Howard and Gena
Episode 3
Gena awoke on Saterday morning. She reached for her cell phone on the bed-side table, and, seeing that it was only 9:30, decided to stay in bed awhile longer.
Her butt was still slightly warm from the spanking she had received the previous day, and she had slept on her tummy that night. Gena smiled. Yesterday, her best friend Howard had given her a spanking for jumping out a third-story window. Gena had been quite surprised by how much the spanking had hurt. She’d always had a pretty high pain tolerance, yet somehow, Howard had been able to really bring the hurt on. Yup, Howard was extremely nerdy and had no athletic skills whatsoever, but he sure could give one heck of a spanking!
Of course, she had helped him out a bit. Gena grinned. She had been wearing these denim jean shorts, and Howard’s hand had been getting quite sore while she was feeling practically nothing. It was at that point that Gena had taken her shorts down so that Howard could spank her on her boy-cut panties. She really hadn’t thought much of it at the time. She chuckled to herself as she thought about how awkward and confused Howard had looked when she casually stripped down to her undies. Being as nerdy as he was, he’d probably never had a girl undress in front of him before.
Even though the spanking hurt quite a lot, Gena found that she had enjoyed the warm tingly feeling in her bottom after it was over, as well as the close physical contact between her and Howard during the spanking. There was just something warm and fuzzy about lying across his lap and snuggling up close to him while he spanked her.
She was pretty sure Howard had also enjoyed it, at least somewhat. After all, he was a 16-year-old boy, and what 16-year-old boy wouldn’t enjoy having a girl lie across his lap in her undies so that he could spank her? Yup, Howard definitely got a kick out of the whole ordeal. Gena wondered whether he would ever spank her again sometime in the future. Probably, she figured. And if he did, she would probably end up “helping” him out again, which meant that now, whenever she got dressed in the morning, she’d actually have to think about which undies to put on (something she’d never really given much thought to before).
Gena’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by her dad yelling up the stairs at her. “GENA!!!” shouted Mr. Kratz. Oh, great. That meant she was probably in trouble for something. All her life, it seemed, Gena had been in hot water. Throughout her school days, she had been sent to the principal’s office frequently. In elementary school, she was constantly getting benched at recess, which was unfortunate, because Gena was a very “active” child, and she desperately needed every minute of running-around time she could get.
Gena pulled herself out of bed, wearing a blue sleeveless undershirt and pink boxer-shorts. “GENA!!!” Mr. Kratz flung open the door to Gena’s room. “Gena! Care to explain what this is?!” yelled Mr. Kratz, holding up a piece of paper written on the school’s stationary. “You know, you could knock” snapped Gena, glaring at her father. Her parents never showed the slightest bit of respect for her privacy, and were constantly barging into her room without knocking. Mr. Kratz continued: “This is a letter from the school! It says you got detention on Tuesday for shouting at Mr. Harry!” he barked. “Good morning to you too” said Gena, sarcastically. “Don’t get smart with me!” snapped Mr. Kratz, glaring at Gena. “It says you repeatedly interfered with Mr. Harry’s attempts to discipline another student for daydreaming in class!” yelled Mr. Kratz. “When Jenny was your age, she always showed adults respect! You need to do the same! Jenny would never have yelled at her teachers like that…!”
Jenny. Just hearing the name made Gena cringe. Jenny was Gena’s older sister. Only two years older than Gena and already a sophomore in college. Yup, that’s Jenny in a nutshell. In high school, she pretty much got straight A-pluses. She did so well, in fact, that she went off to college after her sophomore year of high school. Stupid Jenny, thought Gena.
Throughout her child-hood, Gena had constantly been compared unfavorably to Jenny. Whenever Gena screwed up, her parents would always go on and on about how Jenny would never have done such an awful thing. It just always felt like Gena was forbidden from being inferior to Jenny in any way, shape, or form.
Gena and Jenny could probably have gotten along well with each other, but their parents’ repeated unfavorable comparisons had taken their toll, and now Gena’s relationship with her sister was completely destroyed.
