Nurturing Susanne. Part One, Caning Karen

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Nurturing Susanne. Part One, Caning Karen

Post by missiemiss » Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:59 pm

Nurturing Susanne

For D

Part One

Caning Karen

Susan had had just about all she could take. It had been going on for months now, all the mixed signals had finally gotten to her. If Mr Tate was going to flirt with her at lunchtime, and appear to do the same with the librarian after school....well! She’d something to say about that to him. Yes she darn well had. Yes siree!
She rose determinedly from her marking, purposefully leaving the papers sprawled over her desk for all and sundry to see. Rebel. Turning sharply on her heels, Susan steadied herself, now or never, first before stalking briskly down the long corridor. At least the resonance of heels on wood made her sound important. She quickened her pace, listening to the deep thrum with satisfaction. In the empty corridors the school felt lost somehow, and achingly lonely. She welcomed the noise, comforted by it.

Typically, the large double doors she approached had a heaving throng of young men bursting through them, chattering loudly and laughing, full of vibrancy. She’d had to squeeze past them many a time to enter the gym, and quite honestly, they intimidated her by their size. In class, sat down, they were manageable. She stood a moment. The exuberant walk had left her a little too out of breath for confrontation. She adjusted her glasses and pushed the bobby pins further into her bun, not at all certain of her game plan now, and starting to wane at the thought of confronting Dirk. Dirk? or Mr Tate? The boys had a habit of calling him Dick Tater. She smiled inwardly, even if outwardly she had to hand out punishments to her boys. She smiled now. Her hand automatically fell on the door handle, composed – almost – when she heard a faint rumbling inside, and a rhythmic thud. A ball? No, it wasn’t basketball night and Mr Dick...... ooooh, she scalded herself, Mr Tate... Tate, had been adamant the gym was closed tonight at morning briefing. So what was the light metronomic ticking inside the room? Intrigue besting wariness about Dirk’s practises in the gym, she pushed the door ajar, just enough to sweep the vista of a good portion of the lit gym. Her hand tightened around the cool metal handle and she gasped a strangled little noise in her throat. Even as her eyes befell the sight inside the gym she had enough brains left to cringe at the timid sound she made, given the circumstances she now bore witness to.

Well dang and then some! There, from what she could tell, was a guy whipping a student. Whipping! She snorted louder in disgust this time, they didn’t live in the 19th Century for pity’s sake. This was an outrage, an absolute outrage! She’d go in, confront him.... yes, she would, just as soon as she worked her hand free of the door handle... and could move her feet. She looked from the scene back to her extremities – frozen with fear, and wished with all her might that she’d been courageous, or beautiful, or clever. Nice hair, even, she shrugged. Yes, a corporate jet-set career, like her sister had, with bonuses larger than her yearly salary. No one got whipped in Corporatville! Squinting back into the gym, she couldn’t make out who the two were, yet even in her reading glasses it became apparent, given her knowledge of his body, that the large, yet agile man going to town on the bare bottom with the stick, was indeed Dirk. For the love of her, she couldn’t place which student was draped over what appeared to be the pommel horse. All her boys were eighteen plus, but this was...... this was......extreme. the word didn’t suffice, but it was the only word that sprung forth. Most annoyingly, she couldn’t hear. Seemed odd, but as the pair were doing this odd dance, they were almost chatting at the same time. If only she could make out a word or two.

Propelled, Susan was certain, by sheer will, the door swung silently open. Susan, still attached, and now unceremoniously clinging to the handle, but - caught in the movement – had twisted her ankles around one another, and landed upside down. Still holding the handle for grim death. Well dammit. Now she was in a predicament. If she moved she risked them hearing and seeing her. If she stayed like it, well, she could hear. She grinned slyly inwardly, just a little, and why not! Why shouldn’t she? Snoop? Oh, but why not? Susan stuffed those guilty feeling down, hoping that the guilty flush would go with it. She let the wave of new sounds wash over her as what had become apparent, was a woman’s defiant voice. Dirk would smack her a little, then stop, mumble something and she’d respond, and then they would do it again. The woman’s legs would kick out or she’d go up on her toes and cry out.

