“You know I’ve said this before Jenny, but if you are so annoyed and upset with Michael over his antics, why the hell don’t you just leave him!? I’ve lost track of how many times you’ve told me about some thing or another he’s forgot, or neglected to do; how many times he’s unwittingly embarrassed, hurt, or offended you, or how many other girls you’ve claimed he’s been checking out and/or flirting with to your face!” came the somewhat exasperated and rhetorical question/comment from the nearly 6ft. 3in. tall Valkyrie-like blond named Athena, as she responded to yet another tale about the less popular exploits of her friend Jenny’s boyfriend, Michael.
“I know, I know” the atheletic red-head, Jenny, replied, whilst she began to deflate after her latest tirade over her boyfriend’s negative qualities. “The problem is that when Michael isn’t inadvertently screwing up and getting my blood boiling, he’s the most wonderful boyfriend I’ve ever had and wanted. I don’t want to get rid of him. I just want to find a way to get rid of his flaws!”
Truth be told, Michael was actually a pretty good catch. He was above average intelligence. He did sports and kept his body in good shape. He was decent in bed, and genuinely tried to pleasure his 5ft. 6in. girlfriend. He was witty and often made Jenny laugh. Unfortunately, as wonderful a guy as Michael could be, as equally self-centred, forgetful, and completely oblivious to the desires of his girlfriend could he also be. These negative traits had over the past 10 months brought no end of frustrations to his girlfriend. Part of Michael’s “screw-ups” were arguably a by-product of a depression he’d picked up a couple of years earlier, and had received treatment for. He was arguably over the depression itself, but like many others before him, he’d managed to overcompensate on one part of the advice his councillor had given him. When he’d been told to pay more attention to his own desires, and be less concerned with other people’s desires for him, he’d gone too far, and now tended to be too self-centred. As a result Michael had either by choice or accident stood Jenny up, forgot her birthday, been late for countless appointments, forgotten to do stuff he’d promised to do, and completely managed to miss every single clue Jenny had tried to drop concerning stuff she’d like for them to do together. Additionally he consistent eyed and flirted with pretty much anything female on two legs. Including when he and Jenny were out together. Basically it was a source of no end of annoyance and embarrassment to Jenny, and the trigger of more than a few tirades on her part, when she blew off steam to her girlfriends.
For better or worse, Michael really didn’t intend to do anything to annoy, anger, or insult his girlfriend, and whenever he (finally) realised that he had managed to do so, he did his very best to try and make up for it again. A fact that had kept the two together, despite Jenny’s frustrations.
Having been a willing listener to Jenny’s complaints about Michael’s shortcomings since the two had begun dating, Athena was perfectly aware of all of Michael’s good and bad sides, and she was actually little jealous of Jenny, because some of the good stuff she’d also heard about Michael, suggested that if it wasn’t for his forgetfulness and lacking ability to decipher Jenny’s requests and desires, he’d be almost perfect…though his 5ft. 9in. was a bit short for the towering Athena. This aside, she was, however, growing exceedingly tired of having to listen to Jenny’s frustrated rants about Michael’s latest antics, and if Michael had been her boyfriend, she would by now have hauled him over her lap and spanked his ass crimson. A treatment she was quite convinced Michael could benefit from. Unfortunately she really couldn’t do that, and besides. In order to get the proper effect, it would have to be Jenny, who administered the spanking, and setting that up with the decidedly vanilla girl was frankly not all that easy. Athena, however, was determined to help out her friend, and Michael’s approaching birthday had given her an idea that just might be possible to get off the ground…
The surprise party Jenny put together for Michael for his birthday (at the suggestion of and with help from Athena) worked like a charm. Michael’s surprise was completely surprised, most of the intended participants showed up, the alcohol flowed freely, and everybody were having a good time. Though Jenny had mainly invited people from her part of her and Michael’s circle of friends, Michael wasn’t complaining. And frankly, which guy would really complain about a house full of happy, partying, inebriated women, interspersed with a couple of other guys who were partners to some of the girls?
