Spanking was NOT a big part of the North Household. Before Anna, the mother, was killed William North could count on the fingers of 1 hand the total number times he had spanked either of his daughters.
Just after Anna’s death everyone understood that things were difficult. Roberta and Stephanie did their best as did William. By this time Roberta was 13. She started feeling that her father was becoming too controlling. She resented it.
One Saturday Daddy had spent a great deal of time cooking a nutritious meal. He had heard that there might be some damage done by junk food. He had thought that Roberta’s yelling, swearing, foot stamping and slamming of doors as well her general bad behavior.
“Dad, why don’t you and Stephanie have this stuff and order a pizza for me. I hate Swedes.”
William tried to be understanding.
“Darling why don’t you just try this? You know the doctor is really worried about your health.”
Roberta said:
“It smells foul, please can I have some proper food?”
They sat around the table for a few minutes. Stephanie, who did not love what she was given, still ate. William ate the healthy (and cheap food) he had cooked. Suddenly Roberta threw the plastic bowl of food at her father and grabbed got up and grabbed a twenty pound note from the sideboard. She then went out and bought a Pizza as well as lots of other junk food for herself.
Over the next six hours William North thought very hard. He came to a decision. Roberta came home. They ate almost in silence. Roberta did kind of say:
“Sorry Dad, I shouldn’t have thrown food at you. But I did NEED proper food.”
William told his daughter of his decision:
“Roberta, I really do love you but you have acted like a VERY naughty child.”
They ate a bit more. William then explained:
“I really need to make sure that this NEVER happens again. So after tea we are going to your room and I will join you. I am sure you remember what happened when you set fire to the kitchen.”
Roberta remembered her previous spanking. Her parents had told her that she was too young to cook for herself. She had let a saucepan boil dry and started a fire in the frying pan. Her mother had been rather unwell with flu.
The repeated blows from the hairbrush had hurt like hell. Roberta also remembered that she had not tried to cook again without her parent’s supervision until she was given permission to, at age 11.
“So go to your room NOW!”
“I’m NOT going to let you spank me- I’m 13, I’m NOT a child.”
Roberta was to remember that evening for many years. Her father, five foot four, was able to overpower for the four foot ten, 13 year old. She was told that since she did not want to be spanked in her room she could be spanked in the living room. This meant that Stephanie, then 6, saw her pain and humiliation. Her jeans and knickers came down. Then the hairbrush came down. It hurt like hell. It was incredibly humiliating for a young woman.
There were two other things. Firstly for the year after this incident Roberta was required after school to go to Mrs Peters, who was ‘baby sitting’ Stephanie just after school But the worst part of it was her father’s statement:
“I treated you like a naughty little girl because you ACTED like a naughty LITTLE girl.”
The worst part of it was that after about a week Roberta realized her father had been right about her acting like a child. She decided to change things.
Several things changed. Over the next 5 years Roberta grew and matured perhaps 10 years worth. She studied very hard. She also got interested in sports. She grew to be a six-foot, brilliant athlete who was also going to do brilliantly at A Levels.
Sadly her father had changed in other ways. He spent rather less time with his children. He spent many evenings in either in a betting shop or in a pub.
William’s job was repairing older electric devices. He was good at it. He worked in a very male environment at work. He had reasonably good salary. They also allowed the workers a lot of flexibility in what they wore. William North had never been a suit and tie man.
When he was at home William was often very irritable. Sometimes it was because of hangovers or depression relating to money lost in machines at the betting shop. Very often he swore, and stamped his feet and slammed doors.
Roberta largely ignored all this. She did most of the housework. Little Stephanie, now 12, started taking some responsibility. Roberta also liked nice clothes and was planning a holiday some time. So she worked on Thursday and Friday. She was a waitress at a pancake restaurant.
At work Roberta was very good at making people happy. She had saved nearly a thousand pounds from her wages and tips in the previous six months.
Roberta knew that Stephanie was too young to be left on her own and also that her father could not be relied on to care for her. However she had made an arrangement with a young lady called Daisy Williams. They shared baby-sitting.
What happened was that Daisy got to go out on Monday and Tuesday. She brought her daughter, Ruby, then 8 months old to Roberta’s home two nights a week. Roberta looked after the little one. Daisy got to have some time to herself. On Thursday and Friday nights Daisy also brought Ruby to Roberta’s and she kept an eye on Stephanie.
Daisy was on Income Support. She did not have much money but she did NEED some time of her own. Daisy was from St Lucia. She loved Patrick, an Irish boy. Sadly her parents hated the idea of her settling down with a white boy. Patrick’s father hated the relationship. So she got almost no help from anyone who was related to her and had to somehow cope with a damp council flat on her own with a beautiful, but sometimes demanding child.
Daisy was a careful person with money. She really wanted the best for Ruby. That meant that Ruby had 100% mother’s milk. When Roberta was looking after Ruby Daisy made sure to express some milk. One of the ways Daisy was able to save money so she could go to see a movie or go to the cheap shows at a local theatre was that Ruby wore terry nappies.
