Hi guys the story is a quite long in places it may be a bit Mills & Boone, but over all I believe it’s worth the read. All legal charges and decisions are for the story only, I do not profess to have any legal knowledge. Your feedback would be appreciated, if you don’t like it please say so any encouragement would help me to write again.
Cheers all
For seven years Senior Science/Maths teacher Julie Ann Austin, had successfully taught students at West Haven College, hoping to one day succeed her father who had been the Dean for many years.
Julie, who had already achieved many qualifications and high distinctions in all school subjects, found that she was better suited to tutor Science and Maths subjects. As her specialised teaching methods evolved so did her reputation, eventually she was acclaimed as the best Science/Maths teacher in the state.
In recognition of this she was appointed to a special status, she had her own personal class room with all of the latest scientific equipment and only 20 of the very best students were selected for her classes each year, all expected to be enrolled at any one of the most prestigious Universities.
When she was away from college she continued with external studies and was eventually awarded her Masters, as a result of her award, the old Dean Johnston, extremely impressed with the excellent marks of the students she taught, encouraged her to continue her studies and achieve her Doctorate, this he predicted would eventually qualify her to be appointed Dean.
Julie now lived a very secluded life in a little flat not far from the college, her parents had died when she was 17, though her parents had left financially independent, she was on her own. Living in the large house only increased her loneliness, so she sold the house and moved into the flat near West Haven College and enrolled in a teachers training college near by.
After 4 years training she had passed out with the highest possible marks and was able with the help of Dean Johnson to join the teaching staff at West Haven College.
Now that she had grown up and she was used to being alone, her goal in life was to emulate her late father and gain a professorship.
Male companionship was not a high priority in her life, evidence in this was that at 28 she was still a virgin, she had never dated or had a boy friend, her commitment to her studies took precedence over everything. She was a delicate young woman only 159cm tall and weighed 50kl, what most attracted people was her striking beauty, her long naturally curly auburn hair, her large brown eyes and her clear complexion, and the aura of calm and confidence.
She was softly spoken, and her most endearing attribute was her interest to anyone’s problem, never would anyone hear her say anything detrimental of others, one notable thing was that whenever she was involved in the college swimming carnivals, the balcony was packed with male student’s having erotic dreams over her sexy figure, but what endeared her to everyone was her genuine willingness to help anyone in need, with no regard to their station in life.
Many men had tried to date her but she let them all down gracefully saying that she would prefer not to be courted as she was far to busy with her students and her studies.
The one male teacher on College staff did peak her interest, though, he was someone who she might have considered as companion but he did not show any interest or was too shy to approach her.
He was Brad Anderson, the Maths/ English teacher, who was also the football and athletics coach. At 29 he too was single never been married never had a girlfriend totally committed to teaching so consequently also a virgin.
He was tall muscular and extremely athletic, little did Julie know but Brad secretly worshipped the ground that Julie walked on, he would have climbed over hot coals to be able to get her to notice him, but his introversion and shyness prevented him to even speak to her; all he was able to manage was an embarrassed smile and a mumbled reply if she spoke to him.
I was during the current school year that the resident Dean, Arthur Johnston after 50 years teaching knew he was getting old, and he felt it, one afternoon after a stressful confrontation with officialdom in the Education Department over funding and threatening the reduction in resources it was too much he became ill, that evening he had a minor stroke, his Doctor advised him to take it easy but he could not change his habits after so many years.
His mind was changed though, when after two more strokes a few days later he was persuaded that he could not risk the stress at college anymore, so on advice from his Doctor that his next stoke could be his last he decided to retire and take it easy.
On the day he left, all the teaching staff gathered for a farewell dinner with him, he was so well admired that all were very sorry to see him go, many tears were shed when he left. Little did they know at the time how terrible his replacement would be.
Chapter Two
His successor was to be a man named Mark Jackson.
As a child Jacksons parents were incredibly cruel to him, many times he was thrashed for inconsequential things, his father died when Mark was 8 and from that point on his mother went very strange it appeared that she blamed Mark and she would thrash him unmercifully for any small infraction, this set Mark on a course of hatred, it permanently coloured his attitude toward women and he resorted to releasing his frustrations on anyone smaller or more timid than him, especially girls.
Mark had a very chequered history, at an early age he had aspersions of being some one great , in his fantasies he saw himself as President, Dictator, or even Master of the World.
At the age of 18 his Mother died, to show his hatred toward her he urinated on her grave, at last he was free to live his own life, and now his hatred for women could flourish unrestricted, although many times he had become very close to being in serious trouble from bashing some girl he picked up in the local pub, he eventually took stock and then realised if he was going to have any future he would have to be more discrete in his displays of vengeance.
When he was 21 he gained his first teaching position, it was then he met a young teacher who he would eventually marry, Margaret was pretty little girl who had been brought up in a very sheltered atmosphere, she had doting parents who idolised her, little did they know of the hidden monster she was marrying.
At first he wisely kept his hatred for women hidden from her and her parents, but to relieve his frustrations he would secure the services of some prostitute and take his vengeance out on her.
For the first two months of marriage Mark was the perfect husband he carefully kept his frustrations hidden, then one night after a mild disagreement he lost his temper and he thrashed Margaret, from that point on she lived in terror, any small thing would set Mark off and she would be thrashed.
