Below are listed your new “FALL AND WINTER curfews.
Curfew Time Reminders and Rules:
1. Car – 9:15pm
2. Home – 9:15pm
3. Getting Ready for bed. – 9:30pm
4. Bedtime Snack – 9:30-9:50pm (or earlier)
5. In Bed – 10:00pm or earlier.
6. Night communication(prior to actual bedtime, even if it is past 10pm)
7. Morning communication
Sunday evening – Friday morning
Renee, obviously you need to have more guidance in your life. I am reinstating the curfews with new times to reflect the change in seasons. Failure to do so will result in punishment or rather discipline.
When you say punishment or discipline….what do you mean? I mean that at the end of the month I will tally up the amount of curfews you missed and you will be punished. Punished…how? With my hand, hairbrush, leather paddle or your belt. You will receive one stroke for every missed curfew. For the month of September you have a possibility of 134 curfew violations. Currently you have 34 missed curfews. Which would result in 34 discipline spankings? What….I never agreed to this? You agreed to the curfews, we need to have some sort of penalties for not making your curfews. I am sure you were spanked growing up? Yes, mom’s hand, but if we were really bad, dad would use his belt. It deterred your behavior until you decided you liked it or did that come later? That came later . Since you enjoy it, it will be bittersweet for you. This will happen, you will be punished by being spanked until you learn to become obedient and respect the curfew rules. Is this understood, Renee? Yesss….I feel like I am 16 again. That is how you should feel.
You can also be rewarded for having few curfew violations. How? Panties, you will only be punished in panties and I like certain panties. You will be rewarded with satin, silk and nylon panties and bras. Of course, you will have to model your rewards. Of course….I never knew this about you, but I do find it exciting….when will these punishment sessions take place? Excellent question, either I will come there or you will come here on the 2nd Saturday after of the month ends. We will discuss your curfew violations, you will put on the panty I have laid out for you and then you will be punished. The implement choices will be made by you. We will then have dinner.
With Lori away at school you need to be held accountable for your actions. Since there is no one in your life, the role falls on my shoulders. This only applies Sunday evening thru Friday mornings. You can misbehave on Friday nights, Saturday and Sunday afternoon. After that you are expected to be a good, obedient and respectful woman.
Obedience and respect are the cornerstone of learning to behave like a 46 year old woman should. Discipline will help achieve that. Do you agree? I know I have been a little lax getting to bed on time and have a little hangover in the morning, but I can handle it. I don’t need you to tell me how to manage my life. Oh well I beg to differ, remove your jeans. What? Remove your jeans I am going to spank you. Now or I will take my belt out. Okay okay, (she unbuttons her jeans, unzips them, slides them down, steps out of them. Revealing a white nylon bikini panty with lace on the sides.) Over my lap, please. Very nice panty. When I spank you, you must be wearing nylon, satin or silk panties. If you are wearing cotton, you will change and your punishment will be doubled. Understand? Yes, I usually only wear what you mentioned. I like the feel of them. You will find that you feel the spank more because the panty is thinner, cotton absorbs the spank too much, causing it not to hurt as much. Spankings are about pain. They are used as a deterrent so you will learn from it and not repeat the naughty or bad behavior in the future. Please smooth your panty in the back, it is riding up. Is that better? Much. Ssssmmaacckk, ssssmmaacckk, sssmmmaaaccckk. You have a very nice butt, your panty feels very nice. Ssssmmmaaaccckkk, ssssmmmaaaccck, sssmmmaaaccckk. Owww I thought with all the bike riding I do my butt would be able to handle this. It hurts, but it also feels good, making me…moist? Why, yes, a little embarrassing. Not at all. Sssssmmmaaacckk, sssmmmaaaccckkk, sssmmmaaaccckk, sssmmmaaaccckkk. Ten spankings a good taste of what you can expect. Although when we add the hairbrush, leather paddle or your belt your excitement will increase, but so will the pain. My belt? Why my belt? It looks like ih as given a few whippings over the years….it has.
Questions? Yes, why do I need this? You need to prove to Lori, that you can behave living alone. She knows your behavior when you drink wine. You become sassy, demanding and bossy. Because the wine has made you to feel you are stronger. I will maintain your obedience and you will become a better person through discipline. Do you accept? Yes, but on a trial basis. We will give it three months. That should give us a gauge of how well you learn to behave.
After the three months we will evaluate the program and see if we need to change any timing or the amount of punishment. It may be two spankings for each curfew missed, if I don’t see any improvement or you may write essays on how and why it is good to behave. I may ask you to do that anyway. So really, I am your submissive Sunday evening thru Friday morning? No, you are someone who needs to be held accountable, but you may consider me your Master. Master Peter? Yes, submissive Renee?
