Please come back soon. And Ellen, you need to
watch Darlene's spanking also."

Darlene was back right away, minus her slacks wearing pastel yellow hip
hugging panties.

Mrs. L. said, "Darlene, you are getting to be more and more responsible.
I've noticed I don't have to spank you nearly as often as I used to. I wish I
could spank you over your nice panties, but when it's been over 3 weeks
since I did you last time. You need the minimum one bare bottom spanking
each month. There's hardly enough time in the month and I'm pretty sure
you would rather have this spanking only instead of this spanking now and a
bare bottom spanking in just a few days."

Darlene said, "Mom, I'll certainly understand if the answer is no, but could I
have the bare bottom spanking at the beginning of the month with the
understanding that I will get it at least twice bare bottom next month. Ellen
is here watching and it would be nice not to gross her out twice."

Mrs. L. said, "OK, Darlene, please get in position before I change my mind."

Darlene said, "Thank you Mom. Your spankings are fair."

With that, Mrs. L. started paddling Darlene's panty covered bottom. Her
underwear road up on both sides showing a lot of cheek which started to get
red quickly. As the spanking progressed, you could see the color under the
panties was changing also. I'm not sure but I think Darlene got 5 to 7 more
spanks than Trisha. Darlene did way less pleading than Trisha and wasn't
crying hard until about 15 spanks. When Mrs. L. set the paddle to one side, I
could see that Darlene was nicely spanked. Mrs. L. had clearly made her
point at the level she desired but Darlene could have handled quite a few
more spanks. When let up, Mrs. L. and a crying Darlene shared a hug.
Darlene went over and gave Trisha a hug. Darlene then had to stand in the
corner for 10 long minutes.

Mrs. L. let Darlene and I go to her room. Darlene clearly handled being
spanked so much better than Trisha. Mrs. L. said I would be in some major
trouble if I told anyone about the girls' spankings.

When I got home, I went to my room and got the rest of my home work
done. After dinner, I retreated to my room to process the afternoon's
spankings. In my minds eye I was able to repeatedly watch an instant replay
of both spankings. I had really conflicting thoughts. I was sad Trisha and
Darlene had been spanked. I found watching the spankings very exciting. I
had really strong feelings of fear and curiosity. I wandered how the spanks

could hurt as much as they clearly did. The best way of describing my
feelings is like watching a monster movie as the door is being knocked down
to the hero's last hiding place and knowing it will all be OK in the end. The
question I kept pondering was "Would I want to be spanked just to see what
it was like?" Part of me screamed, no, of course not, it would hurt like mad
and be terribly embarrassing. The other part of me said what would it be
like? I wrestled with this all week long moving closer and closer to wanting
to find out. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it. I didn't
want absolutely anyone to find out if I did it.

I realized that Wednesday after school, neither Darlene or Tricia would be
home. It took a huge amount of screwing up my courage, but 10 minutes
after school was out, there I was, really shaky ringing Mrs. L.'s doorbell. I
was invited in by Mrs. L. who told me Darlene wouldn't be home for an

I said, "Mrs. L., this is really strange, I know. Until last week I had never
seen a spanking and I have still never been spanked. Is there any chance you
would be willing to give me a spanking similar to what Trisha or Darlene
got? My curiosity is killing me. I know it has to hurt a lot. My parents
absolutely don't spank and it would be even more embarrassing to ask

Mrs. L. said, "Ellen, I'm sure you've done things that a spanking would be
appropriate for, but your parents are in charge of you. I could be in real
trouble if I spanked you without permission. Let me think about it for a
moment. The best plan would be for me to call your Mom about this and if
she goes along with it, you would be set."

I said, "I really don't think I could do that."

Mrs. L. said, "I'm not sure of the other idea. For there to be any chance of
this, I need you to write me a letter asking to be spanked. The key is that you
really are going to have yourself spanked and you want it done in a safe
way. You have to acknowledge that I am in charge of the spanking and that
you are waiving any legal rights. Come back in a couple nights and we will
see about it. I will also want of video tape of the request and to have Darlene
as a witness. I wouldn't tape the actual spanking. To do this, I have to rely
on your word being good. I would also reserve the right to contact your
parents about spanking you when you're in my care. If I spank you,
afterwards you may feel very different about being spanked. For sure your
bottom will be hurting a lot."

I came back with my note written on my computer and hidden in an obscure
folder. It read:

I, Ellen C., 16 of my own free will request Mrs. F. L. to give me a hard
spanking, similar to what she routinely gives her daughters. I am requesting
this purely out of extreme curiosity after observing Mrs. L.'s spankings. I am
requesting Mrs. L. give me a spanking because I feel this is a safe way to
satisfy my curiosity. I understand that Mrs. L. is entirely in charge of how
many spanks I get and that I will be spanked bare bottom as she sees fit. I
am paying Mrs. L. $1.00 for my spanking. Darlene L. is a witness to my
spanking. I release Mrs. L. from any and all liability. I understand that this
a one time thing. Mrs. L. is not obligated or expected to provide my any
additional spankings unless my parents consent. Mrs. L. reserves the right to
contact my parents if she elects. Todays date and time. Signed by Ellen C.
and Mrs. F.L.

Mrs. L. read it and approved. She then got out the video camera which
Darlene ran. I read the statement and answered her questions. This was then
transferred to a computer file, while we verified could be replayed.

Darlene was really a nice friend in all this, although she clearly didn't
understand where I was coming from.

Mrs. L. told me that there was a very key difference in my spanking and all
the others she has given. Mine was being given at my request and was not
linked to any behavior, so at some level my experience would be different.

Mrs. L. said, "Ellen, I think we're ready. Please remove your slacks and
panties and please come here."

Soon I had my slacks and panties off and feeling super self conscious about
being half nude. Next before I knew it I was bare bottom over her lap and
the first spank arrived. It stung and really hurt. I wasn't sure this was such a
good idea any more. It was followed by quite a few more. After about six,
my legs weren't together and I was pleading to leniency and starting to cry. I
got a lot more spanks. Darlene was officially in charge of counting to verify

the spanking was within Mrs. L.'s normal range. I got a total of 33 hard
spanks. My bottom was really red and I was crying as hard as I ever had in
my life. When I was let up, having no clothes below the waist wasn't the real
problem. Mrs. L. had me stand in the corner not rubbing for 10 minutes and
then both Mrs. L. and Darlene gave me another round of big hugs.

My curiosity about what it felt like was certainly satisfied. There was the
expected sensation of fear before the first few spanks came. This was rapidly
replaced by the sensations of stinging and lots of pain.

That evening I processed the spanking. Mrs. L. was definitely right. My
experience with being spanked was NOT the same as when Mrs. L. makes
the call that Darlene needs to be bottom up over her lap. Yes, I had no
control over the spanking itself, but having Mrs. L. decide someone needs it
and tells them is a very real part also.

Would I want to have myself in a position where another person (such as my
Mom or Mrs. L.) could decide I needed to be bare bottom up over her lap
getting my bottom really sore?

Future Spanko:
On the way
Can't predict yet

Feel free to respond with why you are voting the way you are.

If there is enough interest, I can put together a second part with the rest of
the story.

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