changed. Spanking of actual children is not recommended.
First Spankings F/fff F/ff (5172 words
Code: Select all
Val and I each got our first spanking when I was just over 16 and Val was
about 3 weeks from turning 16. I had borrowed the spare car, nominally to
go over to Val’s on a Friday evening to listen to music. Instead, we headed
downtown to go to a club to hear a local band we liked. The problem was
you had to be 21 to get in. We stopped at a fast food place where a friend
was on duty and changed clothes and put on makeup in a locked bathroom
to look older.
All was going well till we got to the club. The doorman sneered at us,
“You’re not 21.”
Then he grabbed my purse and pulled out my cell phone. In just moments,
he was dialing the ICE number (In Case of Emergency) for my Mom.
Mom answered on the second ring.
The part of the call we heard follows.
“Hi, this is Ron, the doorman at Toby’s club down town. Do you have a
16 or 17 year old daughter?”
“Well, I assume its Bonnie and she has a brunette friend about the same
“I’m guessing it’s Val. They aren’t telling me their names yet. They are
trying to get into Toby’s and it’s clearly marked as a 21 or older night.”
“They are not misbehaving except for it being illegal to try to get in. Not
that it matters but they’re wearing more makeup than Tammy Faye Baker.
And they are almost dressed as street walkers, fish net stockings, low cut
tops, micro skirts about 2” below their bottoms, and I don’t think Val is
wearing a bra.”
“The club would be in real trouble with its license and if a staff member
served them, they would get charged with a misdemeanor if caught. The
easiest thing to do would be to flag down one of the patrol cars that go by
every few minutes. But I don’t want for your daughter and friend to get a
juvenile record for something this stupid.”
“It’s none of my business, but if it was my nieces down here, my sister
would be calling up Sheila K on 19th street and arranging a visit.”
“Sheila is pretty well known in town as someone who will give kids that
need it, a really effective spanking. Her number is 555-3433.”
“I know spanking isn’t politically correct these days, but it still happens a
lot. I really don’t care if you call Sheila or not. It’s just an option that you
can think about. I know about a bunch of kids it’s helped. I think Kim and
Val would qualify for at least two sessions with Sheila. You could talk to
her any way. I’ll call her and tell her that you might be calling tomorrow,
that way she will know what’s going on. I’m really sorry but some of our
customers at the club just aren’t the kind you would want teen age girls
“I will send the girls back to their car which is unlocked and hold on to
Bonnie’s purse till you get here. Bonnie will have her cell phone but not
the car keys.”
“You are very welcome. I like to help out when I can. I can tell these are
pretty good kids, just not immune to a little stupidity. I’ll put Val on.”
My discussion with Mom was brief.
“Mom, it’s not that bad. I’m sorry. I know we’re in trouble.”
‘We will wait in the car with the doors locked and our cell phones, till you
and Mrs. B. get here.”
“No, we will not change out of these clothes.”
In less than 15 minutes, Mom and Mrs. B. arrived. Mrs. B. stayed with us
while Mom went and retrieved my purse, and keys from Ron, giving him
$40 for his help.
Mrs. B. and Mom were really mad at us for trying to get into the club and
how we were dressed. Val and I had no success telling them we just
wanted to listen to the band, not drink or get in trouble. Mrs. B. noted that
our dress was almost advertising that we were looking for trouble. Mom
took Val and Mrs. B. took me and we left downtown and went to our
house. This was because Mom was less mad at Val and Mrs. B. was less
mad at me. This also allowed separate questioning to find out if our stories
didn’t match.
At our house, Mom and Val said they would be getting together the next
morning when they would be less upset. They said they were giving
serious consideration to getting us each our first spanking. Mom got out
her digital camera and took a bunch of pictures of us. Mom said she hoped
neither of them would ever need to file a missing person report. Mom and
Mrs. B. made us take off our clothes in the dining area so there wouldn’t
be anything about our attire they didn’t find out about. Fortunately all the
blinds were closed so no one could see in. First Val had to bend forward in
her low cut top, verifying that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Mrs. B. was upset
that bent forward at not that much of an angle, her nipples did show.
