Standard disclaimers. Read this as fiction as names and some of
the details have been changed. Spanking real children is not
Spanked Softball Team F/ff F/f FF/16f F/ff (5981 Words)
I was never spanked until I was 14 as I lived with my parents and
sister and neither Mom or Dad believed in spanking. I was above
average in school even without applying myself that much. I was
extremely good and enjoyed team sports, softball, basketball,
volleyball, and cross country. I wasn’t really surprised when Gail in
my grade and a friend but not a close friend approached me after
school and asked me if I would be interested in playing on the
travelling softball team. I was honored to be asked and said it sounds
like fun. The team played in a type of AAU league and wasn’t linked
to any school. The team was very good, very well known, and
typically competed for the championship most years along with
playing in a lot of tournaments.
Gail said, “Val, we have to find a quiet place to talk.”
I said, “OK, Gail, how about at the other end of the activity center?”
Gail’s face started getting red with embarrassment and she said,
“Let’s go outside by the park benches. I have to share something very
embarrassing with you.”
I was puzzled but we went out to the benches where we were away
from everybody.
Gail said, “I’m sure you know about the team. We’re going to be
really good again this year. You remember, Janelle, a year older than
us? Her family moved out of state and we need to replace her. You
were the girl the team voted on unanimously as the very best
replacement if you’re willing. Before you answer I need your solemn
absolute promise that you won’t tell absolutely anyone except a parent
anything about what I have to tell you next. And don’t tell your parents
unless you decide to join. Not everyone who is invited decides to join
because of this and I will certainly understand if you say no. I had to
think it over for a couple days myself before joining. I am not going to
pressure you at all.”
I said, “I’m really honored to be asked. I can’t imagine what you could
tell me that would talk me out of it. My family can afford the costs and
I really don’t mind all the fund raisers that have to be done to support
the costs. I hear Mrs. L., the coach, is a bit of a perfectionist but that’s
Gail said, “I’ll bet you a dollar that you would never guess in your
wildest imagination and dreams what I have to tell you. It’s so
embarrassing. You get to decide who wins the bet, just be honest.”
I said, “You’re on.”
Gail said, “The team headquarters is in Mrs. K.’s converted garage.
Her daughters graduated a few years ago, but she is still a very strong
supporter of the team. We get to use the garage as our headquarters for
as long as we want to. It is large enough; it has carpet, a bathroom, two
showers, a refrigerator, couches and chairs, TVs, a CD player,
insulation, and places to store all our gear. It’s not even a garage these
days. We just have to vacuum the floors every week, clean the toilets,
and generally keep it clean. It’s only 7 houses from our main practice
field. It’s really nice. What’s going to sound incredibly odd is before
practice we take off our street clothes from the waist down except for
panties and get in line. Then either Mrs. D. or Mrs. E. turns us over her
lap, slips down our panties if we haven’t already and gives us each 20
to 25 spanks with a ping pong paddle or frequently Mrs. E. uses a
leather belt. It really stings and hurts for a while. But it’s not nearly as
bad as when my Mom has me over her lap for much longer and
typically she gives me close to twice as many spanks. Please promise
you won’t tell anyone except your Mom or Dad if you are interested,
as they will have to give their approval.”
I said, “Gail, you win the dollar. This is incomprehensible. You guys
haven’t even done anything to deserve it. It’s even every time? You
have to be making this up, aren’t you? You almost have me believing
Gail said, “No, Val, it’s very real. I’m not sure I can explain it, but
somehow it works and helps us do our best. I do wonder whether we
would be just as good without having sore bottoms. I don’t like my
bottom getting spanked but it’s not that hard a spanking and you get
used to it pretty quickly.”
I said, “I thought spanking was something from the dark ages and
entirely died out before even our parents were little.”