A year after they were married Margaret had twin boys who they named Joseph and George, both were very large babies and Margaret nearly died giving birth to them, as they grew so they were taught by their father that all women were evil and that they need to be punished all the time.
To demonstrate this he regularly spanked Margaret in front of the boys to relieve his own hate and as they grew he encouraged the boys to join in.
So at a very early age the boys were regularly spanking their mother. As they grew they were told by their father that if they thought that Margaret had disobeyed some rule then they had his permission to spank her however they liked.
At first it was only hand spanking over her clothes but as the boys grew stronger and more sure of themselves the punishments soon escalated, while one held her the other would lift her skirt and strip down her pants and then spank her bare bottom, when they became bored with this they used a strap or a belt.
After one such beating Margaret had had enough, she decided the only way she could get peace was to end it all so she just went up to the top floor on their house and threw herself out of the window.
The investigation into her death was a farce all of the abuse was cleverly covered up by and expensive defence Lawyer, and Margaret’s death was closed, documented as depressive suicide.
Academically Mark was a reasonably intelligent student not brilliant but above average, he had left with college with a degree in Teaching and following many refusals due to his confrontational attitude he finally acquired a position at a primary school, he taught for a few years, but due to his autocratic and superior attitude, the cruel treatment he inflicted on the children, and the abuse he directed on other staff he didn’t stay long at any school, in the three years he taught he was moved 3 times, each time he was warned over and over again to change his ways, to curb his temper and cruelty and be more amenable to others, of course he promptly ignored the advice and continued on his abusive way.
I was with great relief to the Teaching fraternity that he became interested in Politics and after many tries he eventually won a seat in a By Election.
He was immediately disliked by all his political colleagues, it was clear that there was something seriously wrong in his makeup, he argued with everyone, he gave orders never requests, he advocated very strong measures be taken with prisoners, he hated anyone smarter than himself and he especially hated all women, he hated with a passion if any women was elevated to a senior position, he also advocated that corporal punishment be restored in all walks of life especially to women & children.
He only lasted only one term in office, his colleagues and constituents couldn’t get rid of him fast enough, the only so called friend he made was the deputy leader of the party, Cr John Roberts, who although Jackson had similar ideals to his own he was smart enough to tread carefully, he waited patiently until he was in a position that it would be difficult to depose him, he could then present his proposals one at a time.
Roberts saw in Mark Jackson a self centered, opinionated, angry tyrant, he knew he had to get him out of the political scene before he became a danger to his own position.
So he called in favours from high source’s to flavour a deal that would encourage him not to contest the next election, after many set backs and concerned objections he eventually managed to arrange for him to be appointed to the vacancy as Dean at West Haven college, the carrot was of course was that Mark would be in charge of a multitude of females.
So the die was set the tyrant was appointed as Dean of West Haven College, much to the disgust of the Education Department Directors, all predicting that he would have a very brief tenure.
As the new Dean, Jackson arrived on a Monday morning and unfortunately was shown to his Office, by the Janitor (big mistake), that put him a savage mood to begin with, he was then confronted by the office secretary Janet Dickson, who none too politely asked him who he was and what did he think he was he doing in the Deans office.
Dean Jackson’s face flushed with anger as he drew himself up too his full height and with pure vitriol dripping from his mouth he shouted, “I’ll have you know that my name is Mark Jackson, I am the new Dean of this College, in future you will address me as sir!!,
“Why was I directed to my office by a lowly Janitor?” he shouted.
“Why was I not greeted by the head of staff?, didn’t you get my letter advising my arrival?”.
Miss Dickson was taken aback by the blast, she stuttered a reply and in a very small voice, “Oh I’m very sorry sir, please excuse me, but your letter said that you would be arriving next week, and many preparations have been made to welcome you then”.
Well I decided to come a week early so I could see for my self, I need to know, “how many Illiterate Teachers were on staff, how many of those I’ll have to sack or remove, “How many changes I will have to make to the curriculum, for anyone to work in this dump they cant be very smart.
He thundered at Janet “Inform all teachers that they are ordered to attend a staff meeting in my office at 12 noon sharp, I will not tolerate any excuses, any staff who does not attend will be put on report, now go you rude women,” he shouted.
Chapter 3
Janet scurried away as fast as she could and quickly informed all the teachers that they should attend the staff meeting or else.
Most of the teachers took umbrage at the rude summons and took the news in nonchalant manner, accepting the demand but not too greatly impressed..
Dean Jackson thought he was in his element, here he was a woman hater surrounded by almost all female Teachers, the only fly in the ointment was one male, as soon as possible he had to be neutralised.
At 12 noon some of the teachers arrived on time, but the majority arrived up to five minutes late, this lack of obedience incensed the Dean he was ropeable, he could not believe that the teachers would have the temerity not to arrive on time as he had instructed, his anger was visibly increasing by the second as he glared at those in front of him and waited as with increasing impatience for the remainder to arrive.
When they had all assembled he astounded them by shouting at them, spittle spraying from his mouth in an almost demented tirade about their failure to obey simple orders, he continued to scream that in future any infractions to his demands to appear before him would be noted and punishment would be applied accordingly.