Susan blushed deeper. She shouldn’t be here.


Hush up, she berated her conscience and let the scene unfold.

“You understand me, Karen?” Dirk said, almost softly.

Karen? Karen was the librarian he liked. Susan shuddered. She noted that not all the shudder was in disgust at the girl being whipped, with no small amount of shock.

“You can’t make me!”

Susan, entranced by the taboo interaction, was suspended. So much so, that she’d no time to react as the door – with her slight body attached – swung to full capacity and dumped her unceremoniously on the ground with a dull thud. She shut her eyes, whispering to the gods of earthworks beneath her breath for all she was worth, the crippling heinousness of the situation rushing through her conscience. She was a voyeur, a bloody voyeur!

“And here’s the lady in question herself, Karen!” Dirk boomed, almost triumphantly, as though he’d set this moment up.

Tentatively re-opening her eyes, a scarlet Susan was dismayed to see the ground hadn’t swallowed her whole. Another God off her Christmas card list. Smoothing her skirt and resembling something close to dignity, she slowly stood and cleared her throat. “Hello Karen, Mr Dick.”

Dirk smirked, “Mr Dick?

“I, erm, that’s to say my boys call....., I mean....... I was marking and heard a commotion.” She gestured over her shoulder to her classroom. Her blush spread. Boy, did her blush spread. She squirmed.

Dirk’s smirk grew across his face as he stalked toward his prey. “Phenomenal hearing, from your room, Miss....You called me Mr Dick?” Stood almost in her personal space, Dirk bent forward to meet her eyes. “Ms Blanc?”

Susan, for the first time, got to really see how beautiful his piercing blue eyes were, how sensuous and soft his lips looked... nibble on.......on her body........... “Hmm?”

He sighed heavily, disappointed with her, no doubt. Something inside Susan leapt into her chest. She didn’t like that, it was how he made her feel often, as though she’d upset him, but more, that she’d not done enough – said enough... it was so hard to explain. “C’mon!” he placed his large hand in the small of her back, gently propelling her in the direction of the pommel horse with ease.

As Karen’s very red bottom came sharply into view, the full extent of the incident sped into sharp focus. Scared, she stopped moving. “No.” She didn’t want to be a part of this. Well, she’d wanted to watch, but this was a bit much.

Dirk wheeled on her with that odd smile that made her simultaneously adore him and become instantly wary. Oh the butterflies! “What did you say, Susanne?”

Oh my stars! Susan’s knees buckled. No one had called her that, at least not with a plausible accent in years. That’s why she always went by Susan. “I said no?

“Are you asking me or telling me, little Susanne?”

She stood, gawking at him. Eventually she said “Telling?” Susan was sure, at that moment, that the noise of Dirk’s jaw grinding was louder than her entrance just a moment ago.

He took her hand and placed it gently in his. “Ma petite Susanne, do you know what you want?”

Did she? She found the scene abhorrent moments ago, and then it was Karen, and that bright red derrière, and Mr Tick.... Did she?

“Ignore the bitch,” Karen spat.

Dirk strode the two paces it took him to cover the distance. Susan winced, even if Karen wasn’t ever nice to her. Infact, she’d never welcomed her from day one.
“Here’s what I’m going to do, Karen. I’m going to ignore that request.”

He was?

Karen’s legs relaxed a little as Susan’s eyes remained transfixed by the angry red stripes across her bottom. “Thank you, Sir,” purred the cat that got the cream.

“Susanne, join me, please,” Dirk offered his hand. His tone and cadence were lyrical, but Susan understood the tenor, even if she’d no idea why, except it was ingrained in her DNA. Just like her father, always sounded one way, always meant another. She complied immediately, placing her hand in his. Felt nice. “Thank you, Mademoiselle.” Dirk bent and smiled at her, the most beautiful genuine smile, one she’d never encountered before. She smiled back, completely disarmed. Taking her hand and tucking it under his arm, he whispered, “Now, Susanne, you are going to finish my work here.”