Gail said, “Spanking is less common now, that’s for sure. However my
Mom and even sometimes my Dad have been paddling me and my
sisters’ butts all along. My sister who is about to graduate, really got it
hard just last week. I really don’t like being spanked ever, but I have to
say I can see that it sort of works for us. And in gym class when we
shower, if you know what to look for I’m pretty sure 25 to 35% of our
classmates get it even going into high school.”
I said, “I do need to give this some thought. Other than the spanking
part, I would be in for sure. I can’t even imagine what it feels like.”
Gail said, “I think the official story is that spanking us all together
beforehand somehow helps us focus, be unified, and really sharp. We
are all starting from the same point. We have had a very few girls over
the years that spanking just doesn’t get the same results for them. They
consistently played very poorly every time after being spanked and
they were good athletes that wanted to be on the team. Coach has been
able to find other teams for them, but this doesn’t happen often. The
next part I have to mention is that we’re expected to give our best all
the time, practice and games. Hustle is absolutely required. If Coach L.
thinks we are loafing or if we make bone head stupid plays we get it
again after practice. An error or dropped ball isn’t a problem.
Throwing to the wrong base when it’s obviously the wrong play, being
called out for batting out of order, or allowing a run to score thinking it
was already the third out will usually get you to see Mrs. D. or Mrs. E.
for a refresher later. I can honestly say I think Coach L. is extremely
fair, even when it’s me getting my bottom being burned with Mrs. E.’s
belt. We owe it to our teammates to practice hard and not give up runs
or games with stupidity.”
I said, “Maybe I can handle this. It will be hard to talk with Mom.”
Gail said, “Val, make no mistake, each spanking we get does hurt but
you get over it pretty quickly. Also, there are 3 girls on the team that
never got spanked by either parent that now get it regularly. The
upshot is that they are almost never grounded now and their grades are
even better.”
I said, “Gail, I’m worried. I’ve never been spanked either, but I could
possibly see that changing if I’m on the team.”
Gail said, “I understand, that is certainly a very real possibility. I’ll
pray for you. Oh, one last thing. Before you can join the team, you
have to get a real spanking from Mrs. D. and/or Mrs. E. This is the
type of spanking teens that are spanked at home get for significant
stuff. It’s a very hard but a typical parental spanking, quite a bit harder
than what we get before practice. This is the spanking we would get if
we really messed up when we’re out of town for a tournament. The
benefit is that you know what is hanging over your head. These
spankings aren’t earned very often. Mrs. D. and Mrs. E. that give the
spankings are very nice people and aren’t upset with you when you’re
getting spanked, they are helping you. They are both very nice ladies
and they have no say in who gets spanked or when but they are experts
at giving spankings.”
I paid Gail the dollar and walked home. Gail commented she was back
to even on this bet. I wanted very much to be on that possible state
championship team and I also really didn’t want to get spanked ever. I
was however a little curious about what it would be like, but was
certainly very willing to never find out.
When I got home, Mom and my sister Barbara (15 months younger
and one grade behind me) were having another major fight complete
with screaming. I got along much better with Mom, generally by
cooperating better and not pushing the wrong buttons, but Barbara was
always really head strong and a hard person to get along with if things
didn’t go her way. I immediately knew what had to happen and joining
the softball team was only part of it. Looking back this was a major
break for me, as I would have agonized for days not sleeping well
trying to decide and then working up the courage.
I tapped Mom on the shoulder and said I was sorry but I had to talk
with her right away in my bedroom about something important. I’m
not sure why, but Mom understood and told Barbara she couldn’t go
anywhere yet.
I locked the door and turned on the exhaust fan in the bathroom
between my room and Barbara’s room.
I said, “Mom, I have an invitation to join the non school league
softball team, but there is a major complication I have to tell you
Mom said, “Oh, Val, that’s wonderful. That’s the team that has won
the state championships, isn’t it? I’m so proud of you. I’m sure we can
work it out. You’ll have so much fun and I know how good you are at
I said, “Mom, all I will really need is your permission and I’m in. I
really want to do this in spite of what else it involves. This is about as
scary as anything I can remember telling you about. Mom, a couple of
the team Moms give every girl on the team a mild spanking with a
paddle or belt before each practice and game. Messing up enough by
not hustling can get you spanked afterwards. I’ve never been spanked,
but I’m told it the way it’s done somehow helps our team excel and
works well. None of the girls like being spanked, but they are OK with
it. Is it OK to join?”