He then barked at each teacher to provide their name and explain his or her teaching ability and the classes they took,
Taken aback by his tirade they all just told him as briefly as they could which classes they took.
He then asked which teachers could be substituted for the absent ones on case of sickness, some put their hands up and advised which classes they could attend too, some didn’t bother, as they spoke up he made a notation on his list, when each teacher had spoken he looked over his sheet and came to Julie’s name only to find a tick against her name for every school subject,
When he had finished he looked up and said. “Who is this Julie Austin,”
“Julie stepped forward and said “I am sir”.
He looked at her and scowled, and said in aloud voice “ are you so bloody smart that you think can teach every class in this college”
“Yes Sir,” ignoring the language and the denigrative remarks,
“In the seven years I have been here I have on special occasions taught every subject, I also have the documented accreditation for all of them”
“Well aren’t you the clever clog’s, what are your qualification’s” he barked at her.
“I’m am not in the habit of immortalising my self to all and sundry, I would rather not say thankyou, if you specifically want to know, all my qualifications are listed in my staff folder.”
“Miss Austin I asked you a question, do me the curtsy of answering me now, I will not tolerate insubordination in any form” he shouted.
Julie said “do you have to shout we’re not deaf, if you want us to be courteous, then perhaps you could show us by example”
This completely astounded Mark, for a moment he was at a loss for words, before he could respond Julie continued.
“If you are so impatient to find out ” she said in a strained voice,” I have Diploma’s in Teaching, Athletics, Music, Diploma in English Translation, A Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Maths and English, Associate Professor in Higher Teaching Practices, I also speak French, German, Spanish, and Chinese fluently, I have now received my Masters Degree, I am completing my studies for a full Professorship.”
The other teaching staff were astounded by her response and all her qualifications; they all looked at her with expressions of amazement and increased respect.
Dean Jackson now extremely angry sneered “ Miss Austin I will not be spoken to in that manner I am your superior and when I demand something form anyone they had better comply immediately or there will be extreme consequences, In regard to you qualifications it would appear you are far too qualified to be here teaching senior students, you primarily teach science and maths, why aren’t you designing rocket ships or something”. It is obvious that with your attitude to authority you feel that your position here puts you above me, I cant have that, so you will have to be removed to somewhere more appropriate, I cant allow such talented resources to be wasted here.”
All the teaching staff swung their heads in unison and glared at the Dean, but no one spoke but if each eye could have fired an arrow the Dean skewered to the wall.
The Dean looked at the teachers collectively and in a loud sneering voice he almost shouted, “I have posted a list of rules on the notice board you are all ordered to read them, all of those rules will be adhered to implicitly, any infraction will be noted on a chart, when sufficient infringements are reached then the culprit will have to front me for their punishment and I can assure it will be severe.
“As you are aware the funds to run this college are from student fees and corporate donations, therefore I have complete control over them, so when one of you break the rules and has achieved sufficient infringements the penalty will result in you being fined or worse”
“Read the rules quickly and get to your lunch and then get back to class,” he said dismissively.
He wisely ignored Brad at this time he didn’t want to have to confront him you till he had found away to neutralise him.
“Miss Austin you will remain, he said rudely.
When the other teachers had left he said to her.
“I don’t know you Austin, I don’t want to know you, and I don’t like you, you are a smart mouthed woman, and I especially don’t like women, nobody can be that smart, for you to have that many qualifications you must have cheated, I’m going to be watching you closely, the slightest infringement and you will be on my list, as soon as I can I will investigate a way to get you removed from this college, your dismissed get out.”
Julie looked at him astounded, “what have I done wrong sir, how have I offended you so much”
“I don’t have to explain my self to a women just get out”
Julie left with tears in her eyes, as she walked down the corridor to the staff room she shook her head in dismay.
”What on earth could have I done, why does he hate women so much” she said to herself, when she arrived in the staff room the news of the conversation had preceded her, someone had been listening and had reported to the others, they all gathered around her and tried to console her as she cried openly,”What a perfectly horrible man she said, I have done nothing to deserve this hate, all I did was to object to the verbal abuse he directing to us, it is obvious just doesn’t like anyone to be better educated than him especially women.”
Soon the teachers left for their classes, when Julie was about to leave she noticed Brad had remained behind; he looked shyly at Julie and smiled, “may I speak to you”?. She nodded,
“Julie, I know I have avoided you in the past, I was too shy to speak before, but the situation has changed. “The response you directed to the new Dean has obviously crystallised a positive hatred for you, because you stood up to him I think he will target you, I just had to crush my shyness and speak up.”
“This personal dislike he has for you I’m sure stems from his hatred for all women, the fact that you are obviously better educated than he his has sent him over the edge, because of this, I have decided you need someone to protect you, so from now on I will be your so called guardian as it were, you most assuredly need someone to be on call to protect you against him, please don’t hesitate for a second to call me if you need help, just get a message to me by any means, I will be there for you no matter what”
Then he said his face very red, now I’m on a roll I must tell you this, I have the very highest regard for you Julie, I would do anything for you, I would also give anything if you looked favourably in my direction.”