Susan was already shaking her head emphatically. “I-I couldn’t.”

His smile gentled further, “Ah, little dove, such a good girl, but Karen has spoken with malice.”

Susan’s tummy flipped over itself in a nice way, one she hadn’t encountered in her forty years.

“She’s a fucking wimp, Dirk, you know it’s true!” Karen chided.

Dirk’s jaw clenched again, but instead of saying or doing anything, he ignored her entirely. “Are you scared you wouldn’t know what to do, or that you’d hurt her, my dove?”

Susan nodded, no words were forthcoming, so she nodded again.

“Well, you sit over here and watch me, hm?” He pulled a chair over to where they stood and offered it to Susan. “Watch me?”

She nodded, swallowing dryly and took her seat from a safe distance.

As Dirk drew close to Karen he patted her fiery bottom firmly. Susan heard Karen’s long, drawn out hiss. “Hurts, hm?” his tone had changed to one Susan wasn’t familiar with.

“Mhm, yes,” Karen pleaded.

Susan had yet to see her face, but she could imagine. And whilst Karen took her licks and Dirk’s back was turned, Susan revelled in the scene with childlike glee. She watched as he silently picked up the cane and drew it almost sensuously across Karen’s bottom.

Karen howled with pain.“OW OW OW, I’ll be good,” she pleaded.

Again he almost caressed her cheeks, lovingly, as though they were lovers, playing. Susan’s glow suddenly wasn’t exclusive to her cheeks. Her face cheeks, she corrected.


Susan was suddenly brought to attention by the boom of Karen’s spanking and moaning and begging. That was............hmmmmm......... go on, admit it her brain nudged, arousing. Now she was bright red with embarrassment.

Dirk wheeled, as if he could sense the shift and winked. He freaking winked? Susan got goose bumps, all over. She drew her thighs tightly together, squirming in her seat and struggled to process all the new information and, well, all the new stimulation, too.

She watched Dirk stoop to Karen’s ear, then flip that cane punishingly hard across her bottom again in rapid succession.

“FIVE!” Karen cried out, legs buckling, begging and pleading.

Dirk stopped, resting the cane between his shoulders admiring his handiwork.

“Five what, hm?” he said.

Karen was trying to pull away from him, tucking her bottom beneath her for all she was worth.

“Five, Sir!” Karen spat.

“Not liking the cane so much now, hm?” Dirk seemed to relish this fact.

“No, Sir!”

Susan could watch Dirk spank a bottom all day long.




Karen groaned long and low, “Fif-fucking-teen, Sir.”

Susan hadn’t seen anything twisting around, bucking since she’d rode a mechanical bull in Texas!


Susan only just registered that Dirk had wheeled on her, catching her grinning like an idiot. Hm, two choices, yes, because it was funny ... or no.

“Don’t lie.” Dirk didn’t snap, merely enticed the truth right out of her.

“Funny,” she admitted, abashedly and sat, chastised and feeling lower than a snake’s belly.

“Good girl,” Dirk offered. Susan blinked. “You told the truth. Good girl,” he said again. “What did you find funny, miss mouse?”

“The bitchin’ and pitchin’,” she said, before she’d time to censor herself. Her tiny hands flew to cover her mouth.

Dirk threw back his head and laughed. It was that moment Susan knew two things.

“What do you say, Karen? Stuck to a pommel horse!” Dirk finished, and wordlessly widened Karen’s stance, patting her inner thighs until they were as wide as he wanted.

“I say fifteen, thank you, Sir,”

“No wisecrack? No witty retort? No spiteful cattiness? Not even a sarcastic tongue?”

“No, Sir.” Each utterance demure, Susan noted, but unconvinced. The woman had a hellish attitude toward other women and could play all the men. “Bet you’ll spank her though, right here, like me, huh?”

Dirk wheeled on her.

Susan cringed.

“Apologise, Karen, to Susanne, please. Nicely,” he warned. “My business is of no concern to you.”

Karen barked a terse apology.

“Nicely, Karen,” Dirk said, patting her bottom.