Neither of our tops got Moms’ approval as proper for high school kids.
We already knew we wouldn’t be wearing our micro skirts again. (This
was even though nothings showed with our legs together). The fishnet
nylon stockings were another no go. The second biggest wardrobe error
was my thong panties, even though they were under the nylons. Mom just
about blew a gasket.
“Mom, pink is my favorite color and I keep hearing how comfortable they
“Bonnie, it’s quite possible your whole bottom will be pink on its way to
red if we visit Sheila K. Where did you get those?”
“Mom, remember the gift card that just about everybody our age got from
Victoria’s Secret? It was good for a free pair of panties. Last month when
the school band was at Centerville we had free time at the mall.”
“Bonnie, did anyone we know see you?”
“No. The saleslady gave me dirty looks and I almost didn’t think she
would sell them to me. I told her they weren’t for me, it was just a
coincidence they were my size. I thought I was going to get thrown out,
but she rang them up and I paid the sales tax.”
Mrs. B. said, “Bonnie, that’s about enough reason for another visit to
Mom said, “I agree.”
Next we had to stand there with Val topless and me in my bra and thong
panties for 10 minutes. I wanted to ask Mom why we had to stand there
practically nude but decided not to risk further pissing Mom off. Then
Mom got us each two wet wash cloths and towels. We had to remove all
of our makeup which was a bit excessive I have to admit. The water in the
plastic tub we rinsed the wash cloths out if was filthy and had to be
replaced twice. Then we got to put on the clothes we had left the house
with. I think my thong panties were even more of a factor than Val not
wearing a bra in making a trip to Sheila a certainty but we probably would
have gone anyway. Mom and Mrs. B. kept our cell phones and took the
land line phone and computer out of my room.
The next morning at 9:00 am, Mrs. B. and an unhappy Val were back
over. Both my Dad and Mr. B. left it up to the Moms to decide but were in
favor of a spanking option. The conversation was quick.
Mom asked, “Linda, what are you thinking about on this?”
Mrs. B. said, “I think we need to do it.”
Mom asked, “Should we bounce the idea back and forth for a while or just
go with our initial sense.”
Mrs. B. said, “I’m sure you’ve also been thinking about this all night.
Let’s talk with Sheila.”
Mom said, “I agree. I’ll get the speaker phone.”
Val said, “But Mom, we’re way too old for this.”
Mrs. B. said, “If we had done this earlier, you may not be in this trouble
now. If we didn’t think this was going to help, we wouldn’t be doing it.
You will live through it and remember it for a really long time.”
Soon Mom and Mrs. B. had Sheila on the phone. Sheila was expecting the
call. The best idea was that Sheila was going to spank a 14 year old girl
that was in trouble again 6 weeks after her last spanking at 3:00 pm. Sheila
said she knew this girl’s Mom would be delighted to have the four of us
watch. After this girl’s spanking, if Mom and Mrs. B. still wanted it done
Val and I would get our first spanking. The discussion was over in less
than 10 minutes. Mom and Mrs. B. made a promise to each other to go
through with the spanking. We were to come to Sheila’s home at 2:30 pm
for initial discussions.
We arrived in separate cars promptly at 2:30 and were shown in to the
kitchen. Sheila explained she provided spankings as a community service
on an entirely voluntary donation basis. Val and Mom would each get a
blank envelope which at the end of the session would be put in a mail slot
into a box with all the others. At the end of the month she opened all the
envelopes with at least a fourth still empty. That way she didn’t know who
had contributed or how much except when checks were enclosed. Sheila
explained it was about providing a service and not a major source of
income. Sheila explained the smoothest way of doing the spankings was to
have the child being spanked to take all their clothes off from the waist
down except for panties. When summoned for the spanking, the child
being spanked could either slip them off or have Sheila take them off
when in position, except in the less frequent cases of being spanked over
Val interrupted, “Why do we have to take off our clothes? Couldn’t we
just be spanked?”
