Keeping Her Word

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Keeping Her Word

Post by goodgulf » Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:53 pm

Keeping Her Word

Christine stared in horror at her performance review. It was good but she hadn't been rated as "Outstanding". An "Excellent" rating was acceptable to most (and would get her the maximum possible salary bump) but she had wanted "Outstanding". She had even promised that she would get it and Christine always kept her word.

Or else.

Scanning the evaluation form, Christine began doing mental math. Her phone skills could see improvement - that must refer to the time she was short with a client. It was all his fault, he had wanted to expand his contract to cover things that he wasn't paying for, but she had been a bit condescending at the 40 minute mark and that was inexcusable. The time management concern, that must trace back to the same call, when she had spent 45 minutes on a five minute issue because the man hadn't wanted to accept that he couldn't get everything he wanted for free.

One phone calls but two specific noted areas of concern. One specific noted area of concern meant her panties would get dusted. Two meant that her panties wouldn't be involved. Three meant that she wouldn't be permitted to dress for at least four hours afterwards. Four meant shaving her bush because she wasn't acting mature enough to wear one. Five meant... but thankfully it was only two.

But not getting "Outstanding" meant the strap. This was her second monthly review this year where she had merely been "Excellent". Oh, she had been "Outstanding" on five other monthly reviews, but this was in some ways a second offence. A second offence meant the heavy strap. The heavy strap was painful and rarely used but tonight it would be used five times on her bared bottom.

"But I broke my word." Christine muttered. "I promised I would get 'Outstanding'."

Which meant another five smacks. To her dismay, Christine realised that this was now a compound offence. That meant doubling it. The five from the performance review and the five from breaking her word became 10, which doubled was 20. She had never had 20 with the heavy strap. The most she had ever had from it was 10 and that had left in her tears. Twenty? How could she handle 20? Maybe, maybe just this once she might get less than the formula called for. Just maybe...

But what good was a domestic discipline contract if it wasn't enforced?

"TGIF." Christine muttered.

Because today was Friday she would have all weekend to recover. That time she had taken ten from the heavy strap there had been lingering marks. Marks and soreness. She had felt it the next morning when she rode into work on the train. She had felt it sitting at her desk. Most of the next day's work had been sub par because she was being constantly reminded of how sore her bottom was.

Normally Christine people watched on the train. Assigning stories to the strangers she saw. Sometimes she came up with elaborate fantasies. A man who looked impatient? That was because he was heading home to spank his wife. A woman that looked annoyed? That must be because she was heading home for a spanking. Christine knew that she was almost certainly wrong about that, that most people didn't have domestic discipline contracts or play spanking games, but it was normally an amusing way to pass the time.

Today it was something she just couldn't do. Her mind was consumed with the knowledge of what wait her bottom. Twenty with the heavy strap. Twenty! How could she take that many? She had known that this was a possibility, she had signed the contract knowing that she might face as many as 40 with the heavy strap, but it had seemed so improbable that she hadn't worried about it. Now she faced 20 and she was scared. Somehow it didn't seem real.

She entered her home half in a trance. Almost like a zombie.

"There's no use waiting." Christine said, speaking aloud to herself. "This has to be done."

After pouring herself a stiff, calming drink, Christine went to her bedroom. Leaving the door open she stripped off her business suit and carefully hung it in her closet. Her bra and panties went into the laundry bin, then she waited as she steeled her nerves.

She didn't like this next part but it had to be done. Going to the back of her closet she retrieved the heavy strap, a wicked piece of leather if there ever was one. Christine carefully laid it on her bed then got out her punishment outfit, all the while being conscious of how her bedroom door was still open.

Christine's punishment outfit would have looked trashy on a teenaged girl but it just looked extremely ridiculous on her. A miniskirt (one that barely covered her bottom even when she wasn't bending), pink panties with hearts on them, and a trashy T-shirt that left her midriff exposed. The panties were a few sizes too small and rode up as they tightly hugged her bottom, but she bought them in packages of three so it didn't matter how often their overworked elastics died.

The skirt and panties would be off for the spanking but she had to wear the entire costume for an hour before her appointment with the strap. The last twenty minutes she had to spend facing a corner in the living room where any could see the naughty girl waiting for her punishment.

As she waited her corner time to start, Christine poured and downed another stiff drink, telling herself that it would her last today. But she didn't promise herself so it didn't count. If she wanted another drink she could have one without breaking her word. Just as if she hadn't promised that she would get "Outstanding" she would only be getting five with the heavy strap.

As she faced the corner and waited for her timer to ring, all Christine could think about was the number 20. Twenty! Could she actually handle 20? Would it leave her bottom a mess of bruises?

When the buzzer rang it was time to face the music. After turning on the TV to some action movie (to cover any noises she would make) Christine carried the timer with her into bedroom and, leaving her door open, removed her skirt and panties. The skirt went on the floor while the panties were placed near her pillow. Retrieving the strap she bent over the edge of her bed and forced herself to say those hateful words.

"Young lady, your behaviour is unacceptable. Totally, completely and utterly unacceptable. Unacceptable not only in this house but in all civilised society. You must contemplate your behaviour and think about how to behave like a young lady and not like a dumb animal that needs to be locked up in a barn."