Susan sat waving her hands silently, in dismissal, at Dirk.

Dirk’s eyebrow rose about two feet. Susan was beginning to read that as a bad sign. She was good at signs, but apparently slow.

“You are not worthy, miss mouse?”

“I - I, that’s to say, well, it doesn’t matter, Dirk,” she whispered. “It's not important.” Pressing the point made his nostrils flare, just a little, and his jaw to grind. Gosh, even his hair looked angry.

Dirk strode over and squatted before her chair, resting his hands gently on her thighs. “If you were my Lady, I would insist that a proper apology be received for such jealous, catty, unnecessary remarks.” He turned back to Karen, still draped over the pommel horse; “A Lady of mine wouldn’t conduct herself with such terrible traits or shocking manners. Isn’t that right, Karen?”

Karen made a curious noise in the back of her throat. “No, Sir.”

Standing, Dirk looked directly into Susan’s eyes. “If,” he stated, and strode back to the fiery ass.

Yes, Susanne was a timid mouse, but he was determined to see her roar like a lion, and then, if he was correct about her (and he’d studied her for months) he’d help her find her authentic self, without apology, and teach her to find her natural submission. Then if the planets aligned, instead of teacher and friend, become her lover and Dom. Lots of ‘if’s’. Oh, and she would learn she was worthy.

Wow, this evening had been an education. Susan pondered the day’s events... anything rather than contemplate that ‘if.’ She drew her legs up beneath her chin, hugging her legs for comfort.


The cane whipped through the air, cutting Susan’s reveries.

“NO! NO! NO! NO! TWENTY, SIR!” Karen’s moans sounded as though she was struggling. She alternated legs, going up on her toes. Susan wondered if she ought to ask Dirk to quit.


“OWEEEEEE OWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Noooooooooo!” Karen cried out, pushing up onto her toes and tensing her buttocks, now a fiery crimson, ablaze.

“Just three more,” Dirk gentled her, running his hand along her back. “You can do it.”

So this was agreed? Susan squirmed a little.

As if reading her mind Dirk said quietly, as though he may spook a colt, “This is Karen’s punishment, Susanne. She told me what she needed, what she needed to take. She needs to finish, and I have every faith she can take it.”

For the very first time it crossed her mind that she didn’t have to be there. But she did. And she knew it. What mixed emotions this brought to the surface in her. Dirk looked at her for a long moment, as though weighing her up. She guessed she was doing the same – he smiled soothingly – and suddenly a new woman sprang forth. Not yet comfortable in this new guise, Susanne said nothing, but nodded sagely. Ok, Karen’s idea of fun, got it. Susanne said ‘accept it’ where Susan had thought ‘yeah, right.’

Dirk parked the cane across his shoulders comfortably as he talked to Karen in that voice Susanne was growing accustomed to. “You’ve been a very naughty young lady, Karen, and you need punishing.” He paced behind her.

Susanne liked that voice. It pulled an invisible chord from her chest to between her legs.

“I know, Sir.” Karen’s legs were still twitching and the crimson of her bottom was darkening to a sinister mottled effect.

“Then you are going to take these last three strokes for me, aren’t you, Karen.”

Ah! It would be bruising, Susanne realised. Wow! This game was intense. She shot out of her seat. “I’ll deliver them! It was me she insulted,” she chirped, long before her brain caught up with what she’d offered.

Dirk turned to face her, a big, genuine astonished smile on his face. Lit his face up, and she smiled back, pleased he was what? Happy? Proud? Ambivalent? towards her. “Ah, my little mouse roars like a lion, what a turnaround! You please me at every turn today.”

Pleased? She’d take it. She went to Dirk’s side as he curled a finger to her. Tucking her easily under his arm he turned her toward her target. Suddenly she didn’t feel up to the task. He felt her resolve slip, obviously, as she buckled. “No, no, no, stand firm, you can do this.” Susanne didn’t think so. “Look at me, mon chérie,” He placed a light finger under her chin, encouraging her to meet his eye.


