The Thaw Onto The Freeze - A Nat and Alyssa Story Part One

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The Thaw Onto The Freeze - A Nat and Alyssa Story Part One

Post by naughtylilgirl09 » Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:03 am

The Thaw Onto The Freeze – A Nat and Alyssa Story
Part One
It had been precisely one week since the snow had reduced itself to falling at a manageable rate. It hadn’t ever stopped snowing, but the rate of speed at which the tiny bits of frozen misery were cascading down had reduced considerably. Enough that people returned to their homes, and made an attempt to go back to their day-to-day routines.

Not that doing this was exactly easy. Going to work, school, getting groceries, it all required cars, public transportation, clear roads. The state was not equipped for weather of this magnitude, and had not been able to keep up with the storm that had shut down the area for the past three weeks. It could be another week or maybe two before all roads were cleared, and all public transportation was up and running.

Alyssa had returned home to her basement apartment. She liked to think of the basement as an entire separate space from the rest of the house. It helped her feel as though she had her own life, and was not still living with her parents, who occupied the rest of the house. Yes, she was one of the homeowners. A homeowner and far too young to have a mortgage in her opinion. But they had gotten a good deal on the house.

Despite the cold weather and gloomy skies, Alyssa was enjoying things as they were returning whatever state of normality was possible. Throughout the week only a small number of people had managed to return to work, and now with it being a Friday, most people would choose either to work from home, or had alternating Friday’s off. The building was dead quiet, which really wasn’t anything new, it had been like that all week.

Despite it being Friday, which should have made her ecstatic, there were two things putting a damper on her spirit. The first was the weather report. True, the snow had reduced greatly this past week, and everything had started to melt. However, the predictions for the weekend were cold, low, low temperature type cold, accompanied by sleet and then snow starting on Monday. The snow didn’t bother her much. It was the drop in temperature with all of the defrosting the city had started. Add in the sleet and it meant one thing: Ice. Everything would freeze over. And then, of course, it would snow, in true Murphy’s Law fashion.

The second item shouldn’t have been worrying her as much as it was. That evening she was going to Nat’s house for dinner. It would be the first time they talked since the storm and it did make her nervous. After all, even if everything in the city hadn’t gotten back up to full speed, that didn’t mean she hadn’t already managed to get herself into trouble. But that wasn’t really what was bothering her. It wasn’t what she had done that was going to be the problem. It was more of what she hadn’t done that was going to cause Nat to be upset.

After all, it wasn’t as if she could easily forgot the last few hours that she’d spent at his house the week before. Talk about cabin fever. She’d practically been bouncing off the walls. It had become obvious to everyone that sometime that day the weather would reach a point where people could go outside. People could go out and play in the snow. In Alyssa’s case, living only four doors away, she could go home.

Maybe it had been that she couldn’t sit still and was probably growing increasingly annoying. Or maybe Nat had truly wanted to impart that one last lesson. But, whatever it was, it certainly had calmed her down, and was memorable….and that was not, by any means, memorable in the ‘enjoyment’, ‘never had a better time in my life’ type of memorable.

It had been about 10:30 in the morning. Breakfast was long over, Alyssa was bored. Which was never a good thing, but what was a person to do. Today was just about killing time. She probably should have toned it down a little. But, hindsight is twenty-twenty. By 10:45 she must have struck Nat’s last nerve. He had calmly set down the book that he had been attempting to read and sighed quite loudly. “Alyssa,” he said in that very authoritarian tone. “Go upstairs to the master bedroom, find a corner and put your nose in it. I’ll be up in a little while to deal with you.”

She had been shocked. Yes, she had been rambunctious and probably annoying, but she was excited. Wasn’t he excited? “Nat, come on, I’m sorry,” she started trying to explain.

“That’s one,” he said.

The counting thing, she hated the counting thing. But he seriously didn’t need to send her to time out. “Look, Nat you don’t understand, I didn’t mean-”

“That’s two,” he interrupted her. Looking up at her, he frowned and said, “you do not want me to reach three.”

“But you’re not being fair! You’re just being mean!” Alyssa yelled at him. That was three, she thought to herself.

“And that would be three,” he said, again, sighing. This time he got up from the recliner he had been sitting in. “All right, young lady, let’s go, come on.”