I look forward to serving you and becoming obedient. I look forward to putting you on the right path. I bet you do? Why don’t you need this? I have lived alone and know when I need to be in bed, how much wine I can drink and what acceptable behavior is. You need to learn. How do we learn, Renee? Through obedience training and discipline. Good girl. Thank you Master.
Monday I will be stopping by to make sure your house is in order. If something is out of order I will text you with a picture of what is not up to my standards. I will also leave the implement you will be receiving under your pillow. I expect all your laundry to be done(except for the previous nights clothing), all ironing done, dishes completed and put away this includes your morning dishes, bathroom spotless, bed made and your panty drawer in order. Panty drawer, what needs to be done with that? Panties folded neatly and arranged by colors, all nylon panties together, satin etc...NO cotton panties are to be in the drawer. Where should those be?
In another drawer maybe with your bras and slips? I don’t want them socializing with the spanking panties. You are so funny, I will move them. Good girl. thank you Master. I don’t wear slips. I don’t wear dresses that require slips, should I purchase some? Yes I like to see a panty under a slip, plus if you wear a dress or skirt for a discipline session, the slip stays on. As long as it is a nylon slip. This gives you extra protection….something you might need. Something I will need…
I am a little confused on receiving the implements. You said I get to choose? Yes, but you can’t choose the same implement every time. Plus, say you are over 20 curfew violations, over 20 means two implement choices over 36 three over 50 four. I couldn’t spank you with my hand 50 times it would go numb and by number 50 it would be too soft. As you know punishment is a deterrent not a reward. You must feel pain in every stroke, so you learn from this. You better not even come close to 50 curfew violations. If that happens it may result in weekly discipline sessions. Or rather a ‘maintenance’ session. What is maintenance? Maintenance is weekly discipline with your hairbrush, every Wednesday night you would come straight home from work, be sitting on the edge of your bed, wearing the correct panty and a blouse awaiting my arrival. You would then go over my knee for 12 paddlings. This would continue on a weekly basis until I felt you have learned from it.
So Monday, I chose not to leave an implement. I will be stopping by Wednesday night to begin your ‘maintenance’ sessions. I told you to have all your dishes done; you left a glass and a coffee cup. Your ironing was not complete and your panty drawer had too many cotton pairs in it. Have the appropriate panty on and plan on a blistering paddling with your hairbrush! That isn’t fair I was running late and forgot about the two dishes. You knew what I was going to check for, it was pure laziness. You failed to manage your time properly. It will be handled thru discipline and a good paddling will make you remember. I believe discipline is a good teacher and you need to learn a good lesson. Expect me at 6:30pm on Wednesday. Yes Master.
Good evening, Renee. Hi, was going to text you to see how late you were going to be, but figured you were working. Good guess, you can be smart when you want to be. Why aren’t your jeans off? Sorry Sir, I will remove them. Go to Lori’s room, shut the drapes and place two pillows on the edge of the bed and bend over them so your pantied bottom is raised. I thought I was going over your lap for the hairbrush? First you are going to get 12 with my belt for not having your jeans off. What, why 12? I arrived at 6:42, which is 12 minutes after 6:30, you are lucky I wasn’t later or rather your bottom is. (I UNBUCKLE MY BELT AND PULL IT THRU THE LOOPS) Maybe this will teach you to FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. CCRRAACCK, CCRRAACCK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCK, owww, owww, that really stings. What is the one rule I have about you talking during a discipline session? Don’t talk unless spoken to. You have added four belt whippings. Yes Sir. CCCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK , CCCRRAACCKK, CCCRRAACCKK…that hurt…what do you think? Maybe next time you will think before you open your mouth during a session….I have decide the remaining six will be over my knee with your hairbrush. Fetch it please. Yes Sir, anything else? No just the brush. Here you go, Peter. Thank you, over my lap please. Does your bottom hurt from the belt whipping? I wonder if Larry heard it? It is on fire, I am sure he did. He will make some comment to me later this week, I am sure. I told him you may be going to get a licking from me every now and again. He agreed you probably need it. He told me he and Lynn would both hear you giving Lori a whipping with your belt, so they know the sound. SSSMMMAAACCKK, SSSMMMAAACCCKK, SSSMMMAAACCCKKK, SSSMMMAAACCCKKK, SSSMMMAAACCCKKK, SSSMMMAAACCCKKK, SSSMMMAAACCCKKK, SSSMMMAAACCCKKK,
Looks like I need to concentrate on your lower cheeks and upper thighs. Raise your panty; fetch me the belt you use on :ori. Here you go. Thank you Renee. Do you double it up when you give it to her or leave it long? Double it up, it gives you more control and you can control the harshness better. Good to know. Bend over the pillows, smooth your panty it is riding up. Better? Yes. CCCRRRAAACCKKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKKK keep your hands from rubbing your bottom or I will tie them up. Understand? Yes, Master. CCCRRRAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKKK,…JUST two more….I am happy you have been quiet during this session, you are learning. CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKKK. Owwww, owwww, owww Goodness that hurts, now I know why Lori never wants the belt and rather would lose her car privileges. Is your panty moist? (smiles), yes it is….then even though it was painful, you did achieve some pleasure from it or will later (wink)?