“Look at me,” he insisted. She met his gaze, blinking, “What do you deserve?”

Susanne stepped forward before Susan could smother the bitch and go back to her seat. “I deserve an apology.”

“Ah, how proud I am of you!” Dirk enveloped her in a huge embrace.

God the scent of the man was utterly intoxicating. “And I deserve respect.”

He dropped down on one knee before her, holding her hand tightly and searching her eyes. “Why?”

“Why what?” He’d lost her.

“Respect, Susanne, why do you deserve respect?”

Karen whimpered in protest behind her, but Susanne was on a roll, bolstered by Dirk’s pride in her. “Why am I different to any other woman?” she scowled. “I may appear a timid mouse and I may prefer books to all night partying, I don’t have my cleavage or legs out at work in a boys’ school because that’s inappropriate, but I am a woman, nonetheless, with feelings, a woman’s body” - She scowled at the red bottom - “And a woman’s needs.”

Oddly Dirk wasn’t full of praise for her, and that hurt in the moment it took him to stand lithely and turn her attentions back to Karen. “Ok, now,” - he started - “we never, ever under any circumstances spank angrily, ok?” Susanne nodded. “Can you control your emotions, or do I need to finish?”

Over her dead body. “I’ll do it. My emotions are as even as water on a millpond. Karen can apologise to me before we begin or after I finish.” She heard a faint growling from Karen and a simultaneous chuckle from Dirk.

Dirk stepped back, placing a light kiss on her cheek and the cane in her hands. “Here.”

Hesitating she looked from the target to the guy and back a couple of times. “Apologise,” she demanded.

Karen seemed to choke a little, “Yeah, ermmmm, no.”

Susanne stowed the cane, eager to do this her way. “Stand up, please.”

Karen slowly pulled up, stiff from her stance. Her angry, flushed face appeared to match her bottom. “Since you asked so nicely,” she chided.

“No, because you were desperate to move out of that position!” Susanne countered, not letting this harpy get the better of her.

Yes, she was going to do this her way. And she knew just how that was going down. She sat back down on the chair, beckoning Karen to stand before her. She was aware of Dirk’s presence behind her, but he neither said anything nor interfered in this change of plan. “Stand,” she commanded. A reluctant Karen stood before her, yanking her panties up, her face thunderous. “Karen, you may apologise now and forego the rest of your punishment,” – she held up a warning hand to Dirk’s imminent protest – “or take my punishment and apologise afterwards. Your decision, your choice,” she added dismissively.

Karen’s defiant eyes dropped, her cuticles suddenly of great import. “After,” she grumbled.

“Very well,” Susan replied evenly, patting her lap.

You want me........ over there?” Karen sneered.

“It was your choice, Karen,” she managed in what she hoped passed for an even response because inside she was laughing her ass off.

Karen rolled her eyes, “whatever,” and attempted to go over Susanne’s lap.

“Naked bottom, please.” Karen shot bolt upright, snarling, but before she managed anything intelligible Susanne pointed to the pommel horse. “Put your ‘I’m a tramp’ skirt and your panties on the horse and we’ll begin.” Susanne eyed the ‘barely covering her bottom’ wool school skirt. How cliché, she sighed inwardly.

Karen returned, much more demurely and subdued, her hands covering herself between her legs. The blush she wore from her humiliation won out its competitor on her derriere. Susanne felt a brief flicker of compassion for this Karen, yet Dirk was right, she’d every right to be treated with respect. And, what was done was done. Karen had been out of control all the time Susanne had been at the school, teasing and taunting the pupils with her skimpy outfits and flirty innuendo. They’d started down a path and they were going to finish. Well! If that wasn’t her father talking!

As Karen went cautiously over her lap she hissed barely audibly, “So what you going to do, bitch, bore me to death?”

A taunt? Ooooh, sassy. No, she wasn’t going to rise to it. Susanne was going to be cool and calm about it. “That’s five for the previous insolence and another set for the taunt,” she announced coolly. Dirk had taken her to task, her job was to make certain the lesson stuck, she supposed.