As the night wore on and more alcohol was consumed, inhibitions loosened up, and inevitably (especially with Athena’s “assistance” in the matter) the women present started touching upon the concept of both men and sex in their conversations, and as most of the couples, and hence the men, had gone home at this time, the girls didn’t really pull their punches in their conversations; a fact which loaded the mood with a playful, sexual tension, which Athena had every intention of making use of...
At around 02.30am a drunken girl named Lori cried out: “Guys! Isn’t it about time that the birthday boy got his birthday spanking!”, and caught the attention of most of the people at the party. As Athena and a friend of hers (Marina), had already inserted the topic of birthday spankings, and sexual spanking in general, during various conversations throughout the evening, it didn’t take all that much to get the sexually charged women to turn into a laughing and giggling mob chanting in favour of Jenny giving Michael his birthday spanking. Though Jenny wasn’t into spanking (nor Michael, for that matter), the horde of shouting, cat-calling, and laughing women nevertheless got Jenny along with the idea, and though Michael was still somewhat hesitant, 17 women calling for him to take a little birthday spanking and/or challenging his manhood by painting his hesitancy as him being chicken, pretty much bullied him into going along with the proceedings, and as a slightly chubby Caucasian girl named Tina produced a straight-backed chair from another room, and placed it in the middle of the floor in the living room, Michael’s fate was sealed.
The roomful of women led the red-haired Jenny in her emerald green dress, and the reluctant Michael in his baggy pants and white tee-shirt into the cleared space in the middle of the living room, got Jenny seated on the chair, and got Michael manoeuvred into position across her inviting, silky, semi-bare thighs.
Cries of “Spank him!”, “Go, Go, Go…”, and “Go on Jenny, spank that naughty boy…” erupted around the room among the laughter and general merriment, and spurred on by the shouting of the other women, Jenny raised her hand and brought it down with a mild “Thud” on Michael’s trouser clad ass. “Harder!” came the immediate response from a handful of the watching women, along with a couple of cries of “that’s not a spank”, and “that one didn’t count”. Thus spurred on, Jenny increased the force of her spanks and begun landing some more serious spanks on Michael’s ass, and quickly someone in the crowd took up a count of the spanks.
“Three, Four, Five” the chant went, as Jenny spanked her boyfriend, as he lay across her lap. Though the initial spanks didn’t hurt, they were embarrassing, and after about half of the 26 spanks he was due, the cumulative effect did start coming across, and elicited some beginning squirming.
This was exactly the sign that Athena had been waiting and hoping for, and with an imperceptible nod to her friend Marina, the two women stepped out of the crowd surrounding the spectacle, and took a place at either end of the birthday boy.
At nearly 6’5” in her heals, the long-legged Athena had no problem stepping over Michael’s head and pinning it in a vice-like grip between her thighs. At Michael’s feet, the short-cropped, raven-haired Hispanic Marina, in her white dress, knelt down at his ankles, put her handbag down next to her, and caught Michael’s ankles with her legs and hands, effectively anchoring them in place, and thereby quite efficiently pinning the squirming guy in place over his girlfriend’s knees.
The coordinated movement of the two women took Michael by surprise, but by the time he realised what was happening, it was already too late, and he found himself tightly held in place as his girlfriend continued to spank him to the counting of the crowd, and the interspersed jeers from some of the women, which Athena and Marina’s little stunt had elicited. Realistically speaking, if the situation had been slightly different, Michael might actually quite have enjoyed having his head between the thighs of the Amazonian Athena, but given the situation, his mind was somewhat distracted…
With the chant reaching the final “24, 25, 26, and one to grow on…27!” Michael, Jenny, and the crowd really expected the show to be over (to Michael’s relief), so it came as a bit of a surprise when neither of the two women keeping Michael in place over Jenny’s lap, let go and allowed him to get up.