She had just made things so much worse for herself and she knew it. But there was nothing she could do about it, either. So, Alyssa got up and trudged out of the living room, walking up the stairs, down the small hallway and into the master bedroom.

Nat wasn’t far behind her. When she saw him enter she noticed one thing, he looked mad. “Find a corner, Alyssa, now!”

This time, she did as she was told without a moments hesitation.

It had seemed like forever that he left her in there, and when Nat finally called her over to him, she understood why. She had been standing in that blasted corner for close to an hour. He was sitting in the loveseat, like usual. As she approached, he asked, “did that time out help your attitude a bit?”

Alyssa felt the blush creep all the way down her neck and she nodded, almost shyly. “Good,” Nat said, not commenting on the fact that she hadn’t verbally answered. “I’m glad to hear it.” He reached over, took hold of her upper arm, and pulled her the last few steps to place her by his knee and the pulled her over his lap. “Lift up,” he instructed, his voice sending the message that he was not about to put up with any games.

She did as he told her, which he was grateful for. It took a bit of effort, since he hadn’t told her to lower her pajama pants first, but he efficiently lowered the pants and underwear down to the hollows of her knees. Once the material was off her bottom, Alyssa landed with a ‘thud’ back on his lap.

He started out with a brisk spanking with his hand. Unlike most other times that he’d spanked her, he did not start with lighter smacks to her bottom and gradually build up the intensity. Nat swung hard and fast from the very first smack across to her bottom.

While he was irked by her attitude, there was no denying that she would be returning home at some point today. However, when she left, he intended to make sure that she had a lasting reminder to behave. Nat was determined, now more than ever, that it would be on the forefront of her mind, at all times, while she may not be under his roof, while he may not be watching her every move, he would hold her accountable for her behavior. Something, he was quite aware, she both loved and hated simultaneously. With that in mind, he was aware that while he set about to impart this reminder to behave onto her bottom, it would also remind her that she was cared about.

That thought made him spank a little bit harder than he had been previously. Nat wanted Lyssa to feel this, all week. He was determined that everything that had transpired between them, during this massive winter storm, would not disappear, the moment they re-entered the actual world. That she would remember that he cared about her.

After spanking her with his hand for a good five minutes, each and every swat hard and unforgiving, he gave them both a few seconds pause. Then he reached to the side and retrieved the hairbrush. Alyssa’s most hated implement. Using the brush he spanked her bottom for another five minutes. By the time she was crying, sobbing, and at the same time yelling and howling at the top of her lungs.

Taking another moment to pause, he dropped his right leg, and shifted her body forward over his left knee, so that she was nearly in a jackknife type position. Maneuvering carefully, he then pulled his right leg out from under her and clamped it over her legs, holding them securely in a vice lock design.

Using the brush, he spanked her thighs going about halfway down the upper part of her leg, and then worked his way up that same leg, before doing the same to the other leg. She was in pain. It was obvious from the struggle that she was putting up. He was having to work quite hard to hold her legs down. Which meant, he still didn’t have her at the place she needed to be. “This isn’t fair!” Alyssa screamed at him. “I’m sorry I talked back to you. This isn’t fair!”

Nat paused the spanking, placing the hairbrush to the side, and rubbed her back until she began to calm down. He was aware that she thought that was the end of it and he was well aware she was not going to be happy with what he was about to tell her. “Alyssa,” he said calmly, making sure his voice was at its’ regular volume, nothing untoward about the tone. “If I was punishing you for talking back, what would have happened already?”

The response he got was silence, which told him two things. The first was that she was searching her mind, and the second was that she was trying to figure out what actually was going on. “Alyssa,” Nat said after a few minutes, his tone communicating that he wasn’t going to wait much longer for her reply.

“You would have washed out my mouth,” came her somewhat muffled reply from down near the carpet.