“Three!” Karen protested, loudly enough to invoke Dirk’s help.

“Do as you are bid, Karen,” Dirk’s deep voice cautioned from behind Susanne. “I heard you, and I think Miss Blanc is being exceedingly lenient. Mind yourself.” He muttered something about surprise that Susanne shelved for later.

Susanne couldn’t spank her bare bottom without touching the spoiled, bratty little madam somewhere. Her bottom stuck skyward in a most pleasing fashion, so she laid the palm of her hand on her buttock and listened to Karen’s hiss as the heat radiated through her palm. She moved that burning hand to Karen’s sit spot, covered entirely with welts from the cane and whatever she’d had before. She cupped that part lightly, still garnering muttered expletives for her trouble. The welts! Oh my goodness me. She ran her fingertips along a single raised line, tracing along the entire stripe and back again. This she did over and over as Karen twisted in pain beneath her, squirming like a child. Transfixed, she let her fingers explore the girl, the heat felt sensual, the colour was pleasing to her eye, the blue/black that was evident had been shocking moments ago now appeared calming. But it was the welts. The sight was intoxicating. Giddy, she felt giddy.

“How many?” she pinched Karen’s behind, just lower than her sit spot.

Karen yelped and cried out in pain, kicking and squirming, desperate to evade her to no avail. “Three!”

Susanne kept firm hold of Karen’s burning flesh. “Thirtee-ee-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!” Karen finally broke, sagging over her lap as Susanne let go and stroked the flesh with great care.

“Well done, Karen,” Susan admired the woman’s courage, blindly going over her lap, and it wasn’t that she hated Karen. No, that phase had lasted the first three months when she’d gone home each night, battered and bruised from the day and cried because they were all so mean, and that was just the staff. Her boys had been a breeze.

Karen sagged deeper into her lap, her tone changing. “Thank you, Mademoiselle.”

“To work!” Susanne enthused, instinctively knowing to get down to it before Karen came down from what Dirk had already administered. She stroked her hand over Karen’s bottom, tracing the contours of her whipping, rubbing fondly up and down. The flesh reacted to Susanne’s touch, goosebumps forming. Karen shivered. Whether in pain or anticipation Susanne didn’t know this time.

“Yes,” Without warning Susanne slapped Karen’s bottom crisply with a sharp CRACK! The girl cried out, “Summa bish!”

Susanne grinned inwardly, gripping the woman’s body firmly to stop her pulling away. She felt Karen tense beneath her. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” She admonished, hearing her own father’s cool, calm, collected and authoritative tone bursting forth from her. “We won’t be doing that, you bad girl, or I shall add more.”

Beneath her, Karen’s language was turning the air blue. Susanne had quite enough of that.

SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! She exacted a volley of stinging blows to Karen’s sit spots, striking the girl with an upward thrust, never in the same place and alternating each cheek. She delighted in seeing her buttocks shimmy and her legs kick out.

Karen’s sudden sharp intake of breath sounded delightful. “YEOUCH! You frigid bitch! FUCK YOU! Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, No!, Sir! Sir!...... Sir!” Her pleas for Dirk’s intervention fell on deaf ears. Her buttocks clenched, twisting this way and that, her legs taut, muscles defined as she strained to find that elusive balm to sooth her bottom.

“Now, Karen, you have a tally of fifteen slaps left. I’ll give you the option now. It’s a onetime only deal. Mind your foul language and quit with this ludicrous bullying campaign against me and I’ll only finish your punishment.” That was it; she was done with the spiteful woman. If hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, she was going to rain down Hell on her if she chose plan B.

She looked down at Karen, chestnut curls bounced around her lithe body, she was a siren and all the students swooned. She didn’t only know it, Karen Hall positively encouraged it. The library had never been so populated as when she was there. Sheesh, students tried to get detention so they could go to the library.

“What’s the other option?” Karen asked.

“Fifty” Susanne shot off the top of her head.

FIFTY? Of those?”

“Yes, Karen.”


