The Spanking I asked for may have saved my life (F/f) (2889)
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:54 pm
Read this as fiction. Names and some of the details changed. Spanking not
Recommended for real children. Spanking of 14 year old by stand in parent.
The Spanking I asked for may have saved my life (F/f) (2889 words)
My parents didn't spank and it was sort of an accident that I got my first
spanking. I was 14, closer to 15, and going into my freshman year that fall.
I was a pretty normal kid, some mischief sure, but generally not in much
trouble. Where I had a problem, especially according to Mom, was in the
attitude area. I talked back and argued a lot, which was reinforced by Mom
sometimes just giving in on things that didn't matter much and she would
wear down. I'm sure teen age hormones weren't a help and these years were
hard for Mom.
That summer afternoon was just one of those times. I was walking home from
the store with Mom. Mom told me that we were going to visit my great aunt
and uncle who were unexpectedly going to be in the next town over on
Wednesday right after work. My great aunt and uncle were some of our
favorite relatives who had retired out of state. Normally this would have been
fine, but I had plans to spend the afternoon and evening with 3 of my friends
for a nearly weekly cook out in our neighborhood.
Mom told me those plans had to be changed as we usually saw these relatives
once a year and I was constantly with my friends. I got really bitchy with
Mom and we had about a 10 minute heated argument. Finally Mom went
with her standard ultimate empty threat.
"Sharon, do you want a spanking?"
This meant quiet down please; I want to be done talking about it.
"Of course not, Mom. Why do you always embarrass me with that stupid
question? You and I both know you've never spanked me and aren't about
to start now. I'm going to Cassie's house tomorrow, like it or not."
"Sharon, are you asking for a spanking, yes or no?"
"Of course, I'm asking for a spanking. I'm not missing out on my friend's
"Thanks, Sharon for clarifying that. This should have happened a long time
ago. I need to make a call."
"Yeah, like you're going to carry it out."
Mom stopped at the corner, got out her phone, and soon I heard.
"Hello, Gayle, this is Connie, Sharon's Mom. Is there a chance we could
stop by? We're about 5 blocks away. Yeah, I think we could use the help
you were offering. We'll be right over. Thanks."
"Sharon, we need to make a stop on the way home."
For some reason I wasn't worried. No reasonable parent was going to spank
a 14 year old rising freshman. Another lecture and Mom would get some
support from another parent and also understand I wasn't being unreasonable
about wanting to see my friends.
"Sharon, you've met Kimberly S., haven't you? She was in you're 7th grade
choir and 8th grade history classes, among others, I think."
"Oh, yes, I remember her. She's very pretty, smart, and pretty quiet in class.
She usually hangs out with a different group of kids."
"I met her Mom at the last PTA meeting. You're going to meet her this
afternoon and I think you will remember her after today."
Soon we were at their door and let in. We set our bags from shopping down
in the entry way.
Mrs. S. said, "Sharon, I'm sorry you're having such a hard day. Kim, please
come say hi to Sharon."
Kim came into the living room and said, "Hi Sharon, this is not my idea.
I hope it's not too hard for you."
I said, "Kim, I'm not worried."
Mrs. S. said, "Let's go to the dining room. We'll get right down to business."
Mrs. S. sat on the end on a straight chair with me on one side and Mom on
the other.
Mrs. S. said, "Sharon, I'm a believer in corporal punishment, namely
spanking. Kimberly still gets spanked once or twice most months. I wouldn't
spank if I didn't think it helped. You are going to get your first spanking this
afternoon. Please stand up."
I couldn't believe this was happening, but in a bit of a trance I stood up. Mrs.
S. promptly unsnapped my short, pulled them down to my knees, and
resnapped them. Then before I could react, put her thumbs into each side of
my boy style panties, and pulled them down inside out. Almost instantly, I
was over her lap with my right hand held in the small of my back. I squirmed
to get free, but it was obvious I wasn't going anywhere.
Mrs. S. said, "Kim, please bring me the ping pong paddle from the laundry
room where it was used last and stay around, if I need help."
I was shocked and in total disbelief. How could I be in such a position and
how much worse could it get?
Mrs. S. said, "Sharon, before I give you a really nice spanking, please tell
us, why you are in position for your first spanking?"
I said, "Please let me up, I don't know. Has Mom snapped?"
Mrs. S. said, "No, Connie has realized her discipline just hasn't been
working for a long time now and it's time to try something different.
Spanking has done wonders for Kim and her sisters; we'll see how it
works for you. What have you done that has earned you this opportunity?"
