The Adjoining Room (M/f overheard)

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The Adjoining Room (M/f overheard)

Post by goodgulf » Fri Jan 01, 2016 3:13 pm

The Adjoining Room

Anthony Howell bit back a curse as he restarted the game. Normally he had no problem beating this level, but with the way his day was going he might be stuck on this level forever.

His day was going from bad to worse with no end in sight. It was bad enough that he was stuck in the middle of nowhere with his family, but the hotel - the Grayson Arms - was joke. Somehow "traditional decor mixed with Old World elegance" translated in to a building that hadn't seen much change in decades. The televisions were ridiculously small, they didn't have game machines hooked to them, and most of the building didn't even have WiFi.

The original plan had been for three rooms all together in a row. His parents in one, Anthony and his brother Dominic in another, and his sister Eleanor and Cousin Charlotte sharing a third one, but lack of WiFi put an end to that. The only room they could get with WiFi was in the East Wing, which was undergoing renovations. They couldn't get three together there rooms there but Anthony made such a fuss that he ended up sharing a room there with his brother as the rest of the family had adjoining rooms in the West Wing.

"Adjoining rooms." Anthony muttered. "What a joke."

Virtually every room at the Grayson Arms had the option to be booked as an adjoining room to one of its neighbours. Anthony glanced up from his game at the door on the wall of his room; it looked like it was a hundred years old. It even had a keyhole in it. He'd seen the key his parents got at check in and the key was a huge, old fashion iron one that needed a big hole to work.

Starting the level again, Anthony glanced at the clock by his bed. He figured he had an hour, maybe two, before anyone came looking for him. Dominic had gone down to the pool; the outdoor, unheated pool! Anthony figured the rest of his family was there too, and he had to finish at least a dozen levels before anyone noticed that he wasn't splashing around with the others.

Not that he wanted to spent any time with them, at least not his sister. The look that Eleanor had given him when his need to game outweighed her need to facebook had been priceless, but it promised a massive payback. He knew that sometime during this trip she would try to make his life hell.

"The sound's throwing me off." Anthony cursed, dying again. "There should be sound."

Normally it would be blaring, but somehow the extra battery pack had been left home. That meant the battery had to last as long as possible then spend hours recharging, so Anthony was playing with the screen dimmed and the sound off to conserve power.

He was starting the level for the third time when he heard footsteps.

"Shit." Anthony muttered. "Someone's coming and I'm not even done this level."

Then the footsteps stopped at the next room. Anthony heard a door opening and exhaled in relief; it wasn't his family, just someone checking into the next room.

He was almost done the level when a scream startled him. Of course, as he was reacting to the scream in the next room. he died again, meaning he would have to start the level yet again.

"See Eleanor? I told you there was no one in the wing."

"You've told me a lot of things Barry. Let's give it a second and see if anyone reacts."

The man and woman in the next room were practically shouting as they tested for listeners. Anthony was tempted to pound on the wall and tell Eleanor and Barry to keep it down, but his level was starting again and he needed to get through it. Besides, with their sound test over their voices had returned to normal levels and Anthony could block them out.

He was passed the mid point, getting up to the three quarter's mark, when he heard Eleanor cry:

"No! Not on the bare!"

Of course the moment he looked at the adjoining door he died again.

"You've been a naughty little girl and you need it on the bare!" Barry thundered.

"What the..." Anthony muttered.

There was some more noise, lasting just long enough for him to start the level again, when a loud smack came from the next room.

Almost against his will, Anthony rose from the chair and crept to the door. Another smack rang out as he reached it. Putting his eye to the keyhole, Anthony gasped.

Luckily a third smack covered the noise, but Anthony could barely believe what he was seeing. He didn't have a good view, not through the keyhole, but he could see what looked like a third of a naked woman (just above her knees to around her bellybutton) over a man's lap. He couldn't see what the man was using, not until Barry's hand came down, but when it did Anthony saw that the man was using a wooden hairbrush to spank the woman.

It sounded like that hairbrush was hitting hard, but someone didn't agree.

"Harder!" Eleanor grunted. "I'm not made of glass. Blister my butt!"

"Shush!" Barry said, bringing the brush down harder. "You're the naughty niece, remember? I'm the man in the adjoining you bothered and ..."

"I remember, but make it harder!" Eleanor insisted. "Then I'll go back to character."

Another smack rang out. This one sounded louder and produced more of a cry from Eleanor.

"Oh you can't do this to me!" Eleanor sobbed. "When my uncle gets back he'll hit the roof!"

"A likely story." Barry sneered, bringing the brush down hard again. "He'll probably thank me for spanking the tar out of you."

Anthony watched, unable to look away. This wasn't like internet porn, it was real life. It was happening just feet away from where he was kneeling. He was seeing a real woman getting a real spanking on her real bare ass and there was no way his game could compete with that.

The spanking lasted at least five minutes. Anthony looked away only once, briefly, just long enough to get his sock off. Even after he used the sock he continued to stare through the keyhole.

Then the spanking stopped and the couple moved to the room's other bed. What followed was one of the most frustrating times in his life; he could hear the noises they were making but there was nothing he could see.

Roughly an hour after the spanking ended, Eleanor and Barry left the room. During that entire hour, neither of them walked in sight of the keyhole. As he heard their footsteps walking away, Anthony realised that he didn't even know what their faces looked like. They had given him one of the most exciting memories of his life and he wouldn't know them if he met them on the street. Or in the hotel dinning room.

Glancing down at his game, Anthony saw that he had died countless times while his attention was focused on the adjoining room. Turning the game off to save power, he plugged it in and then started cleaning himself up, getting ready for his brother to walk into the room. He was barely back at his game when the hotel phone rang and his parents summoned him dinner.

After dinner, Anthony returned to his game with a heavy heart. He'd asked the staff a couple of questions and learnt that his was the only rented room in the East Wing. Whoever Barry and Eleanor were, it was clear that they wouldn't be returning that room. Taking his frustration out on his game, Anthony broke through his old record by more than a dozen levels before the charge ran out.

Normally he would be ecstatic about hitting those extra levels, but today the achievement felt empty.

He knew that he would never see that couple again, but that he would treasure their memory until his dying day.


As he fell asleep that night, he wondered if he devoted too much of his life playing games while real life went on without him. A point driven home by Dominic's description of some of the girls who had been at the pool wearing wonderfully brief bikinis.

The next day his game went unplayed as Anthony spent the day splashing in the pool, chatting with girl in real life.


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