“Girls, girls, GIRLS!” shouted Athena, in order to be heard over the ruckus the watching women were making. “This is supposed to be a birthday spanking, for crying out loud! It has to be on the BARE ass, in order to be that” the tall blond exclaimed loudly with a big grin on her face. “We come into this world without clothes, so the spanking has to be on the bare, in order to count”.
Caught up in the heat of the moment, nobody (except Michael, provided he had been able to properly hear what Athena had said, and possibly also Jenny) questioned the logic being put forth for their consideration, and within just a couple of seconds, someone in the crowd voiced their agreement that the spanking had to be on the bare, in order to count, and in no time at all, 15 women were crying out to “pull his pants down”. Michael, meanwhile, had finally figured out what it was that was going on, and that his ass might literally be on the line if he couldn’t get off his girlfriend’s lap. Despite his attempts to push Athena away from him, he still found his head wedged firmly in place between the muscular vice that were Athena’s thighs, and his feet firmly anchored to the floor by something or someone he couldn’t see from his present angle. What was perhaps worse, was that his girlfriend Jenny, though apparently not joining in with the chant, nor moving to try and pull his pants down, she was apparently not trying to get up or get him off of her lap either.
In reality, while Michael struggled to get free, Jenny had sort of frozen, and was currently lost in an internal struggle between the desire to get her boyfriend off of her lap, and the instinctual desire to go along with the idea of the group. In the end, a brown haired 28-year old named Karin ended up making the decision for Jenny when she stepped out onto the floor and snaked her arms and hands around Michael’s waist and begun working on the buttons that as yet kept his pants up. It took Karin a surprisingly short amount of time to find and undo enough buttons to loosen the pant’s grip on Michael’s hips.
As Michael first felt the pair of hands move around his waist and begin to search for the buttons on his trousers, he felt a flash of more or less equal parts disbelief, surprise, and horror at the realisation of what was about to happen. His attempts at getting his head free hadn’t been successful, and now he instinctually tried to get his hands back down to his hips in order to get a hold of the hem of his pants, before someone seriously tried to pull them down and expose his ass.
As it was, Athena was quite ready for this to happen, and had in fact been waiting for Michael to try and do just that. Because what Michael hadn’t had time to properly consider, before moving his hands off of the floor and her legs, and down along his sides and back, was that he now effectively sealed his fate. As long as he had his hands free and in front of him he would be able to use his large muscle groups in his arms and shoulders. He would be able to push off of the floor, and against Athena’s legs. As long as that was the case, he had a chance to push Athena off balance and thus escape out of her thigh lock, and subsequently get off Jenny’s lap. However, by stretching his arms down into a position along his body from where he wouldn’t be able to exert any real muscle power from his arms, and additionally made it super easy for Athena to get a proper grip on his wrists and arms, he effectively gave away his only chance of escape. Additionally he also removed his ability to push off, and stabilize his position, when he removed his hands from the floor. As Michael groped around for the hem of his pants, which Karin had begun tugging at, Athena simply had to bend forward a bit, firmly grab Michael’s wrists, and then in their more or less straight position, pull them up and in towards her chest. The effect of this little move was immediate. With no strength in his arms in that particular position, Michael really only had two choices. A) He could try and force himself to remain in place, and accept that Athena would then dislocate his shoulders, or B) he could see himself pulled further across his girlfriend’s lap, and bent so far overthat his head could almost rest on the carpet in the livingroom. As an additional effect, this adjusted position put his ass in a far more prominent position as the highest part of his body. To the assembled girls who were calling for his ass to be bared, the effect was really quite enjoyable to watch, especially since Michael actually had a quite nice and tight ass. While Michael was being “repositioned” against his desire, Karin continued focusing on his pants, and with no active interference with the process, it only took her a short moment to get Michael’s loosely fitting baggy pants pulled down to his ankles. With the pants out of the way, Karin went on to his underpants, which didn’t put up much of a fight either. Karin was apparently enjoying herself, and she obviously dragged out her fun by pealing them slowly down and off of his ass and hips to let them end their descent around his knees. Having completed the exposure of Michael’s bum, Karin gave a big grin and a giggle, and landed a couple of lighthearted slaps on the only slightly pink cheeks, and retreated to the other women watching the enfolding “entertainment”.
