Jewels Judicial option
The Judge worked hard to keep from smiling. This was the opportunity he had been waiting for. The state had instituted a corporal punishment option for nonviolent juvenile offenders from the ages of 16 to 21. Punishments were handled by a small company named Judipun that had been created specifically for this purpose and subcontracted by the state. Strict standard and practices had been set up and those people that handled actual corporal punishment were well-trained and monitored and held liable for any infractions of rules.
Of course within the state there were many liberals that were strictly opposed to this practice and it went as far as to the State Supreme Court. The court upheld the law stating its already good results. But then an appeal was filed claiming discrimination because of the age limits. The result was instead of overturning the law; the upper age, of 21 was removed even though the law was clearly designed for juvenile offenders.
In cases such as this it was within his discretion to listen to alternatives presented by her lawyer and the prosecution. It was because the woman was in good social standing, was employed by a church, and provided such a necessary service for the community with her job, that the judge first considered their proposal. Otherwise she was going to lose her license, and the result of that would be she would lose her job, and in the judge's opinion the community in general would lose an asset. She was for him the perfect person to use the new definitions of the revised corporal punishment law.
Jewel was a working mother employed by a local church. She worked with children and was in charge of the Pre-School. Her job also made her responsible for day trips and home visits. The loss of her license would mean the loss of her job.
To the children it would mean the loss of a reputable Director. The judge acknowledged that and in his mind his job was not just to uphold the letter of the law but also the welfare of the community.
Her lawyer argued for and then the prosecution agreed to allow her to plead to a reduced charge in order to keep her license, however the judge warned her that if she agreed to this than the sentence he was going to hand down would be severe enough to equal the loss of the license and job. In other words if she agreed to the deal she would have to be willing to except the penalty and there will be no backing out once she heard what her fate was going to be. The prosecutor had explained to her lawyer and her that the judge was a proponent of the new corporal punishment law and that many teenage offenders had already been processed. They of course did not know for sure if that was what the judge is going to propose but everyone involved was made aware that it was a possibility.
Because what he was going to do fell outside the normal realm of legal proceedings but still within letter of the law the four of them now sat in a small private court away from public scrutiny. There was just the judge, the defense attorney, Jewel, and the prosecuting attorney. A tape recorder and video was being made of the proceedings but beyond that no one outside the walls would ever know what was about to take place except for those who were contracted to carry out the sentence and those people were bonded and forced by their contract to complete confidentiality.
While the court prosecutor explained to the defense lawyer the proposed alternative the judge reread the case and determined they needed to move to a private courtroom. Jewel listened nervously as they discussed her fate.
Jewel was relieved in that she wasn't going to be part of "the general public". The whole court was out of her comfort zone. However, moving to a private court was not part traditional court proceedings and she was scared at what was going to come down. In the private court it was the judge, a prosecutor for the city, her defense attorney and herself.
She couldn't even see straight or comprehend what was going on at first. She looked down overwhelmed by so many feelings: ashamed, guilty, nervous, and scared. She shouldn't be here of all people! She knew better and she also knew that this was completely her own fault!
The judge was in fact a bit of a lecherous old goat and just sadistic enough that he both endorsed and enjoyed the idea of corporal punishment and he was very much enjoying Jewel's obvious discomfort and nervousness. He had made her wait for over an hour while he recessed and once again reviewed the law to make sure what he was about to do was completely and legal and within his rights. Finally he looked up and nodded to both attorneys and all three stood before him.
He addressed Jewel sternly as she was looking at the floor and avoiding his gaze. She jumped a little at his tone and looked at him and suddenly could not look away.
“Young lady you have had three moving violations in last year. This time you were speeding in school zone, texting while doing it, and drove right past a school bus that had its flashing lights on. You drove around the crossing guard that had to hold back a child before he stepped in front of you as he was trying to stop you and left the scene.
As far as criminal activity goes, and what I see in front of my bench on a daily basis it could be argued that this was a minor infraction. However in light of your job and responsibilities with children; you know more than the average person knows what the consequences of your actions could've been. You certainly showed a complete lack of responsibility.
Therefore if you want to keep your license and your job I am going to order a punishment that I feel entirely fits your irresponsible actions. Furthermore if you have any kind of traffic infractions other than a parking ticket within the next year I will order a repeat of the same sentence at a minimum.