Sheila said, “A major part of the spanking is the embarrassment. I’m
pretty sure you will remember a bare bottom spanking a lot more than if I
spanked you over your panties. A bare bottom spanking is vastly more
effective than one over your panties. If your Mom wants, I could have you
come back in about a week for a comparison spanking. The other benefit
is as the spanking progress I can see exactly how it’s going and spank
more evenly. It’s a much better spanking.”
Sheila continued to explain she can remove clothes if someone doesn’t
cooperate. Sheila explained she spanks with a springy thin but too thin or
thick wooden paddle, a ping pong paddle, and also a belt. Sheila explained
for today she was planning on using a paddle. Sheila explained as it was
our first spankings, it would be slower than usual with fewer spanks but
she guaranteed we would be quite well spanked by the end.
Sheila said Mom and Mrs. B. should consider setting up a second session
as there were about 4 separate reasons we were being spanked. The benefit
is that this would reinforce spanking as a pattern and not just today’s
isolated incident.
Sheila spoke directly to Val and me telling us that she doesn’t particularly
enjoy giving spankings and that they are for our benefit not hers. Sheila
said the spankings are as predictably embarrassing and painful as anything
we are likely to experience. The goal of the spanking is to improve our
behavior substantially and to avoid the next spanking cause as long as
The 3:00 person, Linda, came about 2:45 bringing her envelope. Sheila
thanked her for coming early and being willing to talk with us. Linda
explained she had been pretty wild and out of control up to about age 13
and a half. Linda’s Mom just couldn’t deal with Linda effectively and
there were terrible loud screaming match arguments. Someone had
mentioned Sheila to Linda’s Mom. Spanking had seemed such a counter
intuitive idea, but everything else had already been tried without success.
Even Sheila wasn’t sure if spankings would help. Linda said the spankings
were the main reason she was doing better, but her Mom also credits
Sheila with being able to reach out and connect with her very well. Linda
said she listened better after having been spanked. Linda said there was
initially about a 7 week period where she was over at Sheila’s home 2 to 3
times each week. Linda said it was a really difficult time but both she and
her Mom could see it was helping. Now Linda is doing vastly better and
even finds her name on the school honor roll. Linda is now spanked on an
occasional basis for stuff most kids have trouble with. Linda was happy it
had been six weeks since her last visit, but not happy she needed it today.
Linda told Val and me we would really hate being spanked but it sure
worked well for her. Linda also told us that Sheila was one of the nicest
people she had ever met. As Sheila stood up, she noticed Val and I
wearing blue jeans and said some one should have mentioned wearing a
long skirt and slip.
The six of us moved into Sheila’s upstairs family room. Sheila moved a
plain kitchen chair into the middle and motioned to Linda. Linda turned
away and promptly slipped down and off her knee length loose fitting skirt
and slip. I noted she hadn’t been wearing any panties which puzzled me.
Linda came over to Sheila with one hand covering her front and one her
back as best she could. Sheila helped her into place, holding her right arm
behind her. Mom, Mrs. B., Val and I had a side view. I already felt bad for
Linda being so exposed and my fear level ratcheted up several notches.
Mom handed Sheila the paddle. Sheila verified Linda knew why she was
getting it. Linda hadn’t gotten her chores done and gave her Mom too
much back talk. Sheila promptly started with the paddle. I was startled to
hear the loud smack sound it made followed by the spanked area starting
to change color already. Linda was asking for the spanking to stop after 7
spanks and was crying by 11. Sheila spanked slowly and carefully and
after 20 Linda was crying much louder. I thought incorrectly that my fear
level had topped out. The spanking went on and on and Linda did not get
any quieter or happier. Finally the spanking ended. I had counted 42
spanks and Val 43. Linda’s formerly pale white bottom and upper thighs
were now quite red. After about 5 minutes Linda was let up and led to a
corner for 10 minutes. I glanced at Mom and Mrs. B. who both looked
very concerned and still had full attention focused on Linda’s bottom.