While Karin had slowly pulled down Michael’s underwear, Marina had quickly seen her chance to stand up from her kneeling position, and rather than “sitting” on Michael’s legs, she simply put a foot down on the crotch area of the trousers around his ankles. The net effect was that Michael’s feet remained firmly stuck in place, caught as they were in the pants legs. Still pinned in place at both end of his body, Michael was left little room to try and wriggle around.
The sight of an attractive young man with a bare ass bent over the lap of a pretty, athletic girl, was really quite…stimulating to all of the onlookers, and the catcalling, whistling, giggling, and laughing was in no way diminished by the erotic sight. Even the vanilla Jenny couldn’t deny that having her boyfriend held in place over her lap, with his bare ass exposed to the world, was getting her unexpectedly excited. Though part of her was still hesitant about the whole thing, the sexual tension in the air, the encouraging calls from her girlfriends, and the building heat in her loins worked together to bolster her nerves.
With Michael in his new and more exposed position with his ass bared, Athena once again commanded the crowd’s attention, in order to explain a bit more about one of the variants of the birthday spanking tradition. Admittantly, she was stretching the truth a bit, but with the exception of Michael, she doubted that anyone would object overly much to her little lie.
“Girls. There are actually several variations on the birthday spanking tradition, and though the newer, most common, version today dictates one spank per year plus one to grow on, one of the older versions actually says that it is one spank per year, plus one to grow on, PER BUTT CHEEK...What do you say that we celebrate Michael’s birthday with the more original variant?” It should come as no real surprise to anyone that Athena’s suggestion found an overwhelming support amongst the present women…
The affirming shouting and other noises from the women drowned out Michael’s objections, and though she hesitated for maybe five seconds, Jenny soon found her “spanking courage” again, and started landing a new set of solid slaps on each of her boyfriend’s bum cheeks.
Caught up in the building excitement, Jenny discovered (to her mounting surprise) that she was actually having quite a lot of fun spanking her boyfriend, and thus she landed 26 increasingly hearty spanks, plus a real stinger to Michael’s now increasingly pink cheek. Being a methodical sort of person, Jenny had elected to focus on one cheek at a time (she was supposed to deliver two sets of 27 spanks after all; one set to each of Michael two cute ass cheeks), so naturally it only made sense to deliver all 27 spanks to one cheek at a time. It also made it much easier for the watching crowd of women to count out loud.
Much as his girlfriend, Jenny, was having an increasing amount of fun spanking his ass, what had started out as simply some embarrassing slaps, which had build up to, become unpleasant but not particularly painful, this was now turning into something akin to a real spanking. Jenny’s increasingly hard spanks were building up the heat and sting in his left cheek, and towards the end of the first 27 spanks, they were actually becoming outright painful, and though he was looking forward to his left cheek getting a break, he was not looking forward to the next 27 spanks, which he knew would land on his right cheek, bringing it into a similar state of discomfort.