Mom said, “I’m understandably really shocked at this. At the moment
if it was Barbara here instead of you, I would be all for it. We’re
having trouble getting her to behave and I’m close to my wits end.”
I said, “Mom, the other complication is that I have to get a real
parental type behavior spanking from Mrs. D. or Mrs. E. That can
easily be arranged any time. And only if you decide to as I’m not
Barbara’s parent and this comment is at least partly out of line, I’m
pretty sure Barbara could have one also.”
Mom sighed, shaking her head, and said, “Can I have the phone
number for Mrs. L., the coach. I want to be sure I have a complete
understanding first. I’ll need to talk also with the spankers, if any of
them are perverts, we won’t consider it. And I will run the ideas past
Dad too. Do you have any understanding at all how much a spanking
is going to hurt? I remember some of my high school classmates both
girls and boys got it way back then and there’s no way any of them
would have ever signed up for something with any spankings at all.
Their stories were rather frightening, but I did think they deserved at
least most of their spankings. I’m sure by the standards of their parents
I would have qualified for some spankings also. I did just fine without
them though and I’m sure you would too. Please go and try to calm
down Barbara. Don’t say anything about this to her. I’ll make the
series of calls.”
I said, “Thanks Mom for being open minded about this. I’ll be with
Barbara for now.”
Barbara had already calmed down quite a bit and had a bunch of the
contested homework that had to be completed well under way. I told
her Mom would be out soon and helped her with some of the math
About 30 minutes later Mom was back looking much happier. Barbara
had only two more pages so Mom decided to wait.
Barbara said, “Mom, I’m done now. Maybe it’s best to get it done first
even if it means I miss spending some time with my friends.”
Mom said, “Barbara, thank you for that understanding. Your teachers
have been pushing to get you to get your school work done first
instead of doing a second rate hurried job later. Barbara, Val is joining
an upper level softball team that has a very unusual initiation rite. She
is going to have her first ever real spanking as soon as we get there.
And Barbara, I’ve managed to get you signed up for one also.”
Barbara said, “But I haven’t done anything and don’t want to get
Mom said, “Barbara, your behavior this afternoon definitely merits
being disciplined.”
Barbara said, “I’m not even playing softball.”
Mom said, “Barbara, this is about shaping up your behavior. You’ve
been hard to live with and nothing else has worked. You really need
this. Let’s get in the car.”
Soon we were at the team garage. Mrs. D. and Mrs. E. were already
there and Coach L. was just pulling up.
I was surprised that Gail was there also.
Coach L. invited us all in. She said Gail was going to get the standard
before practice session so we could see what was involved. Then I
would get my spanking and Barbara hers if Mom was willing.
Mom said, “Coach L, it sounds like this young lady is going to get her
butt blistered this afternoon. Exactly what did she do to deserve this?”
Coach L. said, “Gail, please explain.”
Gail said, “This spanking is not for anything at all I have done or not
done. I am the girl who invited Val to join our team and have told her
about being spanked. I have actually volunteered to have a typical
before practice spanking that each team member gets before every
practice. It’s not that hard a spanking in comparison to what my Mom
gives me when I’ve earned one. We typically get either 20 to 25
spanks with a ping pong paddle from Mrs. D. or about 20 with the belt
from Mrs. E. This time I’m getting 10 to 15 with the paddle and 10
with the belt. Yes, it will hurt, but not that bad. This spanking is just so
you can see what being on the team means. The joining decision will
belong to you and Val after the initiation spanking.”
Mom said, “Gail, I wish you didn’t have to get spanked, but you are
right, I do need to know.”