Renee, did you remember what would happen if you spoke during this session? Yes Peter I did, my poor bottom is very sore and red. I didn’t need to aggravate it anymore; you are a Man of your word. When you say I will receive 4 more, and then I do, I know this isn’t a game, but a way to teach me to become obedient and respectful. So next Wednesday when I come here you will be dressed properly? Yes Sir. I hope so because if you are not, all the discipline you received you will get on Wednesday and Thursday a double reminder. So happy you learned something today. You have a long way to go, but you are on the right track.
Just knowing that I am making progress makes me feel good. I am a very strong headed woman, but I am trying to learn to become more obedient . I do agree with you that it is easier to learn through discipline.
Discipline is something that remains in the back of your mind and when you think “I better do all my dishes before I leave for work because if Master stops for a spot check, I won’t have to worry about being punished.” Well, I stopped yesterday morning to drop off your smoked paprika off an low and behold DISHES in your sink, PANTY drawer had cotton in it and your coat was hanging on the back of your chair instead of being hung up. Do you know how furious I was? I thought last week, you had learned a lesson? Apparently my message had little impact? That will change tonight!.....
Please let me explain…you were running late again? Yes. I didn’t think you would stop, but when I received your text knowing it was going to be today or tomorrow. I had a horrible feeling it would be today. Then I remembered about the dishes, my panty drawer and my coat. I will be there shortly, tell Jan and Jerry not to come downstairs as we will be having some serious discussions. Go now I want to hear you tell them, put the phone in your shirt pocket. I don’t know how to word it? Think about it fast or I will double your punishment. Yes Sir. (knock, knock), Hi Lynn, “hello Renee what is up?” Do you need anything from downstairs now or tonight? “I don’t, Larry do you? Nope.” Peter is coming over and I/we need some alone time. Larry pipes in, “Lynn we best make some popcorn, cause I think Hazel is going to get her buns roasted…” (Renee’s face begins to blush) I better get back downstairs he will be here shortly. “Let us know if you need and ice pack later, for those cute buns?” that was so embarrassing. I knew it would be, when Larry made his comment, did your panty tingle with excitement, knowing they were going to be listening? Yes.
Have you showered and what are you wearing? I showered as soon as I saw the smoked paprika, I am wearing an ivory button down shirt, satin beige bra, satin beige panty with lace and jeans. Remove your jeans, open a bottle of red wine and drink a big glass, have your belt and your hairbrush with you in Lori’s room. Close the drapes. Bring a kitchen chair into the room as well. Also have another pair of panties laying out on the bed. Drink another big glass, I am stopping for gas, in East Jasmin. See you soon. I will be waiting for you…(click)
(Knock, Knock)…come in…Hello Peter. Is everything ready? Yes Sir. Where is my glass? Oops, I was so concerned about mine…that.. That you were only thinking of yourself? Over my lap, now. Shoot, I left my leather paddle in my car, put some shoes on and go get it. Dressed like this? Yes, no one is around, plus you are fast runner. Fine. (she runs out to my, car) Larry see her from the barn…”Forget something, there Hazel?” His leather paddle…”Guess I better get my drink together…have fun you two”. Anyone out there? Larry, told us to have fun…don’t you think you will? Over my lap. Such a nice panty, good you chose satin, it will add a little more protection for your bottom. I am going to start with my hand. Keep an accurate count for me. I will. SSSMMMAACCKK, SSMMMAACCK, SSSMMACCK, SSMMMAACKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK…STAND, lower your panty. A little blush to those cheeks go look in the mirror so you can track your progress. Yes Sir.