When the 10 minutes were up, Sheila took Linda back to a spare bedroom
for a few minutes of talk.
Val in a very fearful voice asked, “Mom, you’re not going to have us put
through that are you?”
Mrs. B. said, “Val, we promised each other you were both going to get it.
It looks like Sheila is really good at this.”
Mom said, “Bonnie, I sure wish you didn’t need this. I’m sure you will
remember this for a long time.”
Soon Sheila was back and Linda still pretty tearful had her clothes back
on. Linda explained her bottom hurt way too much to put panties on for
now and it would be hard to sit down all of the next day.
Sheila said Linda had seen spankings before and was going to leave before
ours started. Mom thanked Linda for being willing to have us as an
audience. Linda said her Mom was the one needing most of the thanks but
having us here wasn’t that big a deal.
Sheila asked if we had any questions.
I asked if we could avoid this spanking because we wouldn’t have gotten
into this mess if we knew what was coming.
Mom said this spanking and the probable second spanking for our stunt
would hopefully help us from getting into this kind of trouble.
Sheila said we shouldn’t think that we need to get this deeply into trouble
to merit her attention. Most of her spankings are provided for far less.
Mom said it was going to be hard to watch us get spanked.
Sheila said she understood and many of her clients’ parents didn’t come
along each time but she felt it was really important to see and understand
what happens.
Sheila said Val and I needed to take off our shoes, socks, and blue jeans
while we decided who would be first.
The sharp looks Val and I got from our Moms with implied threats got Val
and I started on stripping. Val was already tearing up.
Sheila asked if either of us preferred to go first and get it over with.
Neither of us did and neither Mom nor Mrs. B. cared who was first.
Sheila said she would split our spankings into two parts so each of us
could watch part of the spanking we were getting. Sheila said she would
spank the daughter of the Mom whose birthday came earliest in the year.
This was my Mom who was born in early January. Sheila told us neither
of us would be spanked as hard as Linda. Sheila told me to come over to
where she was sitting. I wobbled over on rubbery legs, my fear meter
going off the gauge. Sheila expertly slipped her fingers into my much
plainer yellow nylon panties and slipped them down. I stepped out of them
and was over her lap with my right hand held behind me.
Sheila said, “Bonnie, tell me four reasons you’re about to get your very
first spanking.”
I said, “I didn’t tell Mom where we were planning to go, we aren’t legally
old enough to go to that club, I got those thong panties, and we weren’t
dressed properly.”
Sheila said, “Okay, let’s get started.”
With that the first loud spank landed and my bottom was already on fire.
Soon the next and next also landed. It really hurt. Soon I had 9 and was
crying but not nearly as loudly as Linda.
Sheila said, “Okay, Bonnie, that’s part 1. Part 2 will be longer and harder.
Let’s get started with Val.”
I glanced over to Val and noticed she hadn’t shaved her pubic hair
recently and it was peaking out both sides of her panties in front. This
really grossed me out, almost as much as seeing Linda’s genitals on
display as she had squirmed side to side unable to keep her legs together. I
realized I would have looked the same had if I hadn’t shaved just before
putting on those damn thong panties. Val slipped her dingy white cotton
panties off and was soon in position.
Sheila said, “Val, what can you add to Bonnie’s list.”
Val said, “I wore too revealing a top and no bra. I was way out of line. All
the makeup was my idea. I think I mostly talked Bonnie into this.”
“What else do you have to say?”
Val said, “I’m really sorry. I pretty much deserve this, but please be
Sheila said, “Val, I need to do a good job. I’ll get started.”
With that the first spank landed. My hands were rubbing my bottom and
my uncovered front wasn’t a real problem. I didn’t want Val to be spanked
but I didn’t want her spanking to end even if that meant mine would be
prolonged. By the 9th spank Val was in about the same shape as me. Back
I went over Sheila’s lap.
I was still startled by the loud crack from the first spank and my bottom
which had recovered only a very small amount was hurting a lot. Sheila
took her time spanking my entire bottom, both sides, and my upper thighs.