Mrs. D. and Mrs. E. sat on chairs in the middle. Coach L. thanked Gail
again for her help and told her it was time. Gail blushed slightly and
turned away from us and slipped off her slacks. She walked over to
Mrs. D. and slipped off her panties. Mrs. D. noted Gail had been over
her lap well over 50 times previously. Over her lap she went and she
got 10 fairly quick hard spanks with the paddle lasting less than two
minutes. Tears were starting to form and her bottom was less white
and more pink. Over to Mrs. E. she went and over her lap. Mrs. E.
showed us an all leather (no plastic at all) belt which she promptly
wrapped around Gail’s bottom 10 times at a much slower rate. After 3
spanks some crying and lots of tears started. Gail was let up and
promptly pulled on her panties gasping slightly as they reached the
spanked zone. Gail started rubbing her bottom to reduce the sting.
Coach L. asked Mom and me if I still wanted my spanking noting it
would be much harder. I thought about declining knowing Barbara
was in for it regardless, but decided I had to set a good example and
getting to play softball would make it worth it.
Mom asked if I could have it over my slacks or at least over my
Coach L. explained that for the spanking to have the most effect
having a bare bottom was super important for embarrassment and it
allows the spanker to see how the spanking is coming along and that
the entire bottom is evenly spanked. Coach L. said bare bottom is the
time honored way the majority of spankings are given and we might as
well have the best.
Mom said she had never been spanked and before we got it, she
needed to know what it felt like. She said we would get it regardless;
she just had to understand it better.
Coach (Mrs.) L. suggested Mom face us, slip down her slacks only just
past her panties, grasp her knees, and Mrs. D. would give her 3 hard
spanks with the paddle and Mrs. E. would give her 2 with the belt.
In less than a minute, Mom had her answers. She faced us so we didn’t
see even her underwear. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she didn’t
cry. She excused herself and went to the bathroom to look at her
bottom. She soon came back happier saying that avoiding being
spanked harder had to be a nice motivator.
Coach L. asked Gail to slip down her panties so we could see her
bottom five minutes after a mild spanking. Her bottom was still pink
but recovering but you could still see marks from the belt.
Mom said it was going to be hard to watch but she would.
I was next. I’m sure my face was as red as my bottom would be soon
as I slipped off my panties and covering up as best I could I was soon
over Mrs. D. lap. In spite of watching Gail get it, I was not really
prepared for the first loud smack with the paddle, followed by an
immediate sting, and pain. After 8 I was crying hard and the pace of
the spanks slowed down. It seemed to take forever and it seemed like I
got 50 instead of 23 and even my upper thighs got spanked. Let up, I
danced around holding my burned bottom, my uncovered front not a
concern. Next I was over Mrs. E. lap for 10 with the paddle and 10
with the belt. I didn’t think anything could hurt more than the paddle
until I got the belt. Again it took forever till I was let up. No way was I
putting my panties back on, even if a picture of my spanked bottom
was going to be in the school newspaper or there were 10 of my boy
classmates in the room.
Coach L. decided we would wait about 15 minutes before doing
Barbara so I could see what I had just experienced. Mom made
Barbara slip off her skirt, slip, and shoes, and wait over Mrs. D. lap
looking really uncomfortable with just her socks and panties from
waist down. The whole time Barbara was begging to be let off and
promising to be perfect for at least forever while Mom was telling her
how very richly she deserved what was coming and that this likely
wasn’t going to be a one time event. Mom pointed out part of being
perfect was quieting down and accepting the spanking without
protesting. Barbara certainly didn’t quiet down much.