With his hand this time, Nat started to spank her again, this time slowly. “That’s SMACK! correct.” SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

“Now, young lady, if you SMACK! would really SMACK! like to SMACK! have your SMACK! mouth SMACK! washed out SMACK!, I can SMACK! and will SMACK! do that SMACK! for SMACK! you. SMACK! However, SMACK! I think SMACK! a good SMACK! spanking SMACK! will SMACK! take care SMACK! of SMACK! the SMACK! matter. SMACK! So that SMACK! is what SMACK! I SMACK! have SMACK! decided SMACK! to do. SMACK! One very SMACK! good, SMACK! long, SMACK! hard, SMACK! I’m guessing SMACK! painful, SMACK! spanking.” SMACK! SMACK!

Nat reached to the side again, this time retrieving the hairbrush.

“A spanking, SMACK! a punishment SMACK! that SMACK! will SMACK! remind SMACK! you SMACK! not to SMACK! talk back SMACK! to anyone. SMACK! Because SMACK! when you SMACK! back talk SMACK! to me SMACK! Alyssa, SMACK! when SMACK! you SMACK! show SMACK! me SMACK! attitude, SMACK! when SMACK! you’re SMACK! disrespectful SMACK! SMACK! to me, SMACK! what happens? SMACK! SMACK!

I point out SMACK! the behavior, SMACK! when you SMACK! accept SMACK! responsibility SMACK! for your SMACK! actions, SMACK! we end up SMACK! in situations SMACK! like this SMACK! with you SMACK! being SMACK! punished SMACK! for the SMACK! misbehavior, SMACK! doing SMACK! some SMACK! penance SMACK! over SMACK! my knee, SMACK! and then SMACK! we put SMACK! the matter SMACK! behind SMACK! us. SMACK! I forgive SMACK! you, SMACK! and we SMACK! leave it SMACK! in the SMACK! past. SMACK! SMACK!

When you SMACK! go home SMACK! today, SMACK! or when SMACK! you go SMACK! to work SMACK! tomorrow, SMACK! what SMACK! will SMACK! happen SMACK! when SMACK! you back talk SMACK! to your SMACK! boss, SMACK! and show SMACK! nothing SMACK! but SMACK! attitude SMACK! and SMACK! disrespect? SMACK! It won’t SMACK! be a SMACK! spanking, SMACK! young SMACK! lady. SMACK! You’ll SMACK! be SMACK! looking SMACK! for a SMACK! new SMACK! job SMACK! like SMACK! a good SMACK! portion SMACK! of the SMACK! U.S. SMACK! population.” SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!

Pausing again, Nat reached behind the loveseat and pulled out the ruler. It would have more impact in driving home these final points.

“So WHAP! while WHAP! you WHAP! talked WHAP! back WHAP! to me, WHAP! showed WHAP! me WHAP! attitude, WHAP! disrespect, WHAP! which is WHAP! par for WHAP! the course WHAP! with WHAP! you. WHAP! I’ve WHAP! decided WHAP! that, WHAP! for WHAP! this WHAP! situation, WHAP! we’re WHAP! going WHAP! to handle WHAP! things WHAP! with a WHAP! spanking. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! A good, WHAP! long, WHAP! I’m WHAP! sure WHAP! painful, WHAP! spanking. WHAP! One WHAP! that I WHAP! intend WHAP! for you WHAP! to feel WHAP! for a WHAP! good WHAP! portion WHAP! of, WHAP! if not WHAP! the entire WHAP! week.” WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!

Nat could tell she was so close to letting go, to reach the point where she would let her guard down. Normally, Alyssa would have by now. It must have been the fact that he told her this was different. Or she was just being stubborn. If there was one thing that Lyssa was extraordinarily good at it was stubborn. With most things, once she dug her heels in there was no moving her. There had to be a way to get her past the stubbornness, Nat thought to himself. Every other time he’d managed to do it. Sometimes, it’d taken a lot.

But they needed to reach that point where she could just let go, it was what Alyssa needed more than anything. To let go, to let someone else be in charge. To let someone else hold her accountable, someone else be the voice of authority, someone else be the one that would discipline her. But to get her to let go, to accept it, that was hard. He wasn’t going to be able to keep spanking her much longer. No, he needed a minute, or longer to think.

Reaching down, Nat helped her to stand up, and take a moment to get steady on her feet. Once she was reoriented, no longer dizzy from going from nearly completely upside down to right side up, her hands immediately started to fly back to her wounded derriere. He caught both of them before they made it there and frowned at her. She knew better. “Put them behind your head, Alyssa,” he said to her. He watched as she slowly complied. She was crying, there was no doubt that she was in pain. All she needed was a little push, hopefully little. “All right, little one, go stand in the corner for me,” Nat directed gently.