Therefore at the next available date you will report to Judipun Corp. for following sentence. After a physical examination you will be restrained for your own safety and 36 strokes of the heavy punishment strap will be applied to your bare bottom.
If you fail to show on time or fail to follow instructions in any way shape or form additional punishment can be ordered in the form of added strokes with the strap or any of the other approved implements.”
Jewel looked at him numbly with a blank look of terror as he watched her trying to process what he just said. Her lawyer took a surprise deep breath and put his hand on her shoulder in reassurance, but the prosecuting attorney gave the Judge a tight conspiratorial smile. Her attorney cleared his throat and addressed the judge one final time.
“Your honor he pleaded isn't that a little harsh?
“Nonsense counselor he replied; I've given the same sentence to shoplifters and vandals and they have all survived. I am sure your client will too though her dignity and humility may be a trifle bruised along with her bottom.” He smiled slightly as he said this and looked Jewel straight in the eye. “But then that is what makes this program so successful and it will certainly keep her aware of her actions and responsibilities when she's behind the wheel from now on.”
The verdict was given now all that remained was the date that it was to be carried out.
Jewel couldn't believe her ears. Even her defense attorney gasped. Her attorney knew it was going very likely to be corporal punishment and had told her so but never had he dreamed it would be so harsh. He tried to appeal but to no avail. The gavel banged against the bench and she sat heavily down for a moment. Her attorney helped her to her feet and escorted her out of the room. Tears were flowing but she knew the worst was to come...,
Her lawyer ushered her out of the courtroom and turned her over to a bailiff who then led her to a different floor where she met with a nurse. The nurse did nothing to ease her anxiety as she was very cool and clinical though completely professional. She checked off questions on her clip board pertaining to her medical health is it related to her upcoming Corporal Punishment with as much emotion as she would have if she was reading off a shopping list. Jewel realized there was no sympathy to be found here; that this was just her job and she answered all the questions from what meds she was on to her height and weight and her last menstrual cycle. The nurse informed her she would undergo a basic medical examination including a pelvic exam immediately prior to the sentence being carried out.
From there she was led back out to the lobby by the bailiff where she met once again with her lawyer. He told her that by the end of the day he would have the date of sentence, and he would call her. He warned her that they had to be on time and that by no means should she try to skip the date.
Her legs were still wobbly as she walked to her car. She sat behind the wheel for a few minutes and the reality sank in that she had very nearly lost this privilege. The second part of the reality was that something she had fantasized about was about to come true and she did not think it was going to be anything like her masturbation fantasies. She never dreamed something that was a fantasy could become real. Yet it was about to become very real indeed.
Suddenly she realized she was somehow going to have to explain this to her husband but she suspected he would be less upset about her being punished then he would've been had she lost her license. Then the tears came and she cried out of fear and self remorse. Deep down she knew she had no one else to blame but her self.
Once home Jewel couldn't function but knew she had to get herself together before her kids came home from school and her husband home from work. Somehow she put together their dinner and did dishes and routine chores before putting the kids to bed.
She had decided beforehand to tell him of what had transpired at court after the kids went to bed. She was proud that she hired her own lawyer and took responsibility herself. However, she had no idea it would end in the outcome that had just been handed to her. He did not even know about her speeding tickets and now she had to explain the whole thing to him. Her husband would be livid but what choice did she have now?
That night she got a phone call from her attorney before she could talk to him and her lawyer told her she was to report Monday morning at 9 am. He was going to pick her up at 8:30, and she can't be late. Her attorney again said; “under no circumstances are you to be late”.
It was like a death sentence to her and now she had to wait a whole week before sentence would be served. She didn't know if that was good or bad for her to wait.
Later that night Jewel finally confessed of all that had happened to her husband. Her loving husband couldn't believe his ears. He was so hurt, mad, angry and concerned. Between the two of them there were so many emotions. He immediately called attorney and the attorney said unfortunately there is no turning back now and explained to him what the choices had been.
Very concerned about this he began to question her once again about how this had come to be. He was disappointed, discouraged, and more than a bit angry with her as he had always warned her that she needed to pay more attention to her driving and livid that somehow she had hidden three tickets from him. In the end he did not have to say a thing, his look was enough to reduce her to tears. He told her he would take the day off and come with her but Jewel realized needed and wanted to do this alone.