I said, "Nothing much, please don't spank me. Please let me up and pull
up my panties. I don't want to be on display like this. I've argued with
Mom a lot, I guess. I probably haven't done all the stuff Mom's wanted.
I guess my grades last semester were off over the previous times. I don't
want to be spanked."
Mom said, "That's not what you said on the way over. You specifically
asked to be spanked."
I said, "That's before I knew you could actually make it happen. I don't
and have never wanted any real spankings. I've changed my mind about
tomorrow. I'll see my friends other times."
Mom said, "Good, and you will be experiencing your very first spanking.
I hear Gayle is a very good spanker."
Mrs. S. said, "Kim, can you verify that for Sharon and Connie? Tell them
about your last spanking please."
Kim said, "Mom, you're really embarrassing me. Yes, Mom is really good
at spanking. I still get it way too often. Last Wednesday I got home at least
45 minutes late after church choir practice and ended up bare bottom over
Mom's lap for fifteen minutes getting paddled hard. At least it was almost
four weeks since the previous spanking."
Mrs. S. said, "I am good at spanking. I got it pretty often growing up and
know exactly what it's like. Kim can tell you all about it later. Anything
else you want to say Sharon?"
I said, "Please, don't spank me. But if I have to get it, can I please have
my panties up at least?"
Mrs. S. said, "Sharon, panties down is really important. You will remember
it a lot longer as that way as it's even more embarrassing. And I can see
exactly how you are doing as I spank. There were times I got it over my
panties and there are times Kim gets it over panties, but most of the time
it has to be bare bottom. And just so you understand, you will get spanked
hard, but it's your first time. I will spank enough to do a good job, but
you won't get as many spanks as Kim would."
With that the first spank landed on my right cheek. The spank made a loud
crack and in just moments the right side of my butt was on fire, very
quickly followed another loud crack and my entire butt was on fire.
I screeched repeatedly to have the spanking stopped to no avail. Mrs. S.
spanked very slowly, about 2 very hard spanks one on each side about
every 30 seconds. I'm sure I've never hurt that much before in my life.
I was crying very hard and soon my hair which I couldn't keep out of my
eyes or mouth was getting wet. Mrs. S. spanked the top of each buttock,
the side of each buttock, and also the bottom of each buttock along with
the upper thighs. The only spank she used was really hard. I would have
guessed I got 80 spanks, but I was later told it was just over 30. After a very
long time the spanks stopped and after more time I realized it was over.
Suddenly Mrs. S. stood me on my feet, my shorts and panties were by then
nearly off, and I was helped out of them and walked over to the corner to
stand. I had to stand there on display for at least 10 minutes before I could
ask for my panties. Once the 10 minutes was up, I pulled my panties up
only to realize there was no way I could wear them yet, my bottom had
way too much heat and panties would be even more uncomfortable. I
chose relative comfort or modesty. After 15 more minutes, I was dismissed
from the corner. I picked up my panties and shorts and headed with Kim
to her room, keeping my front covered.
I spent 40 minutes in Kim's room trying to recover. I found out that by
Kim's standards my spanking was fairly mild. Kim was really kind. Kim
loaned me a below the knee skirt I could wear home so I wouldn't have
to put on my panties or shorts.
I found out that the second part of Mrs. S.'s spankings was a booster that
usually came the next day. In the morning once dressed, you reported to
Mrs. S. and slipped down your panties for 5 to 6 more spanks on the part
of your bottom that you sit on. Mrs. S. believes very strongly that this
extra session increases the amount of time that goes by before another
spanking is needed. In my case with the visit to relatives coming the
next day, the booster was postponed till the following day.
As Mom and I prepared to go home well after being there for an hour,
Mrs. S. extracted an important promise from Mom.
"Connie, you can bring Sharon over for a spanking any time you think
it may be a good idea. I would be absolutely delighted to help. If you
plan on having Sharon spanked again, you should have it done at least
every six months and if she is to be spanked regularly she may be here
more than once a month. Also, please PROMISE me that if you ever
find Sharon smoking or hanging out with kids using tobacco, you will
bring her right over for a really memorable spanking."
"Sharon, if you are ever offered tobacco or are ever going to be around
a lot of second hand smoke, please say, `I don't like tobacco' and keep
out of trouble. You can truthfully say `I have mild allergies to tobacco
that will turn me red'. My father died from emphysema and had
avoidable health problems for years. I don't want to see Kimberly or
you ever have those problems. Do keep in mind what will happen to
your bottoms WHEN we find out."