He knew it drove her crazy, the fact that he could read her like a book at the moment. The combination of his using the fond moniker ‘little one’ with sending her to time out had definitely thrown her a little bit. It was a start to cracking through that stubborn exterior. As Alyssa stood in time out, Nat lay his head down on the back of the love seat. Every trick in the book that he knew of, he had used. Pretty much every way his father had ever punished him and his brothers, he’d gone through all of those. Well, all of them, minus the options he considered too cruel to ever use, since they had not taught him to behave, but to fear his father.

What had his mother done when he or his brothers caught trouble? After all, there were four boys total, someone was always in trouble. He smirked to himself as he realized that his mother had just sent them to his father. This trip down memory lane wasn’t much help.

What about Lizzie? His younger sister, the youngest of them all. She was, assumed by all, to be an unplanned child. To his father’s absolute delight, Lizzie had not been the fifth son to be born into the family. His father finally had a baby girl to spoil. Which meant it had been his mother than called her onto the carpet, and upheld the rules, instilled necessary punishments.

Think, Nat ordered himself. He had been there only a handful of times when Lizzie had been in trouble. The age difference between them made it so that she, practically, grew up as an only child. But he knew he had seen his mother administer some sort of punishment, in fact he had been asked to stay and watch, he assumed to embarrass his sister further, make sure whatever it was wouldn’t happen again. Come on brain, think.

After thirty seconds or so, it came to him. His mother never needed more than a hairbrush or a wooden spoon and Nat had never known how she was so effective until that evening of watching Lizzie take her medicine. His sister had been in her early teens, and was a sullen brat to boot. She’d been caught sneaking in hours past curfew. On top of that, the school had called about her grades. When Nat was growing up, he and all his brothers were aware that if there was one thing you never did, it was let your grades fall.

It had been the next morning when he’d arrived, planning to spend a few days at home. He had just entered the house and was going to quickly bring his bag upstairs to his room when he had heard his mama call out to him from the living room. Nat had gone to central room, intending to say hi, give mama a big hug. He was more than surprised to find Lizzie over his mother’s knee, teeth clenched, both face and bottom beet red. His sister, just like Alyssa, was so damn stubborn. She would take her punishment, but it took a lot to get her to show true contrition, to accept responsibility, submit to the discipline, and let go of the emotions she was holding inside.

He had been asked, in truth told, to sit down and watch as his little sister took the rest of her punishment. Still over his mama’s lap, Lizzie was made to hold open her bottom cheeks while his mother spanked, with the hairbrush, the insides of each cheek. It was twenty strokes to each cheek and every time Lizzie let go, which was many, they started over. They were multiple re-starts. Then Lizzie was told to spread her legs open, keeping her feet on the floor. His mama had spanked the insides of her thighs with the hairbrush. This had brought forth screams and howls of pain, and finally the tears and submission that was necessary to end the ordeal.

Nat mused on the thought for a moment. He truly hadn’t thought about that moment until just now. He’d bet his left arm that his sister felt that spanking for at least a week, especially when she walked. And Alyssa was so close to that emotional release that she needed. He hated doing this. She was right, in a way. That this wasn’t fair. It was so much more than how he would typically punish her for the smart mouth and attitude. While, yes, he wanted her to remember that the behavior wouldn’t fly in the real world, and at the same time that he cared about her, she needed a way to remember that someone cared about her. She may not know it, but she needed that reminder.

With that thought in mind, Nat steeled himself for this last part. “All right, Alyssa,” he said using a normal tone. It was a small room, there was no use to raise his volume, to yell out to her. “Come over here, let’s finish this.” He watched her as she turned and walked back over towards him. Her face was streaked with tears, her bottom remained scarlet, in some places getting a bit purple and bruised from the amount and length of the spanking. Yet, she didn’t hesitate, walk slowly, try any of the cute tricks his daughter, nieces, nephews, or anyone else that come subject to his discipline usually attempted. She simply walked over and stood by his side.