Jewel begged her husband that he not come and witness this humiliating scene.” I did this and now I have to follow through. I know you will be with me and I will need you when I get home. Our attorney will make sure I'm safe and can be the witness.”
It was only then she realized he was actually going to see her session and she wondered if there would be any other witnesses. It only added to the unreal feeling of embarrassment she was feeling about the whole thing.
The next week went by slowly and as the date got closer she got more nervous. The night before he finally broached the subject they had both been thinking about. He had known about her spanking fetish for years but could never bring himself to give her more than a playful swat on the ass during sex. He sat on the bed next to her and said; “Well I guess your finally going to get that spanking you have always wanted!”
Jewel laughed bitterly and tears rolled down her face as he put his arm around her.
“Maybe if I had done this myself years ago instead of yelling at you; this would not have happened., but now Lil’ Lady your going to have to take your medicine and just grin and bare it.”
She laughed and cried at the same time and they snuggled up in bed until he slept. Jewel only caught a few minutes of sleep at a time watching the clock as her fate approached.
Later she found out her husband would not have even been allowed into the building even if he had come but at the time she did not think to ask her lawyer about that. There was another part of her that did not want him to be there for another reason. Her long repressed desire and fantasy was going to happen in real life and she did not know how she was going to react but somehow having him there meant letting him into a very private place and she was not sure she wanted to expose that part of her self to him.
Monday finally arrived... Jewel didn't sleep more than a few minutes at a time the night before. She wanted to get it over with at this point so she could wake up from this nightmare. But this nightmare would not be over for her she reminded her self; until she sees this through. Fresh from the shower she took her time dressing looking for things that would be easy to get back into after. Looking at the clock she saw it was almost time and walked to the front porch with her husband to wait. She was as ready as she ever would be.
Her attorney was on time and her husband ushered her to the car. He kissed her and said,” be brave and behave. I will be here when you return and you will survive and return!!”
She had no idea where they were going but the drive took only 15 minutes. She was stunned that the center was so close and she never knew anything about it before now! Pulling into the fenced in parking area, Jewel started shaking when she saw the cold, concrete building. She wasn’t even aware she had left the car until her attorney opened the front door for her. They went to front desk and signed in. A matron came to the desk and said; “Sir, you can go down the hall and enter first room on the right. I will be escorting Jewel for her exam and will bring her in the chamber at 9:15.”
The matron escorted her to a small room. She told her to undress and hang clothes on rack. She was firm Jewel but could see a caring side to her. She saw her trembling. She said; "Honey I know you are scared and even though I have to follow court orders I'm here for you and your protection. I’m a licensed nurse so relax as best you can and let me do my job.”
She asked her to stand facing the wall. She said put hands over your head, bend over, and place them on the marked spots on the wall. I have to do full body inspection. She put gloves on and then touched her entire backside.
She said; "I need you to spread your legs. I will be as gentle as possible but I need to do a pelvic and anal exam.”
She slid her hand into pelvic area and she flinched. She said; “Hang on I'm almost through. Relax and it will be easier”.
She giggled a little and said; "Honey you are soaking wet. Don’t be embarrassed most of the girls that come through here are and that is okay. It will be out secret.”
Jewel wondered; "Why am I wet now? Why is my body betraying me?” But she knew all those years of fantasies were coming back to haunt her.
The Matron said; "However, I will let you know that the punisher will probably notice too and during the session the judge will ask him to examine your bottom to make sure you are not cut during the punishment. If you are wet he will notice, but like I said it's nothing he hasn't seen many times before.”
She then said “Take a deep breath I will be inserting two fingers in your anus making sure there is no tearing and that you can handle this punishment”.
Jewel never felt so violated, ashamed and vulnerable, but it's the same time she could sense her own growing excitement.
As she probed the nurse then said; “You are my first adult but I have a feeling with this judge there will be many more.”
After the exam she looked at her and she handed Jewel a simple apron that had short sleeves, it covered her from her neck to the pelvis but left her back bare and her breasts to hang loosely and unsupported.
“The state law requires you wear an undergarment, she said with an amused smile,” and handed her what was little more than a thin elastic rope with the briefest triangle of cloth she had ever seen to cover her front, the smallest excuse for a thong Jewel have ever seen.
