Disclaimer. Read this as fiction as some of the details have been
revised. Spanking of teens in real life is NOT recommended.
The Checklist – Spank the Grils F/ff F/fff (3672 words)
Neither my sister, Carol, nor I got spanked growing up as Mom
didn't believe in it and Mom was a single parent. When I was 14
and Carol was closer to 16 than 15, Mom got selected by her
company to go help run a booth at an industrial convention. This
was a major opportunity for Mom and it was 4 states away. Carol
and I were absolutely convinced we could stay by our selves, Carol
being in 9th grade and I in 8th grade. No such luck. Carol found the
wife of one of Dad's brothers who was happy to watch us. Our
father wasn't in our lives since I was 2 and Dad's brother was how
we stayed connected to our other grandparents. Our uncle's kids
were grown up and our uncle had remarried. Mom didn't really
know our uncle's first wife all that well, let alone the second wife
whose kids were also grown up. Our new Aunt came over for
dinner from across town and she actually seemed very nice, but
Carol and I were at our worse being put out about needing a sitter
for the 8 days Mom would be gone.
Kay came over the Saturday morning and helped Mom get ready
and then we took Mom to the airport. When we got back home,
Kay found Mom's checklist on the kitchen counter. All normal
stuff that Mom had remembered except the bottom item read:
Spank the grils.
Kay asked us if Mom had found the time to get us spanked before
she left. Carol chuckled and said, no, Mom never spanked us and
the grils was Mom's dyslexia coming through. Stupidly I spoke up
and laughing said Carol and I had been pretty hard for Mom to
deal with all week over needing a sitter and this was about as close
as Carol and I ever came to needing a spanking.
Kay said she could see we really badly needed to be spanked and
she would take care of it right away. Kay said it wasn't fair to have
our spankings hanging over us for 8 days and she was sure the last
thing Mom would want to do when she got home was to have to
spank us. Kay went into the bathroom and came out with a sturdy
wooden hair brush. She asked us who was first.
It took a lot of convincing for Carol and me to persuade Kay to
hold off on spanking us until we could call Mom at her hotel. The
deal we got was we would get spanked twice without complaining
if Mom said needed it.
We were grounded to the house with no phone, computer, or TV,
till we talked with Mom. Oddly enough Carol and I got our
homework down and some of a long term assignment. The other
term was wearing a skirt so it would be easier to spank us.
Finally as expected the phone rang at 6:30 and Kay picked it up
and put it on speaker phone. Kay explained the note and our
insistence that we were never spanked. Mom said she thought
Carol's friend, Molly who was over late morning had likely added
the final item to her list. Mom said she had seen the note with the
addition and had been thinking about it all day. Kay said she would
be delighted to give us each a very nice spanking. Mom said that
was an excellent idea. Kay explained our bargain to get it twice
and once Mom understood she readily agreed the second spanking
would be after she got back. Neither Carol nor I could change
Mom or Kay's mind and we were told to cooperate fully with
being spanked.
Kay assured Mom we would be nicely spanked even though she was slightly out of
Kay said, "Carol, please come over now. I'm starting with you."
Carol said, "Like hell you are. I'm out of here."
Carol headed for the door but Kay was surprisingly quick and agile
for an elderly lady in her forties. Kay grabbed Carol with a hand in the back of
her skirt, pulling it half down. In just moments Kay was sitting in a living
room chair with Carol still squirming to get away. Carol was losing the battle
as Kay soon had both her arms held behind her back.
Kay said, "Carol, you're making this harder than it would have to be. Your
skirts and panties are coming down. Are you going to let me take them down or do
I have to ask Val to help?"
Carol screamed, "I'm not going to be on display. Let me up."
I had been standing there really frightened the whole time and it never occurred
to me to flee.
Kay said, "Val, I appreciate your cooperation so far. Do me a favor and bring me
the hairbrush."
With wobbly legs I went over to the table, picked it up, and handed
it to my aunt. I said, "Aunt Kay, the curtains and windows are
open. Carol is going to be seen."
Kay said, "I was going to spank her in the dining room but that
didn't work out. This will teach her to cooperate. Val, I was just
going to use the paddle, but I think I may need to add a few spanks
with a leather belt. Please find me one that is all leather."