Nat simply regarded her for a moment, before taking her arm and pulling her over his lap, once again. He couldn’t quite remember how his mother had been holding Lizzie, so he was going to have to improvise this. He first dropped his right leg again, shifting her body forward over his left knee, and then pulling his right leg out from under her legs. This time, he didn’t clamp it down over her legs right away. His right leg was just stretched out in front of him, right next to where Alyssa’s legs ended. Ready, of course, to act as a vice, and hold her in place at any time needed.

“All right, young lady,” Nat said, not at all sure how she was going to react to this. “Plant your feet on the ground, stick your bottom up.” He watched as Alyssa struggle, mentally more than anything to comply with his directions. It wasn’t more than twenty or thirty seconds before she was standing on both feet, her bottom shown more prominently than before. “Good girl,” Nat said, throwing in that small bit of praise, knowing it would help ease the anxiety she was feeling.

“Now, spread your feet apart.” He watched as Alyssa moved her feet, placing about three inches between them. “More, Alyssa,” he said. That resulted in six inches between her two feet. Nat raised his hand and delivered five fast smacks to her bottom, causing her to cry out at both the pain and surprise. “I’m not playing here, young lady,” Nat continued, his voice now stern. “I want those feet at least two feet apart.”

It took her a minute, but Alyssa did manage to get her feet about to where Nat had told her to. “Good,” he said, landing another swat to her bottom with his hand. “Now, keep those feet where they are, and don’t move them. You hear me?”

“Yes, sir,” she whispered. It was obvious she was nervous. That was good. Hopefully it would help break though this varnished tough exterior.

“Good, because if you do move them, or reach back with those hands, stand up, anything to interfere, we start this from the beginning,” Nat announced. He didn’t wait for her nod or statement of understanding. Instead, he raised the hairbrush up and brought it swinging down on the inside top part of her right thigh.

Alyssa screamed the minute the brush made contact, but to her credit, she did not move. He applied twenty strokes to inside part of her upper right thigh. By the time he was done, she was sobbing so hard she was about to hyperventilate. Not wanting her to choke or pass out, Nat took a break, sat up a bit straighter and rubbed her lower back, gently making nonsense sshhhing noises that seemed to always help calm her. It was obvious she was just on the edge of that emotional release. She was so close to just letting go, accepting her punishment, reaching a place where she would stop fighting.

“Please,” she begged him through tears that were coming so fast he could hardly understand her, she sounded like she was waterlogged. “Please, I’m so sorry, please.”

Nat rubbed her back a little more and then said, “Oh little one, I don’t doubt your sorry. Not for a minute.”

He let her continue crying, giving her another minute to catch her breath as he thought of the best way to tell her that she wasn’t done. “Sweetheart,” Nat said, getting her attention. “you once told me that there were two important things you learned in a middle school math course. What were they?”

Now he had certainly confused her.

“Um,” Alyssa hiccupped, and then said, “the number on the top goes in the box, and what you do to one side you have to do to the other.”

“That’s the one I’m looking for,” Nat said to her. “What you do to one side, you have to do to the other. You see, Lyssa, I can tell you’re sorry. I know you’d like me to end your spanking right now. But I can’t do that. It wouldn’t be right. You just received twenty swats on your right thigh. This wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t address the left.”

Picking up the hairbrush, he placed it on the inside of her left thigh. Just feeling the cool wood made her start crying all over again. The first swat caused her to sob. By the third one, she was close to hysterics, and by the fifth one Alyssa was limp over his knee, finally accepting the punishment and allowing herself to cry out her emotions instead of tears of frustration.

Nat made the last fifteen fast and somewhat lighter. Once he reached twenty, he tossed the hairbrush to the ground, pulled up her underwear causing her to gasp in pain. Nat had no idea what had happened to her sweats, they were somewhere on the floor.

Carefully, he picked her up and flipped her over, placing her back down in his lap, this time holding her close and letting her cry.

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Re: The Thaw Onto The Freeze - A Nat and Alyssa Story Part One

Post by gmaster » Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:01 pm

Thigh spanking is quite severe. Have only done it once and it certainly did make an impact. Alyssa had to be in a great deal of pain. Some deserved for sure given her insolence.

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