Those words struck at her heart, almost as much as when her daddy had said them. But unlike her childhood they weren't followed by the closing of her door. No, her door was staying open while she got the spanking she deserved. The type of treatment she had yearned for as a child.

Christine had always envied her few friends who were spanked; their punishments were over in a flash. They might have tears and sore bottoms but they were spared her agony of contemplating those words for the hours she was confined to her room. Of knowing that she had disappointed not only her daddy and the rest of the family but the entire civilised world as well. That she was no better than a dumb animal who should be locked in a barn.

Lifting the heavy strap over her shoulder, Christine brought down hard on her right bottom cheek, gasping at the pain.

"One." Christine said.

The second stroke of the strap landed on her left cheek and Christine gasped louder. Trembling, she reached for her panties, balled them up, and stuck them in her mouth. They acted only as a partial gag but they would serve to muffle her squeals.

By the twelfth blow her squeals transformed into screams, but Christine forced herself to continue through her tears. It didn't help that she couldn't see her target and was swinging at such an awkward angle that she had little control over the point of impact. Worse, she was slowing down. She couldn't maintain the pace she had to wait longer between blows. To gather her strength which led to anticipating the next blow from the strap.

At fifteen she told herself that she could stop now, or at least make the rest of the blows lighter. The sixteenth blow was the hardest yet as Christine reminded herself that a promise was a promise and demanded to know what good was a domestic discipline contract if it wasn't enforced?

By the eighteenth Christine was in agony. She knew that bruises had to be forming.

She almost peed herself when the strap impacted for the nineteenth time.

On the twentieth she screamed in pain and relief.

It was over. She had done it. She had kept her word to herself. An old lyric echoed in her head: "Though your promise count for nothing / You must keep it nonetheless". For a moment she wondered what song it was from, but that didn't matter.

Only two things mattered: The pain in her backside and finishing the ritual. She set the timer for 15 minutes and staggered into a corner, wishing that she could rub her bottom. Tears ran down her face but she wouldn't let herself break the ritual. Not after going through so much.

When the buzzer sounded she stumbled out her corner, hands rubbing frantically at her bottom, and turned off the timer. Then she reached into her nightstand and extracted a toy. Her bottom was throbbing and not in a good way but Christine felt she owed it to herself to remind her body that she liked being spanked. That she found spanking sexually pleasing. That even though this time had been too much she would still enjoy spankings in the future. To metaphorically get back on the horse. Most of all, to reward herself for keeping her word.

Later, she didn't feel like dressing. Even with a cream on her bottom she didn't want anything touching it. She didn't have to stay naked so she wore a top but she ate dinner standing up with her bare bottom displaying how badly it had been punished.

Standing there, Christine couldn't help wondering what her daddy would say if he could see her now, but that was impossible. A heart attack had claimed him while she was still in high school. When she was still confused and didn't know that spanking could be either a punishment or a reward. Of course none of the men she had met had ever measured up to her daddy but sometimes (many times) Christine wished that she had someone in her life.

Someone to spank her when she deserved it.

Someone to fuck her when she needed it.

Someone to love as much as she had loved her daddy.

Last edited by goodgulf on Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 272
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Re: Keeping Her Word

Post by goodgulf » Sat Jul 13, 2013 4:54 pm

This was inspired by a recent thread on self spanking.


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Re: Keeping Her Word

Post by beguiling » Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:46 pm

This was fantastic! I love the concept.

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Re: Keeping Her Word

Post by goodgulf » Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:39 pm


I tried to make as plausible as possible.


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Re: Keeping Her Word

Post by Often123 » Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:59 am

It was, Goodgulf. With self-spanking there are no safe words. Good story. Christine is an interesting character, will there be more about her in the future?

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Re: Keeping Her Word

Post by goodgulf » Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:26 pm

We probably won't see her again. There's only so many ways that I can work a story about self spanking. Originally she didn't have much of a back story but I decided to add a bit of scolding. Having her father say that before spanking her seemed a bit off so I went with the "unspanked as a youth, now spanks herself" angle and built the back story off of that.

The basic story is that she spanks herself because she said she would and she kept her word to herself. Even when things got out of hand and outside her comfort zone.


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Re: Keeping Her Word

Post by Often123 » Sun Jul 14, 2013 8:51 pm

Nods. I see your point re Christine. Yes, I agree that in self-spanking one has to go past the comfort zone if it's for a disciplinary purpose.

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Re: Keeping Her Word

Post by tk04 » Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:34 am

Wow. Excellent job on this story, Goodgulf!

Posts: 272
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Re: Keeping Her Word

Post by goodgulf » Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:02 pm

Often123 wrote:Nods. I see your point re Christine. Yes, I agree that in self-spanking one has to go past the comfort zone if it's for a disciplinary purpose.
Exactly. And the worse part is that there's no one else to take you passed your own boundaries.
tk04 wrote:Wow. Excellent job on this story, Goodgulf!
I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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Re: Keeping Her Word

Post by freudianchick » Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:22 am

Nicely done, Goodgulf. I enjoyed that. It's short, but I like the way you built it up. I kept thinking you would introduce another character to actually spank her, but then it's slowly revealed that she's going to discipline herself, it made me have to rethink the beginning. nice. :) ~ fc x

btw, i'm new to the site. can you also vote on stories (or give them a rating)?

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