As Jenny had discovered during the first set of 27 spanks, her slaps turned Michael’s cheeks a most adorable shade of pink, and with the 2nd set of spanks, she really wanted to see how much of the other cheek she would be able to get a similar shade of pink. As it turned out, the 2nd set of 27 solid spanks also managed to turn the 2nd cheek a similarly adorable shade of pink. To Jenny’s regret, however, 27 spanks didn’t really allow her to attain the kind of coverage of the cheek and subsequent colour change that she had hoped to see. Alas, the spanking ended far too soon. Not only because she had wanted to get Michael’s other ass cheek a nice uniform colour all over, but also because se realised that she really liked the way Michael butt danced under her ministrations…and also because a more vicious part of her actually found a great sense of satisfaction in punishing her boyfriend for all of the aggravation and grief he’d caused her over the span of their relationship. With the last spank having been landed however, Jenny would have to be content with the 3 x 27 spanks she actually had gotten to deliver to Michal’s ass. As Jenny’s mind returned to the reality on hand, it then dawned on her that despite the spanking being over, Athena and her friend hadn’t let Michael go yet…
The simple fact was that Athena wasn’t done yet. To her delight it seemed that the normally vanilla Jenny had actually warmed up to the concept of spanking her boyfriend, and her increasing vigour in the delivery of the spanks was a promising sign to Athena, just the same way that the hint of disappointment in Jenny’s face was.
“Girls, that wasn’t bad, was it?” Athena asked the crowd with a wolfish grin on her face, causing the other girls in attendance to voice their agreement. A few even yelled out that they’d love to have a go at Michael’s ass as well. Athena elected to ignore those calls though, as much as she’d love to see Michael spanked by every single attendant at the party, she wasn’t willing to push it quite that far. She was already pushing the envelope as it was, and if things went sour somewhere, she could well find herself short of a friend and her boyfriend. Jenny’s expression and reaction up until now gave her courage though, as she opened phase 3 of her plan.
“You know ladies back when the tradition of the birthday spanking came into being there was actually a higher purpose to it. You see while some variants today include the “pinch for an inch” to grow on, the original tradition first of all didn’t have a set number of spanks, and rather than having the “one to grow on” refer to the birthday boy growing physically in the year to come, the spanking was supposed to inspire a growth of character. Hence the birthday boy was confronted with his more serious character flaws and mistakes from the year past, got spanked for them, and then was then metaphorically speaking cleansed of them, all the while being reminded of them so as to be able to avoid making the same mistakes again in the new year.”
“Now I happen to know that Michael has caused his girlfriend a fair bit of aggravation over the past year, and I also know that Jenny is hoping that Michael will grow in character in the year to come. And I’m also fairly certain that Michael’s a great enough guy to know that he’s not without his faults, and that he’d like to become a better man.”
Still locked in place over Jenny’s lap, Michael heard what Athena was explaining, and though he dreaded where all this talk was headed, the references to him having brought grief to Jenny sparked a feeling of deep regret in him, and unleashed a flood of memories of some of the various stuff he’d done over the year, which he knew had made Jenny feel bad.
“All of us who know Michael know that he generally is a great guy and a loving boyfriend who isn’t deliberately doing anything to hurt his girlfriend. However, one of Michael’s flaws, which I’ve talked to Jenny about more times in the past year than I care to recall, is the fact that he is forgetful and very often late for appointments. Now of course I’m not Jenny, but aren’t I right here girl?”
Jenny had initially been wondering about where Athena was going with her talk, but as the monologue wore on, she forgot about her bewilderment and when her friend brought up her boyfriend’s forgetfulness, it struck a nerve with her and brought a flood of old emotions back to the surface of her mind. Her fears from when she didn’t know if something had happened to him, when he stood her up. Her aggravation when he failed to deliver on his promises to her. Her annoyance with his inattentiveness. Ultimately she could only confirm what Athena had said, when she asked her if she was right.
Athena knew that she had her friend right where she wanted by now. So it didn’t take much to lead her onto the path she’d wanted her to take from here, and within a minute, Jenny was berating Michael about the consequences for her, his actions had. How he scared her when she didn’t know if something had happened to him, when he didn’t show up as promised. How his inability to listen to what she told him left her feeling unappreciated and so on.
Maybe it was the embarrassment. Maybe it was the situation. Maybe it was the fact that he was lying half naked across his girlfriend’s knees and that blood was rushing to his head. Regardless of the reason, Jenny’s elaborations on how some of his actions in the past year had made her feel really hit home and made him feel about as bad as he had ever felt.