As Gena stood there in her room, thinking about her sister, her cell phone rang. It was Howard, wondering if she wanted to hang out that day. She said sure, and told him to come on over, before heading downstairs, still in her PJs.
She said good morning to her mom who was reading a copy of The Frankten Daily. Then she headed into the kitchen, where her father was busy making pancakes while watching the local weather forecast on the TV in the kitchen. “…Today, clear skies, temperatures expected to reach the upper 80s or lower 90s, unusually high for late October…” said the weather man, giving the local forecast. Great. It was going to be a hot day. Gena got the box of Trix cereal from the cupboard and fixed herself a big bowl of it, adding chocolate milk as she usually did.
Mr. Kratz frowned at Gena’s choice of breakfast. “You’re eating more of that garbage?” he cried. Gena didn’t answer, and her father continued. “When Jenny was your age, she always ate oatmeal, and she was happy with it! And you not only eat that sugary garbage, but you feel it necessary to cover it with chocolate milk!...” Gena just rolled her eyes and ignored her father. She’d heard that speech a million times already.
As Gena and her parents ate breakfast, the doorbell rang. “GENA!! That nerd is here!” shouted Mr. Kratz, not bothering to answer the door. Mr. Kratz had never once bothered to call Howard by his name, always referring to him as “the nerd” or “that geek”. Gena, still wearing just boxers and an undershirt, went and answered the door. “Hey Howard! Come on in…What did you do to your hair?” she asked, laughing. Howard’s hair was standing straight up, as if he had just been electrocuted. “Van-de-graaf generator plus hairspray” he replied, casually. Gena just laughed and gave him her usual one-armed head-lock hug.
“Want some cereal?” she asked. “Would I ever!” exclaimed Howard. “My mom never buys me this stuff!” he cried, eagerly pouring himself a bowl before sitting down with Gena at the table in the kitchen.
“Gena! You’re not even dressed yet!” exclaimed Mr. Kratz. Gena rolled her eyes. “Your point?” she said. “Jenny NEVER had friends over when she wasn’t dressed!” yelled Mr. Kratz. Gena just rolled her eyes. “Well maybe Jenny wasn’t as comfortable with her friends as I am with mine” she snapped irritably, as Howard starred awkwardly at the ground.
“Hey, wanna go play Starcraft 2?” asked Gena. “Sure” replied Howard, and the two friends headed into the den with their cereal.
While Gena was superior at just about every video game she and Howard played, Starcraft 2 was the exception. For whatever reason, Howard took to Starcraft 2 quickly, while Gena struggled with the basics.
The two friends spent a relaxing, carefree morning eating sugary cereal and playing Starcraft 2. All the while, Mr. Kratz sat in his easy-chair, reading a book.
Howard, not surprisingly, beat Gena in each and every game they played. At around 1:00 pm, they were just about to start another game when Mr. Kratz suddenly slammed down the book he was reading.
“That’s it!” he shouted. “You’ve been doing nothing but playing that stupid video game all morning. Well you know what? You guys are done!” Mr. Kratz snatched Gena’s laptop out of her hand and slammed it shut. “Hey! What the fuck was that for?” cried Gena indignantly. “Hey! Watch your language!” yelled Mr. Kratz. “You know what? I’ve decided that this is your punishment for landing yourself in detention last week again!” shouted Mr. Kratz, glaring at his daughter. Howard gave Gena a pat on the back to calm her down.
Mr. Kratz paced back and forth as if he were trying to make up his mind about something. “You know what, get out! Both of you! Out!” he shouted, pointing towards the door. “It’s a sunny day outside! You kids should be outside playing, or something!”
“Come on dad, its hot out!” Gena complained. “And this is California! It’s always sunny!” she said. “If it’s so hot out, why don’t you and the geek go swimming?” snapped Mr. Kratz. “We have that river practically in our backyard” he said, settling back down in his easy chair to read.
Howard and Gena exchanged sulky looks. “Wanna go swimming?” muttered Gena. “Sure” said Howard, with little enthusiasm. At that, Howard walked home to get his swimming gear while Gena headed upstairs to change into her bathing suit.