The nurse told her as she slipped on the garments, “Your corrections administrator is very good at what he does. He is well trained and looks out for safety. He has learned to provide the maximum discomfort without permanent damage. You will bottom will be very sore, bruised, and have welts, but you will get over it with no scars I promise.”
“I will provide aftercare when it is over but you will heal. I can give you two pieces of advice so pay attention!”
“It will hurt so don’t hold back, let it out. The Judge wants to hear your distress from the punishment. Remember if he thinks you are not being punished severely enough he can order extra! But do not swear! Cursing automatically means extra swats! They will tell you that in the chamber but do not forget!”
“I am sorry but I'm going to cuff you now so I can take you next-door, it is time to go. I will escort you to the room and I will be restraining and positioning you on a bench. Please don't fight me. The judge will be watching and you really don't want to make him mad. After you are positioned the judge will speak to you and then address the punisher about how to proceed. ”
Jewel’s mind was almost numb with fear and a deeper excitement curiosity that she loathed her self for feeling. There was a part of her that felt she deserved what was about to happen even though she was terrified.
She timidly held out her wrists for the metal cuffs be snapped into place the feel of them made her shiver and tears began to slide down her cheeks as a matron took her by the elbow and led her to her fate.
The judge had arrived to the nondescript building directly behind Jewel and her lawyer. He watched them entered the building and chuckled as he watched her full round bottom as she walked across the parking lot and went in. Though he would never publicly admit it he had a sadistic side and was going to enjoy this greatly. He was already anticipating and savoring the thought of her discomfort and humiliation before and during the punishment session. He had set the sentencing date when he knew his favorite correctional administrator was scheduled. The man was a complete professional but in his opinion no one else could lay on the leather with the same amount of force and accuracy. From what the judge witnessed, the reactions he got from those he had sentenced could not be managed as consistently by any other administrator.
He walked into the entrance was immediately buzzed through and went straight down a hall to the punishment area. The room itself was an octagon with one way mirrored walls on five of the eight sides. The hall stopped at a solid entry door and there was a door on the right of the hall led to what was called the gallery it was roughly 6 feet wide and ran behind mirrored walls of the punishment room. It was from here that Jewel's lawyer and the prosecutor if he so chose could observe the session. Officially it was the judges’ decision who was allowed to observe any punishment. He did occasionally let people who had been victimized watch a punishment, but it was by no means standard procedure. Today there was just 3 people in the room, along with the woman he employed as a legal secretary; there was just the prosecutor and Jewel's lawyer. His legal secretary was there allegedly to take notes and observe on his behalf, in truth she would be so sexually turned on after the session that the widowed judge would have a session with her that sometimes lasted all night. It was for him like a fountain of youth.
He had observed early on that she seemed to get excited whenever the subject of corporal punishment came up in the courtroom. Working together he began to ask her to research subjects that referred to corporal punishment after the law had been passed. One night after work they shared a few cocktails and he point blank asked her if she would like to witness it corporal punishment session. She had so eagerly said yes that he had begun to laugh in lecherous delight. She soon admitted her fascination with corporal punishment to him and though he had never been inappropriate with any member of his female staff things progressed after her second observed session. He knew that today afterwards they would do what they routinely did and go back to his old private law office to achieve mutual sexual gratification.
He watched the corrections administrator walk into the room through the mirrored walls dressed in his uniform of black denim pants and a black T-shirt that had Judipun stenciled on the back. He excused himself from the gallery and went out and was let through the entry door and walked into the punishment room as the administrator quickly examined the bench and its restraints and then each of the implements that hung on hooks on the wall.
There were three different styles of black leather straps, one straight thick piece that look like a traditional razor strap, a Scottish two-tailed tawse, and a simple looped piece of leather that looks simply like a belt that was doubled over with the ends riveted together to form handle.
Several different paddles were there. A traditional wooden style school paddle and oval wooden paddle that resembled a short handled bath brush, one made up of Lexan polycarbonate, and an oval double thickness leather paddle.
A couple traditional bamboo headmasters’ canes also hung from hooks. However they had yet to have been approved or used and was fastened securely to the wall strictly for a psychological effect they had on those who entered the room.