Jenny’s talk carried on for a couple of minutes, and towards the apparent end, Athena once again assumed the lead on the proceedings. “Well ladies, we all heard what Jenny said, and I doubt that anyone disagrees with me if I say that Michael really ought to work on these issues in the year to come. He’s a great guy, but he’s also human, and like all the rest of us, he’s got room for improvement. Now, Jenny I think it’s obvious that you’ve been bottling up your frustrations with Michael for the past months, and it’s time for you to let them out, cleanse yourself of them for good, forgive Michael for his transgressions, and help him remember this evening every time in the coming year, when he is about to commit one of these acts we’ve talked about here again. Are you ready to help Michael improve himself, and give him the spanking you believe he is due?”
After finally having given voice to her grievances with her boyfriend, Jenny found herself border lining angry and hurt and she was quite ready to give Michael another spanking. She was in fact so ready that she was entertaining visions of Michael’s ass not just a cute pink all over, but rather a serious shade of red, not much different from the colour of her hair.
As for Michael, he didn’t really hear when his girlfriend confirmed that she was indeed >>quite<< ready to “help Michael improve in the year to come”. In stead he was partially lost in an internal dialogue with himself about what he had just heard, and he was in the process of deciding on how he would improve himself to make sure that he would be a better boyfriend in the coming year.
The first spank that landed on his unprotected, partially pink, and quite unprotected bare ass returned his attention to the physical world. The spank stung and felt like it had been delivered with a force similar to the force Jenny had put into the two spanks “to grow on”. It very quickly became obvious to Michael that having gone back over some of his misdemeanours from the past year was lending Jenny strength, because every spank was now delivered more or less full force, and within moments he could no longer prevent his mouth from letting out the first of a line of “Ouch”, “Ah”, “Uh” etc. which would follow as Jenny continued to pepper his ass with stinging blow after stinging blow, which was steadily building a serious fire in his ass.
As for Jenny, she couldn’t believe how much she was enjoying delivering this spanking to her boyfriend. Having had someone else talk about some of Michael’s “transgressions” against her, and having talked about them to Michael in front of a room full of her friends had made her realise on a very deep level, that Michael truly had earned this spanking for all of the pain and displeasure he had unintentionally brought her in the past year. As a result, Jenny set about painting Michael’s bare ass, which had been so deliciously placed in the middle of her lap, a very serious shade of red all over, from the top of his thighs and almost to the top of his buttocks. Spank after spank Jenny landed on her boyfriend’s reddening ass, and in moments he not only begun to try and struggle and move about, but also treated her to a the currently very satisfying yelps of pain that was beginning to come out of his mouth.
Jenny spanked on for about 3 minutes, by which point she had probably landed about 200 or so spanks on Michael’s ass, which by now had turned a fairly uniform red all over. However, Jenny too was beginning to realise that her hand was actually hurting quite badly, making her instinctively wince every time her hand fell on Michael’s ass. When she could take it no more, Jenny stopped spanking, only to realise that most of the anger that had fuelled the last part of the spanking, was more or less gone.
On Michael’s end, things were not going quite so well. He hadn’t been spanked since he was a little kid, and he had never experienced anything like the spanking he had just received. His ass was burning red hot, and he felt quite certain that it would be possible to fry an egg on it right now.
Athena meanwhile was sensing that though the end was approaching, Jenny needed to take the spanking just a bit further. She needed to make Michael cry, and Michael needed to cry in order to properly internalize the lesson about the need to change and improve his behaviour. Fortunately Athena had prepared properly, and though Jenny’s anger seemed spend, and her hand probably hurting, Athena believed she knew how to infuse her friend with just a bit more anger, and Marina ought to have brought something to spare Jenny’s hand from further hurt…
“So Jenny. You think Michael’s been spanked enough to have learned his lesson?” Athena asked Jenny, who was in the process of shaking her spanking hand a little, in order to try and alleviate the pain. “And have you forgiven him for all of his little slights against you?” Athena continued.