Raise your panty. Hand me your hairbrush and lay back over my lap. I love this hairbrush, have I told you that? Yes the first time you punished me with it. Oh right, I forgot. Hard to believe? Excuse me? You added ten spankings 5 for sarcasm and 5 for speaking when not asked to. Yes, Master, I deserve them I spoke out of order, I need a lesson in obedience and respect. Why were your dishes not done? SSSMMMAACCKK, SSSMMMAAACCCKK, SSSMMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK …I didn’t manage my time properly. Correct, it all comes down to time management, something you have an issue with. We will work on this, with the leather paddle. Hand it to me. Here you go, Master. Thank you submissive Renee. TTTHWACK, TTHWWACK, TTHHWWACK, TTHHWWAACCK, TTHHWWAACCKK, how does that feel? That stings something awful. I will hopefully learn from this night. TTTHHHWWAACCKK, TTTHHHWWWAAACCCKK, TTTHHHWWAACCCKK, TTTHHHWWWAACCCKKK….please stop, this really hurts. I promise I will keep my dishes up…please Master.
You have 10 more spankings coming if not with the leather paddle, what do you suggest I use? Use my belt? Then it will be 15 with your belt. Why 15? I thought it was 10? Penalty of 5 for speaking during a discipline session. Lay over the pillows Renee. I thought you learned Renee? I forgot. Then this will help you remember. Smooth your panty in the back. Yes, Master….better? Perfect. CCCRRRAAACCCKKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCKKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKK, (begins to cry) CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKKK….Had you kept your mouth shut we would be done….but you have 5 more coming, lower your panty for the last 5. Please no, please Master. I am only going to ask one more time then I am finishing with the paddle and adding 10. I am sliding them down, sorry Sir. I won’t question you again. CCCRRRAAACCCK, CCCRRRAAACCCKKK, (bawling) CCCRRRAAACCKKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKK….Renee, we need to repeat this on Saturday. I would like you at my home after 3pm for an evening of lecture, training and discipline. I will tell you what to bring tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your night. I am very sorry I questioned you, you know what is best for me and my program. I will be there Saturday, shall I plan on spending the night? Yes.
Renee since you are taking tomorrow off, I tallied up your curfew violations, 34. Far more then I had anticipated, which will result in an essay and discipline. Have the essay ready for me by the 15th of October. The discipline will be administered in two weeks. Expect the the leather paddle and your belt, 17 from each. What is the topic of the essay? Obedience and how I learn thru Discipline. How long should it be? As long as you think it should be. If you can get the point across in one page great, if it takes 5 pages so be it. Before you ask I made the implement choices, because those two seem to work best on you.
For this Saturday, bring 4 pairs of panties, besides the pair you will be wearing, bring your hairbrush and your belt. Make an appetizer as well. Tim called me, he heard thru Larry about our little program. He was a little disappointed you only gave him one days notice about turning his office lights on and off. For Friday, Friday is a big day with people coming up for the weekend and it is important to look like someone is there. I told him I would handle it. I said it is only about her, but she needs to be reminded that others are involved. He said normally he would take you out to his cabin and give you a whooping, but can’t cause he can’t drive. What would he use for his “whooping”? May I defend myself? Yes. I did this as a favor, but he treats me as his personal slave. You are a woman and he is a man, in our eyes you are a slave. Continue. I did tell him I might not be able to do it everyday. Like last Wednesday when you forgot or were you running late? Running late, was making sure evrything was right for your arrival that evening and didn’t manage my time properly. When he gives me a ‘whooping’ he cuts a switch. I must strip to my panty and bendover the couch arm and thank him for every stroke. How do you thank him afterwards? I give him a blowjob. Do you swallow? Of course otherwise I have to go cut another switch. I want you at my home at 12noon on Saturday. Bring shoes to walk in the woods with. (Gulps) Why? I want to see you cut a switch.
(Knock, Knock) Hello, Renee, nice to see you are on time. I like to try, when it is important. Since you are on time, I am going to take you to lunch. After I give you a quick, but painful paddling. Why? Cause I want to see what panty you are you have anything else to bring in? Nope. Upstairs, place your panties, your belt and hairbrush on the bed next to the other panties and implements. You will be modeling all those panties for me. Shoot, I forgot a pair of panties. You can expect additional discipline for not being prepared. I thought you made check lists? I usually do, but forgot today. Seems you are having memory issues, the Leather Paddle should help with that. Over my lap…SSSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK..nice panty. Put your jeans on, lets goto Red Dragon. I will drive.
After lunch we will go for a walk in the woods so you can cut a switch. (she grins) Do you have to say that so loud? People don’t know what a switch is. They probably know what a leather paddle is though, how are your buns? That paddle delivers a very even spank, don’t you agree? It does a very good job, I look forward to feeling it again today. I look forward to administering it. Shall we start with some Champagne? I think that is a great idea. Speaking of Champagne, when we get home, please change into the satin Champagne bikini, before we goto the woods to a cut a SWITCH. Sssshhhh Excuse me? Please keep your voice down. Why? You are making me moist…Okay, will keep my voice down, but you can expect a paddling before we go in the woods. I kinda figured I would be getting one….
