The Deep Freeze – A Nat and Alyssa Story
Part Three
“Nat will you please spank me on my bare bottom, using the bamboo slotted spatula for, until you believe I’ve learned my lesson?” Once she finished the sentence, the tears that she had been struggling to hold back came out, only for a second, before Alyssa quieted them again. Nat forced himself, to not be affected, by the tears. To steel himself against it.
“Yes, Alyssa, I will do that for you,” Nat said. “Hand me the spatula.” He watched her reach forward, take hold of the item, and then lift it up above her head, for him to take hold of. She was still shaking a bit. She was still scared. Most times, Nat would have stopped everything, and made sure that she knew there was nothing for her to be scared of. This time he just proceeded forward. Sometimes, being a little scared could be helpful.
While he intended to get this message through, he had no desire to draw this out further, than it already had been. Especially given, he had already declared neither of them would sleep, until she confessed, what had been going on earlier. “All right, Alyssa,” Nat said, lining the spatula up with her bottom. “After tonight, let’s hope you never skip a meal again, let alone two in one day.” Drawing the wooden instrument back, Nat brought it crashing down onto her cheeks. Alyssa howled. Yes, the little item brought quite a response.
Blocking out the sounds of her cries, Nat continued the spanking, forcefully and methodically, alternating between her cheeks, starting at the top of her fanny and working his way down to the under-curve of her bottom, before moving all the way back to the top, and then applying a number of swats to the middle of her bottom, that covered both cheeks and her crack. Alyssa was bawling by this point, promising she’d never skip a meal again. Promising she’d be good, she’d behave, she’d tell him anything he wanted to know. That was the state of mind he wanted her in.
“Alyssa,” he said, placing his hand on her back, waiting until she had calmed down a bit. When her cries had quieted, he began to speak again. “I know it hurts, it wouldn’t be punishment if it didn’t. I hear many promises from you at the moment, promising that you’ll never skip a meal again, you’ll be good and behave. I hope all of these are true. To be sure, though, as you’ve just been punished for your wrong doing, the actual skipping the two meals, and while you’re promises are wonderful, this last part is to ensure that this lesson has gotten through to you, so that you keep that promise.”
Placing his hand on her back, with just a bit more force, as he knew this part would be more painful than the rest, Nat lined the spatula up with Alyssa’s upper thigh. He counted to three, which gave him a moment to compose himself. Then once again raising the spatula up in the air, he brought it swinging down. When it hit Alyssa’s thigh, she screamed from the pain. Blocking out the sound, once again, Nat continued, applying a total of twenty strokes to each of her thighs. She had given up screaming about half way through, now was sobbing and limp as she lay over the sofa.
While she was lost in her sobs, Nat quickly pulled up her panties, knowing that the small amount of additional pain, it would cause, wouldn’t faze her much, at the moment. Reaching down, Nat helped her to stand, and then turned her, and pulled her in close, for a much needed hug. She came to him like a magnet. After a few minutes, he asked her, quietly, “are you going to talk to me if we go upstairs?”
He felt her nod, and didn’t bother saying anything, because she was still, just a little near the point of hysterical. “Okay,” he murmured into her hair, planting a kiss on her head. Reaching down, once again, he scooped her up, leaving everything as it was, the six spatulas still on the couch and end table, and walked towards and up the stairs, turning out the light as he exited the top of the stairway.
He moved into the living room, grabbing a blanket, and taking a seat in the large chair. Once he had Alyssa settled in his lap, he covered them both with the large blanket, and then held her close, waiting for her to calm down. Once she seemed to have calmed, Nat reached down, tucked a finger under her chin, and tilted her head upwards, so he could see her face. “I’m ready to talk,” she said to him, before he even had a chance to ask her about it.
“All right,” he said evenly, “I’m ready to listen.”
“I, I was mad at you,” she admitted, looking down at her hands, and then back up at him again. “I guess, I was looking to argue about something, I’m not sure exactly. I, I was mad, that you got mad, at me, for talking back to you, when all I did was ask a question, about whether or not I could stand or not. I know what you said last night, but there isn’t anything wrong with hoping you might have a different answer in the morning, is there? When you yelled at me, I was, it just seemed so unfair.”
