Last Wednesday of term
“Look, it’s just not fair. I’ve been teaching here for five years, my classes get really good results, have almost no behaviour problems, the girls pay attention, use their brains and learn. They really try to work hard. I only have to ruler a palm about once a fortnight. Last term I sent only one girl to be caned and she wasn’t even one of mine. So now, now the boss tells me I’ve got to take after school detention. All next term. And it’s the Tuesday one. If I have to do detention why not on Thursday when there are usually just a few kids. On Tuesdays I’ll have ten or a dozen or more. I'm going to hate this, Mary, just hate it”.
“Come on Judy, it’s not that so bad. Our dear headmaster is just trying to broaden your experience. It'll look good on your cv. You’re a more senior teacher now. You have to show that you can deal with discipline problems to get more promotion. He's giving you a chance to make your mark. No need to fuss. It’s just a few naughty girls and you will have a cane instead of a ruler. Just do it.”
“Mary, you know perfectly well that I hardly ever hit anyone. I don't send them to detention either mainly because of the way they run it. It’s so anti educational. Kids just get mind bogglingly stupid work to do and when they’re nearly dead of boredom they get caned. My special homework assignments are a much better discipline. At least they learn something and the parents get involved because they have to sign it that night. Hitting them is no use and makes them…..”
“Come off it Judy, you’re just passing the buck. Have you ever thought how many of the girls that get your dreaded special homework end up with a wooden spoon or strap across their bottoms at bed time. How many end up crying themselves to sleep? So now you’re going to run detention and have a cane to help you keep order. You have to learn to do your own whacking. Look at it as your chance to show how to get some decent school work put into detention. So you have to use the stick on a few hands and bottoms. You might get to like it."
“Don’t be rude, Mary. It’s going to be hateful. Word has got around already. In the tearoom this afternoon Patrick, that disgusting boofhead of a bully, offered to teach me how to make the cane really hurt. I blushed.”
“I was there Judy. You were really fast. Everyone in the staffroom heard you ask him if he was offering his bum”.
“Shit. Yes. That’s when I really blushed.”
“Anyway Judy, let’s get together next week over a few drinks and I’ll help you work how to run detentions. How to frighten them until they agree to learn something. You might get to be deputy head next year.”
“Very funny Mary. I’ll gladly take you up on that though. How about coming around on Wednesday about 5? Stay for tea.”
“You’re on. I’ll bring a bottle. See you then. Bye.”
Wednesday afternoon
“Hello Mary. Heard you drive up. Door's open, come in, I’m in the kitchen.”
“That smells good. What if I crack this bottle first thing. You look like you need it.”
“Great, can’t be soon enough. Going to be lamb and mushroom pie, eventually. But really Mary, I felt like I needed to start drinking first thing this morning. Just the thought of running detentions is making me so scared. I feel such a wuss. Can’t stop thinking about it, don’t know what to do. I’ve even been dreaming about rioting detention classes, things getting thrown, kids laughing at me. Last night I dreamt that I was so afraid of them that I burst into tears and ran down the corridor to escape. I crashed into the Head. He yelled at me to stop running and told me to get to his office for the cane. Honestly, this is really stupid, why is it getting at me so much?”
“Have a drink, Judy, a big one. That was a great dream. How many did he give you?”
“You’d love to hear about that, wouldn’t you. I’d like to have known too but I woke up. In a sweat.”
“You can stop worrying now, I’m here to help you work it all out. I've had a lot of first hand experience. I must have copped it 15, maybe 20 times in the last four years at that snooty school mum and dad sent me to. On hands and knickers. I remember very well how much it hurt. I thought on my hands was worse than on my bottom. Any teacher could make me cry and beg, I must have been the least brave girl in the whole school. Once I once got 9 instead of 6 for not keeping still. I remember that one particularly well, I screamed and screamed."
"You poor thing. In my school only the headmistress could hit you. She had a big cane that she waved around making threats but hardly ever used. I was so good I only ever got threatened once and that was not even my fault."
"Well you missed out on a lot of life experience Judy. Pity. However, that gets us right to the present problem. Discipline. It’s the discipline thing that is terrifying you because you’ve never had any experience, getting it yourself or better still watching others cop it. All you know comes from the silly staff room chat, mainly those bloody sexist men showing off."