In a couple minutes I was back having picked the narrower of the
two that I found, carefully hiding the other one.
Kay said, "Carol, it's decision time, either you cooperate and let
me take your skirt and panties off, or I'll give you a couple spanks
that won't count and I'll get Val to help."
After continuing the non cooperation pattern, Kay was soon giving
Carol 4 hard spanks with the paddle. Carol was more upset than
anything and was pleading to be let up. I was summoned and on
shaky legs, I unzipped the side zipper of the skirt and then
carefully slipped the skirt and panties off her. She had to lift up just
slightly and did so instead of getting another spank. I was surprised
I could see exactly were each of the first four spanks had landed.
Kay said, "Carol, I'm going to give you about 10 initial spanks to
get your attention. Then I will talk to you for a while and then
you'll get the main part of your spanking. OK?"
Carol said, "No, please anything except spanking. I'll be good."
Kay said, "And the spanking should really help with that."
With that the spanks began, each landing with a splat, sounding
slightly different than the ones over Carol's shorts. Carol's bottom
was starting to go from white to pink.
After ten, Kay said, "OK, Carol, I'm pausing here till you're ready
for our talk. This is just a start on your spanking but there are some
important details that you weren't ready to hear before now and I
need to wait for you to get calmer."
Carol said, "I just want this over with. I don't need any more
Kay said, "Val, microwave me some tea, this will take a few
After about 10 minutes the tea was gone and a still pretty upset
Carol had mostly recovered from the spanks. Carol didn't like it
that she had to stay in position through out this.
Kay said, "Carol, this is your first spanking and it's for your good,
not mine. The goal is to make it a very unpleasant experience so
that it's a long time before you need the next spanking.
Realistically, you will need more spankings but hopefully it will be
more like one a month instead of one a week. You need to work on
both your behavior and your attitude. Also, understand that as the
oldest child, your spankings will be somewhat harder than your
sister's. Some of that is that you are bigger than Val and some of
that is that you are being counted on to be a good example for Val.
Most people find that spanking the oldest child, helps the younger
siblings. The other thing to understand is that how you received
today's spanking so far is the perfect example of how not to do it.
We are going to work this week on being spanked graciously, you
will catch on. Any questions?"
Carol said, "This is awful. How can we get back to not being
Kay said, "It's likely too late for that. Your Mom will be in charge
of when and how you are spanked, and I will be helping out for at
least a while. Behave better and shape up your attitude and you'll
get fewer spankings."
Carol said, "Can this spanking be over now?"
Kay said, "Not till you get the rest of the spanks. And Carol, I
would appreciate it, if you could keep your legs crossed. I don't
really need to see `clean to Memphis'."
With that Kay spent the next several minutes giving Carol about 30
more hard spanks turning her bottom from nearly pink to really
red. In spite of Kay's request after about 10 spanks, Carol's legs
were nowhere close to being together. I couldn't see how that was
even possible given how hard and frequent the spanks were. Carol
was beyond screaming and was crying loudly for about 5 minutes
once the spanks were completed. Eventually Carol was stood up
and sent to the bathroom to recover. Kay told Carol she needed to
see my spanking so to come back as soon as she could.
I asked Kay if I had to have my spanking in such an open place
and was told mine could be in the dining room as originally
planned. While Carol was recovering, Kay had me work on
spanking protocol. It was hard at first to strip from the waist down
on Kay's order. First it was slacks down, then slacks off, then
panties down, then panties and slacks both off. Then in was
climbing over Kay's lap and lifting up to have panties pulled down
and then off, and finally getting in position with neither on. This
was really scary as I knew what the next part would entail.
After about 20 minutes Kay went and helped Carol put on a long t-
shirt that covered her bottom. There were still plenty of tears and
Kay had Carol show me her still red bottom nearly 25 minutes
after her spanking.
Next it was my turn. Knowing what was coming made it hard to
pull down and off my slacks and climb over Kay's lap to have my
panties removed.