Mom said, "That's excellent advice Gayle. Sharon, you are on a really
tight leash here. I don't want to even smell much smoke in your hair.
Sharon, you and Connie will likely have more meetings, but it better
not be for tobacco."
The walk 12 blocks home was very hard. My face was still red and my
hair was really a mess. I saw several people I knew. I'm sure everyone
I saw could tell I had just been spanked and wasn't wearing panties
every bit as clearly as if I was carrying a sign announcing it. It was a
bright sunny day and with the thin skirt and no slip, the lack of panties
had to be apparent. When we did get home, I was pleased to find my
red bottom wasn't AS red as when I was released from the corner.
Sitting down was still a challenge all of the next day. I practiced
watching myself in a mirror. Finally I got to the point that if someone
didn't know I had been spanked, the hesitation and wince weren't as
noticeable. Neither of my relatives said anything and I was grateful
my parents didn't mention it.
The next day we had a really nice evening with my great aunt and uncle
and other family members; it was even more fun than I expected to have
with my friends. The day after, I dutifully rang Mrs. S.'s doorbell at
9:00am and was ushered in. I brought back Kim's skirt and my face
turned red as I remembered walking home in her skirt without any
panties. This time I wore my own long thick fall skirt and clean new
elegant panties underneath. Mrs. S. said I could spend the morning or
day with Kim if I wanted but we would get the booster out of the way
first. The booster was most often given in the entry way just before
Kim left for school. I had to lift my skirt and slide my panties down.
Somehow it felt better to have Mrs. S. and Kim see me at least briefly
in pretty panties, instead of the dingy, yellowed almost worn out ones
I had last time. This time, Mrs. S. used a men's leather belt and with
me bent over her side, she gave me 6 hard spanks that definitely
reminded me of the previous session. It took less than two minutes
and had me back close to the just spanked state of two days before.
A key difference was no corner time and being able to pull my
panties back up in 45 minutes. Another really hard part was having
to thank Mrs. S. for caring enough to spank me. I didn't have to lie
and thank her for the spanking, just for providing it. I also had to
tell Mrs. S. I would be seeing her every so often.
The timing was incredible. The very next time I was at my friend's
house three days later, they told me they had scored cigarettes and
would be smoking as soon as her Mom left. I told them I really
didn't like smoke and made other plans. Over the next 3 years there
were 5 more possible encounters that I skipped out on. Two of my
soon former friends were hooked on cigarettes before our senior
year. Fortunately I made other friends and become really close
friends with Kimberly, in spite of the more than occasional trip over
her Mom's lap.
I am convinced my first spanking saved me from a lifetime of trouble
with tobacco. At $5 per pack, $1800 per year at a pack a day and very
little risk of lung cancer and emphysema, my first spanking was
incredibly valuable. At 10 years now out of high school, I've avoided
spending $18000 so far on cancer sticks. I wish the first spanking
had been able to shape up my behavior and attitude enough to
preclude all the following spankings. My Mom, whose opinions
about having me spanked, were what mattered was convinced that
the spankings were really good for me and shaped up my behavior
nicely. Thinking back on it now, I have to say she was right.
The other benefit I attribute to being spanked is a vastly improved
ability to speak in public. Until being spanked, being asked to do a
report or group discussion in front of even a class of students was
incredibly scary and I was vastly worse than terrible at it. After
being put bare bottom over Mrs. S.'s lap to be spanked with Kim
and sometimes her sisters watching, the embarrassment of being
up front or even having parts in school plays was nothing. I even
got to being extremely good at speaking in public.
Thinking back, the drama that I found the scariest but fascinating
in my childhood, was watching Mrs. S. spank Kimberly or one of
her sisters. Even when I wasn't likely to be the next one spanked,
my heart was always in my throat the whole time. I understood
every time why the spanking was being given and it was always
appropriate and consistent with Mrs. S.'s parenting. Even so, I
always felt badly for the girl being spanked. I would always
count the spanks and compare the final count to my initial
estimate. The other amazing part of Mrs. S. giving a spanking
was the hug and care shown afterwards. That was the nice part
of being spanked.
My Mom was extremely grateful to Mrs. S. for giving me
spankings absolutely any time Mom wanted it done. Mom would
have liked to have paid Mrs. S. for each spanking, but Mrs. S.
always refused. In exchange for providing the spankings, Mom
balanced Mrs. S.'s checkbook each month, loaned her a Sam's
Club card, and gave her free oil change coupons that she wasn't
able to use.