Julie looked at him, in the three years he had been at the college this was the first time he had spoken to her directly, she smiled at him with a surprised look on her face.
“Why Brad what a wonderful surprise you have at last broken your silence and spoken to me.
“In regard to the new Dean I do agree perhaps I shouldn’t have answered him back, but they way he was speaking to me well I just could not take it, now he has taken a positive dislike to me now it is frightening. I also think that all the other female teachers will be targeted at some time.”
“After this morning you have no idea how much I want to thankyou for offering to protect me, with this school having only one male you may have your work cut out protecting everyone you may need some assistance, I am so very grateful you have taken a the step to specifically protect me, your offer is a relief knowing that I’ll have help.”
“Brad, in answer to you other comments, I have been acutely aware for a long time of how you feel about me, it is mirrored in your eyes, I also know I can count on you, the reason I haven’t expressed any interest to you or anyone before is because of my professional commitment, but I want you to know that your feelings toward me are reciprocated, of all the men I have met in my life if I were to be involved with anyone it would be you.”
“You know I have resisted all romantic overtures, my career is too important to me, I don’t know when that will change. I’m very grateful that you will be my champion if I need help, from him; she jerked her head toward the Dean’s office, “I don’t know why he has selected me to direct his hatred, I’m sure I will need help sometime, so I had better be on my toes.”
Chapter 4
The first person to experience the wrath of this angry man was poor Janet Dickson his secretary, when all the teachers had left that afternoon he called her in to his office, he shouted and cursed her so much that she was quickly reduced to tears, he threatened to sack her on the spot and employ someone with more respect.
She cried out “please sir don’t sack me I need this job.”
“Well I can’t have incompetent and rude people working for me, if you want to keep your job then the alternative is you will have to be fined, maybe that will teach you to have civil tongue.”
“Please sir I can’t afford to loose any money I don’t get very much now, any less and I won’t have enough to pay for food or the rent on my flat”.
“I can’t help that, you either get the sack, be fined, or I put you over the desk and thrash you, then you will remember not to be rude”
Janet looked at him horrified, “spank me” she said, “that’s Illegal”.
“Not in this state it’s not, at the last election they repealed the submission”.
“So what’s it to be, hurry up I haven’t got all day”
Janet cried “I don’t want to loose my job and I can’t afford a fine”
‘Well then bend over the desk and pull your skirt up and prepare to be thrashed, be warned any movement will only increase your punishment”.
With that he said opened a drawer in the desk and took out a thick wooden ruler, he stood up and walked around to the side of her and reached over and pulled her panties down, and then without a stop he thrashed her bottom a dozen times with the ruler, the stripes immediately turned blood red and blisters started to form it was going to make it extremely painful for her to move or sit, she screamed and screamed with pain but no sound was heard from the soundproofed office.
“Now get out and get to work, any more rudeness or broken rules and you will be punished the same way, the more mistakes you make the worse the punishment will be, eventually you will probably be strung up, stripped naked while I whip you, now go.”
Janet quickly pulled up her pants and rushed out of the office, tears poring from her eyes, she ran down the hall to Brad’s class, bursting in she rushed over to him and fell into his arms, as she sobbed out what had happened the entire class heard, without any embarrassment she lifted her skirt and pulled her pants down a little and showed Brad and the class the stripes and blisters on her bottom and thighs.
The horror in the students eyes at what they saw, sent shivers up their backs, this could be me they thought.
Brad was beside himself with rage, it had already started, this evil man had struck already, he wanted to go to the Dean’s office and flatten him straight away, but Janet grabbed his arm an hung on desperately till she could stop him, telling him that he would loose his job and would probably be charged with assault because he hadn’t witnessed the beating.
The students also called out “no sir please don’t go, we know your angry so are we but we have to get evidence, we must get something on him”
Janet said “I will just have to be careful and try to obey all his stupid rules, I know I can expect to be beaten again soon he just hates everybody, I will go to the toilet and put some cream on my bottom and try to stay out of his way,”
“Do you think we could set up some emergency signal system”, one of the students piped up, “so that if one of the Teachers or students is going to the subject of abuse then we could press and alarm button and signal some help,” I know sometimes one of us deserves to be punished but it would be really savage if any one received that treatment.”
Brad slowly calming down, looked at the student ,”that’s a dam good idea, I’ll look into it tonight, I have friend who is pretty good with electronics I will get him to make up a wireless controlled alarm system so that when anyone pushes the panic button they will get help, what we need is for the receiver part of each control to indicate which room needs help, when I get them I will show each teacher how to operate them,
He looked at all the students, please tell all your friends what is happening, also tell them that I will arrange for a teacher to accompany every student sent to the Deans Office to escort them and stay with them, that way they can be a witness and can prevent any abuse.”
So the reign of terror began, albeit at first Dean Jackson was smart, he did not show his hand until he had lulled everyone into a state of calm. A few weeks went by and when he thought all were feeling safe he now he launch his wrath on all and sundry.
He issued a directive that all students who were to be reprimanded for any infringement where to be sent to his office, but to his annoyance all those sent were escorted even though they were invariably spanked in some form or another, they were either caned on the hands or behinds for the boys, but any girl sent to his office was spanked by hand on her bottom either over his knee or caned over the desk, but he had to control himself so that he couldn’t be accused of abuse, but with no exceptions all who visited the office came back to class very sore and crying but at least they were not abused.