It all changed one Friday night. Roberta had enjoyed a successful, but very tiring 9-hour shift at the pancake place. They were closing. Suddenly Roberta’s mobile phone went. It was a girl called Tracy, who was in Roberta’s class. Tracy worked at a late night bar on Friday and Saturday nights.
Roberta just managed to save her father from arrest. Tracy had managed to stop him getting into a car- very drunk. For her pains he had gone back into the bar, thrown someone else’s pint onto her dress and also thrown up on her.
Roberta, who had a driving license, was very relieved to get her father home. She hoped that Stephanie had not realized just how badly their father had behaved. A bit after ten, whilst washing the breakfast dishes Roberta suddenly became embarrassed at what had happened to her classmate? She also worried that other girls in her class would hear. So just as she put the Stephanie’s cereal bowl on the draining board she decided to make a call. She expected it to go straight to voicemail. It did not
“Tracy, I was just ringing to say how sorry I am about Dad’s behavior. I am sure he will say sorry when he wakes up. And I will make sure he pays to replace your dress…”
Tracy was surprisingly forgiving:
“Look, drunk customer’s are part of the job. The thing is I probably listened to him too much. Each time he had another beer he went on about these debt people were trying to sort things out:
‘“They just talked to me like I was a child. They wanted to tell me what to buy and what I could spend on fun. Well I am 44, I do not need someone to tell me what to do with my money.’
“I suppose your Dad’s got some real problems. That’s often why people go to a pub.”
Roberta was relieved that her friend would not be telling her classmates about her father’s disgraceful antics. She also thought how good it was he had not been arrested. Then she thought a bit more. What if Dad had got into the car and killed someone else, or himself.
Then came the first of six really worrying calls. It was the electricity company, and their’s was an all electric house.
“Is Mr William North there?”
“He’s not available.”
“Well please let him know that if the electricity bill is not paid this afternoon we will send people to cut off the electricity on Monday.”
“How much do we owe?”
“Two hundred and seventeen pounds.”
“Where do we pay it?”
The next call was from the Building society, like a Savings and Loans. They were three months, twelve hundred pounds in arrears. Her father had ignored earlier letters and attempts at telephoning him. If there were not a substantial payment by Monday they would start court proceedings.
The other calls were from credit card companies. These did not worry Roberta so much. However she did manage to get to her bank, and to the building society before noon. She paid, out of her savings, eight hundred pounds off what was owed for the mortgage and paid for the electricity.
Roberta looked through the bank and credit card statements. A lot of cash had been taken out of both. In addition there were big payments to pubs and to betting shops.
It was nearly five when her father finally came down stairs:
“Daddy, we really have to talk. I got phone calls about the mortgage and the electricity. If I had not paid out of my money we would have been without electricity and on the way to not having a house.
“You’ve got to look at what you spend money on."
William North shook his head:
“Please Bobbi, don’t start talking in that tone. That’s how the “Debt Free’ people spoke. It was bad enough when they talked to me like I was six. I just cannot stand you doing the same.”
He had somehow forgotten that his daughter liked her full name rather than to be called ‘Bobbi’.
“Well father I am sorry if I am saying things in the wrong way but you really MUST change your behavior.”
“I’m NOT a kid!!”
With that he ran out and slammed the door.
Roberta spent the rest of Saturday evening looking at the letter from the ‘Debt Free’ Company and at other household papers. Her father arrived home after midnight. He did not have enough cash to have got drunk- though he had spend forty more pound on gaming machines.
During the night Roberta remembered that awful day five years ago. She knew deep down she had been acting like a spoiled brat. It hurt like hell. The humiliation of Stephanie watching made it all the worse. Maybe there was something else that could have happened but she really knew her father had to do something to change her behavior.
Roberta wished there was some way of changing her father’s behavior. She woke up about 7 am. She was not able to quite get up. She kept remembering her rudeness and the slamming doors when she was 13. The more she thought of it the more her father reminded Roberta of her own spoiled brat days.
A little after eight Roberta went to both the front and back doors. She used the chub lock to make sure they were secure. Actually they probably should have done that anyway to keep the place secure from burglars. She hoped that her precautions would not be necessary. Roberta really hoped that she would not have to take drastic action to bring home to her father how badly he had behaved. He would get one more chance.
Roberta did Daddy’s favorite things for breakfast. It seemed everything was okay. Just after they had finished eating Roberta addressed her father:
“Daddy, I really do need you to apologize for how you acted yesterday and we really do need to talk about money.”
He got up and yelled:
“We’re not going to have this again. “
He reached the front door. He could not open it. Seconds later his daughter arrived. Roberta then told her father:
“Daddy, 5 years ago you showed me what to do when someone old enough to know better acts like a spoiled child. So you’re coming with me.”
There was a slight struggle but Roberta was strong enough to pull her father into the front room. The struggle to get William North across Roberta North’s knees took a little longer but of course Roberta won. As his trousers came down he guessed what was going to happen.
“Please I’m sorry.”
“You will be.’
“I’m REALLY sorry…”
He said as his underpants came down. Then he saw something.