There wasn't any real delay. Kay thanked me for being so much
easier to spank than Carol. With that I got my very first spank
which made an explosive sound before my bottom reacted with
pain. It wasn't long till the next several and from having watched
Carol get it, there wasn't any good reason to avoid crying and I
cried very loudly the rest of the time. Carol carefully counted my
spanks and I got about 35, definitely fewer than what Carol got
even when the ones that didn't count were ignored. I hadn't
realized the spanks had stopped when Kay stood me, but Carol
assured me the spanks ended 5 to 7 minutes earlier. Kay took me in
the bathroom and put on a long red t-shirt (almost as red as my
bottom). After about 15 minutes, I was brought out to stand next
to Carol in a corner with my t-shirt also pinned up and our still red
bottoms on display for 20 more minutes.
We then had a choice of going to bed or staying up to watch TV. It
was an easy choice to go to bed at 8:00 on a Saturday evening. The
next morning, other than having pretty sore bottoms, it was as if
the spankings had never happened. Kay made us a nice breakfast,
took us to church, and accepted Carol's apology for being so hard
to spank. The next week also went really well, Kay was at least as
easy to live with as Mom. We had even more leeway than Mom
gave us. On Thursday, Carol and I approached Kay to see if we
could have the spanking pending for Saturday afternoon cancelled
if we behaved well. Carol reminded us of the agreement and said
that spanking was nearly as important as the first spanking.
On Monday of that week, two days after being spanked, I walked
to school with Sandra, my close friend. Sandra could tell
something was different. After trying to avoid the questions, I
swore her to secrecy and told her about getting spanked. Sandra
chuckled and said she was sorry to hear it. Sandra said she, her two
sisters and her brother still got spanked and had just presumed
most of her friends did too. Sandra said she got it about monthly
usually bare bottom from her Mom, but sometimes from her Dad.
As Saturday afternoon got closer, I was surprised to find I was less
and less afraid of the pending spanking. I certainly would have
liked to get out of it and would have happily traded being fully
grounded for even 3 weeks instead but I wasn't that worried about
Mom got home late Saturday morning, Kay had made us a really
nice lunch and we cleaned up the dishes nicely. I was surprised to
hear the door bell ring and even more surprised to see Molly,
Carol's best friend, and Molly's Mom ushered in. Linda, Molly's
Mom, was dressed as if she was going to high church. Molly, one
of the most "in" kids in school and always well dressed was in old
sweat pants and a ratty t-shirt with her hair in a head band. Molly's
Mom was pretty serene and Molly was in a really bad mood.
Kay said that Tanya (my Mom) and her had talked last weekend
about Molly's part in the spanking last Saturday and decided that
Linda (Molly's Mom) needed to know what Molly had done.
Linda had never spanked Molly before, but readily agreed that
Molly clearly earned at least this spanking. Molly said the whole
thing was just a joke and there was no intent that anyone get
spanked. Linda had managed to determine that Molly did know
that Kay spanked her own kids. Linda told Molly each plea to not
get spanked was good for at least half a spanking. Molly was
already almost crying and her lower lip was quivering.
We moved into the downstairs rec room and Kay had us line up
and take off our slacks. Carol and I were in our dingy white/yellow
low cut briefs. Molly was in designer high cut pastel blue
expensive bikini panties with a white line all around the top and
bottom. Before seeing Molly in her fancy panties, it was hard to
tell it was actually Molly as she was always so well dressed.
Standing there in just my panties from the waist down next to
Molly in her panties, I felt out classed. I was glad that Carol was
also outclassed. I realized that none of our panties would matter
soon and the pending spanking was our real problem.
Kay said Carol would be first. This time Carol walked right over,
slipped off her panties and with one hand covering her front,
climbed into position and had her arms held behind her back. I
glanced at Mom who was both cringing and nodding her approval.
There was a look of terror on Molly's face.
The noise level in the room went up right away as the first hard
spank with the paddle landed and Carol reacted with a plea to stop.
Spank after spank continued to ring out and Carol got louder and
louder as her bottom went from white to pink to red and even
redder. At the same time, I wanted the spanking to keep going so it
would be longer till my turn, but also to end to lessen the number
of spanks I got. Eventually the spanks did stop and after a couple
minutes, Carol was stood up and sent to a corner.
Kay said Molly would be next. Linda said Molly would get more
spanks than Carol in the unexplained interest of fairness. Linda
said Carol got 41 and Mom counted 40, so Linda asked for Molly
to get at least 43. Molly couldn't begin to move and was crying
loudly. I noticed Molly did not have any pubic hairs sticking out
the sides of her panties like Carol and I. Linda came over and
pulled down Molly's panties and basically carried her over to
Kay's lap. Once mostly in position, Linda pulled off the panties.