The next week the Dean’s twin sons were enrolled and to escalate his evil plan he sent them to invade Miss Austin’s Science Class irrespective of special requirements regarding number and the required qualifications.
The Status of her exclusive class had been ignored, both of the boys were very large and muscular and academically thick, they looked and acted like bullies, they were extremely rude and abusive, they just burst into the class room on their first day at the college and at once showed how vindictive and cruel they could be, they pushed two students who were sitting in the front row out of their seats and told them find somewhere else to sit, where’re sitting here.
Miss Austin looked up at the intrusion and immediately objected to the way the boys had just bullied their way into the class, she said “would you mind telling me who you are and what do you mean by barging into my class, students being taught here are exclusive, not just anyone can join this class.”
The larger of the two insolently glared at her “I’m Joe Jackson that’s my twin brother George, our father the Dean told us to come to this room, we’re exclusive and were here for you to teach us science, so get on with it”.
Julie just sat down completely shocked, there was no reason to doubt who’s boy’s they were, and now they had her trapped, anything that these boys did would be ignored, if she complained then it would be construed as picking on them, she was also aware that the changes the Dean had made to her teaching methods and the changes in the curriculum he had ordered her to make would now be put to the test.
She looked at the clock it was almost lunch time, so she wisely asked the boys if they required any books or pens, they ignored her and talked between them selves about next weeks football.
So she just stood and looked at them not saying a word, eventually they became aware and Joe looked at her, “What are you looking at slut, keep looking at me like that will get you a smack in the face then I’ll make up something to tell my father, you have to answer to him you know, my Dad the Dean!!”
Julie just couldn’t believe that now there were three of the rudest most horrible males she had ever encountered, they were all here in her college and all intent on making her life unbearable. What could she do? Where could she get help?.
Then she remembered with relief Brad and the panic button in her pocket.
At last lunch time arrived and she told the class that after lunch she was taking them to a local science laboratory for first hand tuition, there they would be able to use the specialised equipment, she told them all to assemble at the Main Entrance as soon as they had finished lunch, the bus would be there for them to board straight away.
As she expected the Jackson boys were late arriving, calculated to disrupt the arrangements, they were leisurely strolling along the quadrangle making sure they delayed the bus as much as possible, when they at last boarded they grabbed two girls kissed them then pushed them out of their seats and sat down, then rudely said to the driver, “Well what are you waiting for Dad lets get going the main guys are here now”
When Julie objected to the rudeness, Joe got up and walked down to her and said “ I warned you before to shut up bitch,” he then grabbed a handful of her hair and slapped her both cheeks of her face so hard she fell back against the seat , “next time I have to speak to you I’ll put you over my knee and spank your cute behind” Julie burst into tears, he laughed and then turned and walked back to his seat as if nothing had happened.
The Driver who had seen it all reared up in anger, got out of his seat and grabbed Joe by his shirt collar punched him in the stomach and the nose and dragged him off the bus, he then turned him around and planted a large boot into his backside, Joe ran forward so fast that he tripped over his own feet, he crashed to the rough gravel driveway and skidded a few feet on the sharp muddy stones sprawled out like a collection of rags, he crawled up to his feet his shirt all torn, gravel rash on his hands and cuts on his face and mud from the recent rain all over his cloths, he was livid he waved his fists and arms around “I get you for this” he screamed.
George rushed to his brother’s aid, but, chickened out when he saw how big the Driver was, so he ran to his brother, “we’re going to report you to our father, we’ll get even”
All the students on the bus cheered an clapped, at the deserved punishment it was a just retribution.
Julie, applying a cold wet compress to her face and drying her tear’s, thought now the abuse would now escalate, the Dean would be go crazy at the treatment metered out to his precious sons, when he found out what had happened, she was sure he now had more ammunition to use against her, she was sure that at some time he would extract some revenge, now he was sure to use this humiliation it to the best advantage.
Following the bus incident, when lessons had finished each day, Brad made sure he was outside Julie’s class room door waiting for her, he would then walk with her to her flat and wait until she was inside. He also told her to give him a ring if she wanted to go for a jog or go shopping; from now on he was her fulltime bodyguard.
With this close interaction with Julie, Brad slowly loosened up and they became friends, swapping stories and experiences, and although it looked like they had become close, Julie didn’t regard him as her boy friend she was just very happy he was always available and that were good friends.
Chapter 5
The next on the list of abuses were the teachers, one by one their complaints were voiced at lunch breaks, each teacher was called to the office on some pretext or other, each were shocked to learn that this was nothing to do with any departmental matter, it was a ruse to get them to the office so he could berate on some trivial infraction, each day it got worse, till one day one of the teachers said she had been fined.
As each set of new rules were not adhered to so each teacher was taken to task for it.
One young teacher Jacky Burgess, was called up every day in one week, and fined every day, at the end of the week she had so many fines that there were no wages left, she cried out to him.
“What am I supposed to live on you have taken all my wages”
“Well my dear, you can convert them if you like I will give you six smacks on the bottom for each days fines”
Jacky rushed from the office her face flaming with embarrassment, fear and rage, “How could he, how could he, it’s not fair how am I going to pay all the bills”.
