My birthday surprise!

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My birthday surprise!

Post by IMSOMEAN » Fri May 22, 2015 7:50 am

Brian had asked me out four times before I finally said yes and that very first date I found out he was someone special. He was a bit old fashion , opening my car door for me , pulling out chairs for me that kind of thing. He was always a perfect gentleman and such a nice guy , sometimes too nice. We always went to the movies I wanted to see even when it was something he didn't care for , it was always my favorite restaurant. As nice as it was it sometimes drove me a bit crazy. After a month I thought everything would come to an end when I told him flat out that I didn't sleep around and if his plan was to get me into bed then he may as well move on to the next girl. I'll never forget the smirk he got on his face and the bluntly honest response I got from him.

"I'd being lying to you if I told you I wouldn't love to get you into bed but it's not the end of the world that your not ready for that. I'll make you a deal, you don't get upset with me when I don't stop trying to get you into bed and I won't get upset when you tell me no!"

It was funny that having that short and to the point conversation allowed me to relax around Brian and we were almost like two teenagers in heat some nights making out on my couch for hours , me pushing his hand away from my breasts or stopping him from putting his hand up my dress but at the same time pulling him closer and kissing him harder not wanting that to stop. I also learned what an ass man was , his hands were on my butt every chance he got. Now I'd be lying if I said he didn't get me turned on with all this , over that next couple months I wore out two vibrators! I was wondering if I should explain to him why I was the way I was about sex. At that point in my life I'd slept with two guys , the first was my high school sweetheart and I was in love or so I thought. Then high school ends and he goes into the service and I head off to college and we just grew apart. Then there was junior year of college , I'd been dating this guy for over a month , I thought he really cared about me but I knew I was about to loose him because I wouldn't "put out". I caved in and well lets just say it sure wasn't worth the wait and he didn't return my calls the next few days and when he finally talked to me again he laughed and told me that he finally got what he wanted and now it was time for him to chase a new piece of ass! That one hurt and I never got over it and swore it would never happen again! Things were going great with Brian but I kept wondering how long he would put up with me.

My birthday happened to land on a Friday and Brian talked me into taking half the day off. He picked me up and we had a nice lunch and then he took me to the mall explaining he never was very good at picking out gifts so he was taking me shopping and I could get a complete outfit from undies to shoes and a dress. As nice as that was it hurt a little , I know that sounds silly but I grew up an only child and birthdays had always been a big deal filled with surprises. My mom would give me little gifts all day , hiding them around the house , oh it may something as simple as socks or underwear but the whole day would just build up with her little surprises. This was my second birthday sense my parents had passed away and I missed those little surprises. I did my best not to let it show.

Back at my house I tell Brian I'm going to take a quick shower and put on my new outfit to wear to dinner. Brian being Brian asked if he could come with me and wash my back which made me laughed and I laughed even harder when I told him no and he stuck his lip out like he was a pouting child. I came out of the bathroom feeling great about the outfit and walk over to the couch where Brian was sitting and I see a gift on the coffee table. He hands it to me with this big smile on his face. It was a beautiful necklace and I had him put it on me and he began kissing my neck and I laugh and told him to stop or we would never make it to dinner. When we get to his car he opens my door for me like always and in my seat was a gift bag , I look back at Brian and he just shrugs and smiles. Inside was the best pair of ear rings I've ever seen! Dinner was wonderful and I actually cried when they brought out a birthday cake for me! We head back to my house , there was a movie coming on I had been waiting for months to see , little did I know my life was about to change forever.

When we walk into the house I notice Brian locks the door behind him , something he never did before. Then he looks at his watch and gets a big smile on his face.

"This is good , I left us plenty of time. I have one more birthday surprise for you young lady , your getting a birthday spanking!"

My face turned so red it was burning and both my hands went and covered my butt and I giggled and started backing away from him. I told him I didn't think so and he was just trying to make an excuse to play with my butt. He smiles and slowly walks towards me while rolling up his shirt sleeves.