"You might be right but that doesn't make me feel any better."
"Well Judy, consider yourself in good hands. I will teach you how to get an instantaneous reputation as a ferocious and unfair bitch. How to make them so scared of you that they obey and don't muck around. After you’ve followed my plan for two or three weeks you will have such a reputation that they'll be too afraid to disobey."
"Pardon me if I have my doubts. That just doesn't sound like the sort of thing I could do."
"Stop worrying, just take my word for it. I've got it all worked out. I will show how to get discipline in the class. You will learn to use the cane so that it hurts like hell. First, another glass please. Good."
Just follow this plan
"So Judy, let's start at the beginning. It is important you get to the detention room right on time, do not be early. The girls will be milling around in the corridor, talking, making snide remarks and so on. They’ll be telling each other that it is going to be fun, you’re a soft pushover. Just tell them firmly to line up, don't shout, you stand in the doorway and mark the roll as they come in one by one. You tell each girl which desk to sit at and see that they do. Keep the front desks empty. Pick say 3 girls, maybe ones who didn't line up well enough or for any other reason that comes to mind, and tell them to stand at the blackboard."
"But what if they all line up properly, I can't just pick on some."
"Oh yes you can. Don’t worry about being fair, that’s not relevant. Remember, if you don't frighten the wits out of them straight away there won't be anything fair in what they do to you for the next hour. So, just pick three, or more if you like. They will stand at the blackboard with a great show of bravado and probably won't keep quiet. They’ll whinge about being picked on. Ignore them.
Then give the girls sitting down whatever work you want them to do. Take your time, no hurry. Don’t worry about the three behind you giggling or making rude gestures. Once the class is sort of working you turn to the ones waiting and tell them they will now get 3 cuts each. There will be pleas and protestation of innocence. Stay calm, take no notice of what they say, just threaten to give them four or more. Get your cane, move the first girl to the middle and tell her to hold out her non writing hand. Then you hit across the palm, really hard. You want tears, howls, begging and best of all screams. I’ll show you how to do it properly later on. Make the second stroke cross the first one and then put the third on the fingers, near the tips is best."
"But what if one of them just won't it hold it out."
"Take my word for it, they will. Threaten to send them to the head straight away. They know what to expect there. He’s always keen to get a detention recalcitrant in his office. Also threaten to give then detentions again for the next two weeks. They will hold their little mitts out, believe me. After the first one or two strokes you might have to help them. That's OK. Hold the wrist hard, straighten the fingers and hit as hard as you can. Make them sit down straight away and cry into their books."
"Now then. At that point you have made a start on earning your reputation. Then comes the continuous follow up. Never let them relax. Pick on a kid for any small reason, talking, bad writing, a mistake or whatever, it doesn't matter. Tell her to go to the front for the cane on her bottom. Try to cane at least four or five bottoms in the next half hour."
“Now, how to do it. You know that the usual thing the teacher does when a girl has come out the front to get her bottom caned. She has to face the blackboard, lift her skirt up her back, touch toes, stay down, legs apart and then whack. You'll have often heard the men and some of the women talking about it in the staff room. They pride themselves on how parallel their strokes are across the knickers, always one in the middle, then one higher, then three going lower and lower. They make the strokes harder as they go until the last one, right in the crease is the hardest of all. Particularly the men say that having the bottom stretched really tight makes the cane sting more. They all believe that letting the class see the knickers adds real embarrassment to the punishment. You’ve heard all that, haven’t you?”
“Yes. Though I try not to listen to the details.”
“Well Judy, I say all of that is baloney. Particularly the men teachers never tire of looking but for the class there is no novelty in seeing stretched knickers, spread legs or in having a look at the pussy lips outlined below. It’s all old hat to them.”
“I’m going to tell you how to do much better than that. Now listen carefully. As I said, pain and humiliation go together. When you have the girl out front tell everyone to stop working and watch. Instead of showing her knickers make the girl show her face to the class, that's where real embarrassment comes from. Let them see her face twisting, eyes water, see how she can't stop the first tears from running. Her face shows everyone how much she is hurting, every twitch and grimace is part of the story. The way her face crumbles as the pain builds up. Then if you’re doing it well enough the class will see the desperate agonised contortions just before the first howl or scream forces itself out.”