I was a terrible mess. I tried to wriggle off her lap with no luck. Eventually
Sheila said I was almost done, just 3 more spanks, each of which were put
on top of each other. Sheila stood me up and moved me over to a couch I
could kneel against keeping my really sore red bottom from touching
anything. I was pretty much unaware of Val’s second part spanking but
was told it was pretty similar. When I recovered some I saw Val was
pretty much in the same shape I was.
Sheila told us to come to the kitchen when we were ready with or without
clothes. According to Mom it was 45 minutes. Linda was right. Both Val
and I tried slipping on our panties only to find out it made the hurt and
surprisingly the heat worse. I tried to sit down on the soft couch and
realized that was going to be extremely uncomfortable. We wrapped our
blue jeans around our waist to cover up some as it was obvious the jeans
would be more of a problem that the panties. Sheila, Mom, and Mrs. B.
were all sympathetic when we joined them in the kitchen.
Sheila said, “Hi girls, it looks like you’re starting to recover some. The
first time is always really hard. We’ve been talking about when we should
have you come back for your second spanking. Then we will have this
incident entirely behind us. Do you have any thoughts?”
Val said, “I was hoping we had been punished enough already.”
Mom said, “This was really serious and we need to make a very strong
point. We are not going to ground you or anything else. A second
spanking is our vote.”
Mrs. B. said, “I’m expecting you be seeing Sheila other times also.”
Mom said, “We need to understand if you want to get it over with fairly
soon so the spanking isn’t hanging over your head or if holding off a few
weeks is a better idea.”
Val said, “I don’t want to spend any longer than necessary knowing I’m
going to be back here getting my tail paddled.”
I said, “I would rather wait, but getting spanked at the same time as Val
and having it over sounds good too.”
Sheila said, “I need to clarify something. Next time I spank you, I’m going
to give each of you 5 to 8 spanks with a leather belt. I think the belt hurts
more so you end up with fewer spanks.”
Mrs. B. said, “Which of the next 3 Saturday mornings should we plan
Val said, “Next week on Sunday I’m helping with the church school, I
wouldn’t be very good if I’ve been whipped. I want it over with but the
Saturday after that probably works better.”
I said, “It doesn’t matter to me, that gives me some time to recover.”
Mom said, “Bonnie, you need to understand that you will be seeing Sheila
for behavior and attitude adjustment sessions on a somewhat regular basis.
I can tell already that this is good for you. Some of the time it may not be
as hard as it was today.”
Mrs. B. said, “Val, you’re in about the same boat as Bonnie. Connie has
made a donation to Sheila for your first session after next week. What do
you say?”
Val said, “Mrs. L., thank you, I guess. I wish you hadn’t been so generous.
I hope it’s a very long time before it’s redeemed.”
Mrs. B. said, “Val, I’m not ready to spank you myself yet, but for the next
several weeks I’m going to give you 6 to 8 hard spanks with a ping pong
paddle about1 to 3 days a week for attitude improvement.”
We were ready to go home but Sheila could tell we wouldn’t be
comfortable putting even our panties back on let alone jeans so she found
us each a long skirt to borrow until our next visit. The ride back home
wasn’t comfortable but a pillow helped some. That afternoon I mostly
spent laying tummy down on top of my bed in a light bathrobe. I got the
semester’s entire history book read and even had sense enough to put it
down when my thoughts wandered back to the morning’s spanking or to
the coming spanking. I also spent 45 minutes talking to Val. The big news
was that Katie, Val’s just 14 year old sister was going to be visiting Sheila
as soon as Mrs. B. found a good reason. It was a white lie but I told Val I
wished I had remembered to shave before our session with Sheila. I could
tell Val’s face was turning red as she exclaimed she probably was looking
gross standing there in her panties.
