Nearly Arrested

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Nearly Arrested

Post by akillees » Sun May 01, 2011 4:25 am

While the girlfriend and I was shopping at walmart, I was almost arrested. Things where going along as they should, until the answer to her question wasn't one she wanted. She began to get loud and make a spectical of herself, which I do not tolerate what so ever. So I took her by her arm and led her into the men restroom, where I drop her draws and began spanking her bottom red. One of the guys that left the restroom must have called the law or told someone their. The next thing I know the cops come in right as I was about to finish and interupted a great lesson I was teaching her. Once they was ready to listen to what I was saying they seen I was right and let me go.
They ask me not to repeat this again or they would take me in. All I can say is that you have to stand by what you believe, and those you are helping. If it takes being arrested, then so be it.

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