Twenty minutes later, Howard returned with all his swimming gear and Gena answered the door, wearing a green and purple striped bikini. Howard had never seen Gena in a bathing suit before, and he had to expend a lot of self-control to keep himself from staring. Her legs and torso were very sexy and well-toned, and her bikini-bottoms covered significantly less of her butt than the boy-short panties she’d worn the previous day.
Gena cracked up when she saw Howard. He was wearing a ridiculously huge facemask with side-view and rear-view mirrors, as well as windshield wipers. He sported a set of Spiderman swim-fins on his feet, and webbed Spiderman swim-gloves on his hands. He was also carrying the biggest, most ridiculous-looking duffel bag Gena had ever seen. It was silver and blue, and it looked like it was from the future. It was the size of a bag you might use if you were going on a 50-year voyage into outer-space.
At that, Howard and Gena headed out to the woods behind her house to walk to the river, Gena still fuming. “My dad’s such a fucking douche bag” she snarled, once she and Howard were outside. Howard put an arm around her shoulder, which he often did when she was upset.
“Hey, you have a really nice belly-button” said Howard suddenly, causing Gena to crack up. It was impossible for her to remain in a bad mood around Howard for long, as he had the tendency to say the darnedest things at the most random times. “Oh, Howard. What would I do without you?” she said, giving him a hug. Howard had never been hugged by a girl in a bikini before, and since he himself was shirtless, the skin-to-skin contact between him and his sexy best friend was a real turn-on.
The two passed several wooden stakes, marking the edge of the property line, and awhile later, they passed the orange trees where Gena had received her first spanking from Howard. Just beyond the orange trees was the river.
“Hey Geeeeenaaa! I’ve got a little surprise for yoouuuu!!” sang Howard, opening his bag. Gena looked in the bag, wide-eyed. Howard’s duffel-bag had no towels or sun-screen whatsoever. Instead it contained two of the biggest laptops Gena had ever seen, if you could even call them “laptops”, as each was roughly the size of an unabridged dictionary. Howard had built the laptops in his nerd-den. The motherboard and CPU of each laptop was submerged in a sealed case filled with non-conductive cooling oil, which was circulated by an electric water-pump. Gena shook her head. Howard sure was a weird one!
Howard and Gena sat down under the orange tree while Howard unpacked the computers, along with a huge set of foldable solar panels, which he spread out on the ground just outside of the orange tree.
Howard booted up the laptops and plugged them into the huge 12-volt battery he had brought (the 12-volt battery was a lithium-ion battery designed for use in electric cars). Howard then used his cell-phone to get an internet connection, and launched Starcraft II on both computers. Howard and Gena sat down under the orange tree together and logged onto
“You are sooo going down!” said Gena. “Oh yeah? Wanna bet?” said Howard, trying to tickle her. “Knock it off” said Gena, giving Howard a shove. Howard proceeded to remind Gena of each game she had lost earlier that day, and informed her of exactly why she lost it. Since Gena was usually the one winning and rubbing it in his face, Howard took full advantage of this one time when the tables were turned. Gena rolled her eyes. “Since you’re so confident in your abilities, hotshot, why don’t we put a little wager on this game?” she said. “What kind of wager?” asked Howard. Gena grinned. “If I win, I’m going to tickle you for 30 minutes straight” she said. “And if I win?” asked Howard. Gena thought for a moment. “If you win, you can spank me!” she said, giggling. “Sounds good!” said Howard.
The two agreed to play on Lost Temple, which was by far their favorite map. As usual, Howard opted to play as the Terrans while Gena elected to command the Protoss forces. The game started, and Howard spawned in the left-hand position while Gena spawned in the northern position.
Howard, as usual, elected to block off his ramp with his first supply depot and his barracks. Gena opened with the usual pylon, quickly followed by a gateway, then a cybernetics core, and then another gateway. Gena then began warping in zealots at her gateways to apply some early pressure to Howard, using chrono-boost to make them warp in faster.
