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Free Spanking Stories - Spanko.net • Messy Neighbours (M/f)
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Messy Neighbours (M/f)

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:33 pm
by Luffy
Ben Taylor was a patient man, infact most people who would meet Ben often remarked about is calm, quiet demeanour. However every person has their limits, even the calm quiet ones and as Ben Taylor stood in the communal back garden of his block of flats, staring solemley at his over stuffed, over flowing wheelie bin for the ninth time in as many weeks he was quickly rocketing past his.

His dressing gown blustered wildly in the biting wind as he shuffled throug the snow towards the offending area, the cold flakes of snow that were drifting earthwards melting against the hot flush of anger in his cheeks and sticking in the rough curls of his disheveled "morning hair"

Standing over the jumbled mess of torn binbags, empty pizza boxes and disgarded cider bottles it became obvious who the culprits of this were yet again and Ben let out a small sigh...

Lisa and Becky, He was positive that Rebecca chose to be known as "Becky" to add to her annoyance rating. Two name that had became code for sleepless nights, endless parties, a communal area that smelt like bob dylans backpack and the occasional police visit.. Two of the most cliched, sterotypical students they had moved in last August, the flat, far beyond the reach of normal students had been a gift from a rich father, a phantom who Ben had seen on the day they moved in and never since.

His cold, snow caked feet slapped roughly against the late victorian tile work of the back stairs as he marched with purpose towards the students front door. The quiet stillness of Sunday morning was interupted by three loud, heavy bangs.... nothing..... again Ben banged his clenched fist against the ornate stainless glass door of the third floor flat... "BBBzzzZZZrrrrrRRrr" the electric whine of the doorbell still called no one fourth from the student squallor. is sholders slumped and he was forced to drag himself, clad in a damp dressing gown and still holding his own binbag which had now started to drip it's contents onto his feet...

It was just as Ben decended the last of the stairs and was heading back to his own front door when the tell tale click of the buildings security door gave away the shambling entry of a weary looking Becky evidently returning from yet another night out.

There was an ackward silence, both stared at each other. Ben, loosely covered in a damp black dressing gown, sodden, snow caked hair clung to his face and his pale blue eyes were focused intently on Rebecca. She gazed back, dressed in a "short" dress that lacked straps and a pair of platform heels, her short dyed blonde hair was a ruffled mess and Ben was sure he glimpsed a cocktail umbrella buried in its tangled curls. She looked back at ben with a slightly dazed look before quickly erupting in a fit of giggles at the sight before her and starting to walk towards the stairs....

"Errrmmm.... excuse me Rebecca?"

There was an obvious tension in his voice that startled even him has he felt his grip clench on the binbag at the flipant "yeh yeh" she muttered as she brushed passed him.

"Hey!" the sudden bark in his voice causing her to perk up and turn cast a backwards glance.

"Can you not read?! I've just "TRIED" to take my bin out again and yet again every bin is fille...."

Rebecca stood in front of Ben rolling her eyes, nodding and muttering the occassional quiet "yes" as he ranted on about the state of the bins, ignoring the signs, the notes and every other grievance he had since they moved in... and then she turned away and walked towards the stairs.

"Do I look like I am finished here? What exactly..."

Her husky sweet voice cut him off with the bluntest and rudest of replies ( much to rude to print here! )

"What!? Who the hell you think you're talking to!?" Blood rushed around Bens body and he could feel the rushing thump of his heart beating in his chest as the grin broke out across her face and she giggled again. He looked back over his shoulder at his flat's open door, at the scruffy, hung over offensive student in front of him and towards the back door and the cause of his frustration..and just as Rebecca tried to act mouthy again it all began falling into place...

Bens hand shot out and took a vice like grip of the young students wrist, as what was about to transpire played out in Bens head a large grin began to form on his face at the thought of payback for the months of torment ... He backed towards his front door and with one sharp pull of the wrist dragged the protesting student into his front room and kicked the door shut behind her....

Bens living room was a mismatch of beige and cream loosely decorated with an assortment of odd curios he had built up over the last few years since he had graduated and moved into the converted old townhouse. Several of whic were sent crashing to the floor as the now somewhat paniced Rebecca flailed her free arm and dug her heels into the carpet.

Ben, in an uncharacteristic display of strength, managed to sit on the edge of the sofa and again with a sharp pull of the wrist hoisted the screaming twenty something across his left knee. As soon as he felt the soft touch of her hips against his thigh his hand shot back and firmly took grip of her waist before hoisting his hand high into the air and delivering a sharp smack to her upturned bottom that echoed around the room.

That point made the action real... Up until then Ben had felt a slight unease at what he was doing, was he right? wrong? Up until now he could have backed of and let this messy, selfish little madam go back to continually using his bin and keeping him awake... but now it was final, the course of action was decided and the sharp gasp from Rebecca indicated it was the right one... a wicked grin crossed Bens face as he raised his hand again and brought it down with another hard slap that filled the room with its echo. Rebecca was horrified, her legs kicked and flailed wildly as she screamed and protested at the indignity of the situation and making all sorts of threats. Ben responded by landing a volley of hard, fast and stinging slaps that worked up her thghs and sent ripples across her volumptueous bottom.

She could feel a slow burning heat begining to build in her bottom as she threw her hand back to protect herself, only to find it quickly pinned into the small of her back. she squealed in protest as Ben began to angrly chastise her...

"I've asked nicely! Constantly" Each word was being punctuated with a stinging slap to the centre of her bottom "To" "Use" "Your" "Own" "Bloody" "Bin" Rebecca squelled and wiggled desperately causeing her bottom to sway from side to side. Then she felt a shiver rush up her spine, the cold air of a winter morning hitting her lightly spanked cheeks as Ben pulled her dress up in one swift movement exposing the pink tinge of her bottom and underwear that offered no protection from the heavy slaps that follwed....

Ben continued to use his large cupped palm to bring down heavy smacks on alternating cheeks as Rebecca's tune quickly changed from her previous flippant and rude to apologetic and somewhat remorsefull, each smack causing her to sharply gasp before quickly pleading with Ben before the next...

After several minutes across Bens knee Rebeccas eyes began to well at the edges, the harsh smacks from ben had turned her bare unprotected bottom a dark cerry red. Ben delivered another serious of sharp smacks that bit into her bare bottom and as the last smack of her impromteu spanking landed she wailed out her apologies before the tears began to stream down her face.

Ben could feel his the blood pulse through every vein in his body, he had did it, finally... and as he
began tanding her up and marching her towards the empty corner of the living room like a naughty little girl he noticed through her tears that Rebecca had the same grin on his face.

" You are going to remain here and think about your behaviour "

There was a slight pause, no more than a few seconds before she glanced over and a mumbled "yes sir" escaped her lips before she quickly turned her nose into the corner, the red blush in her face matcing her well smacked bottom. Stepping back and admiring his handywork Ben had a feeling he had done the right thing and began to ponder about the other bother-some neighbour.....