Recommended for real children. Spanking of 14 year old by stand in parent.
The Spanking I asked for may have saved my life (F/f) (2889 words)
My parents didn't spank and it was sort of an accident that I got my first
spanking. I was 14, closer to 15, and going into my freshman year that fall.
I was a pretty normal kid, some mischief sure, but generally not in much
trouble. Where I had a problem, especially according to Mom, was in the
attitude area. I talked back and argued a lot, which was reinforced by Mom
sometimes just giving in on things that didn't matter much and she would
wear down. I'm sure teen age hormones weren't a help and these years were
hard for Mom.
That summer afternoon was just one of those times. I was walking home from
the store with Mom. Mom told me that we were going to visit my great aunt
and uncle who were unexpectedly going to be in the next town over on
Wednesday right after work. My great aunt and uncle were some of our
favorite relatives who had retired out of state. Normally this would have been
fine, but I had plans to spend the afternoon and evening with 3 of my friends
for a nearly weekly cook out in our neighborhood.
Mom told me those plans had to be changed as we usually saw these relatives
once a year and I was constantly with my friends. I got really bitchy with
Mom and we had about a 10 minute heated argument. Finally Mom went
with her standard ultimate empty threat.
"Sharon, do you want a spanking?"
This meant quiet down please; I want to be done talking about it.
"Of course not, Mom. Why do you always embarrass me with that stupid
question? You and I both know you've never spanked me and aren't about
to start now. I'm going to Cassie's house tomorrow, like it or not."
"Sharon, are you asking for a spanking, yes or no?"
"Of course, I'm asking for a spanking. I'm not missing out on my friend's
"Thanks, Sharon for clarifying that. This should have happened a long time
ago. I need to make a call."
"Yeah, like you're going to carry it out."
Mom stopped at the corner, got out her phone, and soon I heard.
"Hello, Gayle, this is Connie, Sharon's Mom. Is there a chance we could
stop by? We're about 5 blocks away. Yeah, I think we could use the help
you were offering. We'll be right over. Thanks."
"Sharon, we need to make a stop on the way home."
For some reason I wasn't worried. No reasonable parent was going to spank
a 14 year old rising freshman. Another lecture and Mom would get some
support from another parent and also understand I wasn't being unreasonable
about wanting to see my friends.
"Sharon, you've met Kimberly S., haven't you? She was in you're 7th grade
choir and 8th grade history classes, among others, I think."
"Oh, yes, I remember her. She's very pretty, smart, and pretty quiet in class.
She usually hangs out with a different group of kids."
"I met her Mom at the last PTA meeting. You're going to meet her this
afternoon and I think you will remember her after today."
Soon we were at their door and let in. We set our bags from shopping down
in the entry way.
Mrs. S. said, "Sharon, I'm sorry you're having such a hard day. Kim, please
come say hi to Sharon."
Kim came into the living room and said, "Hi Sharon, this is not my idea.
I hope it's not too hard for you."
I said, "Kim, I'm not worried."
Mrs. S. said, "Let's go to the dining room. We'll get right down to business."
Mrs. S. sat on the end on a straight chair with me on one side and Mom on
the other.
Mrs. S. said, "Sharon, I'm a believer in corporal punishment, namely
spanking. Kimberly still gets spanked once or twice most months. I wouldn't
spank if I didn't think it helped. You are going to get your first spanking this
afternoon. Please stand up."
I couldn't believe this was happening, but in a bit of a trance I stood up. Mrs.
S. promptly unsnapped my short, pulled them down to my knees, and
resnapped them. Then before I could react, put her thumbs into each side of
my boy style panties, and pulled them down inside out. Almost instantly, I
was over her lap with my right hand held in the small of my back. I squirmed
to get free, but it was obvious I wasn't going anywhere.
Mrs. S. said, "Kim, please bring me the ping pong paddle from the laundry
room where it was used last and stay around, if I need help."
I was shocked and in total disbelief. How could I be in such a position and
how much worse could it get?
Mrs. S. said, "Sharon, before I give you a really nice spanking, please tell
us, why you are in position for your first spanking?"
I said, "Please let me up, I don't know. Has Mom snapped?"
Mrs. S. said, "No, Connie has realized her discipline just hasn't been
working for a long time now and it's time to try something different.
Spanking has done wonders for Kim and her sisters; we'll see how it
works for you. What have you done that has earned you this opportunity?"