She smirked a little, - “Yes Dirk.” - amused at his outburst of incredulity. But how was he to know that spanking had been a part of her childhood? She probably watched her papa a hundred times go through somewhat this ritual. And Susanne could mimic each and every swot to an exacting effect. Corporal punishment wasn’t merely about strength it was about the study of the anatomy.

“Ok, let’s begin before Ms Hall’s bottom cools and this hurts more,” she said, harshly jigging the crimson flesh. The likelihood of Karen apologising for anything was rare, but to someone she clearly hated as much as Susanne - nonexistent.

“Susanne!” Karen stalled her. “I’m.................I’m......................... I’m.................................................”

Tired of her games, Susanne brought her palm down hard, swatting the girl crisply. SLAP! SLAP! One for each cheek.

Karen gasped. Everything went back into spasm as pain rocketed through her. Her back arched in protest.
Too bad. SLAP! SLAP!

“Nooooooooooooooooooooo, ouch, goddam it!” Her buttocks clenched tight and Karen moaned low, in agony.
SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Susan alternated, pulling the fiery flesh taut as she went. “Wa-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait!” Karen managed, her pleas becoming plaintive as she panted hard. “Please! Oh no! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease......I need a... I need a...”

She needed an attitude adjustment; is what she needed. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

“FUCK YOU!” Karen hissed through gritted teeth, and sniffled.

SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! Susanne spanked her ass again, that rosy flesh deepening beneath her as her hand rained down lightening fast and with vigour.

“You horrid fucking..... STOP! Please STOP!” She screamed, twisting and bucking wildly... and that’s when Karen cried.

Susanne waited a moment incase it was crocodile tears, her hand rested soothingly on Karen’s convulsing back. It soon became clear that these were real tears, and she bent, gently offering Karen the choice to sit up. Karen stood before her, her lip trembling, eyes gushing. Suddenly she looked her age. A handkerchief slid silently over Susanne’s shoulder. She took it and wordlessly offered it to Karen. Taking it, Karen burst into tears again, attempting to stem the flow of tears to no avail. Why wasn’t Dirk offering to comfort her? Wasn’t he involved with her? Before she could ask, Karen had practically jumped into her lap, her heated seat searing into Susanne’s legs, her head nestled into her shoulder as she sobbed. And sobbed. And sobbed. She found herself rocking the girl, softly humming to her, her hand stroking her gently, the other Karen had grasped in her tiny paw for dear life. Out of nowhere, Dirk, again wordlessly, wrapped both the women in a warm, soft blanket and retreated silently.

“I’s so-o-o-ooooorry,” Karen’s huge eyes implored her as much as her words, but Susanne was no fool. She taught boys deemed too naughty to be schooled out in public for goodness sake. Oh, they all thought she was a pushover, of course, but this was a staff member!

“For what?” she cocked a stern eyebrow, and Karen dissolved again, howling pitiably and shrinking into the comfort of Susanne’s body.

“Being a bi-i-i-i-iiiiiiiiiiiiich.” It was an apology, but she needed more and gave her a withering look. “For always being a bitch to you,” Karen whispered, looking at the hand she was entwining in her own. “Bitch, Mademoiselle Blanc. For always being a bitch to you, Mademoiselle Blanc.”

“Very well, Karen. I will accept your apology on one condition.” The girl started wailing again, probably still in shock that a woman could exact a hand spanking quite so effectively. She pushed on ignoring the blubbering. “Tell me why?” There it was, the million dollar question. She wasn’t supposed to care, but she did. Hearing vicious rumours circulating through the staffroom and worse, through the halls had crippled her self-esteem for months now.

“Because you’re pretty, Mademoiselle.”

So there it was. This child, so full of hate, had spread rumours because she saw a divorcee, mother of two, with almost twenty years on her, as a threat. Perfect. Susanne made a curious noise at the back of her throat in utter disgust.

“You hate me?” A timid voice broke through the sound of her grinding teeth.

Now wasn’t the time or place. Coffee, curled into her father’s chair was the time for a therapy session. Now was the time for Karen. Susanne pushed aside her own feelings. “Why are you crying?”