Finally my tears stopped, but not the massaging of my bottom and
Barbara’s wait was over. I was still glad I didn’t have to put my
panties back on. Mrs. D. expertly slipped off Barbara’s panties while
holding her right arm securely behind her back. Barbara had decided
not to provide the satisfaction of us seeing her crying, but after just 11
that resolve was dissolved. Barbara was by report much more of a
kicker than I was and it took more effort by Mrs. D. to keep her in
place. The most interesting parts of watching Barbara was seeing how
much redder her bottom got with each spank and how the spanker
knew exactly where the next spank should land. Barbara was also
much louder than I was. Mrs. E. wondered how Barbara was size wise
compared to me. Mom said Barbara weighed about 15 pounds less.
Checking our panties, both were size 3. Mrs. E. concluded Barbara
would get the same number of spanks. I noted how Barbara got to get
very pretty higher cut in back pastel blue panties than I did. Mom
always made me get plain white cotton that came up to near my navel.
I realized now was not the time to raise this issue. Later I found out
Barbara was buying her own panties behind Mom’s back and getting
away with it.
After what seemed like a much shorter time than when I was getting it
Mrs. D. finished with Barbara. It seemed like a longer time for Barbara
to bounce around trying to recover than I got, but eventually Mrs. E.
got her turn. Each spank with the paddle obviously hurt a lot but once
the belt started each spank hurt more and you could see where the belt
had already landed. Eventually all 10 with the belt were completed and
Barbara was kept on Mrs. E. lap for about 10 minutes. Then Mrs. E.
picked up Barbara and put her on her lap with her bottom not touching
anything and held her in close comforting her for about 10 minutes.
I had passed the initiation. (Mom asking the spanking to stop and
refusing permission to join the team was the only way I wouldn’t have
passed.) The real spanking made it clear that the pre-practice spanking
I had watched Gail get, wouldn’t be nearly that hard. I spent the next
half hour with Gail while Barbara recovered and Mom talked with
Mrs. D. and Mrs. E. some about spanking and also with Coach L.
about more aspects of the team. It still felt good to not have my panties
on. Mom had me come over and she put her hand on my still very
warm sore bottom. Next she felt Barbara’s still much hotter bottom.
Mrs. E. assured Mom both bottoms were equally hot when our
spankings were over.
The next Monday after school was our first practice. The sixteen of us
walked as a group the 8 blocks over to the garage base. There was
some grumbling when we noticed both Mrs. D. and Mrs. E.’s cars
were already there. The girls noted the pattern was everyone getting in
a line and whichever spanker was ready next was who you got. There
was general agreement that getting 20 from Mrs. D. paddle was
preferable to getting 20 from Mrs. E. belt. As the belt took longer
typically 10 girls got the paddle and 6 got the belt. Captain Meagan
asked if the group would be comfortable asking Coach L. if we could
change the plan so that on the days Mrs. E. was going to use the belt
each girl could get 15 with the paddle and 10 with the belt. It was
unanimous and at the team meeting Coach L. went along.
Before the spankings we had a team meeting. I was officially
introduced to the team and it was explained to the team that I wasn’t
cry baby as soon I would be getting my second spanking ever. Coach
L. explained a new policy was going to be a captains’ post practice or
post game spanking just slightly harder than the pre spanking. This
would be called by Captain Meagan and either Assistant Captain
Sherri or Rosemary based on their assessment that it was needed. The
captains calling for the spankings would be in for a double session,
insuring they felt strongly the team needed it. Details on fund raisers
were talked about and then other administrative and policies were
covered again. After verifying there were no questions, Coach L. noted
this had taken longer than planned and she wanted to see how quickly
we could all get spanked and on to the practice field.
There was sudden bedlam as shoes, socks, slacks, slips, skirts, and
pantyhose were being tossed everywhere. Soon we were all in line in
our panties and except for the girls already being spanked; tops,
panties, and bras were being discarded as not needed once we were
spanked. We would be changing into sports bras, different underwear
(often jill straps with cups), and our team practice uniforms. I was
feeling conspicuous with my plain white panties while most everybody
else had such colorful shorter panties. I quickly rolled mine down into
a tangle so it wasn’t so obvious they were odd. Each girl was warmly
greeting by name by Mrs. D. and Mrs. E. as each girl went over a lap.