I said, "Nothing much, please don't spank me. Please let me up and pull
up my panties. I don't want to be on display like this. I've argued with
Mom a lot, I guess. I probably haven't done all the stuff Mom's wanted.
I guess my grades last semester were off over the previous times. I don't
want to be spanked."
Mom said, "That's not what you said on the way over. You specifically
asked to be spanked."
I said, "That's before I knew you could actually make it happen. I don't
and have never wanted any real spankings. I've changed my mind about
tomorrow. I'll see my friends other times."
Mom said, "Good, and you will be experiencing your very first spanking.
I hear Gayle is a very good spanker."
Mrs. S. said, "Kim, can you verify that for Sharon and Connie? Tell them
about your last spanking please."
Kim said, "Mom, you're really embarrassing me. Yes, Mom is really good
at spanking. I still get it way too often. Last Wednesday I got home at least
45 minutes late after church choir practice and ended up bare bottom over
Mom's lap for fifteen minutes getting paddled hard. At least it was almost
four weeks since the previous spanking."
Mrs. S. said, "I am good at spanking. I got it pretty often growing up and
know exactly what it's like. Kim can tell you all about it later. Anything
else you want to say Sharon?"
I said, "Please, don't spank me. But if I have to get it, can I please have
my panties up at least?"
Mrs. S. said, "Sharon, panties down is really important. You will remember
it a lot longer as that way as it's even more embarrassing. And I can see
exactly how you are doing as I spank. There were times I got it over my
panties and there are times Kim gets it over panties, but most of the time
it has to be bare bottom. And just so you understand, you will get spanked
hard, but it's your first time. I will spank enough to do a good job, but
you won't get as many spanks as Kim would."
With that the first spank landed on my right cheek. The spank made a loud
crack and in just moments the right side of my butt was on fire, very
quickly followed another loud crack and my entire butt was on fire.
I screeched repeatedly to have the spanking stopped to no avail. Mrs. S.
spanked very slowly, about 2 very hard spanks one on each side about
every 30 seconds. I'm sure I've never hurt that much before in my life.
I was crying very hard and soon my hair which I couldn't keep out of my
eyes or mouth was getting wet. Mrs. S. spanked the top of each buttock,
the side of each buttock, and also the bottom of each buttock along with
the upper thighs. The only spank she used was really hard. I would have
guessed I got 80 spanks, but I was later told it was just over 30. After a very
long time the spanks stopped and after more time I realized it was over.
Suddenly Mrs. S. stood me on my feet, my shorts and panties were by then
nearly off, and I was helped out of them and walked over to the corner to
stand. I had to stand there on display for at least 10 minutes before I could
ask for my panties. Once the 10 minutes was up, I pulled my panties up
only to realize there was no way I could wear them yet, my bottom had
way too much heat and panties would be even more uncomfortable. I
chose relative comfort or modesty. After 15 more minutes, I was dismissed
from the corner. I picked up my panties and shorts and headed with Kim
to her room, keeping my front covered.
I spent 40 minutes in Kim's room trying to recover. I found out that by
Kim's standards my spanking was fairly mild. Kim was really kind. Kim
loaned me a below the knee skirt I could wear home so I wouldn't have
to put on my panties or shorts.
I found out that the second part of Mrs. S.'s spankings was a booster that
usually came the next day. In the morning once dressed, you reported to
Mrs. S. and slipped down your panties for 5 to 6 more spanks on the part
of your bottom that you sit on. Mrs. S. believes very strongly that this
extra session increases the amount of time that goes by before another
spanking is needed. In my case with the visit to relatives coming the
next day, the booster was postponed till the following day.
As Mom and I prepared to go home well after being there for an hour,
Mrs. S. extracted an important promise from Mom.
"Connie, you can bring Sharon over for a spanking any time you think
it may be a good idea. I would be absolutely delighted to help. If you
plan on having Sharon spanked again, you should have it done at least
every six months and if she is to be spanked regularly she may be here
more than once a month. Also, please PROMISE me that if you ever
find Sharon smoking or hanging out with kids using tobacco, you will
bring her right over for a really memorable spanking."
"Sharon, if you are ever offered tobacco or are ever going to be around
a lot of second hand smoke, please say, `I don't like tobacco' and keep
out of trouble. You can truthfully say `I have mild allergies to tobacco
that will turn me red'. My father died from emphysema and had
avoidable health problems for years. I don't want to see Kimberly or
you ever have those problems. Do keep in mind what will happen to
your bottoms WHEN we find out."