Once Gena had accumulated around six zealots, she proceeded to attack Howard’s wall-in. Howard, however, was a little too good to fall to such shenanigans. He had plenty of marines behind his wall-in, and even pulled a couple SCVs to keep his wall repaired, just to be safe. The marines started shooting the zealots from behind the safety of the wall, and the zealots, being melee units, were unable to strike back at the marines with their psi-blades, and Gena’s attack was repelled.
Back at her base, Gena began building a robotics facility and a third gateway, while Howard began building his engineering bay and a second command center in his main base. When his engineering bay finished, Howard immediately began upgrading his infantry weapons.
Gena produced zealots and stalkers from her gateways and immortals from her robotics facility. When she accumulated 400 minerals, she began warping in a nexus at her natural expansion.
When Howard’s command center finished, he lifted it off and landed it at his natural expansion, transferring half of his mining SCVs over to his natural. He then moved out with an army of marines, marauders, medivacs, Vikings, and two Thors, with SCVs to keep the Thors repaired. Howard’s army engaged Gena’s army of zealots, stalkers, immortals, and a colossus right outside her natural expansion, which was almost ready to start mining. Howard’s forces defeated Gena’s forces with minimal losses, and proceeded to destroy the nexus at her natural, just as it finished warping in. Howard then moved into Gena’s main base and began destroying her gateways and robotics facility. At this point, Gena had no units whatsoever to deal with Howard’s army, and was forced to type “GG” for “Good Game”.
“Awwww, shit!” cried Gena, as Howard’s forces crushed the last of her base. Howard grinned. “You know what this means” he said, slapping his thigh. “Yeah, yeah, spanky time” said Gena, crawling over Howard’s lap. Howard put an arm around her waist, giving her a few light taps to her bikini-clad bottom.
Pat pat pat
“Hmph” said Gena, curling her lip over into a pout. “You only won because Terran is over powered” she said. “Ohhh, you did not just go there!” said Howard, emphasizing the point with several nice firm spanks to Gena’s bottom.
Spank! Spank! Spank!
“I will NOT have my best friend become a balance-whiner” said Howard, giving Gena a couple more spanks.
Spank! Spank!
Gena rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on, you know it’s true” she said. “I would’ve won if Terran weren’t completely broken” she said. “You know what? How about we watch the replay?” said Howard. “The what?” asked Gena, looking confused.
Spank! Spank! Spank!
“The replay, silly!” laughed Howard, landing several medium-soft spanks to Gena’s bikini-clad bottom. “Whenever you play a game of Starcraft II, it automatically keeps a record of it in a replay file. Don’t tell me this is all news to you?” he said. Gena nodded, and Howard gave her bottom several more smacks “for her ignorance”.
Spank! Spank! Spank!
“Okay, so anyway, my idea was that instead of just straight-up spanking you, we would watch the replay together, and whenever you make any mistakes, I’ll just spank you a few times” said Howard. Gena giggled and rumpled his hair, and without further ado Howard loaded up the replay file of the game he and Gena had just played.
It quickly became apparent that Gena’s game was tilted from the start, for when she sent her initial six probes to mine minerals, she accidentally clicked passed the minerals, causing the probes to move past the minerals and sit there, not mining anything. Then, in her confusion, she accidentally cancelled the probe that was half-way done building in her nexus, before finally getting her probes to start mining a good 15 seconds into the game. “Wow, that is the worst start I have ever seen!” laughed Howard, giving Gena three medium-light spanks to her bikini-clad bottom.
Spank spank spank!!
The replay continued, and when it became time for Gena to build her first pylon, she kept changing her mind about where she wanted to build it.
Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!
“Just make up your mind, already!” laughed Howard, when Gena finally started building the pylon. “You can’t expect to win if you don’t build things in a timely fashion” he said, giving Gena several more spanks.
Spank! Spank! Spank!
A minute later, Gena warped in her gateway (“Right on-time, too!” said Howard, giving Gena several love-pats), and shortly thereafter her nexus finished building a probe. “Holy cow!” said Howard, shaking his head. “Gena! Earth to Gena! Your nexus just finished building a probe! Maybe you should start building another one!” he said, delivering three sharp spanks to Gena’s bottom.