Alyssa looked down at her lap again, and then back up at him. “Everything just spiraled from there. You made me stand in the corner, and that made me madder at you. You wouldn’t let me have the coffee,” Nat observed, that when she looked down, this time, she looked ashamed and embarrassed, “and everything just seemed so unfair, and so stupid, and it felt like it didn’t matter if I tried to or if I did follow your rules, you’d still be mad at me. So, like, why bother?”
Nat reached over and brushed away the few tears that had slipped from her eyes.
“Sweetheart, listen to me,” Nat began, “can you do that?”
Alyssa nodded, and then replied, quietly, “yes.”
“I was not yelling at you because you asked me whether you could stand at the table. That was not what I was referring to, when I said that you were back talking to me.” He saw the confused look on her face. “Alyssa, there is nothing wrong with hoping that, perhaps, I had changed my mind. Typically, if I have, I’ll tell you before you, even, have a chance to ask me. But I don’t mind if you ask, as long as you’re prepared to accept, that the answer is just the same as it was the previous day. Just like it will be tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that.”
He saw her head drop a little, so he leaned over, and kissed her forehead. “Oh, Lyssa. The backtalk, that I was referring to, think carefully, what did you say, after you had been told ‘no’, after you had replied, that, you knew I hadn’t given any indication that I had changed my mind?”
“I,” Alyssa paused, for a moment. “I made a comment about how it shouldn’t count, because I wasn’t eating, I was only drinking.” At that moment, Nat saw realization struck, because she attempted to look down, again. This time, he caught her chin, and moved her head up, so he could watch her eyes.
“Do you see why, I thought, there might be some back talking going on?” Nat asked her.
She nodded, biting her lip, to prevent her tears, from falling. “Yes, sir,” she said, quietly.
“Yes,” he repeated after her. “But then, things didn’t stop there, did they? When I sent you to the corner, you stomped your way there. Your attitude became increasingly worse throughout the morning. Not just your attitude. Sass, backtalk, disrespect, disobedience, all of which, are things you know better than to do, Alyssa. It was the equivalent of a temper tantrum.” He saw her lower her head, this time he allowed it. He gave her a moment to let everything sink in, before continuing.
“Which is why, I can’t let this go. You know that, right, young lady?” Nat said, peering down at her. “That, even though, you just took a rather sound spanking, down stairs, it was for a specific issue.”
He saw her nod. “You know that, correct Alyssa?” he repeated himself.
“Yes, sir,” she said quietly, “I do.”
“Now,” Nat pulled her back in, for one more hug, “is there anything else you want to tell me, before we move on, to the more, unpleasant, part of the evening?”
It was now or never, Alyssa thought, to herself. Really, though, couldn’t ‘later’ be an option. She really liked the idea of ‘later’. “Um, well,” she began, hesitating, for a moment. He seemed to be in a mood where he wouldn’t get angry at her, for bringing this up.
Nat was already holding her close, so he squeezed a little tighter on the embrace that he had around her. Alyssa had come to know it as one of those comforting gestures that he did. Though, it had taken a while for her to realize, that she actually did find it comforting, and not frightening, which she would have, if someone else had done the same thing. With nearly anyone else, being squeezed tighter would not have comforted her, or given her reassurance, it would have panicked her and made her feel trapped. So, she wasn’t quite sure why it had the positive effect when Nat did it. But she wasn’t going to overthink it. She was grateful that someone was able to help calm and comfort her, provide that reassurance.
“When we were downstairs,” she began, not yet able, to bring herself, to look at him. He just waited patiently for her. “We were downstairs, and you were lecturing me, and you hit my thighs, as a punishment, with the spatula, and it really hurt,” Alyssa felt tears coming to her eyes. She knew her voice was starting to sound like she was crying, as well. So she stopped talking for a moment to pull herself together.
She felt Nat put his hand on the side of her head and guide it, along with the rest of her body, in towards his chest. “Oh, sweetie, I know it hurt, all punishments do,” he said, kindly, as he rocked, slowly, back and forth.
Alyssa’s brain went off in alarm. He thought she was complaining about how much it hurt. “No,” she pulled her head away, semi-sitting up, again. “That, uh, I mean, yes, it really did hurt, but what I meant, it was an extra punishment, for not answering your question, out loud. Like in a verbal answer.” Alyssa told him.