"So you are suggesting that I can use the little 20 inch long stick to dust the backs of their skirts to make then cry?"
"Oh no. This is how you do it. Tell her to stand with her thighs hard up against a front desk. Then she has to lift the back, skirt and slip if any. You peg both up on her back, three or four pegs. Now with everyone staring at her you tell her to reach back to the legs of her panties and work them up high, 3 inches up each cheek will be fine. The under hang of her buttocks, the crease and her thighs will be bare. She knows it, the class knows it but you are the only one who can see the pudgy soft flesh and skin down her thighs."
"You're making me embarrassed. That is so rude. The girl would feel just awful."
"Don't be silly, Judy. At that moment they all know where the cane is going to land. What they don’t know is that you will use only a narrow strip of the available hide. Pulling the nickers up was hardly necessary. Be tough. A soft approach will just see these worst behaved girls trash you day after day. What matters most is how feared the punishment becomes, the hurt and humiliation. The more it hurts the more they will wriggle and dance on the spot. Let them. Hands on head however is a must. If the hands move you immediately say they will now get six. The headmaster and more detentions remain the standard threat.”
“I don’t think I like this Mary. I do not want to do it.”
“Judy, there is no choice. The more you can make them cry the better. This is the only way a teacher with a soft reputation like you gets instantaneous respect in a detention class. After you have done that to them you can start educating their little misbehaving minds. I can't stress enough, make it hurt max, right with the first stroke. No starting soft and then getting harder. That's rubbish. I’ll teach you how to do that in a minute.”
“Continue punishing bottoms right through the hour. Make sure you cane at least four or five bums. All the better if one of the girls who got it on her hand at the start gets it on her bum as well. She will cry quicker and louder."
“Now comes the final step. This is where you totally defeat the enemy and win the detention. About ten minutes before the finish get them to stop work, hands on heads and inspect each book. Anything you don’t like means the girl gets a couple on her non writing hand. Get them to pack up. All the girls that have not been punished stay sitting. All the others, including any that got caned just a couple of minutes ago, take their bags and line up along the blackboard. You stand near the door with your cane. Tell the first one to step forward and hold out her untouched writing hand. You give her three, really hard. If they don't scream you’re not doing it properly. Then you make them pick up their bag and get out. There will be friends and maybe a parent waiting for them and everyone will see them bawling their eyes out."
"Gawd Mary, you make me gasp. What if some parent complains."
"Very unlikely. Kids seeing how hurt their friends are will help spread your new reputation like wildfire. Parents are more likely to mention what will happen when they get their daughter home. The boss will support you every time. Believe me, it is never a problem."
Learning how to use the cane
"Judy, I'm now going to have to teach you how to use the cane."
"I do hit them sometimes you know Mary. When I do ruler a girl she gets tears in her eyes, at least by the third whack."
"There is part of your problem, Judy. When I ruler a girl the first whack makes her cry out, the second produces a howl and tears and the third has her bawling. Then if there are three more on the other hand she will be screaming and begging me to stop. For a really nasty surprise I occasionally don't stop at three. A fourth really makes them suffer."
"But Mary we're not supposed to give them more than three on each hand, even when they've been very bad."
"I know, I know. Only need to give a four once every few weeks. That's enough to make each one beg desperately not to also get four. It's best if you pick on a goody goody and give them four rather than a bad kid. That really shocks them."
"You're terrible."
"I know. Call it survival skills.”
“Enough of that. Now Judy, you have to learn to use a cane properly. For that, I have here the detention room cane in my squash bag. Hold it. I nicked it yesterday afternoon. Don't just stare at it, feel it, have a swing."
"Feels very whippy. That swishing sound alone would frighten me if it was my hand being held out. Look at the dent I’ve put in that cushion."
"I thought this would happen. Those strokes you've just done would not even make a junior cry out. I am going to teach you how to do it properly, hand and bum. You'll never learn hitting a cushion."
"Don't mind me snorting. What are you thinking of Mary. Do I get the two kids next door to come and let me practice on them. Maybe they would be happy to get caned every day for the rest of the holidays. I could give them a biscuit afterwards like when they cut my front lawn."
