My friend Ashley and her sister Marie have been a big help to me over the last year or so. I
know I can always talk to them about my spankings. Their dad is real kind too but I am
afraid of him a bit. After all, he has told me that he would have spanked me too for the things I
had been spanked for.
But things have changed now. They have taken me in and so now they are my foster sisters and
their dad is my dad. I have even started calling him "daddy". I never did that with any of my other
placements. but this is different. They want to adopt me!
One problem though. Daddy has made it perfectly clear to me that if I am sufficiently stupid he
will spank me just like he spanks Ashley and Marie. He even showed me the wooden spoon and
the wooden hairbrush he uses. They definitely got my attention!
But so far after six weeks IT has not happened to me.A couple weeks ago, Ashly managed to
get spanked for breaking curfew by an hour. Daddy was not very happy with that at all. He
lectured her for a while about responsibility and self control. Then he sent her to fetch the
wooden spoon. She cried and howled like a baby and begged for the spanking to stop.
Eventually it did, and she cried in the corner for a good 20 minutes. She showed me the bruises
afterward. man she looked bad. she was bruised all over her bottom and the top quarter of her
thighs! I did not want that spoon taken to me.
He told me what the rules and expectations would be. I have a curfew and a bedtime, I have set
chores, I'm expected to be polite, do well in school and do as I'm told. The usual things I guess.
It's just the "spanking" part that makes me nervous. I dreaded the first time I will have to make
that trip over his knee.
My grades were dismal this year, but at least I passed. Daddy told me that he expects me to do
much better in the coming year but also that I would have set times for studying and that he would
help me with my homework if he could. So thats not so bad.
But it is summer! That means time for swimming and other outdoor activities with my new sisters.
I was very excited when Daddy said that we'd be going to the beach today. We packed a lunch
and headed off.
He told us that we could only be in for an hour and not to go in past our waists. We all had
waterproof watches so that was not a big deal. Off we scampered, ready to enjoy the cool
waters of the lake.
At first we played and splashed like a trio of preschoolers. We all loved the water. Eventually we
venmtured out farther and swam around. We then stood in the wather and talked, oblivious to
the fact that we were in up to our necks and also oblivious to time. Finaly Marie looked at
her watch and said, quietly, "oh no!!"
We had been in the water for two hours and were neck deep in water. Thus we were also neck
deep in trouble, if not deeper. We swam back to shore and got back onto the beach. Daddy
called us over at once, clearly angry. Dejected, we walked to him.
My god could he lecture! He told us how very disappointed he was in us for disobeying him.
He also told us about some of the dangers involved in being so far out into the lake. He also
said how worried he was about us. he wasn't yelling but you could tell he was lecuring us.
All three of us had our heads down and were shielding or rubbing our bottoms. Anyone who
saw us would suspect that there was a spanking in our immediate futures. Finally he told us
to get in the car. He had already put away the lunches.
It was only once we were in the car that he said that we would be spanked. marie was in the front
seat with Daddy. Ashley and I were in the back seat, holding hands. I was really scared, and
she could tell. It was a long hour's ride back home.
"Daddyyyy," i said after a few minutes of silence. "Yes, Cara?" "I'm sorryyy," I said, tearfully.
"You are forgiven, Carissima," he said. "All three of you are forgiven." I love it when he calls
me that. "But the three of you still have a spanking coming." "I know, Daddy," I said.
He then explained to me what would happen once we got home. We'd be spanked and then get
corner time. He also told me why he used spanking as a punishment and how he didn't enjoy having
to do it but knows that sometimes he must. He asked me if I was scared. I said yes. He then
said that I would be spanked first since I haven't had one from him before. There wasn't much left
to say.
Finally we got home. the three of us girls quietly walked into the Living Room. Daddy set up a
chair in the moiddle of the room and told me to get the wooden spoon. Ashley and Marie stood
facing the wall. I was trembling in fear when i handed him the spoon.
He pulled down my bikini bottoms down and I already started crying. I went over his knee and
he held me in position tightly. I clenched my cheeks in anticipation, but still gasped when the
first spank landed. It was very hard and I reached around with one arm to shield my bum. He
grabbed that arm and pinned it to my side. I bawled like a baby from the first smack.
I'd never been spanked this hard in my life! Each smack was far harder than when George
spanked me, and these kept coming rapidly. Huge waves of pain travelled up my spine
and exploded in my brain. After what seemed like an hour he finally stopped. I just lay there,
sobbing and cryinig hard. He helped me up and I could barely stand. We hugged and he told
me that it was all over. We just stood there for a couple minutes until I could compose
myself. I did not want another spanking ever again.
But still I would rather get one from Daddy than anyone else. He loved me and did it because
he cared and was worried and wanted me to know right from wrong. he sent me to my room
and told me to shower and get changed.
I checked out the damage when I was in the shower. How can anyone resist doing that? I
was still crying but cried harder when I saw how red and sore and bruised I was back there.
It was simply unreal, but I survived. After the shower, I changed into a light dress and flopped
onto my bed. It was an hour before I could stop crying. By that time the other spankings
were long finished and my new sisters had stopped their crying. He gave us all hugs and
kissed us. He told us again that we were forgiven and how much he loved us and was
concerned for our safety.
We finally ate our lunches in the kitchen. Standing!
It is bedtime now. Lying in bed, I find myself thinking about the spankings I've gotten
in the last while. My father would spank if he got mad enough. Then out would come the belt
and he would swing away until he felt like stopping. George and Priscilla spanked hard but for
them it was simply one of the duties of their job. With Diane it was based on concern for
proper behaviour and I was at least told that I was forgiven afterwards.
But with Daddy its different. The spanking took me to levels of pain I didn't even know existed!
But he also took the time to explain why it was earned. Not only that, I was told I was forgiven.
Not only that, he loved me like I was one of his own. I did not want another spanking for
anything, but if I had to get one, I would rather have fifty spankings from Daddy than one from
anyone else. I love my daddy!
Growing pains 5: Cara's New Sisters (M/fff)
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