The very next day the punishments were escalated further, on two separated occasions during the day, two teachers Marion and Christine were called to the Deans office and were taken to task over some minor infringement, both were given the choice to be sacked or fined, they were both so shocked that neither of them had answered quickly enough for him, in each case to their horror he took advantage of their delay and just grabbed each of them dragged them over the desk flipped up their skirts pulled down the pants and smacked their behinds, they were so embarrassed that neither of them said anything to anyone.
As the abuse by the Dean escalated it was his son’s turn to show how evil they were, and like chips off the old block they found a way to terrorise the Teachers and Students, each teacher in every class had trouble with them, many teachers were pushed or some times slapped either on the arm or in the face.
Each day when one of the classes took Phys’ Ed both the Jackson boys would come up with an excuse to leave their class, they had discovered that after the girls had finished their exercises, they would go to the female changing room to shower and get changed back into their uniforms.
At the appropriate time both brothers would burst into the change room, and while one barred the door the other would march around the room with a cane in one hand and a camera in the other, those girls who had not yet come out of the showers were filmed first, those that hadn’t yet got dressed were next on the list to be snapped, any girl who tried to cover up was caned till she undressed again, any girl who had earlier reported either of the brothers for some abuse was caned as punishment.
When they felt they had terrorised them enough and had stayed away from class long enough they would tell the girls in a threatening voice “shut your mouths if any of you speak up about this we will find out and you know what will happen to you.”
These daily abuses were to come to a head, when, one afternoon one of the teachers just happened to see Joe coming out of the girls change room, when she inquired why he had been in there he told her rudely to mind her own dam business and shut her mouth or he would get her, he then ran away down the corridor, she went in and found many girls with cane marks all over their bodies all were naked and were just standing holding one another and crying, horrified she went to the staff intercom phone and called Brad and told him to get the girls change room ASAP.
When he arrived he told each girl to cover up and then extracted the story from the girls he told the teacher to help the girls where she could allow them comfort one another, he was going to get the nurse and some assistance, he asked the girls to please do not get fully dressed yet I know it is embarrassing but to wait till the nurse had checked them out and photos had been taken, “if we are to get rid of these monsters we must get evidence” he said.
He quickly arranged with the nurse to attend to the girls and to take photographic evidence. It was now lunch time he ran to
the staff room to get other teachers to go to the change room to assist, he told the rest of them the what had happened to the girls in the change room and what the Jackson boys had been up to.
It was at that point Samantha Woods the Phys’ Ed teacher broke down and cried out how she was being abused each Friday, she sobbed out her story to the teachers who were present.
“Three weeks ago just after Jackson twins had arrived, Joe grabbed me in her classroom after the other students had left he slobbered all over my face and kissed me on the lips, brother George took photographs, making sure that the angle of the shots would make it difficult for Joe to be identified but that I was very clearly visible”.
“The next day I received a summons from the Dean that I was to report to his office immediately, on arrival I was told to close and lock the door, he wanted to speak to me privately and he didn’t want any interruptions.
He left me standing while he sat smiling at me, suddenly he threw a bunch of photographs on the desk, what sort of conduct is this he accused me, I told him what had happened and he sneered at me, are you accusing my boys of the disgusting conduct?, he then said he couldn’t allow this to go on at his school and that the he was going to send them to the Education Department, with an appropriate letter requesting that I would be dismissed from the teaching fraternity”.
I knew straight away that I had been trapped and there was no way out, he had me just where he wanted me, then said just to make sure this doesn’t happen again you will only teach females and that I must be punished, he couldn’t have me taking advantage of his boys, he then reached out and grabbed my wrists he dropped a looped rope over them and threw the loose end over a hook in the ceiling and pulled me up off the floor so I was helpless and couldn’t get away”.
He then unbuckled my belt and unzipped my skirt and took it off, he reached up and pulled down my panties and took them off, I screamed as loud as I could when he then ran his hands all over me up and down my legs and over my privates, I screamed again as he pushed my legs apart and interfered with me sticking his fingers into me, for crying out I received several hard smacks to my bottom.
He stopped for a while making me think he was through but then he then said now he would have to get serious, he then pulled a long leather strap out of his drawer waved a round and made it crack, “A few strokes with this will keep you in line” he grinned at me, then swinging it back a forth he thrashed my bottom and legs until I passed out with the pain, when I came too he had stopped beating me he just left me hanging there, occasionally he would reach over and either slap me or stick his fingers in me, after a long time I eventually stopped crying and had regained my composure, he seemed to have become bored so he let me down and told me to get dressed and go home, but, that I was to report to him every Friday at 4pm from now on for more of the same”
I did not go last week, and he has now told me he has prepared his recommendations, and unless I report today he will submit them to the department, I cant go back again today, what can I do, I have no proof that he is beating me I don’t want to be dragged through the courts I can’t get free of him, he has the proof of my sexual involvement with a student and I have nothing that I can use to get to leave me alone”
Young Jacky encouraged by Samantha’s revelation then told her story about all the fines and the advise from the Dean that she could convert them to smacks if she wanted to.