The bench was well padded and simple construction it had a kneeling pad and an adjustable hip bolster for the offender to bend over. It could be raised or lowered depending on height of the offender. The flat padded upper body support angled downward slightly ending in an adjustable head and chin support that kept the offenders face up so could be seen through the mirrored walls.
The judge noted with satisfaction that Jewel already had started crying as she was led in and he suspected that after all was said and done this session was going to do exactly what was intended to. For all his sadist tendencies he really did think corporal punishment was a real effective alternative to incarceration, and a deterrent to crime in certain cases. He did not think taking Jewel's license and causing her to lose her job and facing the public humiliation it would bring would be any more effective than what was about to happen. In the end he rationalized Jewel was a productive member of society and she would stay that way.
Jewel froze for a few seconds when she entered the room, her eyes wide and her mouth dry she stared at the bench, looked at the mirrored walls and then at the implements on the wall. The Judge nodded to the corrections administrator and he took one arm and the matron had the other and they led her to the bench. She did not resist and quickly found her self kneeling on the pad on the front of the Bolster on the bench. They guided her over the bolster with her arms as they were pulled out and down and the cuffs fastened below her head. She found two padded handles there for her to grip and her chin resting in a padded cutout, she realized she was looking at her self in the mirror and could see everyone in the room behind her just by turning her eyes. A wide strap with a thick padded diamond in the middle went across her back, it pulled her flat against the bench her hips were forced down over the bolster arching her bottom up.
She realized the Matron was explaining that the strap was designed to support her back and protect her tail bone. She had been talking to Jewel quietly the whole time but she just now realized it. Two more sets of straps pulled her thighs forward against the upright, spreading her legs slightly and thrusting her bottom even more up and out, leaving her feeling rudely exposed and completely vulnerable,. The final set of strap went across her ankles so she could not kick. She realized she could not move at all and watched the Judge and administrator examining her bottom; she felt an almost sexual rush of heated embarrassment and dreaded anticipation. It went silent for a moment as they looked her over and for Jewel time stood still, she was completely vulnerable, her bottom lewdly thrust up, unable to move in the restraints and not able to look away at her own image and all that was behind being reflected in the mirror unless she closed her eyes. But she stared mesmerized into the scene reflected in the mirrors, unable to look away. After it was over this was the moment she would remember.
The judge took a moment to savor the sight in front of him. Her full round bottom thrust up; stood in mature contrast to the young ladies he normally saw in this position. Her curves seem somehow more sensual and sparked a strong stirring of desire in him. He looked over at the mirror where his legal secretary had last been standing and cleared his throat. He was aware of three sets of eyes watching him and he pulled the sheet of paper he had prepared from his pocket.
It was a brief summary of each charge against her and the request for alternative punishment that her counsel had made on her behalf. He then read off the prosecution statement and the agreement they had been reached that would allow Jewel to keep her drivers license that she would have otherwise lost and he reminded her that this would have cost her job, and public humiliation.
Jewel heard the words but could barely concentrate on what was being said until at the end he asked her; “Do you understand the charges that brought you here and agree to accept the punishment as per the plea bargain you requested!" She was silent for a minute and suddenly realized she was supposed to answer him.
Her throat went dry she could barely whisper out the words; "Yes your honor!”
“Very well he said, Ms. Matron and Mr. Administrator you may precede!”
Jewel watched the matron approach the bench one final time with terrified eyes, she walked around and tested each restraint to make sure that they were properly fastened and positioned. She put her hand on her shoulder and reminded her of the warnings and instructions she given her during preparation.
Jewel was looking at the matron's reflection as she spoke and had not seen the administrator remove the strap off the wall only realizing after she stepped away that he had stepped to her right side and was already holding the black leather in his hands. He shook the strap out and Jewel could see in the reflection that it was quite stiff. He stepped back and dropped the strap across her bottom to measure his stroke, not satisfied he shifted his position again and repeated it, each time the cool leather touched her bottom it made her flinch.
She had expected some final word or warning from either the administrator or the judge so the first stroke took her by surprise. A burning line of fire across her bottom after the initial impact followed the loud THWAP of leather against skin. She was still mentally trying to process the sensation and measure the pain when the second stroke connected causing her to grunt and felt the burning pain intensify.