"I've always been honest with you and getting to play with your pretty ass will be a nice bonus but that's not what this is about. Every young lady deserves a birthday spanking , it's good luck and you getting one like it or not! Your acting like I'm asking , little girl I'm not asking I'm telling you that your getting a spanking!"

This was a side of Brian I'd never seen and there were two things that there was no way in hell he could know. The first was that I'd never been spanked in my life not once! The second and more embarrassing thing was that for over a year I'd been reading these stories about adults being spanked and how much they loved it and in some cases just plain needed it. I loved the stories but never in a million years thought I would ever be able to find out for myself what it was like. Brian took me by the arm back to the couch and he sat down and pulled me over his lap all in the same motion. Then he pulled my dress all the way up and his hand rubbed my panties while he explained that I had to count out the smacks or they didn't count and he would do them over if I forgot. The first smack lands and I was in shock at how much it hurt , I manage to say "ONE" and without thinking stick my butt up like I was asking for more , maybe I was. All the stories I had read didn't have me prepared for how much the spanking hurt but it also didn't have me prepared for how turned it made me!

After the last smack landed Brian helped me up then stood up and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight against his body then he kissed me but it wasn't like the thousand of kisses he had given me before. It was a hard kiss , demanding and his tongue forced its way into my mouth to find mine. Then his hand goes to the back of my dress and he starts to unzip it. I reach back and stop him and ask what he was doing. He pulled back just enough for me to see the smirk on his face and he told me he was getting me ready for my birthday spanking! I giggled like a school girl and reminded him that he already gave me a birthday spanking. He kissed me again then gently moved my hands to my sides and with a evil little laugh told me that I hadn't gotten a REAL spanking yet , that till my ass was bare it didn't count. I was speechless! I didn't stop him when he unzipped my dress but I did blush like a child when it fell to the floor in a pile around my feet. When he reached around me to unhook my bra both my hands went to his to stop him and he just gave me another kiss then gentle moved my hands away and then he tossed my bra to the floor. He sat down and pulled me over his lap again. He got me in place then pulled my panties down to my knees. I was so embarrassed but more turned on than I could remember ever being in my entire life. He began to roughly rub my sore ass and was telling me again how I had to count out each smack and he also told me if I didn't listen he would have to spank me with a belt then still give me my birthday spanking!

He stopped rubbing and yanked my panties the rest of the way off and tossed them on the floor. He lands the first smack and I let out a yelp , it was much harder this time. I count out one and he waits , rubs the back of my legs and inner thighs , giving the sting time to completely set in. This was how he landed every smack and halfway through when he would rub the inside of my legs I would shift around trying to make him touch me , I was so turned on that I was sure just one little touch and I would have an orgasm. That's when he started parting my legs further and further apart , I knew he could see EVERYTHING and I didn't care , hell I didn't even care he was seeing how swollen and wet the spanking was making me! The spanking finally came to an end and my ass was on fire. He helps me up and again he stands up and wraps me in his arms and gives me a long hard kiss then in one fast motion he picks me up like a little child and starts walking towards my bedroom, I started to ask what he thought he was doing but I couldn't make myself talk.

Brian laid me on my bed and with a big smile on his face ripped his clothes off. He laid down with me and began kissing me first my face then my lips to my neck and when he got to my nipples he began to lick and suck my rock hard nipples and it was this perfect combination of pain and pleasure. Then he kissed his way down my body and when the kisses went just below my belly button I realized what he was about to do. I put both my hands on his head and softly tell him there was no need to do THAT. He laughs and moves my hands from his head and continues to kiss me till he's between my legs. When he uses his fingers to spread me open I gasp and I gasp again when his tongue begins to tease my clit. It didn't take long at all for me to explode into a long , hard orgasm and he didn't stop licking me till it was over and I was gasping for breath.

