Back To School: A Week In My Roleplay Life

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Back To School: A Week In My Roleplay Life

Post by skarlet_moon » Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:09 pm

My husband and I are in a roleplay of schoolgirl/Headmaster and Daddy full time real time. I've a desk, real textbooks and real subjects. All are college level. It's 5 days a week, 6 hours a day with a field trip weekly and also grocery shopping with Daddy. I must wear my school uniform 7 days a week morning till bedtime. I must wear it on field trips and grocery shopping. Here is an account of this week:
Today is the day. It is the day of ultimate mortification for me as I go out in public wearing my full school uniform with just a light coat to reveal most of it to the museum downtown where it is excessively busy. We are going via bus there and back and I even have to take a brown paper bag lunch along with a notebook to take notes in. I'm 51 and hardly pass for a little school girl. Thursday is grocery day and same thing with my uniform. This isn't a one off. This is weekly. If approached and asked by anyone why I look like I do, I must tell nthem I lost a big bet and this is my penalty for it. Plus I will be sitting ona freshly spanked bottom both days and if I act out, a couple swats immediately and then a severe spanking at home which is doubled today with the "field trip" because get punished at school and get it at home from Daddy. I feel more punished than I've ever felt and it's just day 3 coming up of my full term until next May end of month.
Got back from museum. Eyes on me wherever we went and on the bus.
I was being a really good girl and doing everything Headmaster said to do and out of nowhere, he took me by my arm and swatted me twice in eyeshot of some people who looked and I was mortified. He then told me I would be getting paddled and caned when we got back to "school". He even admonished me on the bus back and I was certain others heard. When we finally did arrive back a little while ago, he took me to the classroom, told me to bend over & smacked me with the paddle 20 times followed by a stern 12 stroke caning. I'm sitting at my desk now with knicks down bare bottom on my hard seat the rest of the day. He told me he did that as a cautionary so I'd see what that felt like in order that I'd think twice about acting out. He said it will be worse if I really act out & not to test him. He also gave me a note to take "home" to Daddy so I'll be getting a spanking and most likely the belt from Daddy tonight. :o
As if tomorrow could not possibly get more humiliating with going to the grocery store with Daddy in my full school uniform, it has. I groused so much to Daddy about it that now he is making me wear a big diaper and plastic pants under my uniform! Is this fair? Is this mean? I think it's mean! Plus he said for sure he is going to swat me a couple times in the store and scold me right there and tell me I'm to get a spanking when we get home! Mean mean Daddy!!!! (pouting and stomping!!!) :evil:
Off to the grocery store in my full school uniform, big diaper and plastic pants which makes a whooshing sound every step I take. Daddy is so mean! This is so embarrassing! I'm mortified! And I know he'll spank me in the store, too and then give me his belt when we get home. Then I've got an afternoon session at school and knowing how calculating and wicked Headmaster is, I'll most likely get a caning which means Daddy will spank me again at home. I just can't win. I get it coming and going! Thusfar, this is a very painful school term. I am now sulking and pouting. :cry:
I'm being right naughty tonight. Headmaster and Daddy are both asleep so I'm filching the test answers for the test tomorrow and for the ones coming up each week for the next flour weeks! No one can stop me and I won't be found out cause I'm quietly snapping pics of each one and then dowloading it to my pc hiding it in a special spot that I can refer to anytime. I'm so bad, I'm good. Ha!
Test taken and of course I got it all right because I have all the answers! Headmaster and Daddy have absolutely no idea either! No spankings today! I've even been properly contrite from yesterday. No way they will ever find out! Ha! Ha! Got all my workbook answers, too so this should be a breeze! Well, back to school stuff now. LOLOLOL :lol:
School's done for the week! Got away with my thievery of the test and workbook answers for the test today and the work and tests of the next four weeks! Still have to wear my school uniform every day including the weekends but no one found out, so no spankings for me! YES! Headmaster and Daddy are fucking clueless! :D
So, it seems I've gotten well even with Headmaster and Daddy this week! I've still not been caught out! ;)

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Re: Back To School: A Week In My Roleplay Life

Post by mr_j » Mon Sep 08, 2014 8:52 am


I hope that Headmaster and Daddy see this and if they do you'll suffer the consequences I'm quite sure.

Maybe Headmaster and Daddy did see it and that is why you got such a severe punishment on 1 and 3 September which you have put the pictures of on your profile. Just what a naughty schoolgirl and defiant daughter deserved I think.

Mr J (my email -

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Re: Back To School: A Week In My Roleplay Life

Post by grandfatherlytype » Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:29 pm

Diane, you are a very naughty girl for stealing all those test answers. I really should turn you in but I won't. But I am going to give you a stern lecture, young lady, so listen up:

Diane, when you cheat on tests you are doing yourself wrong in the long run. First of all, it's dishonest and I know you are a good girl at heart and are going to feel guilty about this. Also by not really learning your lessons, you are cheating yourself out of the education that you should be getting. I am disappointed in you and I think you should apologize to me for such bad behavior. You don't want to be a dishonest girl who can't be trusted, do you? I didn't think so.

I want you to delete all the test and workbook answers that you stole and that you haven't used yet, and apply yourself to your studies and show me what a good student you can be. I know you are a smart and capable girl and can do well in your studies if you apply yourself. Just think how proud you will be when you actually do well on a test and know it is really you and it shows how capable you are.

I would also advise you that if indeed you intend to cheat, you would be smart to get a few things wrong, otherwise too many perfect scores may look suspicious.

Now you take some time to think about this and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. We can talk some more about this in our messages.

I suppose you are back in school today (Monday). Did you get your homework done during the weekend and were you a good girl? I hope you are being a good girl today and not in trouble with Daddy or Headmaster. I don't think you should have to wear your school uniform on the weekend; Daddy is mean to make you do that. If I were your Daddy I would let you dress comfortably on the weekend and as long as you got your homework done, you could go wherever you wished and so some of the things you like to do. But then I guess I am just an old softie at heart.....

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