A beautiful day for us...rain hitting the kitchen window as we have a lovely breakfast; me in your pajama top with my hair messily tied back and you in your pajama bottoms, talking about current events, having a few laughs with some great music playing in the background. Silence falls upon us I feel your bright smile on me as I am eating, leaving crumbs on my face...i look up at you... "what?" "Nothing...i just love you".... as you chuckle and reach over and wipe the crumbs off with your serviette. I put my head down and then my eyes look up and meet yours smiling back at you. "i love you too" as i giggle.
After breakfast I do the washing up and look at you out of the corner of my eye to catch a glimpse of you reading the paper, drinking your coffee and i think to myself how lucky I am. Once finished I go behind you and wrap my arms around your shoulders reaching the middle of your chest, clasping my hands together and kiss your cheek. Your beautiful hand touches mine and takes my wrist in one move as you put the paper down and you sit me on your knee and give me a huge hug, then you grab my face and kiss me.
"What do you want to do today my darling Piper?" "hmmmmmmmmmmm.....bake a cake!" You laugh. "What kind?" "ummm...chocolate i think...with some sort of nice, sweet creamy frosting, but I can make it myself though, you just may need to help me a little, but only if i ask." "Okay..." The last time you helped me in the kitchen it was to make risotto and you miraculously salvaged it. I happened to burn myself on the side of the pot and in your true fashion you didn't worry about the risotto anymore and put my forearm under cold water, then lifted me up on the counter, put ointment on my burn and dressed it. It hurt so bad and you checked it constantly for me. I know full well you can make a beautiful, moist, fluffy cake but I really want to prove that I can do it on my own. So you take out all of the stuff I need; including an easy to follow recipe, mixing bowls, pans, ingredients, different spatulas, including the offset spatula. And as you place THOSE on the counter, you give me one of your warning looks...and smile. "You won't be needing to use any of those on me, I promise" as i blush a bright red. "OK, but you know I will use them if I have reason to." "Yes, I know." "Well, I will leave you to it, just holler if you need me" as you put an apron on me and tossle my hair, give me a quick kiss and a pat on the bum. "I will, now get out of my kitchen!" We both laugh out loud.
The thought of you relaxing on the couch reading, watching TV, just relaxing, while I attempt to prepare a lovely cake makes me very happy and feel warm inside.
I start by putting all of the dry ingredients in the big mixing bowl and sifting the flour, etc. So far so good. Next comes the part I hate most; cracking eggs into the wet mixture. Sure enough, bits of shell get into the bowl. I stifle my swearing but for the life of me I cannot get them out. I get a little frustrated and almost slam the spatula i was using to try to remove the shell bits on the counter with my cursing getting a little louder. I didn't even hear you get up but you were at the doorway "Everything all right?" "yeah, yeah fine." You can hear in my voice that I am trying to stay calm. "Here, let me help you." "NO!!!" "Excuse me?" "No thank you, I just got some egg shells in the bowl and I cannot get them out and I have been trying for ten minutes." You approach the bowl to use a trick to remove them and I turn and sit on the chair and cross my arms across my chest to watch you. "Hey, I am only trying to help you." silence. "Piper, stop acting like such a child this minute!" I glare at you..."I'm not!" "I think you want a spanking, don't you." I stand up and walk out of the kitchen almost stomping. You catch up to me in a second and before I know it, I am bent over your knee right there where you are standing with a spatula in your hand. You spank me so fast and hard I hardly have time to plead you to stop until you pull up the pajama top I am wearing and pull down my panties to continue walloping my bare skin. I am on my tip toes trying to escape the volleys. "Are you going to let me help you?" silence, other than sniffles. You wait for a few long seconds. "All right." You take me by the wrist and lead me to the kitchen chair and stand me in front of you. "One more time...are you going to let me help you?" I am blushing and upset and do not answer, so you do not hesitate in turning me across your knee to spank me with your hand. "I will not put up with this Piper!!" as you spank me harder. You stand me up and put the offset spatula in my hand. "Now you can leave the kitchen and march yourself right into the bedroom and stay there and wait for me!" I come back into the kitchen very contrite. "Okay, I'm sorry, it's just that I wanted to prove to you...."Too late" as you turn my shouders, put your hand firmly around my left arm, and give my bottom a very hard spank. "Get going!" I cry and slowly leave the kitchen, implement in hand and make my way to the bedroom, by bum already smarting.
I can hear you in the kitchen fixing things and as i sit on the edge of the bed gingerly for a minute and then move to lie on my tummy and put the scary looking metal spatula with those holes in it on the bench trying not to think of what is going to happen. It seems to take forever for you to come and see me. My heart races as I finally hear your footsteps coming toward the door. I sit up immediately, tucking my hands under my knees with my head down. "I'm sorry." "Look at me!" I look at you. "What is with you young lady?" "I don't know." "You don't know? Well, I know one thing. I am going to punish you so you know that this is not acceptable." "But you have already given me a spanking and you don't have to do anymore, honest, I
I get it" "I don't think you do, but you will, now stand up!"
You walk behind me and get the offset spatula and sit on the bed one leg straight, one on the floor and pull me over your knee. "If I have to use my free leg to hold you in place you will get ten extra, understood?" "Yes, but pleeeeeeeeasssssssssssse" My begging falls on deaf ears as the cool metal soon turns to a burning I have never felt before as you give me a good 15 smacks with it, the whole while telling me that I have to stop being so stubborn and that it isn't a bad thing to ask for or to need help. By the time you are done I am openly crying and have a very red bottom and an imprint of little holes as well covering both cheeks. You give me a minute, tell me to get up and let me lie on the bed. "When you calm down you may join me in the kitchen."
After about twenty minutes I decide to go into the kitchen. I put my face in your chest and apologize and thank you. "Good girl. You deserved that young lady." I nod in agreement. We continue to make the cake together and when it is in the oven, you turn me to you, kiss me very passionately and lead me to the kitchen table. You bend me over and get some cream to soothe my sore bottom, then proceed to give me a hard, fast fucking leaving my legs like jello. Once we both orgasm and are breathing so heavily, the buzzer goes off. "May i please take the cake out of the oven?" "Yes, darling, go ahead." As the cake cools we take a long shower together, then later proceed to make the frosting, ice the cake and enjoy it immensely an hour later.
The Kitchen...(sex at end not explicit)
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