Jenny looked at Athena and paused for a moment. Was she still angry with Michael? Or had the spanking allowed her to properly rid herself of the pent up annoyance? She wasn’t entirely sure, nor was she entirely sure that the spanking she’d delivered had truly been enough to make him change his ways, but she didn’t really feel all that resentful anymore, and besides, her hand hurt enough that she didn’t really want to continue the spanking.
Jenny’s pause before answering gave Athena the opportunity to offer up the little reminder, which she believed would relight Jenny’s resolve to thoroughly round off Michael’s spanking. “Have you truly forgiven him for forgetting about your birthday…?” Athena asked the sitting Jenny, and let the question hang in the air for her to ponder.
The revelation about Michael forgetting Jenny’s birthday brought a kind of collective drawing of breath to the crowd of watching women, and for maybe a second, a silence fell. And then erupted in a mix of comments ranging from a sort of disbelieving questions to the person next to them, to outbursts of anger and to encouraging shouts for Jenny to spank Michael some more.
For Michael Athena’s question took a moment to register. He had forgotten Jenny’s birthday. He’d been invited over, and they were supposed to have gone out for dinner that evening. And he had completely and utterly forgotten it, and had stood her up. On her birthday. He’d felt completely rotten afterwards, when he’d realised what he’d done. Especially since he’d become distracted by a couple of his friends calling and inviting him out to a movie they’d talked about seeing for months. A movie that they could have just as easily seen the day after. But he’d gone with them on Jenny’s birthday, and naturally he’d turned off his phone for the movie, and had subsequently forgotten to turn it back on. He’d realised his epic error only after a couple of hours and six beers, which had followed the end of the movie, when he and his friends had hit the nearby bar. He’d tried to cover it up towards Jenny as a faulty entry in his calendar. As if he’d “simply” entered their agreement on the day after. She had feigned belief in his story, but he’d felt like scum, and he was never really convinced that Jenny had believed his story. The memory of that lapse almost made him physically hurt, and though the spanking he had endured hadn’t managed to bring tears to his eyes, this memory did.
Though Jenny had actually been ready for the spanking to end, Athena’s reminder of being stood up on her birthday relit the remaining embers of her anger, and fanned them into a new blaze. She might have forgiven Michael for most of his other “transgressions” against her over the past year, but the forgotten birthday still haunted her subconscious. Though Michael really had tried to make up for his colossal blunder, she’d had a very hard time believing his story about having entered her birthday, and their date, for the following day in his calendar. It wasn’t an outrageous claim, but given how much they’d talked about it, the story just hadn’t sat right with her, even if she had somewhat indicated that she might have believed it. Regardless, this spanking wasn’t over. Michael might have squirmed around a bit and given voice to some involuntary cries of discomfort, but when she was done with him tonight, he would have been bucking on her lap and begging. He would bloody well NEVER forget her birthday again!
The rising ire was obvious on Jenny’s face to anyone who looked for it. Marina and Athena both did, and once it became obvious that Jenny’s anger was rising; Athena gave Marina another neigh imperceptible nod, which prompted her to dig out the black resin hairbrush, which Marina had brought along in her purse.
Jenny was in the process of rubbing her hands together, preparing for another assault at Michael’s butt, when the raven-haired Hispanic extended the handle of a large, evil looking hairbrush towards her and indicated towards the area where Michael’s lower buttocks met the upper part of his thighs, as if she were suggesting that Jenny concentrate on that area.