He spaced the strokes out giving time for each one to burn in as the effect built each impact. After the sixth stroke he switched sides. Tears began the cloud her vision and she began to rock and shake her bottom is much as the restraints allowed her to not caring about the show she was giving everyone who was watching. By the eighth stroke she had begun to yelp and whimper, by the 12th stroke she was hollering out in pain.
She realized that the matron had been counting out loud and she hadn't even been aware of it until she heard her announced the 12th stroke. She bent and took a cloth out of a bucket of icy cold water and vigorously rubbed the bottom cheeks then she took a second cloth still dripping wet and laid it across her bottom cold skin during this brief break she stepped over to Jewel's face and wiped her nose and cheeks. She then took a cold cloth off from her bottom and the administrator took a dry towel and began to pat her bottom and thighs until they were dry. He then ran his fingers over as he bent down and inspecting the skin for any breaks and feeling the slight welts that had begun to form. Jewel realized even though her bottom burned terribly her sex was wet and her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. She watched as the judge stepped up and watched the inspection intently with the feeling of utter humiliation.
She was so lost in her own embarrassment that once again she was unprepared for the first stroke. She yelled out and swore at the intense burning pain. The judge spoke sharply to matron and she in turn told Jewel; “Cursing is not allowed. This is your only warning the next time there will be penalties."
The next 11 felt an increasing intensity though she did not feel they were falling any harder it was the buildup of the burn that was so hard to handle. The administrator had no real pattern and switched sides halfway through so she could not anticipate when the next stroke was going to fall or from which direction unless she watched him through tear filled eyes in the mirror. By the end of the second set of 12 her bottom was on fire and felt like it had swelled to twice its size.
Again the matron cooled her bottom with cold clothes. The administrator took longer examining her bottom cheeks, after he had dried them off with a towel. Even the soft towel made her whimper little as every nerve ending in her bottom screamed out and intensity. He rubbed his hands over her bottom fingering the welts and lifting each cheek with a cupped hand. Jewel was beyond caring that she was being lewdly exposed knowing that the little triangle of cloth on the font she was wearing was completely soaked with her own juices. She was feeling very sorry for herself and did not know how she would get through the next set of 12 even if it was the last ones but part of her would not let her give in. She saw a look of lecherous satisfaction in the judge's face as administrator fondled her bottom. She decided though she was already crying she would not give them the satisfaction of hearing her sob.
This time she watched in the mirror and she fell a little flash of self-righteous anger as he lifted the strap to begin again. Three strokes fell hard and fast from her right side she barely had time to register that the first stroke of fallen when the second one came down in the third. The speed and intensity had surprised and startled her and she began to jerk against her reached strengths as administrator stepped to the other side of the bench.
Three more strokes fell fast and hard the end of the strap biting into her left cheek ensuring that both of them would both be colorful and evenly bruised when the session was over. Julie was crying openly now her nose running along with the tears falling down her face. The matron once again wiped her nose and tears from her face and Julie had lost count and mistakenly thought it was over, So when the next three strokes fell fast and hard she jerked in the restraints and yelled; "Shit, Damn it you bastard.”
She saw the matron shake her head in the mirror and both she and the administrator looked at the judge. “Six paddle strokes after the last set he announced, you were warned!”
Jewel was horrified and tried to apologize but even as the words began to come out of her mouth the last three strokes were falling turning her words into an incoherent wail.
One more time the matron cooled her bottom and asked a cold cloth layer crossed her swollen and burning cheeks the judge stepped around so she could look him directly in the face.
“You could've been done now he said; but such a smart and talented mature lady is yourself still can't seem to follow simple directions! So before you feel the paddle let me leave you one final thought. If at any time in the next year you get any kind of moving violation in all you will be back here to repeat this whole process. Do you understand me?”
Jewel could barely choke out, “Yes Sir!” As once again the administrator dried and examined her bottom cheeks. He turned to the wall of implements and listed each paddle in turn finally selecting one. “Its light pine, he explained to the judge, her skin won't take anything heavier than this.”
The judge simply nodded in the administrator stepped up behind her tapping her bottom cheeks with a wood paddle. Even the light tapping sent jolts through her painfully swollen bottom cheeks and when the first one connected it set a burning pain of a different sort through her already will punish bottom.