Kay asked Molly to explain why she was getting spanked. Molly
cried it wasn't fair, her joke went bad. Kay asked Molly to explain
why it wasn't fair to Carol and I to get spanked and she not get it
also. Finally Molly said it wasn't really fair for any of us, but she
wanted it over with. I glanced at Linda who was tearing up
noticeably enough to run her makeup but nodding yes.
Finally Kay gave Molly her first spank which rang out loudly and
resulted in loud howling. After about 3 spanks, it was obvious that
Molly was really athletic and squirming like mad. Molly's
spanking took much longer due to the squirming and she even
squirmed off Kay's lap once. I'm not sure but it seemed like Molly
was pretty well spanked before the spanking was over and the last
about 12 spanks didn't appear to be as hard as the first about 30.
Each spank did get a pretty noticeable reaction though and my
sense was that Kay was really good at spanking. After the spanks
were delivered there was about a 5 minute recovery and Molly was
stood up. When Kay asked Molly to go stand next to Carol, Molly
stuck out her tongue and earned a bonus spank on her already red
bottom. Linda came over and still pretty teary, gave Kay a big hug
and then walked over and gave Molly a big hug also, telling her
that her first spanking was way over due.
Next it was my turn. I turned and slipped off my panties and got in
place carefully. Kay certainly hadn't got very tired out by the first
two spankings as hard stinging spank after hard stinging spank
quickly rang out. My second spanking was certainly no easier than
the first but at least I knew what was coming. I don't think I was
any less loud than the others. Again I didn't realize the spanks had
stopped a couple minutes earlier when I was stood up and sent over
to stand with Carol and Molly. I noticed my butt was redder than
Molly's and Molly's was redder than Carol's. It wasn't any fun
standing there nude from the waist down but after 20 minutes we
were send to get dressed.
After a few more minutes of recovery, Molly was begging us to
never tell anyone she had been spanked. We are all happy to keep
it a secret.
After we recovered more, we each slipped on a long night gown
that Mom had left downstairs for us as none of us wanted any
clothes that touched our bottoms.
We joined Kay, Mom, and Linda upstairs at the dining room table
to lobby for never being spanked again. Linda had reapplied her
makeup and looked almost as good as she had when she came.
Linda and Kay had made plans to go a matinee play that afternoon.
Before we could say anything Linda said that today's spanking was
very likely only the first of many that Molly was likely in for.
Mom echoed her agreement saying this should have been done
years ago. Linda said Molly was already in for 3 more spankings
as her "joke" had caused Carol and I four spankings total offset
only by Molly's first spanking. Kay said that she had agreed to
spank us whenever Mom or Linda decided we could use it. Mom
said that when Kay and Linda got back from the theatre this
evening we would all get a quick refresher with the belt. Kay said
her experience was that the refresher typically had the beneficial
effect of making it longer till the next spanking was earned.
We spent the rest of the afternoon working with Mom outside on
the lawn and garden area being careful not to touch our sore
bottoms. It was actually fun to be outside in the back yard. We had
on long tops and very loose shorts without any panties.
Finally we came in around 5:00 and cleaned up. About 5:30 Kay
and Linda returned. Kay got out the leather belt she had picked up
at her house and announced we would get the refreshers out of the
way before supper. I was first this time. I came over bent over Kay
who was standing. I had to slip down my shorts. Almost
immediately I got the first loud stinging spank on my very sore
bottom. The paddle had really hurt, but the belt stung much worse.
It was hard to stay in place but in about two minutes I got the next
4 spanks. My bottom hurt just like it did with the 35 I had earlier.
Next was Molly who got 6 spanks and did vastly better at not
squirming away. Finally Carol got her six and we went to Carol's
room to recover before dinner.
Sadly, these were not the only spankings we got over the next few
The Checklist – Spank the Grils F/ff F/fff (3672 words)
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Re: The Checklist – Spank the Grils F/ff F/fff (3672 words)
Very well written story! Am imagining the spankings they got over the next few years.
Re: The Checklist – Spank the Grils F/ff F/fff (3672 words)
Excellent story. Great writing!
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