"Very droll, Mary. No, I've come prepared. You can practice caning my hands. I've brought these heavy leather gardening gloves. You can hit me as hard as you can and I’ll tell you how to improve. It won't hurt me but I'll be able to tell if your doing well enough from the weight of the stroke. I'm going to make you do it again and again till you are good enough to get most girls to squeal with one stroke."
"I couldn't, not really hard."
"Yes you will. If I have to show you, it will be on your palm. Believe me, you would scream with just one. Now, here is my left hand. Touch the tip of the cane on my palm, helps you get the range. That's right, now, arm bent up and wrist back, right beside your ear, cane pointing at your bum, focus on my palm, now swing down quick as you can and flick your wrist just before it hits. Go on. Uhhhhh, not bad. Do it again, but swing faster, swing your shoulder into it. Hit with the end of the cane, not half way along the stick. The end hurts more. Now again. Do two, second right on top of the first. Wow, you are coming along quite well. I felt those."
"This is actually easier than I thought, feels good sort of. Can I give you three together like they do at school?"
"Yes, but on my right hand now. Stand back six inches, lean into the stroke a bit more. Always pause for at least 10 seconds between strokes. Good, that felt very heavy. Make me lift my hand. Perfect stroke, right on top of the first. Again. Ouch, I felt that. Now do the fingers, close to the tip. Ahhh, wow, that actually did hurt."
"I could get to like this Mary. Take that glove of, hand straight out and hold it still."
"Yikes, Judy. That's not a good joke. I felt that last lot right through the glove."
"That's enough practice on my hands just now. Let's get onto the bottom. You can hit me on my jeans, They are thick and I’ve got some protection underneath. Make me stand like I told you before. This table will do. Go on, tell me. Just pretend I'm one of the girls. Tell me to lift my skirt and yank up my knickers. I'll pretend to do it, go on Judy."
"Right you naughty girl, stand against the table. Closer, press your thighs hard against the edge. Lift up the back of your skirt for me, good, I’ve got it, now hands on your head. There, three pegs will keep those knickers nicely exposed. Now, reach back and yank up the elastic on each leg,, half way up the cheek. That's good, more on the right. Good, hands back on your head, clasp your wrists together, stand up straight girl, head up. Do not move. I'm going to give you four strokes. If your hands let go you will get two extras. Can I really do it Mary, right on your bottom?"
"Of course, hard as you can. Bend yourself down so your arm is just below my bum. Swing half upwards to catch the underside of my cheeks, down low, just near the crease. Twist your whole body into the stroke. Go on, try the first one."
"OK girl. You will get it right where I am tapping. Number one….... Gee Mary, I felt the cane vibrate all up my arm. It bounced right off your jeans."
"I believe you. I felt it to. Just keep on going. I can stand a couple more. Go on, quickly. Owwww, that was right on top of the first. Jesus. No don't stop, do the whole four. Ouch, ouch ouch, Oh fuck."
"Stand still girl, any more dancing around like that and I'll keep going and make it six."
"Ahhh, That really stung Judy, good swing, terrific. I've had enough for now. I couldn't see you but it certainly felt right and all of the strokes overlapped. Well placed. With the same four on bare skin any of the girls in our school would be screaming and bawling. I know from years ago that it hurts worst down near the crease and on top of the thighs, much worse than higher up the bum."
"Sorry I hurt you Judy. I could really feel each one digging into you and I didn't want to stop. I think I liked it. Is that really bad?"
"Judy, we're talking about your survival. Nothing else matters. I think anyone does a better job if they really like hitting hard. Does not work if you feel guilty every time there's a tear. That's enough practice for now, for me anyway. It's not just my bum. My hands are throbbing a bit as well."
"Thanks ever so much Mary. I feel such a lot better. I feel like getting drunk. Plenty of wine here. You can stay the night if you've had too much to drive."
"I might just do that Judy. Gee, it's a long time since I've felt a cane like that. Tell you what, we can do it again next week, just before school goes back. Do a bit of role play. I'll make sure you've got it right.”
“Great Mary, maybe you could let me practice some more in the morning and then a follow up next week, don’t you think? Cheers.”
How to run detention F/F F/f
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Re: How to run detention F/F F/f
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