Please not here!! M/F

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Please not here!! M/F

Post by poshprincess » Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:52 pm

Another story about Joe and Rachel, I hope you enjoy!!

Today we were at my Moms house. My mother and I have a bit of shall we say a rocky relationship. We argue a lot. She just doesn’t make sense sometimes. She invited me and Joe to her house for dinner, I could have easily stayed at home but my husband insisted that we go and spend sometime with the old woman.

When we got there, my mother was in the kitchen with my aunt making dinner. Joe kissed the ladies and headed in to the den with my step-dad to watch the game. My mother and my aunt wasted no time. They began to interrogate me. Hounding me about kids, moving closer to them, changing my job….AHHHHH. I immediately got aggravated and told them to “knock it off”. I raised my voice…ok ….well I yelled at them, telling them to stop hounding me. Joe and Dave came into the kitchen seeing us all upset. Joe walked beside me and whispered “ Rach, calm down,” I shot him a look that said don’t mess with me and he very clearly mouthed “watch it”. I huffed in desperation wanting to tell him that they started with me first, but I said nothing. The fury was boiling. I was so frustrated that they could just badger me and I just had to take it. So I shut down and sulked big time, Joe came close to my ear and whispered “Now you can count on a discussion, when I get you home.” I wanted to scream out and tell him “It was their fault… and to go have a discussion with them!!!”

Well dinner was ready and we sat down to eat. Dinner was quiet. There was conversation around me but I chose not to join in. I spoke when spoken to. Joe was annoyed with me and I was annoyed with my mother and aunt. I just wanted to go home.

Finally towards the end of dinner I started to relax. Joe gently rubbed my leg under the table, it felt good, I relaxed a little more and finally joined the conversation.

After dinner Joe and I started to tackle the kitchen, just him and I alone in the kitchen. As I stood up from putting a pot in the cabinet Joe walked over to me and met me face to face. I jumped because he got so close. He explained to me that he was clearly going to blister my backside when we got home because disrespecting my mother was not allowed. He made it clear that raising my voice in her house regardless of how it started wouldn’t be tolerated either. Joe didn’t yell, he didn’t even raise his voice. He spoke so closely to me that I could feel his breath. Needless to say I was nervous. I wanted to plead my case but I new I was doomed.

As we finished up Joe told me to go ask if anyone wanted dessert, so I did. Dave was back in the den and said “no thanks” my mom and aunt were in the living room. Neither wanted dessert either, just as I was about to leave my mom started talking to me again…my attitude began to rise. She apologized for hounding me she said it was just that she wanted me to have everything she had. As I was about to have a nice mother daughter moment my aunt chimed in something about my pipes drying out and I lost it! I went up one side of her and down the other. I yelled, I screamed, I hollered and I went off!!!! Just as I was nearing the end of my rant Joe walked in and politely excused us. He firmly grabbed my arm and walked us to the stairs. I panicked… we weren’t leaving we were going upstairs and before I could stop myself I begged Joe “ Please, please don’t spank me here, I will stop. Please not here!!!” I didn’t care who heard me it was a matter of life and death.

Joe walked me upstairs and by the time we got to the guest room my pleading was muffled by the tears falling. He tossed me into the room and closed the door behind us. I begged again. Joe told me to stop and began to lecture about the level of disrespect he just witnessed. I said “but we are vanilla outside of the house, you can’t spank me here”. I needed him to tell me we would deal with it later, that this was just a warning but instead he told me to undress and I cried and begged as he started counting I undid my jeans. I knew my fate was sealed when his belt came off. I was hoping someone would come in and interrupt but at the same time I was soooo embarrassed I just wanted to disappear. My husband spanked me as hard and as long as he would have if we were at home. That belt came down with such fury, I hopped around trying to escape the belt but Joe had my arm gripped like it was caught in a vice. I cried and begged finally it stopped. Joe told me to get dressed, clean myself up and make it back down stairs quickly. I did as I was told and made it back downstairs. By the time I got downstairs Joe was sitting quietly in the den with Dave and my mother and aunt were quietly sitting on the couch. I went into the living room and met my mothers eyes. I started to cry again as I fumbled through my apologies. My aunt interrupted me and apologized first. She apologized for being so hard on me. I sat gingerly between them and we all hugged and laughed. It was then that the two old ladies looked at each other and then at me and told me to that they were STILL spanked by their husbands, my jaw just dropped. We hugged again and my aunt said “welcome to the club.”

The End.

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Re: Please not here!! M/F

Post by wazoolie » Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:43 am

nicely done, PoshPrincess. Thanks for the read :)

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Re: Please not here!! M/F

Post by jamessc » Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:01 am

Nothing like taking care of business right away! Great story!

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Re: Please not here!! M/F

Post by rayzstrap » Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:16 pm

Great story, I certainly enjoyed it.

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Re: Please not here!! M/F

Post by jay50 » Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:22 pm it! Just curious though...are these true stories or your fantasies?
Last edited by jay50 on Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Please not here!! M/F

Post by vampmoon » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:42 pm

I really enjoyed it also, nice job, very well written

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Re: Please not here!! M/F

Post by poshprincess » Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:29 pm

Thank you very much. Your encouragement means a lot. I love sharing with you. :)

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Re: Please not here!! M/F

Post by brattie23 » Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:48 pm

I love it!!!!

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Re: Please not here!! M/F

Post by fFhappySpanks » Sat May 26, 2012 5:48 am

Great story, loved it!

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Joined: Tue May 01, 2012 5:46 pm

Re: Please not here!! M/F

Post by amdys » Mon May 28, 2012 4:26 am

Nice story! Its very well written.

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