Catholic School Spankings Witnessed, Part 1 - The Designated

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Catholic School Spankings Witnessed, Part 1 - The Designated

Post by bigdaddy » Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:10 pm

Catholic School Spankings Witnessed, Part 1 - The Designated Spanker, F/mm, R/L

Caution: This is an updated repost of a real life memory of childhood spankings many years ago. If that subject makes you uncomfortable please read no further.

I attended a Catholic elementary school from 2nd through 6th grades. (Late 50's through early 60's) Of course at least back then, corporal punishment was freely used. Somehow I made it though all five years without any spankings. I did however witness a few spankings and following is my recollection of two of the most memorable incidents both of which occurred during 6th grade year when I was 11 years old. I can't recall the nun’s actual name so I'll just refer to her as Sister Mary.

Many of the classes at St. Anthony's were taught by lay teachers and whether it was by rule or just preference, the lay teachers would bring any misbehaving students to one of the nuns when they thought that corporal punishment was needed. One of those instances was when I was in sixth grade. During class a lay teacher from across the hall came in with two 2nd grade boys that had been misbehaving. The two teachers spoke quietly for a moment; and then the lay teacher left the room. Sister Mary instructed us to continue reading silently from our text books while she takes care of something.

She pulled her desk chair from behind her desk and placed it in front facing the class. She then pulled the first boy over her lap, grabbed a large heavy text book from her desk, raised it high above her head holding it with both hands. She then brought it down hard on the seat of his pants:

SWAT! Oww! She then quickly followed that with several more swats …

SWAT! Ouch! SWAT Oww! SWAT! Oweee! SWAT Sob!

He then started kicking, crying, and then he tried to protect his bottom with his hand. She told him he better move his hand out of the way, which he did reluctantly; she then resumed and gave him few more swats with the book:

SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! during which he started crying loudly.

She helped him stand up and had him stand next to the second boy. You could see that the second boy was starting to tear up before she hauled him over her lap. She then picked up the text book and brought it down hard on the seat of his pants:

SWAT! Wah! SWAT! Waah!

By the time of the second swat he was already starting to cry loudly and squirm and kick on her lap. But the loud crying and carrying on didn't help him any, if anything she may have given him a couple more.


By the time Sister Mary was done he was howling and bawling like a baby.

After she was done she stood him up and walked both of them back to their class room.

Sitting there watching this I was feeling mixed emotions, I felt sympathy for them and at the same time I felt a strange feeling of excitement.

In retrospect, I think incidents like these played a role in developing my Spanko tendencies.


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