That was another great lunch at Red Dragon, now we can concentrate on you and your disobedience. I think that is a good idea. I need to get back on track. Punishment is a good way to put you on the right path. Strip to your panty and bra, then put the blouse on that is on my bed. Tie the tails together so it is above your waist and your panty can clearly been seen. Yes, Sir.
Grab your belt and follow me, we are going to my office. Bendover the bench where the pillow is. Yes Sir, here is my belt. Thank you, smooth your panty in the back. Make sure it maintains its smoothness for the 30 belt whippings you will be receiving. Yes, Master. This session is for your failure to give Tim, adequate time to find a replacement. Please keep track of the whippings, failure to do so and we will begin again. (gulp) yes, Master.
CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCCK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCK. You need to think of others not just yourself when others are counting on you. CCCRRRAAACCKK, CCCRRRAAACCKK, you need to be respectful of others CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCKK, CCCRRAACCKK. How many? Tennnn….CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRAAACCKK, you are going to become an obedient woman CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKK. Over half way, the good news for you is you won’t be receiving the belt the rest of the day or night. Unless you screw up, badly. CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKK, CCCRRRAAACCCKKK. Obedience is achieved through discipline. What are your thoughts? This belt whipping is something I will remember….CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK, just five more, stand and lower your panty. Yes sir….nice stripes are you feeling it? Oh my goodness yes. Are you learning? Yes Master …raise your panty and bend back over the pillows. Yes Sir. CCRRACCKK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK, CCRRAACCKK..lay there and think about what you just received, while I open some wine. Go and get your self refreshed in the bathroom. (crying) yyyyeesss MMMaasster.
Renee, please change your panty. Put the pink satin pair on. Yes, Master. Does my bottom look nice in these? They feel wonderful. I won’t know until you are over my lap, first we will have some wine and an appetizer. Did you learn from your belt whipping? It was a very good reminder on how not to treat people you care about. I will be more respectful in the future. You give a harder whipping then my dad did. Maybe it will deter you? I will definitely think twice. I love this pizza and wine. Are we going into the woods to cut a switch? I think we have plenty of implements here to keep you occupied. Don’t you agree, Renee? Most definitely. Over my lap, time for the hairbrush
SSSMMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, I want you to have ALL your dishes done and put away before you leave your home every morning. SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCCKK, SSMMAACCKK, SSMMAACCKK. Is this understood? Yes…(sniffling) SSSSMMMAAACCCK, SSSMMMAAACCKKK, SSSMMMAAACCKK, SSSMMMAAACCK Go and kneel in the corner, clasp your hands behind your head. Yes, Sir. I will prepare the salad. It is aready 6pm time is flying by. After we have our salad you will receive the leather paddle. Change into the beige satin panty, now, please.
Over my lap, please Renee. The final phase of your punishment is 8 with the leather paddle. That means 8 on each cheek. I will be alternating each cheek, I will start with your right cheek then do the left. That would be one complete spank. Please keep an accurate count, failure to do so will result in starting over. Understood? I believe so. A simple yes or no will suffice. Yes, Sir. Good girl. Shall we begin? (Renee nods yes). TTTHHHWWAACCCKKK, TTTHHHWWWAAACCCKK, TTTHHHWWWAAACCCKK, TTTHHHWWWAAACCCKK, TTTHHHWWWAAACCCKK, TTTHHHWWWAAACCCKKK, TTTHHHWWWAAACCCKKK, TTTHHHWWWAAACCCKK. Count please? (sniffling and tearing up…) four complete spanks Sir. Half way. How do you feel? It hurts very much. Is it making you wish you would have completed all your dishes, had all your ironing done and had your panty drawer in order? Yes Master. This is a very good deterrent. Good to hear. TTTHHHWWWAACCCKK, TTTHHWWWAAACCCKK, TTTHHHWWWAAACCKK, TTTHHHWWWAACCCKK, TTTHHWWWAAACCCKK, TTTHHWWWAACCCKKK, TTTHHWWAACCKK, TTHHWWAACCKK. All done. (I rub her warmed bottom, she lets out a long sigh…I move my hand between her legs, her panty is very moist…) guess you achieved a little pleasure from this? Yes I did, I believe I learned a very valuable lesson today. What did you learn, Renee? To maintain a proper household, to manage my time better and to be respectful to others needs. Excellent. Kneel in the corner for 15 minutes with your panty lowered. Will you wish to shower before the entrée is served? Yes, please.
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