She saw his face, when he purposely moved his head to look down at her, and she could tell he was struggling to understand the situation. “But you didn’t ask a question,
she explained, “and that’s why I didn’t give an answer, and you punished me!” Alyssa burst into tears, at that point. She felt Nat, automatically, take her head, and guide her back towards his chest, allowing her to cry out all of the tears that she had trapped inside her. She knew, at the same time, he was wracking his brain, going through his memory, of the events, down stairs.
Nat automatically took her head, and pulled her towards his chest, so that she could cry out all her tears, all those emotions she had bottled up inside. At the same time, he ran through his recollection of the dialogue, from just a few minutes ago. It hit him, she was right. He hadn’t asked her a question. But he had punished her, as if she had failed to answer one.
Planting a kiss on top of her head, he pulled the blanket up around her again. “Oh little one, I’m so sorry,” he said to her.
When her tears quieted, he tipped her chin up, so he could look into her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Alyssa, I made a mistake, a big mistake. Think you can forgive me?”
“Yes, sir,” she said, attempting to move closer into his chest. A few minutes went by, and then he heard her ask, from somewhere in the mess of blankets, and where she had buried her face, in his chest, “Hey Nat?”
“Yes, Alyssa?”
“Do you think we could call it even, now?”
Nat chuckled at the question. “Nice try, little girl,” he responded. “Unfortunately, no. If the only thing from this morning was the back talk, then it might have been a possibility. But that wasn’t the only thing that happened. Perhaps, a lessened punishment, but no punishment is not an option.”
“Okay,” he heard her reply. Another minute went by, and then he heard, “Hey. Nat?”
“Yes, Alyssa?”
“What is my punishment?”
He’d been waiting for that question. Remaining as relaxed, and casual, as they were two seconds ago, not requiring her to sit up, look at him, or anything that may, typically, have been, considered, the norm, Nat continued holding her close, as he said, “your punishment, Alyssa, is up to you.”
He felt her body stiffen, it always did when she was presented with an answer she didn’t like, was confused about, or caused her stress. When she was about to bolt upright, he tightened his arms around her, holding her close to him, continuing to rock, slowly, back and forth. It took a few minutes, but he felt her begin to relax, again, the stiffness diminishing from her body.
“What do you mean,” she finally asked him.
Still holding her close, Nat remained silent, for another few seconds. He wanted to be sure he explained this correctly. “Alyssa, do you remember during the last storm, that unfortunate incident with one of the meals?” He felt her head, practically, digging into his chest, her attempt to hide, as if, somehow, a hole would appear on his upper body, and she could hide her head in it.
It told him that he was on the right path, and that she did, indeed, remember. Looking down, he rubbed her back, gave her a kiss on top of her head, and then gently reached towards where he though her chin was. It wasn’t too hard to guess, she had a slightly pointed chin and every time Alyssa tried to bury her head deep into his chest, Nat could feel that chin digging in. Once he grasped hold of it, he gave a few gentle tugs, before she, willingly, turned her head to the side, so he was able to see her face.
Alyssa felt him tugging on her chin. She wanted nothing more than to stay exactly as she was, with her face buried in his sweater that smelled like cheap cologne. But he was being kind to her. After how horrible she had been, he was still being kind to her. So, after a few gentle tugs, she turned her head to the side and looked up at him.
“I’m not going to rehash that incident, Alyssa,” he said kindly, smiling down at her. “It happened, you owned up to it, apologized, were punished, forgiven, and like always, we put it behind us. So, as far as I’m concerned, the only time we’d ever need to discuss that again is if the same behavior happened again.”
“It won’t,” she said quickly.
“I’m fairly sure that you’re right on that,” Nat replied, smiling down at her. “Now, the only reason I even brought it up is because of the punishment that you received. Do you remember how that punishment was decided on?”
Alyssa thought for a moment, and then said quietly, more to herself, than to Nat, “I had to come up with what my punishment was going to be.”
“That’s right,” Nat said.
Understanding hit her like a lightning bolt. Looking up at him, she pleaded, “please don’t make me do that this time?”
Alyssa noticed that his smile had turned to that of a grim smile. “Given the situation, how out of the ordinary your behavior was today, I think that this is one of those times that you should also decide how you should be punished.”