My head was spinning and then he rolls me over to my stomach and tells me to relax and catch my breath. His hands go to my burning ass and he began to rub but it was gentle at all and at times digging the tips of his fingers into my sore butt. A couple of minutes after my breathing was back to normal he gently raise me up on my knees and he got behind me. He smacks the inside of my thighs to make me spread my legs a little more then in one hard thrust he was inside me , his body had smacked against my sore butt and it was like he smacked my butt again. He pulls almost all the way out then does it again , I'm being filled and having my butt smacked with his body at the same time. He starts picking up speed then reaches around me and one hand is tugging and pinching my nipples while his finger is searching for my clit that is so sensitive from the orgasm that it's hiding. Then something happens I thought was impossible , I exploded again! A few more thrusts and I hear him grunt and he pushes inside me and stays there , his fingers are still teasing my nipples and clit and I can feel myself actually milking him dry. He stayed inside me till my orgasm stops then he lays me on my side and he lays beside me and wraps his arms around me. I don't open my eyes till I feel him kiss my forehead. When I do open my eyes he has this big smile on his face , maybe as big as the smile on my face. How wonderful it was and he smiles.

"Yes it was wonderful and I may hate myself for asking this but why now , why this time , I was positive you would tell me no like all the other times."

I giggle like a kid once again then give him a quick kiss.

"I would have except this time you didn't ask, it's hard to say yes or no when your not asked a question. Tonight you just took control of things and didn't give me a choice and the truth is I loved it! Listen I really like the way you open doors and always take me to the places to eat that I like and go to movies I like even when you don't but I LOVE the way you jut took control of me tonight , not treating me like some little china doll that might break. I hope you let that guy come out and play more often!"

We laid there and talked for the next couple hours and I decided it was time to be totally honest with him ,I explained my lack of experience in the bed and why. I even told him that when he kissed me between my legs it was the first time ever for me. Telling him about reading the spanking stories and how they effected me was easier after getting my birthday spanking and him seeing how I had reacted. I fell to sleep wrapped in his arms feeling so wonderful.

I woke up the next morning and he wasn't beside me but it wasn't till I saw his clothes were gone that my heart sank , it had happened again , I'd caved in and a guy got what he wanted and now he was on to his next adventure. I wanted to scream and was so mad at myself! I got out of bed and glanced at my butt in the mirror and it showed no signs of the birthday spanking and then something makes me jump back in the bed and under the covers.

"Hey beautiful , don't worry I plan on putting some color back in those cheeks right after our shower! I have you a cup of coffee and listen to me little girl if I'm spending the night we are going to have to get a coffee pot and coffee for here , I can be a bastard till I have my coffee in the morning!"

My life completely changed. Oh in public and around our friends Brian is still the perfect gentleman and yes he still opens my car door and he still goes to movies I want to see when he doesn't like the movie at all. But now once a week or more when needed I find myself over his knee getting spanked and in the bedroom he's completely in charge and I have to say a very good teacher! I'm not as bashful as I used to be , not with him anyway and even try to shock him now and then but I never get the best of him that's for sure! Just last week I found a school uniform at a second hand store and was wearing it with my hair in pigtails when he got home from work and in my hand was a fake report card. The look on his face was priceless then he went right into the game and I found myself in the corner more than once that night , before and after each spanking I got, I got a spanking for each of the seven bad grades on my report card and within a few days I came home and found a pair of one piece pajamas with feet in them waiting for me on our bed! Life is good!

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Re: My birthday surprise!

Post by redzonedefense_F » Fri May 22, 2015 11:52 am

I always smile when I read your stories! Such fun!

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue May 19, 2015 12:22 am

Re: My birthday surprise!

Post by nikisub » Sat May 23, 2015 10:22 am

What an erotic story!! Mmmm lovely! And very well written!

Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:46 pm

Re: My birthday surprise!

Post by devildoc » Sun May 24, 2015 9:27 pm

Great Story! Really wonderfully written with feelings and I really liked.the part of the boyfriend taking charge...I used to be like that with my.soulmatess/lovers - I like to think I still can be. As I approach 60 yrs young. Keeping an open mind, & remaining willing is the key for sure...

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