Then both Marion and Christine burst into tears and confessed that they to had actually been stripped of the panties and spanked on their bare bottoms then treated as naughty little girls, when he had finished with them he just told them to get back to work and not break the rules, next time I have to spank you it will be with the strap.
Brad was pacing up and down as the stories unfolded, when they were finished he strode to the door his face suffused with anger, “That’s it that’s enough I don’t care whether I loose my job or not I’m going to stop him, If he say’s one word to defend his actions I’ll smash his face in, Sam you are not to go back today, I’m going to fix this now at whatever the cost, Jacky don’t worry I’ll get your money, pass the word to all teachers you are to ignore any summons from him from now on, his reign is finished, he left the staff room and strode down to the Dean’s office and walked straight in unannounced.
“You have some Photographs of one of our teachers in an uncompromising incident with your son I want them now or I’m going to put you in hospital .”
The Dean tried to bluster it out and denied everything Brad moved around the desk raising his fists preparing to strike, with the size of Brad standing over him Jackson flopped in his chair and just meekly handed the photographs over, Brad then said “now I want the disc as well,” the Dean said “ I don’t have it here,”
Brad said “yes you do you pathetic liar, its in your safe, get it out now,” leaning forward threatening him again, the Dean cringed backwards and looking daggers at Brad as he moved over to the safe and opened it and gave Brad the camera, Brad scrolled through the pictures, there were hundreds of pornographic shots of students and teachers taken in various poses captured when they had showers, or forced to pose in revealing positions, now, thought Brad, he had the evidence against the brothers too.
Brad looked up at the Dean “You Jacksons are a filthy piece’s of slime aren’t you”, taking the disc out of the camera, “these will do as evidence for your conviction I’m sure these will get rid of you, there is also is enough evidence here to get your boys too, the stupid fools just could keep out of camera range, all I need are statements from the staff and students, your days are numbered you rotten man.”
“I suppose it was you who arranged for me to be on a Jury, wasn’t it you thought you could isolate me for a few days, you’re in luck today you bastard, I have to attend Jury duty in few minutes otherwise I’ll be in the lockup, I also have to go again on Monday and Tuesday next week, so I wont be able to start an official investigation until Wednesday, just stay away from Samantha, and any other student or teachers, I have called a few friends to roam the corridors while I’m away they will be here in a few minutes as guests to keep an eye on you. My suggestion to you is pack your ports while you can, take your son’s and get out of the state, I suggest Mexico.
“Before I go I want the wages you stole off Jacky Burgess now!”
The Dean handed over the correct amount, and Brad just snatched it off him, then he just turned and walked back to the staff room.
As he entered the teachers were saying, “this was too much, it has gone too far, now we’re being physically abused, what can we do, this abusive man has to go, how do we get evidence and get him removed.”
Brad then announced “I have some, so you can relax and go back to class, a few friends of mine will be here shortly as a guests make them welcome invite them into your classes they are here to protect you all.
“I want you all to write statements to present to the Police, I will explain everything next week, I’m free from Jury duty on Wednesday, I have to rush now I’m due in court at 1pm.
“Sam don’t go near him again he hasn’t got anything on you”.
He looked at the time, “I just cant wait any longer, “Jacky here’s your wages,” to Marion and Christine he said “I’m sorry I can’t take away your pain and embarrassment, but be assured he will pay for all these abuse’s.
Chapter 6
Dean Jackson sat back in his chair and reviewed his position and came to the conclusion that both he and his sons could brazen it out, he was not going to leave now, he had started a campaign of terror on these teachers and he was having the time of his life, and he was going to see it through, Miss smarty pants Austin was next on his list.
Her science class had just started on Tuesday morning when in barged the Jackson twins late again, Julie said nothing she just waited for them to sit, and then she turned to the blackboard and started to write the next problem for the class to study. Students were then asked to give their interpretation of the problem and how to solve it.
George spoke up loudly “that is not the way the Dean told you were to teach, you are supposed to give us multiple choice sheets, how are we supposed to get anything right if we have to do without sheets, beside I have all the answers”
“I’m sorry George but that is the way the Education Department want me to teach, the method the Dean wants me to adopt will not demonstrate to me or anyone else that you understand the subject all it will show how lucky you can be if you select the right answer.”
“I don’t care I wont do the exam then, and nor will Joe”
Julie could see that this was the beginning of bringing the teaching method change to a head, “Very well George both of you can go and tell the Dean that you are on detention for refusing to follow my direction and that you should be punished.”
As expected a few minutes later the Dean and both sons burst back into the classroom, the Dean shouting at her “I told you to change your teaching methods to Multiple Choice, why haven’t you changed them as I ordered you too”
Julie calmly said “I’m sorry Dean I cannot alter they way I teach, it will require a directive from the Education Department, then I will reluctantly change my teaching methods”
Dean Jackson barged across the room and sat in her chair at the desk, he ignored her and looked at the class “how many of you will follow Miss Austin’s method of teaching and how many want to change to an easier way.”
All the class put up there hands, and each said they would follow Miss Austin’s method, the Dean the selected two boys and two girls, he asked them individually why, they all said they felt they would be better educated and be assured they understood the subject if they followed Miss Austin’s direction.