The two weeks went by pretty quickly and it was annoying to have Mom’s
frequent reminders. The Friday night before I had trouble getting to sleep
and Mom woke me up about 45 minutes before our session. I didn’t know
if it would hurt less or more or make any difference being spanked over a
freshly showered bottom. I liked the idea of recovering in the shower, but
realized most of the time when I was going to get spanked I wouldn’t have
the option of showering first. Thus I took a long shower and quickly
dressed in a long skirt. I got a quick bowl of cereal and then Mrs. B. and
Val were over to pick me up.
Mrs. B. said, “Connie, I want to show you something that is working for
me. Come here Bonnie.”
Val was at least red faced and mouthed it wasn’t her idea.
Mrs. B. said, “Bonnie, bend over my side.”
I did as asked and wasn’t surprised to have my skirt lifted and panties
pushed down. Mrs. B. then gave me 6 hard spanks with a ping pong
paddle that stung a lot but hurt way less than Sheila’s session.
Mrs. B. said, “Now both girls are starting from the same place. I haven’t
put Sheila’s number on speed dial yet, but may.”
Soon we were in the car going over to Sheila’s. Val was also wearing a
skirt for a quicker recovery and we had the 2 borrowed skirts to return
Soon we were dropped off at Sheila’s home. My Mom would pick us up
when we were done.
Sheila was ready and pretty cheerful. She showed us the 1.25” leather belt
she was going to use and demonstrate on a chair leg how it wrapped
around. Sheila had us take off our shoes, skirts, and panties. Sheila pointed
out how the 10 to 15 minute delay between Val getting her six with the
paddle and my turn showed up in my bottom being more red than Val’s.
Val was going to be first this time.
Val was pretty nervous going over Sheila’s lap. Sheila verified we both
knew why we were going to be spanked.
Then Sheila started with the paddle giving Val 14 hard spanks covering
her whole bottom and getting her crying some. Sheila then paused for Val
to get her some of her composure back. Then came the belt which Sheila
expertly wrapped around Val’s bottom, starting at the bottom and spank
by spank moving north to the top and then back to where she started. Each
spank produce a red stripe and very loud crying. The 14 spanks took about
10 minutes. Then after a five minute pause, Val got a final 5 with the
paddle. I was suddenly very grateful for the six spanks Mrs. B. gave me
just a little bit earlier as those had to have lessened Sheila’s spanking by a
few spanks. Val was helped over to a chair to lean on and try to recover.
Sheila said I was next. I don’t now how I got over to her. The almost 20
minutes of waiting nude from the waist down while Val got it was
suddenly a non problem.
Sheila said I was going to get exactly the same spanking as Val and I’m
sure it was. I couldn’t believe how much the belt hurt and how loud I was.
The spanking took a very long time but eventually I was next to Val. I
think it was close to an hour before we got up and slipped back on our
skirts. We had to thank Sheila and then called my Mom for our ride home.
The afternoon again was hard but I think I recovered a little faster.
I wish I could say that was my last spanking but it wasn’t. Fortunately,
most of my spankings while hard and memorable weren’t as super hard as
the first two.
The most annoying part of the next visits to Sheila besides the actual
bottom burning bare bottom spanking itself was paying for them. Mom
decided she would pay for my first spanking every 3 months and we
would split the cost of any spankings over that with half the cost coming
from my allowance. The idea was that Mom was responsible for my being
disciplined properly and I was responsible for my behavior and attitude.
The other idea was that for relatively minor things and for attitude
situations I had to walk the two blacks over to Val’s house for correction.
Mrs. B. treated me exactly like her daughters Val and Katie. I had to bend
over her side and with my slacks and panties pushed down, grasp my
knees for 6 to 8 spanks with the ping pong paddle. This was part one.
Then followed a gap of at least 60 minutes and no more than 120 minutes,
I would get part two, nearly identical to part one with a total of 12 to 16
spanks. Sometimes I stayed at their house between part one and two and
sometimes I came home. If more than 120 minutes went by, the next part
was part one again with part two again for later. These sessions were
absolutely no fun but vastly preferable to a full blown session over
Sheila’s lap.
Did all these spankings help? Yes. I have to admit it, although I wonder if
Val, Katie, and I would have all turned out just as well without being