There was no obvious difference from girl to girl how hard each spank
was or any variation from the first spank to the last. I happened to
draw Mrs. E. and the really unpleasant belt first. I was aware I was
louder than my teammates as it was only my second spanking ever.
When I was let up Mrs. D. was ready for me and there were still 5 girls
waiting for Mrs. E. and the slower belt spanking (even with the fewer
I was very surprised at how laid back the room had been about the
spankings. The second girl for Mrs. E. commented without sounding at
all upset that her Mom had made a special point to give her a bonus
spanking last Friday over her panties with the belt as it had been
almost two months since her last earned spanking and her Mom
wanted her to be fully ready for today’s session. Another girl told Mrs.
E. that her Mom really liked how Mrs. E.’s belt really rounded out her
already shapely bottom. Another girl told Mrs. D. that if it wasn’t for
softball she would have never gotten spanked at home (she sounded
very matter of fact about this without any sense of unhappiness.) There
was less than 2 seconds from one girl getting her final spank and the
next getting her first spank. Each girl had tears but there was only a
little crying after the second session. Most of the girls remembered to
thank the spankers.
After the second part of the spanking was complete came a scramble
of naked girls with pink to slightly red bottoms collecting their tops,
panties, slacks or skirts, shoes, hose and hurrying to get their uniforms on.
Practice went really well. When it was over, Coach L. told us two girls
needed the refresher. One I had suspected and the other one Gail told
me sometimes needed even more motivation. Coach L. told us that
Mrs. D. would do them as Mrs. E. had had to leave. Two girls asked
Coach L. if they could have the refresher also as one Mom and one
Dad had said they needed it. One girl would otherwise be getting it at
home. The other girl said she had to check with her Mom as her Mom
had wanted to her to get the belt. Using Coach L.’s cell phone if was
determined the paddle would work this time if she got at least 35
Over the next several weeks at our house there were a couple of
significant changes. Mom got Barbara and me each two pairs of thong
panties to be worn only when Dad needed to give us a spanking. It had
been decided that Dad would be the spanker and we needed a small
measure of privacy while the spanking progress could still be
measured. Mom and Dad had to agree we earned our spanking (I can
never recall their being in disagreement). Being sent to our room
meant, put on a pair of thong panties and a below the knees skirt. It
was about as scary as going over Dad’s lap. Dad had brought Barbara
over to visit Mrs. E. about 6 times for spanking lessons and he quickly
mastered giving a proper spanking. Barbara didn’t need long to rack
up that many reason to be spanked and each lesson spanking was for
cause as even Barbara acknowledged.
The glitch in the spanking system was that every other time Barbara
was going to get it; I would get 10 to 15 spanks in the middle of
Barbara’s session if I hadn’t gotten it that day at a softball practice or
game. As we had softball practice three days most weeks and games
from one to three days each Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I missed a
bunch of Dad’s sessions. Barbara, at first especially, was very good at
provoking Mom and sometime even Dad into a spanking from Dad. I
got some from Dad also, a bunch of which I confirmed with Mom after
college were for fairly minor reasons so Barbara could get spankings
she earned without a 6 to 1 spanking ration. After about 8 months the
number of spankings Barbara got started going down (Barbara was a
much slower learner than I had hoped). The following year I was
surprised when Barbara made the softball team and we were
teammates for two years. Much of the time Barbara was on the softball
team she still got about 2 to 3 spankings a month from Dad besides the
softball spankings.
