Rebecca - Punishment and recovery

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Rebecca - Punishment and recovery

Post by s999sloan » Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:18 am

REBECCA Part 1. MF/m

Chatting at work

Rebecca had had a great morning. She closed a string of deals and signed off. Just had to get some fresh air. A late lunch at a street stall with tables under a shady tree was just the relax she needed. Still feeling smug and on her second coffee she saw Sarah coming along the footpath. “Well, hello there Rebecca. You’re doing just what I was thinking of.”

“Come and join me Sarah. I’d love to tell you about this morning.”

Sarah had mentored Rebecca since she first joined the financial management business. Rebecca had now become entirely independent. The two women were good friends at that work come personal level where mutual professional respect is a large part of the relationship. Sarah and her husband Bill were joint owners of the firm. These days Sarah worked mainly on reviewing and quality control. She and Bill were the only ones who had full access to all the confidential files that the fund managers like Rebecca worked on.

This morning's effort had been breathtaking. Over seven million dollars went through 3 currencies, the moves linked to the sale of a large property and the signing of two contracts. She was expecting a bonus of 8-10,000, the sum roughly set by the profit margin on the deal. Not bad for work spread over the last 7 weeks and coming to a head this morning.

Sarah was intrigued “I’d love to hear Rebecca.” She ordered coffee and Rebecca went through it, not showing off, just a professional account of the facts.

“Rebecca, that was lovely, great judgement, very nice work. Pretty good detective work as well. You've got every right to feel pleased. I like the way you kept the client’s backside covered. Can I tell Bill or do you want to.”Having now told the story Rebecca was satisfied. She was just about to say that Sarah should tell him when the conversation was interrupted by Sarah’s mobile.

“Just a minute, Rebecca. Yes Sarah Wilkinson here. Oh, hello Frank, what makes you call, nothing too serious I hope.” Rebecca made a motion to ask if she should go away but Sarah shook her head. The one sided conversation then went like this.
“Yes he hurt...that’s good...he is very naughty to fight and I am really glad it is only bruised egos... Ohhh...I see...of course I remember last time...but that was 4...Ahh, yes I know the rule, I was on the council last year...of course I agree, you knew I I have to... alright, alright. I am Sarah Wilkinson and at 3:25 pm today, 21st of May, I give parental approval for my son Jeremy to be given 8 strokes of the school cane for fighting. Frank I mean it, don’t spare him, he is fourteen so use the big cane and make it hard…..yes, I thought you would… I don’t need to talk to him, just do it.” She rang off.

“You may well gasp Rebecca, that’s a part of parenting. Last year the school council severely increase the punishment for fighting. Anything over 6 strokes needs a parent to say yes.” She explained to an astonished Rebecca. “I better get on so I can be home when he gets there. I’ll tell you about it some time.”

Three days later at an equally late lunch but in a deserted staff room they happened to meet again. “Hello Sarah. How are things. Oh, and how did Jeremy fare the other day?”

“Wow Rebecca, you should have seen him. Have you got a minute for the whole story.”

Rebecca nodded, “You can give me a blow by blow description” she giggled. The thought of 8 cane strokes on the boy’s pert bottom made her squirm. How it would have hurt. To see that getting done would be something.

“Blow by blow, Ehh!, very droll Rebecca, very droll. Well, what happened was this. In the first class after lunch he was rude to Miss Sampson, his history teacher. He doesn't like history or her, but he had no excuse. He should have behaved better, and he was really silly because he knows she hits hard. Every teacher has a class room strap. Some use it more often than others. Miss Sampson has a reputation for giving the maximum. He got six, 3 on each hand, alternating, which he tells me makes it harder to bear. She made him point the hand at her and hit along the length. The strap comes down along the middle fingers and flicks into the palm. Jeremy said she hurt him worse than ever before. I saw her once punishing two girls. I tell you they both screamed."

"Anyway, he told me he was crying by the time she came back for the second on his right hand and after that he lost it, really blubbed. She took her time, made him hold each hand still and very flat. She put the second and third right on top of the first stripe.”

Rebecca gasped, “God that’s cruel.”

“Well” continued Sarah, “She must have been quite angry to hurt him that much. But anyway that was just the start. Then at recess some boys teased him about being a cry baby and all of a sudden there was a punch up and then he was in the headmasters office. That’s Frank Evans, you met him once at our place, remember? He is a golfing buddy of Bill’s.”

“Of course, we met a couple more times, I thought he was nice”.

“Well, Frank told the boys to come to his office just before the end of school. When they got there he did the other boy first, Jeremy tells me he only got 4, first offence, but the kid screamed and screamed. It is not over quickly. Frank waits a good bit between strokes. Jeremy said he got really frightened."

Sarah explained how kids had to lean over the back of an old fashioned school desk, the sort with the fold up tops and a bench seat. Both Frank and the headmistress have one in their office. Anyway, Jimmy had to stand against the front of the desk and bend right over to reach the seat. That made his pants go really tight across his bottom.

“When he got home he just cried and sobbed. Took me some minutes to calm him. I put him gently into a warm bath. You should have seen his bottom. Nine raised welts, each about half an inch across, purple red and blue. Six across the lower half of his cheeks, curling right over the far side. Then he had three diagonals, all close together from the middle of his left cheek to the outside of the right just above his thigh. It looked really awful.”

“How come there were nine, I thought you said eight.”

“That's right.” Sarah smirked and grinned. "I had to count carefully. Wait till you hear why that happened."

"Jeremy said that even after just two he was hurting so much he couldn't help begging and by the third he was really howling. Then his penis got bigger and bigger. He told me about it so innocently. He said it jammed against the edge of the desk and he wriggled and put his hand back to move it out of the way. I don't think he really had any idea of what was happening. Anyway, Frank gave him an extra for not keeping still. Jeremy admitted that he got totally broken, he just begged for it to stop. Apparently Frank did it quite slowly even by his standards. He says that taking your time helps the kid appreciate the feeling.”

“The poor boy” said Rebecca “Did you give him a pain killer?.”

“No, Bill and I've talked about that. When a punishment has happened they should have to bear it”. Rebecca felt a shiver pass up her spine.

"So do you spank Jeremy at home?"

"Oh yes. I do it. Bill doesn't like to. Bed time, bare bottom, usually ten or a dozen with the back of the floor brush. Two inches wide and just the right length to go across both cheeks. I can get him to howl before we are half way through." Perhaps it occurred to Sarah that she had said a bit too much.

"I have to get back Rebecca. See you."

At her desk Rebecca thought back to the first meeting with Frank Evans at that party. She and Frank started talking and got on really well. They went out again twice but did not end up in bed. She liked him enough but then he had to go away for the school summer camp and then Bill sent her to the US on what he called a “Two months work experience job in a friendly company”. That was now a while ago and neither of them had taken up the contact again. How strangely he was now brought to her attention again.

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