“I hurt you ... And my daddy died.”

She pulled Karen close again and let her cry herself out.

Dirk brought her skirt and panties over and Karen, exhausted, dressed, gingerly. She looked shyly at Susanne. “Thank you. I needed that, Mademoiselle.” She bobbed a quick curtsey. “And I hope you’ll accept my deepest, humblest apologies for disrespecting you.”

“Thank you, Karen,” Susan nodded, giving the girl a solemn smile. “So long as you uphold your promise to quit it, we’ll get along just fine. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Mademoiselle. I haven’t been able to cry, you see.” Karen’s shoulders, the weight of the world upon them, rose and dropped heavily. Mr Tate suggested trying to beat it out of me!” she grinned at Dirk and nudged him playfully. “But I couldn’t. I couldn’t, not for another man.”

“But she managed it for you,” Dirk’s pride in Susanne was a little too evident, and Karen giggled.

Dirk hugged the girl tightly but briefly, whispering praise as he did. Before long Karen Hall was practically skipping out of the gym hall wearing a huge smile.

Pulling the pins from Susanne’s hair, Dirk rubbed her scalp as her hair fell. How he’d longed to do that, and how he’d longed to spank that ass. It had been the matter of his every dream for months. God, she’d no clue just how sensual she was. She was practically purring beneath him. He thought he could love a woman like this, until today. Today, well, holy hell! She’d knocked the socks clean off him. Infact, he was still reeling. She’d got it all going on, no effort at all, a real woman not a girl. His admiration for her had grown exponentially, his love too.... and then there were those base emotions........ mmmmm...... No, he wouldn’t lower himself, he wanted to win her heart first. How he longed to spoil and cherish her.

Susanne was delighting under Dirk’s gentle touch as he cupped her face turning her gaze to his. She swooned. A kiss?

“Your turn, sweet Susanne,” he uttered.


I hope you enjoy this first instalment... I welcome feedback and constructive criticism, so please leave me a message. Thanks :)

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Re: Nurturing Susanne. Part One, Caning Karen

Post by bendover10 » Sat Jul 27, 2013 4:19 pm

What can I say? This is better than anything I've read. Really well written and the twists and turns are geat. You don't expect what happens which makes it a compelling read in my view. Really looking forward to the next installment.
50 shades? Huh! Eat your heart out.

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Re: Nurturing Susanne. Part One, Caning Karen

Post by Often123 » Sat Jul 27, 2013 7:42 pm

Wow, that was certainly worth the wait. I was taken by surprise at the twists, too. Susanne proved to be woman with a strong core, and a firm hand. Karen learned to respect her and under her treatment, released her pent-up emotions. Well done! I'm with Ben on this one, I'd like to read the next installment.

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Re: Nurturing Susanne. Part One, Caning Karen

Post by Colin » Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:52 pm

Very impressive and very cleverly paced. I was expecting other twists than the twists that were there. Very professional Colin

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Re: Nurturing Susanne. Part One, Caning Karen

Post by missiemiss » Sun Jul 28, 2013 4:03 am

Thank you gents, for your generous appraisals. I hope I can keep you entertained with Part Two. :) xx

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Re: Nurturing Susanne. Part One, Caning Karen

Post by beguiling » Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:35 am

That was truly incredible. The characters grew naturally. The scene unfolded clearly and wonderfully. The unexpected twists that affect each of the characters didn't seem at all forced. Really and truly well-written. I'm in awe :>

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Re: Nurturing Susanne. Part One, Caning Karen

Post by missiemiss » Mon Jul 29, 2013 3:14 pm

Thank you so very much for such praise, beguiling. I truly am appreciative, not only from a woman, but from a fellow writer. I'd love to hug the stuffing out of you!

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Re: Nurturing Susanne. Part One, Caning Karen

Post by CropUser » Tue Jul 30, 2013 4:48 am

Love it

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Re: Nurturing Susanne. Part One, Caning Karen

Post by HHUK » Tue Jul 30, 2013 5:10 am

Well done, missleftbehind; I enjoyed that. :-)

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