Mom said, "That's excellent advice Gayle. Sharon, you are on a really
tight leash here. I don't want to even smell much smoke in your hair.
Sharon, you and Connie will likely have more meetings, but it better
not be for tobacco."
The walk 12 blocks home was very hard. My face was still red and my
hair was really a mess. I saw several people I knew. I'm sure everyone
I saw could tell I had just been spanked and wasn't wearing panties
every bit as clearly as if I was carrying a sign announcing it. It was a
bright sunny day and with the thin skirt and no slip, the lack of panties
had to be apparent. When we did get home, I was pleased to find my
red bottom wasn't AS red as when I was released from the corner.
Sitting down was still a challenge all of the next day. I practiced
watching myself in a mirror. Finally I got to the point that if someone
didn't know I had been spanked, the hesitation and wince weren't as
noticeable. Neither of my relatives said anything and I was grateful
my parents didn't mention it.
The next day we had a really nice evening with my great aunt and uncle
and other family members; it was even more fun than I expected to have
with my friends. The day after, I dutifully rang Mrs. S.'s doorbell at
9:00am and was ushered in. I brought back Kim's skirt and my face
turned red as I remembered walking home in her skirt without any
panties. This time I wore my own long thick fall skirt and clean new
elegant panties underneath. Mrs. S. said I could spend the morning or
day with Kim if I wanted but we would get the booster out of the way
first. The booster was most often given in the entry way just before
Kim left for school. I had to lift my skirt and slide my panties down.
Somehow it felt better to have Mrs. S. and Kim see me at least briefly
in pretty panties, instead of the dingy, yellowed almost worn out ones
I had last time. This time, Mrs. S. used a men's leather belt and with
me bent over her side, she gave me 6 hard spanks that definitely
reminded me of the previous session. It took less than two minutes
and had me back close to the just spanked state of two days before.
A key difference was no corner time and being able to pull my
panties back up in 45 minutes. Another really hard part was having
to thank Mrs. S. for caring enough to spank me. I didn't have to lie
and thank her for the spanking, just for providing it. I also had to
tell Mrs. S. I would be seeing her every so often.
The timing was incredible. The very next time I was at my friend's
house three days later, they told me they had scored cigarettes and
would be smoking as soon as her Mom left. I told them I really
didn't like smoke and made other plans. Over the next 3 years there
were 5 more possible encounters that I skipped out on. Two of my
soon former friends were hooked on cigarettes before our senior
year. Fortunately I made other friends and become really close
friends with Kimberly, in spite of the more than occasional trip over
her Mom's lap.
I am convinced my first spanking saved me from a lifetime of trouble
with tobacco. At $5 per pack, $1800 per year at a pack a day and very
little risk of lung cancer and emphysema, my first spanking was
incredibly valuable. At 10 years now out of high school, I've avoided
spending $18000 so far on cancer sticks. I wish the first spanking
had been able to shape up my behavior and attitude enough to
preclude all the following spankings. My Mom, whose opinions
about having me spanked, were what mattered was convinced that
the spankings were really good for me and shaped up my behavior
nicely. Thinking back on it now, I have to say she was right.
The other benefit I attribute to being spanked is a vastly improved
ability to speak in public. Until being spanked, being asked to do a
report or group discussion in front of even a class of students was
incredibly scary and I was vastly worse than terrible at it. After
being put bare bottom over Mrs. S.'s lap to be spanked with Kim
and sometimes her sisters watching, the embarrassment of being
up front or even having parts in school plays was nothing. I even
got to being extremely good at speaking in public.
Thinking back, the drama that I found the scariest but fascinating
in my childhood, was watching Mrs. S. spank Kimberly or one of
her sisters. Even when I wasn't likely to be the next one spanked,
my heart was always in my throat the whole time. I understood
every time why the spanking was being given and it was always
appropriate and consistent with Mrs. S.'s parenting. Even so, I
always felt badly for the girl being spanked. I would always
count the spanks and compare the final count to my initial
estimate. The other amazing part of Mrs. S. giving a spanking
was the hug and care shown afterwards. That was the nice part
of being spanked.
My Mom was extremely grateful to Mrs. S. for giving me
spankings absolutely any time Mom wanted it done. Mom would
have liked to have paid Mrs. S. for each spanking, but Mrs. S.
always refused. In exchange for providing the spankings, Mom
balanced Mrs. S.'s checkbook each month, loaned her a Sam's
Club card, and gave her free oil change coupons that she wasn't
able to use.