She shrieked in agony as the paddle fell twice more. Then he stepped to the other side and Jewel gave in; just collapsed loosely over the bench and began sobbing as the last three fell.
The judge and the administrator inspected her bottom one last time gently touching some of the welts that have threatened to burst. The judge told the administrator, "Well done!" And walked out of the room to collect his legal Secretary, Jewel did not know where he was going but she was grateful that he was gone.
The administrator wiped the strap down with some oil before he hung up back on the wall and did the same with the paddle while the matron rubbed a generous amount of cool gel gently into her bottom cheeks before the two of them removed her restraints and listed her to her knees on the bench.
She reached back quickly and grabbed her bottom still crying and wobbled as she tried to regain her balance. The two officers each took an arm helped her off the bench and took her back to the matron's office where they helped her to lay facedown on the examination table. The administrator watched the matron once again apply cold cloths to her bottom.
The matron said in a quiet voice, "Honey you did well except for that one outburst. I tried to warn you what was going to happen but it is all over now.”
Tears ran down Jewel's face anew. She knew she had earned the paddle strokes but the effect was both devastating both physically and emotionally to her. Part of her realized that the paddle strokes had taken her over the edge. It was when she completely gave in and submitted to her punishment. She might have held a little flame of resistance but during the paddles strokes her will broke.
“Stay still and let it all out. I’ll continue to put cool clothes over your bottom and rub a cooling gel. Your bottom has swelled, you are bruised and welted, but you should heal by next week.”
The administrator studied his handiwork. His job was tough, he knew had to carry out the court order and he also knew if he didn't want repeat offenders he had to make sure he punished with enough force that there is no way someone would want to come back. But what the offenders did not realize is that he also had strict rules and guidelines to follow when it came to punishing some one. His technique was used to train other administrators. Originally he was to only punish male offenders but the judge here today listened to his suggestion. So to keep things equal and avoid sexual discrimination, males were punished by female administrators and females by male. It was said it heightened to humility factor of the punishment. He just knew in the end he was doing something only dreamed of before and getting paid by the state to do it.
After the punishments were over he had accompany the Matron and Jewel to the room to supervise the care of who he had just punished until the matron released him. Sometimes the detainee’s became emotional or reacted physically after the session. His job was to assist the Matron if needed and ensure both parties safety. Jewel however went with them passively.
After helping Jewel on the table he could not but help admire his handiwork on her mature round bottom and felt a stirring in his loins.
He had spanked adult women many times before in his private life but it had been awhile since he had the pleasure of a mature lady because with his job in the facility it was always juvenile offenders. The full round curves of her bottom raised a feeling of lust in him the young ladies seldom did.
He had to be careful now and if he wanted to have a play partner he had to travel a safe distance away where there would be no risk of being recognized. It could never be publicly known just how much he enjoyed his job or that it was his fetish.
During the punishment and now with Jewel on the table he could see her damaged bottom but also he could see how aroused she was. It made him chuckle at how the body and the mind react to physical punishment. He stood so both women could not see his own arousal. Thoughts of how he would relieve her obvious sexual need if this were a private session filled his head.
Jewel was coming back from her nightmare. In a weird sense she felt her body relax until it was almost humming. She also realized how soaking wet her little piece of triangle had become, it basically was now a little wet ball. Her arousal burned almost as much as her bottom.
At some point the haze lifted and she screamed! Her bottom felt like it was on fire literally. The matron and administrator both laughed and said yes it is, glad you are back with us. She touched her back and shoulder and reminder her that it was over and for her to begin to start moving so they could get her put back together and send her home. But the thought of pulling panties up over her bottom let alone getting dressed was something she could not face yet. The Matron continued to rub gently rub the cool arnica gel until Jewel asked to use the bathroom. She suddenly had to pee.
The Matron released the Administrator and he went back to the room to prepare as there was yet another young lady due at 2:00 PM .
Once Jewel was alone in the Bathroom she looked at her bottom in the mirror and was fascinated and a bit horrified. She was a bundle of conflicted emotions. The reality was something much different than her fantasies had ever been and the pain made it difficult to even sit on the toilet seat but she was tremendously aroused. When she was done she leaned against the stall and furiously rubbed herself to climax.