Now 10 years later I ask myself again as I have at least 5 times on the
anniversary of the first practice, would I do it over? The easy part of
the question is about the softball. Being part of that team was the very
best part of my experience growing up. We did win the state
championship twice and it was great fun. Starting with joining the
softball team my academic progress went from doing pretty well to
absolutely excellent, even carrying over to the rest of high school to
college after I aged out of the team after 3 years. The idea was the last
couple of years of high school had so many things possible in the
school system that committing that much time and effort to upper level
softball wasn’t a very good idea. Our community did not have a team
at the age level above sophomore. My very best friends were mostly
my team mates and I am in regular contact yet with 4 of them. I was in
weddings for a great many of my teammates. For my wedding the
bridesmaids besides Barbara were from the team even though is was
one year after college. As was common for our team, Mrs. E. was in
the wedding party as a very close friend. Coach L. and Mrs. D. came
to the rehearsal dinner and would have come to the wedding except for
a game out of town that day.
The harder part was about getting my first spanking at age 14 and
being spanked regularly outside of softball until I left for college two
months after turning 19. It’s hard to explain but after a couple months
I, like at least most of my team mates, got to the point quickly that I
could get the pre practice spanking and quickly move on to getting
ready do softball. The spankings from Dad that I actually earned (and
frankly deserved) were different as I had to think about them
afterwards and my bottom was significantly sorer. I didn’t mind that
much the 15 spank sessions I got from Dad in the middle of a much
harder session for unfortunate Barbara as they clearly weren’t about
me and I could dismiss them somewhat like the pre practice spankings
I got so used to.
The despised spankings were the ones Mom signed me up for based on
minor stuff (accumulating however many points Mom thought it took)
because Barbara had it coming next and if I didn’t get spanked,
Barbara would be getting her 5th or even 7th spanking since the last
time I got it. The worst spankings had Barbara standing there next to
me in only her thong and socks from the waist down counting my
spanks out loud while I got it with the belt from Dad. If Dad (actually
Mom) felt due to the circumstances that Barbara needed 40 spanks
with the belt taking over twenty very long painful minutes. It wasn’t
OK with Barbara if I got it with the paddle or less than the 40 spanks.
Having to live with Barbara fuss about fair was really hard for Mom
and having to have Barbara get another spanking from Dad later that
day or the next day was worse than just getting a nasty mostly
undeserved spanking and having it over with. I can still hear Barbara
saying, “It’s not fair, Val only got 25 spanks and I got 40. She hardly
ever gets spanked.” Having us each spanked in private would have
been a great idea, but the reality was some part of a bunch of my
spankings were more for Barbara to know I too was spanked and just
like her, rather than I had really earned a lot of those spankings.
Barbara was extremely big on counting her spanks and knowing ahead
of time how many she was getting. Mom got only so far with the
discussion, Val doesn’t earn as many spankings as you do and
nowhere with the discussion that it doesn’t take as many spanks for
Val to be as properly spanked as it takes with you. As Mom now
acknowledges more than one hard behavior spanking a week is too
much and giving Barbara only 30 spanks didn’t work as well as using
40 spanks. I did frankly get some major breaks from Mom a lot of the
time. I only got the 40 spanks with the belt a couple of times. As there
was a lot of being arbitrary about when I got spanked mostly because
Barbara had already been spanked 5 to 6 times since I last got it from
Dad, Mom typically either picked a time Barbara wasn’t getting it with
the belt or decided Barbara needed fewer than the maximum number
of spanks (for my benefit). Mom now also acknowledges that I was
really helpful in this and says I was an important part of getting
Barbara to be a much better all around person once the super frequent
8 months of spanking Barbara finally started having the desired effect.
It was really nice to get to the point that Barbara wasn’t spanked
nearly as often, so I could get only the spankings I likely at least
partially earned instead of being spanked with Barbara.
Spanked Softball Team F/ff F/f FF/16f F/ff (5981 Words)
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- Joined: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:07 pm
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Re: Spanked Softball Team F/ff F/f FF/16f F/ff (5981 Words)
Thanks for posting this I enjoyed it. I think i would have enjoyed it even more had the spankings been more detailed, or the characters gone into more deeply. But it was fun.
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:53 am
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Re: Spanked Softball Team F/ff F/f FF/16f F/ff (5981 Words)
Great story it held my attention all the way through
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