Grandmother Jones F/M)

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Grandmother Jones F/M)

Post by Otkfme2 » Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:59 am

Grandmother Jones F/M)

My name is Rick. When I was a small child growing up, my parents didn't
have time for me in the summer, when I was out of school. So I spent my
summers living with my Grandmother Jones. At least, that is what I always
called her. Even when I became an adult, she was always Grandmother Jones
to me.

She lived on a large cattle ranch, and her husband was killed in some
sort of a ranch accident. Grandmother Jones was a very strong woman, and
hired some men to take care of the cattle and run the business, but she was
always in charge of the whole ranch. The hired ranch hands lived in their
own area near the barns, and Grandmother Jones lived in the ranch house,
where I also stayed. Everyone ate in the ranch house, and she also hired a
cook, maid/housekeeper, and others as needed.

Grandmother Jones was a church going Christian who believed that
receiving punishment was a form of forgiveness. Therefore, no matter how
young or old you were, everyone should be punished for his or her mistakes.
Then the slate would be wiped clean and all would be forgiven.

So she had some very strict rules as to how and when the punishments
were to be given. If it were a very minor mistake, a person would receive
an over the knee spanking right then. If it were a bigger mistake, she
would keep track of it in a punishment book. Then it would be taken care
of on Friday, after dinner and when all of the dishes, pots and pans were

The punishment took place in a shed, next to the house. After dinner,
Grandmother Jones would read the names of the people to be punished, and we
had to stand outside of the shed, until our names were called. When we
stood outside of the shed, we were able to hear the person being spanked or
whipped, and watch them crying as they ran out the door. As I said before,
even the hired ranch hands were punished for their mistakes.

I remember my first summer at her ranch. At first I received a few over
the knee spanking, and they were administered over my jeans. Since they
really didn't hurt very much, I just did as I pleased, and I got into more
trouble. But one Friday evening, my name was read. So I had to stand
outside of the shed and listen to everyone else being punished. I was the
last one called into the shed, and I was amazed at what I saw. There were
various paddles, whips, crops, and ropes hanging from the walls. In the
middle of the room were different sizes of sawhorses, some had saddles on
them and others were padded.

Grandmother Jones did a good job of explaining why I needed to be
punished. Then she placed a small sawhorse in the middle of the room and
said, "If you are to be punished, I expect you to lower your jeans and
underwear, and bend over the sawhorse. You are to hold to the legs on the
other side of the sawhorse and remain bent over for your punishment. So do
not stand up or rub your bottom until I tell you to. Otherwise, your
punishment will be more severe and last longer. Any questions?"

"Do girls and women need to bare their bottoms too? Are they spanked
just like the boys and men?"

"Yes, they are spanked just like you will be. Sometimes the women
quickly change into their nightgowns, so they don't have to take off their
bulky dresses when being punished. Any more questions?"

"I did notice some of the women in their nightgowns. I was wondering
why. Now I understand. But one more question. If I promise not to be
naughty again, can you not spank me?"

"Once you are entered into the punishment book, you will be spanked. So
prepare yourself to be spanked."

I reluctantly lowered my jeans and underwear, and bent over the
sawhorse. I was surprised when I felt Grandmother Jones lower my jeans and
underwear down to my ankles. Then my spanking began. First I was spanked
with a small leather paddle. I knew what I was going to be spanked with
because she showed me. Second, was a large wooden paddle with holes in it,
and it really did sting me. The last thing she used was a riding crop. I
was hit with that on the insides of my upper thighs. All the time I was
scolded while being spanked. The spanking made me want to always please
Grandmother Jones with my behavior. No matter how good I tried to be, it
seemed like every week I was spanked.

During the summer after I had completed sixth grade, I was told that
both of my parents had died in an automobile accident. The good news was
that I could stay with Grandmother Jones. So when school started, I
attended the nearby country school. The school had three main rooms in it,
one for the elementary school, one for the junior high, and one for the
older high school students. Each room had it's own teacher, and back then,
they were all female teachers. Also, each teacher had a desk with a large
wooden paddle hanging from it.

The school also had a spanking policy. If you got an "F" on a test,
didn't study, or disrupted the class, you were spanked in front of the
class. For the boys it meant both your jeans and underwear was pulled
down, and for the girls, their dresses were pulled up and they were spanked
over their thin panties.

When I started school, I also found out that a girl about three years
older than myself, also attended school and we walked and talked together
everyday. Her name was Alice. I guess she was a daughter of one of the
women who worked in the house.

I wasn't doing so well and was being spanked a lot so I asked Alice to
help me and to sort of tutor me. She agreed to it only if I accepted being
spanked by her, if I didn't study, and if was okayed by Grandmother Jones.
So it was really embarrassing for me when we approached Grandmother Jones
one evening and Alice had me ask her, "Would it be okay if Alice were to
tutor me, and spank me as needed?"

I was actually happy that she agreed, but she added, "I would also like
to supervise your spanking by Alice, and your spanking would take place in
the shed. You would be spanked just like I spank you."

I was actually hoping I would be spanked over my jeans, but I agreed to
it. So it was really embarrassing when I was taken to the shed and spanked
by Alice, while Grandmother Jones was watching and making sure I was well
spanked. It did teach me to respect how strong women can be.

Being tutored and spanked did help my grades and help me study.
Although Alice was spanking me, we did have a good relationship with each
other. After Alice graduated, she still tutored and spanked me while
working in the house for Grandmother Jones. But age took a toil on
Grandmother Jones, and to my surprise, Alice was given the task of the
discipline for the ranch. With Grandmother Jones' supervision, she spanked
and whipped the staff every Friday night.

After high school, and because I was so good in math, thanks to the
spankings from Alice, I went to college at a nearby city. During college,
I did date a few women, but they were never as strong and powerful as Alice
and Grandmother Jones. However, during my summers off, I still stayed in
the house at the ranch. I eventually learned almost every job at the
ranch, but I was still subject to spankings from Alice. We spent our spare
time together and entered into a more physical relationship.

I was so good with numbers that I got a degree in accounting, and since
I knew the day-to-day operations of the ranch, I was able to change things
so the ranch was making a nice profit. Grandmother Jones liked the changes
I made in the ranch and my growing relationship with Alice.

But during the summer after I graduated from college with a degree in
accounting, Grandmother Jones' health was failing her. Alice was now in
charge of running the whole ranch and for caring for Grandmother Jones. I
kept improving the operations of the ranch, and I cared for her too. It
was nice for me because now I was close to the two women I had grown to
love. In the final days of her life, we employed a full time nurse and had
a doctor close by.

After Grandmother Jones died, we had a nice funeral for her, and she was
buried on a hill on the ranch. When her lawyer read her Last Will &
Testament, I was very happy at what she wanted done with her estate. She
requested that Alice get half the estate and her grandson Rick, me, would
get half the estate. She wrote that she hoped that we would get married
and run the ranch together as a couple. I was also suppose to use
Grandmother Jones' wedding rings, if Alice accepted to marry me.

Then the last part of the will was sort of interesting. If I were to
accept the gift from Grandmother Jones, that I should ask for Alice's hand
in marriage, and ask Alice to seal the deal with a trip to the shed for a
spanking from her. I felt Grandmother Jones was still supervising my
spanking from above.

So now everything worked out well, thanks to my beloved Grandmother
Jones. Alice and I are happily married and now owner's of the ranch.

Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:00 am

Re: Grandmother Jones F/M)

Post by harry1 » Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:28 am

great story.hope we get more of this relationship.

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