The matron gave her a knowing smile as she came out of the stall and helped her get dressed. Once she felt half way presentable the matron led her up front to her attorney.
Once she saw her attorney she grabbed him and fell into his arms. He had watched the whole scene and couldn't believe what he had witnessed. This was his first case in which corporal punishment was issued. He vowed he would never let another client go through that. He told Jewel, "It is time to get you home."
“Just a minute; a voice said.” The prosecutor stood behind them and they turned and looked at him. He had a very serious look on his face.
To the attorney he said, “I appreciate your concern for your client but both of you did agree to this alternative sentencing. It was explained several times what was going to happen and you both appealed for a lesser sentence and this is what was offered. You both agreed did you not?”
Jewel nodded silently and her attorney said, “Yes we did but I did not imagine it would be so severe. I was not ready to subject her to this!”
The prosecutor asked Jewel, “Would you rather have the alternative or go through a humbling but painful session like this in order to keep your license and your job, and your privacy? Was this not a reasonable alternative to that? Didn’t you agree to this, even plead to the judge that he give you an alternative to what was going to happen? In a week or two no one will ever be able to tell and hopefully you learned your lesson!”
Again Jewel had to agree.
“It was severe in order to be effective, yet certainly better than the alternative wasn’t it? Hopefully it will make you a better and more aware driver as well. Just remember if you violate the terms with-in a year’s time you be back going through it all over again.”
Her Attorney started to speak but Jewel stopped him. “I understand and I know it was my choice. I need my license and love my job, and in the end I have no one else to blame but me; she told him in a surprisingly firm voice. If you really want to know how I feel ask me in a few weeks, right now I am sore and want to go home!”
Her attorney hesitated and then shook the prosecutors hand before leading her out and taking her home.
Meanwhile His Honor had already driven his secretary to his empty law office. The converted house stood empty most of the time now and they would have privacy there. He led her into his office and he kissed her with the intensity of a man 20 years younger. Her clothes fell to the floor as he undressed her. Knowing full well what was expected and just as sexually excited as he was; she walked to the back of an overstuffed armchair slipping her panties to her ankles before giving him a coy look and bending over the back of it.
He caressed her up thrust bottom first and then began to spank her with firm slow swats. His fingers found her damp dusky sex as he undid his belt and slid it off with his other hand. She howled at each stroke that followed. Then she whimpered as he caressed and kissed her bottom and then her sex.
He took her right there until they were both satisfied. Afterwards he made them a drink and they lay together naked on his leather couch.
“Do you think she will be back; she asked?”
“I am almost sure of it; he replied with a low chuckle.”
Once home Jewel's husband was there to greet her. They had about three hours before kids were coming home from school. He led her to the bedroom where Jewel undressed. Her husband took one look at her bottom and gasped and gently touched her red welted bottom. Then he pulled her into his arms.
He said from now on; “You will tell me when you get into trouble! Maybe I should have been punishing you at home so this never led to what just happened to you. I hope you have learned your lesson!”
The look in her face made him realize he had missed the reason she had asked him to spank her. It wasn’t just kinky it was also a need for limits and forgiveness. For the first time he began to understand. But he also knew he could never punish his wife in the way she wanted and needed him too.
Jewel just cried - all the build-up and anticipation, and then the actual punishment had emotionally drained her. Then admitting the arousal she felt completely broke.
After climbing in bed she told her husband I still for some reason have spanking desires but never in my life will I want that type of punishment repeated. She did explain to her husband that her body betrayed her and she didn’t understand how the body can react that way but all she wanted right at that moment was for her husband to take her.
“If you violate the probation there will be nothing I can do but from then on the only one ordering a spanking of your bottom will be me;” he told her firmly! Jewel looked at him strangely after hearing his words not sure what he meant. For his part he really wasn’t sure how, but he knew he had to find a way to let her fulfill her needs.
He took her gently on their bed, kissing with a passion long forgotten. After they made love; between the emotions, the burn on her bottom and satisfied feeling of being grounded she fell into a deep sleep.
Jewels' judicial option; By Poppa & Lynne
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Re: Jewels' judicial option; By Poppa & Lynne
An excellent tale very well written. I just love judicial themes abd this has it all. Thank you for sharing.
Re: Jewels' judicial option; By Poppa & Lynne
Really great story
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