Spank!! Spank!! Spank!!
“Gena! Your nexus isn’t building a probe! What are you gonna do about it? Huh? Gena! BUILD PROBES!” yelled Howard. Gena giggled and tried to tickle Howard, to which he responded by giving her several more fairly-light spanks.
Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!
No sooner had Gena finally started building a probe, when suddenly: “YOU MUST CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS!” boomed Tassadar’s deep voice. “Oh wow!” said Howard, doubling over with laughter. “You just got SUPPLY BLOCKED!” he cried.
Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!
“Wow, what a nooby! What a dweeb!” crowed Howard, as he continued to spank Gena’s butt.
Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!
. “Come on, dude, it’s not that big of a deal” said Gena, giggling.
“Not that big of a deal?” cried Howard, dumbfounded. “You <spank> should <spank> NEVER <spank> EVER <spank> get supply blocked <spank> <spank> <spank>!!!” cried Howard in disbelief. “It brings your unit production to a grinding halt, and is the ultimate mark of a NOOB” he said.
Gena drummed her toes on the ground and wiggled her bottom. When her pylon finally finished warping in, she immediately built a probe at her nexus and began building a zealot at each of her gateways. Pretty soon, she reached her population cap, and once again, she had not started warping in another pylon.
“Oh…my…god” said Howard, dumbfounded. “You just got supply blocked, AGAIN!!” he cried, giving Gena three very hard spanks, just to emphasize how bad it was to get supply blocked two times in a row.
“Oww! Howard, that HURTS!” cried Gena, curling her toes and wiggling her bottom a bit. “Watching you get supply blocked two times in a row HURTS!” replied Howard, giving Gena several more medium-light spanks.
Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!
“And now look! Your cybernetics core is done, and you haven’t even started researching warpgate!” cried Howard gleefully.
“So?” said Gena. “Why do I need warpgate?” she said. Howard shook his head, continuing to spank her. “Gee, why do you need warpgate? Uh, I don’t know, I mean it’s only the best upgrade Protoss has!” he said sarcastically.
Spank spank spank spank spank!!!!
Howard looked around Gena’s base. He noticed that Gena had only ordered two probes to mine gas from her assimilator. “I see you decided to play it conservative with you gas” he said, giving Gena a medium-light spank.
“And by ‘conservative’, I mean ‘PUT THREE GUYS ON YOUR F***ING GAS!!!’” he cried, continuing to give Gena medium-light spanks to her bikini-clad butt.
Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!
”Oh, wow” exclaimed Howard, when the replay had finished. “Gena, you truly are awful at Starcraft!” he said, doubling over with laughter. “Oh, shut up” said Gena, grinning. She reached up and thumped Howard on his forehead, to which he retaliated by landing a nice, firm spank to her bikini-clad bottom.
Gena squealed, wiggling her hips. “And now, Let’s recap the best moments of the replay” said Howard, giving Gena’s bottom several love-pats.
Pat pat pat pat pat!
“You: misclicked your probes at the start; constantly forgot to build probes; got supply-blocked multiple times; queued up waaaaayyy too many units in your gateways; chrono-boosted a supply-blocked gateway; put only two probes on your gas geysers; didn’t use any warpgates whatsoever; and did I mention that you got supply blocked?” Howard rattled on and on, citing every little (and not-so-little) mistake Gena had made during the game, all the while bombarding her bikini-clad bottom with medium-light spanks.
Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!
By the time the replay was over, Gena’s bottom felt pleasantly warm. It tingled quite a bit, although it didn’t really hurt. Gena lay there over Howard’s lap, the two of them together under the orange tree. Gena closed her eyes and rested her head on her arms, while Howard absent-mindedly played with her hair and drummed his fingers on her back. Despite her father’s grumpy outburst, the afternoon had turned out to be pretty fun after all. Life sure was better when you had a best friend to share it with!
To Be Continued………
Howard and Gena, Episode 3 (m/f, teens, light-hearted)
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