The wronged red-head grabbed hold of the handle of the offered hairbrush, and gave it a short look while she weighed it in her hand. It was heavy and had a very sturdy look to it. The handle fit her hand quite comfortably…
Though Michael was already telling Jenny how sorry he was about having forgotten her birthday, and how he was going to change, Jenny apparently ignored him, and began spanking him again, and this time in earnest. From his bent over position, Michael hadn’t been able to see the brush Marina had handed to his girlfriend, so the resounding “CRACK” that came when the flat side of the hairbrush connected with his red and unprotected rear end, came as quite a surprise…Though not quite as big a surprise as the following wave of pain that exploded through his ass and flooded through the pain centre of his brain about ¾ of a second after the sound of the blow had reached his ears. Not knowing what was coming, the pain of the blow sparked an involuntary reaction and caused Michael to first of all to try and jump away from the sudden pain (something that was quite impossible, given his position, and which, by the way, ended up looking somewhat humorous), and second of all caused his mouth to form something akin to an “O”, while his brain processed the pain and formulated the subsequent “AU!” that followed out of his mouth a moment later. Pretty much at the same time as Jenny landed the second resounding “SMACK” on his bare ass.
Jenny’s increasing number of spanks on Michael’s already red butt, she did indeed make an impression. Every strike of the black resin brush left a brushed sized imprint of deeper red where it connected with the rippling flesh beneath it. Every impact caused Michael to buck on her lap, as he tried to get away, and as the number of hairbrush strokes rose, so did the volume of Michael’s vocal response to the treatment. First simply continuing the various exclamations from the list of onomatopoeian “soundwords”, and then progressing on towards a string of apologies and increasingly frantic promises to improve in the future.
As Jenny applied a series of spanks to the area of Michael’s ass previously indicated by Marina, as she had handed Jenny the hairbrush, Michael’s last mental defences broke down, and the tears that had been building up in him from the thought of his forgetting of Jenny’s birthday earlier in the year, broke through the “floodgates” and started rolling down Michael’s cheeks, and with it the remaining fight in him flooded out too.
Athena had been watching the proceedings closely, as well as “monitoring” Michael’s struggle against her grip on his hands. When the bucking and struggling ceased, Athena gave an imperceptible signal to Marina, who withdrew to the watching circle of women, and thereby released the hold on Michael’s caught legs. Athena meanwhile slowly let go of Michael’s wrists, and guided them down. She then put her hand on Jenny’s left shoulder and quietly told her “only another 10, then he’ll have had enough”, and then she too withdrew to the edge of the circle of watching women, who had meanwhile quieted down somewhat.
Though Jenny was still somewhat fired up, the hand on her shoulder, and Athena’s words to her broke through the mental “haze” that had otherwise settled on her mind, blocking out Michael’s pleas for mercy and promises to be better. As she “came to”, she realised that Athena was right. Michael’s ass was a deep angry crimson all over, and the lower cheeks were fast heading towards a purple shade. With that realisation, Jenny ceased her spanking.
Though the spanking ended, Michael didn’t immediately roll of off Jenny’s thighs. In stead he just hung there limply, silently crying and sobbing. It took a few minutes before Michael were once again coherent enough to think properly and move off her legs down onto the floor in front of him.
Jenny hadn’t quite know what to do with her sobbing boyfriend hanging over her lap, so she had just kind of sat there, gently stroking his lower back. As Michael came around and tried to collect himself at his feet, her instincts told her to kneel down with him and give him a big motherly hug, telling him that it was OK, and that he was forgiven etc.
As Jenny hugged Michael on the floor, the party sort of ended around them, as the remaining women all sort of sensed that it was time for them to go, and Athena and Marina quietly reinforced the thought.
Hope you enjoyed the story people. Comments and constructive criticism is, as always, quite wellcome.
A birthday lesson (Long)
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Re: A birthday lesson (Long)
That was terrific. Kudos to Jenny's friends for helping her get into the spirit, and to Jenny for going along. I think Michael's lady is vanilla no longer... More like this one, Kyrel.
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Re: A birthday lesson (Long)
How fantastic was that? Well done in proving that given the right opportunity and sircumstances, even a newbie can deliver a good sound spanking to their errant other half.
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