“Stephanie will see.”
Yelled Roberta, as she landed the first blow with the very same heavy wooden hairbrush she had once been spanked with
WHAP! And again WHAP, WHAP!
“Daddy, you acted like a very naughty little boy and this is what happens to naughty little boys…”
Roberta clearly remembered how awful she had felt physically and emotionally when Stephanie had watched her spanking. Actually Roberta would probably not have spanked an actual child.
She really enjoyed it when her father acted like a spanked child crying and kicking his legs pathetically.
The spanking William North received was as hard and rather longer than the one he had inflicted 5 years earlier. It was followed by corner time, with trousers and underpants still down. It also had an effect
“Roberta, I did not realize how much I upset you. Let’s talk about it.”
Actually Daddy did not do much talking. He did a lot of listening. He cut up the credit cards and sent them back to the creditors, as the ‘Debt Free’ Company had suggested. Roberta also explained other things:
“You will ask for a second debit card, and give it to me. I will then cut up your debit card. I will make sure that all the bills are paid. You can drive us when we need a lot of shopping but I will get it.
“You will be allowed twenty pounds a week, but remember you have to save up for clothes with that. Some of your stuff really needs to be replaced.”
William also had to accept some other changes. From now on he would be called ‘William’ by his daughters. He would address them as ‘Miss Roberta’ and Miss Stephanie’ certainly NEVER as Bobbi or Steph. He had to be home by five thirty.
He was also told to do at least his share of the chores at home.
For a couple of weeks all seemed kind of okay to Roberta. She had taken control of the money. She showed her father the statements, so he knew she was not taking anything- except for the fifty pounds she was taking to pay her back for the money she had spent on mortgage and the electricity bill.
One Wednesday there was a football match William North really wanted to watch. Stephanie had cooked for the first time. It was lovely. She had used rather a lot of saucepans. They did not finish eating until nearly eight o’clock. Stephanie and Roberta went to their rooms to study. Then Roberta came down stairs for a cup of tea:
“Daddy I told you to wash the dishes first, or it will get hard…”
“But I’ll miss the match…”
“Daddy, you will wash the dishes NOW! You will switch off the television. When you have finished the dishes you will call me. Then you will ask me for a spanking.”
He obeyed.
“Miss Roberta, I was a naughty boy and did not wash the dishes. Will you please spank me?”
“Of course I will and because you were a brave boy and asked nicely it will only be a little spanking.”
Roberta was as good as her word. This spanking only lasted five minutes. However Stephanie still got to watch. And there was still ten minutes worth of corner time.
The next spanking was a bit more humiliating for William. Roberta still baby-sat little Ruby on Monday and Tuesday, even though she no longer needed anyone to watch Stephanie on Thursday or Friday.
One Monday William had yelled at little Ruby to ‘shut up’. Roberta explained that this was not the right way to talk to a baby for whom crying was natural. Just before Daisy was due to collect her child William repeated the offence.
Three minutes into the spanking the doorbell rang. Roberta said:
“Stephanie, will you let Daisy in. She’ll want to collect Ruby.”
William tried to get up. Roberta held him down.
“But the black girl, she’ll see me, like this.”
Roberta again addressed her father across he knees.
“Having Ms Williams see your punishment might help.
“Oh, and after your corner time you can tell her all about why you needed spanking. How you were told not to shout and you did not.”
So Stephanie, Roberta and Daisy had some tea. Daisy fed her little one. This part of the scene had happened a lot over the previous many months- usually with William gambling or drinking miles away.
Daisy did not quite know what to say about the middle-aged man standing in a corner with trousers and underpants around his ankles and a red bottom on clear display. Roberta clarified things
“William will explain what has happened?”
“In the last few months I have acted like a very naughty little boy instead of a grown man. So when I am VERY naughty Miss Roberta treats me like naughty little boys used to be treated.
“Miss Roberta told me that it was not nice to shout at babies when they cried. I did it again. So I really NEEDED a spanking.”
Now this went on for a couple of months. The thing was that William North’s clothes got a bit worse.
One day Roberta talked to her father:
“William, you do know that you have to save up and get new clothes. If you keep going to work like that they might sack you.”
His reply was:
“Oh they’re relaxed about that kind of thing. I just do not have enough money. If you would increase my allowance.”
A few days after that Tracy talked to Roberta. She was very careful not to let anyone know.
“I am quite relieved that I have not seen your Dad in the evenings but Mrs Parker tells me that he drinks most Fridays. She says he either drinks because he has won money on the machines or because he has lost money on the machines. You know the betting shop is right next door.”
Roberta merely said:
“Thanks for telling me.”
Now Roberta was also careful about money. She bought quite a lot of her clothes at a charity shop. That Friday she went into the Oxfam place and found a really nice looking hat. She also noticed five pairs of Royal blue pairs of short trousers. They looked like they were for a little boy, only a bit bigger.
The volunteer remarked:
“You can have those cheaply. I mean I do not know who we could sell them to.”
Billy (repost) mainly f/M
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Re: Billy (repost) mainly f/M
Good for Roberta!
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