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Part 6 ... f=3&t=3235
The next morning Norma insisted on holding Deirdre’s hand as she reached the school bus.
On the way to class Norma whispered:
“They do have a handicapped stall, shall I take you to go potty”
The thought of little girls seeing her treated in such a way was terrifying. Deidre shook her head. Her need at that stage was not that urgent.
The first lesson was arithmetic. She found it very easy. However after 20 minutes she put her hand up.
The teacher asked:
“Do you need some assistance with your sums?”
Deidre uncomfortably asked:
“May I have a hall pass?”
The teacher said:
“Did you not read the school rules, there are no such things as hall passes.”
Deidre said
“But I NEED to leave the room?”
The teacher asked:
“Why is that?”
Deidre yelled:
“I need to PISS.”
Ms Peters said:
“Young lady you were given the rules by your aunt. You are supposed to go potty before school or at recess.”
It felt so unfair to Deirdre. Still she sat there and concentrated on certain muscles.
The next lesson was reading and literature. Deidre felt that ‘Little Women’ was the most boring book in history. The elementary school girls each read a few paragraphs. It became Deidre’s turn.
She had not been used to reading out loud. She made 4 mistakes. She stopped. The little girls giggled. Deidre’s face got very red. She was also struggling more with her bladder.
Ms Peters, the teacher, asked another girl to take over. It was embarrassing that an 8 year old read better than Deidre.
It got worse. Deidre was given an early reading book. She read.
“Ann and Fred live with Mom dad the dog spot and the cat tom.”
Deidre’s face got redder as she heard ironic applause
After 2 hours it was recess. Ms Peters announced:
“I would like you to be orderly. You should leave single file starting at the back.”
Deidre had sat in the front. She ended up at the back of the line. As soon as she left the class she ran to the rest room. She saw what seemed to be a huge line.
Deidre did not think she could hold on. She walked towards the front of the line and pulled a little girl out of the way. A teacher saw her
“Young lady it is rude to push in. The teacher took her by the ear and walked her to the back of the line.”
It happened. Deidre made a puddle. Little girls giggled. The teacher talked to a little girl who had just emerged from the rest room.
Brenda, will you show Deidre to the nurse’s office.
The 16 year old had to follow the 9 year old. Brenda announced loudly:
“Deidre just wet her panties.”
The elderly nurse said:
“Did you just have an accident?”
She seemed kind and sympathetic. Still it was embarrassing having her intimidate area cleaned. Then she saw the panties which the nurse had on offer.
They had in big letters potty training panties and pictures of potty chairs.
“If you think I will put those on well....?”
The nurse then offered a package of large size baby diapers
“Would you prefer these.”
Deidre accepted the thick embarrassing panties.
She had another nasty surprise when she got back to class.
“Deidre it is not acceptable to push in.”
She was called to the front of the room.
“Bend over the desk.”
She obeyed. The teacher made an announcement:
“We are not allowed to paddle bare hineys. However you are now wearing protection. Your bottom should NOT be protected.”
The teacher reached under her childish jumper dress. Her embarrassing training panties reached her knees. The teacher lifted a heavy wooden paddle
Deidre yelped. Little girls giggled.
Child of sorrow part 7
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