She felt herself being lifted off his lap and onto her feet. It took her a minute to get her balance, Nat held onto her until she did. Once she was steady on her feet, he took her hand, gave it a small squeeze, accompanied with a somewhat sad smile. “Because you seemed to have so much trouble standing in the corner for time out this morning,” he began. Alyssa felt the shame rise up, and automatically looked down at her feet. She was surprised when he didn’t comment, or reach out, and physically raise her head back up. “You’re going to go stand there now, and I do mean stand, young lady.”
“Because you seemed to have so much trouble standing in the corner for time out this morning,” Nat began, noticing that Alyssa automatically dropped her head down. He decided to ignore it for the moment. “You’re going to go stand there now, and I do mean stand, young lady.”
Standing up from the large chair that he was in, Nat took a step, before noticing, he was the only one moving. “Come on, now, Alyssa,” he said, a hard tone to his voice. He saw her jump slightly, but she followed obediently. When they entered the kitchen, he pointed to the corner, that she had spent a good part of the morning in. Without a word, Alyssa walked over to the corner.
Because he wanted to make a point about her standing in the corner, as opposed to earlier this morning, Nat grabbed a pencil, and walked over to where she was. He cleared his throat when he was about three feet behind her, wanting to let her know of his presence, so he didn’t alarm her. When he was directly behind her, a minute later, his shadow loomed on the wall.
Unless she had already entered some deep trance, meditative type state, he was nearly one hundred percent sure that Alyssa was aware of his presence.
“All right, young lady. I’m glad to see you’re doing as told this time,” Nat said from directly behind her. He could see the color on her skin begin to blush. “Put your arms behind your back, grab your elbows.” He watched, as she complied with his instructions.
“Good,” he said, knowing a little bit of praise could go a long way. “Feet apart, a little bit more, there you are.” Nat had her specifically positioned, so that she had one foot touching the molding along the floor boards, on each wall. Taking hold of her hips, he moved her back, just a bit, so that her nose wasn’t jammed into the corner, as it had been.
In fact, he moved her back close to a foot and a half, again having her move her toes to touch each wall. Placing the pencil in her line of sight, he showed it to her. No discussion was necessary, she knew what it was for.
Nat then put the pencil into the corner, placing the sharpened end where the two walls met. “You’re going to hold it with your nose, Alyssa,” he said, most likely just reminding her of the last time they had gone through this exercise.
He saw she was about to walk forward, but stopped her, by clearing his throat. When she looked up at him, he saw the confusion in her eyes. “Don’t move from where you are, young lady. Lean forward, until your nose is able to hold the pencil in place.” He could see the mental struggle she went through. By leaning forward that much, her bottom would be sticking out.
Even though he was the only person left in the house, something like that still embarrassed Alyssa. Reluctantly, she bent forward, until she was able to hold the pencil with her nose.
When he was certain that she had a secure hold on it, Nat let go. Before he took a step back, however, he had a few more things to say. “I expect you to use this time, to reflect on the behavior that landed you in this position, in the first place. Along that same vein of thought, I expect you to use the time, to think up what punishment you should receive. I am going to use the time to make a light meal for you. You’ve already been punished for missing two meals. While I forgive your behavior, it doesn’t mean that I’m okay with you not eating another meal today, if the chance arises, and there is time.”
A quick glance down at her eyes told him that she understood.
“After you eat, you’ll be in time out for another thirty minutes,” Nat continued, “at which time, I expect you to be able to tell me what punishment I should be handing down for the behavior earlier today. You will take this seriously, Alyssa. Stand very still, use the time to think. I want your mind on this, and only this, which is why we are using the pencil again, along with the somewhat precarious positioning.”
Nat took a moment to, again, look down at her, checking her eyes for understanding. He could see that she did. Along with that, he could see that she felt badly already. A tear slipped from her eye, and was moving down her cheek. Reaching over he caught it, and wiped it away.
This time, he didn’t remove his gaze from hers. “What happened today, Alyssa, will never happen again. I understand that you thought the situation was unfair, and I understand that you felt like no matter what you did, you couldn’t win, you wouldn’t ever be able to behave correctly. You and I will talk about that more in the future, because rules should not be so harsh that you feel as if you can’t do anything right. But that is a future conversation. Right now, we’re dealing with today. Today there was some serious errors in judgment on your part.”
Nat saw her eyes move down. He cleared his throat, and she looked back up. He hadn’t intended on this being a lecture, but it turned into one.
“I know how your mind works, Alyssa. Which means, I know that if I have you in time out for half an hour, perhaps two of the minutes will be spent thinking about what it is I intend for you to be thinking about. Unless you are forced to focus. I know the position is uncomfortable, it’s awkward, and it’s embarrassing. But it should also remind you, that there is a reason your bottom is sticking out, like it is. That reason being that your behavior this morning is why you will be receiving a number of spankings on your bottom later, and why this bottom here,” Nat leaned back and swatted it gently. To her credit Alyssa didn’t jump.
“Will be in a good deal of discomfort. By forcing you to concentrate on ensuring that you don’t move out of position, that you don’t let the pencil fall, your mind is going to think about one thing only, the reason that you’re having to do so. That is all you are to be thinking about. However, in case you need extra motivation, if at any time, you move out of this position, pick up your feet, move your arms for a tiny rest, or that pencil drops, you can expect to feel my belt across your bottom before going back into time out and starting the time over. Along with repeating the entire process tomorrow.”
Nat tilted his head and looked into her eyes, it took a minute to read them, but he finally did. She understood. Not only that, but she understood, she accepted that it was her punishment and she agreed that she deserved it. Leaning forward, he gently kissed the top of her head, whispering into her hair, “I know it’s harsh, and I know it hurts, but I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t care about you.” Then he stood up and walked away, not bothering to check the look in her eyes.
He didn’t have to ask her if she understood, he knew that she did. So he turned and went towards the kitchen area to put together an omelet for her to eat. About twenty minutes had passed, he had just finished the omelet and set it on a plate, and into the warmer. All of a sudden they both heard a sound, which, in reality, was probably very quiet, but to the two of them, sounded incredibly loud, as if someone dropped a brick. The pencil had dropped.
Nat looked over at Alyssa and saw that she looked horrified. Beyond horrified, if that were possible. “Pick it up, Alyssa,” he said. He watched as she did so, trembling slightly. She looked at him, for the next set of instructions.
“Set it on the table,” Nat told her. He was aware of what he had said would happen, but at the moment, he wanted her to eat.
She walked the ten feet over to the table, set down the pencil and then stood by the table, waiting for him. Nat pulled the plate out of the warmer, brought it over and set it down on the table.
“You definitely need to get some nutrition in you,” he remarked, as he began to walk around the kitchen table to be on the same side that Alyssa was standing on. He saw she was about to take a seat and probably inhale the omelet. “Not so fast,” he stopped her.
He watched as she paused and then glanced back at him with uncertainty and hesitancy. “You’ll be able to eat in a minute,” Nat told her, giving her a small smile. “First, though, move the chair out about three feet, bare you bottom and bend over the back, keep a firm hold onto the seat.”
She knew what was about to happen. They both did. By the time Alyssa was in the position Nat instructed her to be in, he was positioned behind her, belt pulled from his pant loops. Doubling the belt in half, he raised it up and brought it swinging down onto Alyssa’s bottom with no warning. She cried out at the pain but didn’t attempt to move.
Raising it up again, he brought the handy piece of leather swinging down again, eliciting another cry from Alyssa. He gave her ten strokes in total before, threading the belt back through his pant loops and fastening it back into place. Then he reached down and pulled Alyssa up onto her feet, drawing her into his arms, letting her cry. After a moment, he quietly whispered to her and then bent down a bit, making it possible for her to wrap her arms around his neck, before standing up right, picking her up and holding her with one arm, grabbing the chair with the other, and walking back to the table.
Placing the chair down first, he said quietly to Alyssa, “time for you to get some actual nutrition, little girl.” Then, he placed her, down on the chair, her bottom landing right in the center of the wooden seat. A new look of pain spread across her face. Nat had already sat down across from her, and she knew better than to move.
The Deep Freeze - A Nat and Alyssa Story Part Three
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Re: The Deep Freeze - A Nat and Alyssa Story Part Three
Best Story I have read in some time.
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