“Very well” said the Dean “you four come out here to the front”
“I’m going to ask you again, are you going to do what I say and do the exam with the Multiple Choice Sheets or are you going to disobey me and take your instruction from Miss Austin”.
They all knew then that the gauntlet had been thrown down, if they said him they would be betraying Miss Austin, if they said her they would probably be caned.
It was difficult decision and they were silent for a moment as they considered the consequences then in unison they said we all prefer to follow the best teacher in Connecticut, we want to become scientists one day and taking short cuts will not get us there.
“Very well we will see if a few strokes of the cane will persuade you to change your minds, you two boys where do you want the cuts hands or backside, both said backside,”
“Alright drop your trousers now and bend over,” they looked at one another and then dropped their trousers, the Dean stood up and measured his cane against the behinds and then gave them both six strokes each.
“Get back to your desks I will ask you again later if you give the same answer you will get more strokes.
“Step forward girls you heard the question I asked the boys, what is your answer, both girls said the “same sir”.
“Very well do you want to be punished on the hands?.”
“No sir”
“Bend over, George prepare them”.
George jumped up, pleased that he not Mark had been called, he went over to the girls pushed them down lower threw their skirts over their backs an stripped their pants down to their ankles an kicked their legs apart.
The Dean stepped forward and tapped the cane on the girls bottoms, “this is what you get when you don’t follow my instructions,” he then swung the cane back and thrashed both girls bottoms, both screamed out and grabbed their bottoms trying to ease the pain.
“Make yourselves decent and get back to your desks,” he said.
“George go and lock the door and bring the key back to me.”
“Well now we only have the recalcitrant Teacher to punish don’t we, I will ask you again Miss Austin will your alter your methods to mine or not”
Julie new that the moment of truth had arrived she pressed the button six times hoping that she would be rescued in time. She hoped Brads friends were close.
At that precise time Brad was almost back at school he had been released from the Jury early, he felt the vibration of the buzzer and when it buzzed six times he knew it was very urgent, he was about five minutes away and if he drove straight to the front door instead of the car park he could be there in about six or seven minutes.
The Dean said, “Ok boys restrain Miss Austin, put her on the desk I might as well do this job properly”, the two boys grabbed Julie and dragged to the desk and quickly lifted her up and flipped her over on to her stomach, George held her hands and Mark held her legs so she was completely at the mercy of the Dean, he casually walked over to her , chuckling to himself “Oh how long I’ve waited for this, now I can take some of the arrogance out of you”.
He reached down an slowly pulled her dress up all the way up to her shoulders, he then took hold of her panty hose and slowly pulled them down and right off, as he moved up to her waist again he allowed his hand to trail slowly up her legs from her ankle to her bottom, he grasped the elastic at both sides of her waist and again slowly pulled her panties all the way down and right off, she was now naked from the waist down in front of all her students.
“Embarrassing isn’t it Miss Austin, all you had to do was do as you were told by your superior, but you stupidly refused, so now you have to face the consequences.”
“What a pretty sight, all laid out like a sacrificial lamb, bare bottomed in front of all the little children just waiting to get spanked.”
Most of the students cried out up in protest “Sir this isn’t right you can’t do this to a teacher it has to be sexual abuse”
The Dean turned on them “you will all shut your mouths and sit still when I have finished with Miss Austin it will all be your turn, there are going to be 20 very sore bottoms before I finished here today.”
“Don’t think you will get any help either, I have sent all the teachers and the other students to the oval on rubbish clean up, and the so called bodyguards Andrews has appointed have been sent on a wild goose chase looking for two girls supposedly kidnapped by my Joe & George,” the laugh he gave then sounded as if he had lost his mind, “ so by the time they find out its all a hoax it will be too late for our dear Miss Austin.
He stepped up close to her and said “ what a pity to spoil all this beautiful white smooth skin as her rubbed his hands all over her bare bottom, then stood back and rested a strap on her bottom’.
“I think a good warm up my dear will prepare you for the main event,” he then raised the strap high above his head and swung it down very fast and continued to swing it from side to side strapping her bottom and her thighs, even her calves were strapped as he worked his way up and down, after about fifty strokes he said “there that should be warm enough, now we get to the good bit.”
“Joe I want you to spread her legs nice a wide lets all get a clear view of all the pretty bits too”, Joe grinning with anticipation started to move Julie’s legs apart, Julie tried her utmost to keep her legs together but Joe was too strong and he slowly forced her legs wide so the all her charms were on display to everyone, he ogled at the view he was getting.
The Dean stepped forward again and rubbed his hands all over her sore red bottom and up and down her legs:
“Now Julie let me see if I can leave you with some permanent marks on this pretty bottom so you will always remember me, what do you think Joe? Do you think I should start with some checker board designs?.”
He stepped back and measured the cane on her bottom, she was bright red from her waist to her ankles, and even though she was sobbing uncontrollably almost unable to get her breath she was still struggling to get free, both boys were having to apply all their strength to restrain her, the Dean chuckled to himself and leant over close to her ear and whispered to Julie, “ Struggle all you like my dear girl, you have no idea how I have dreamed to be doing this, your pretty little bottom, your thighs and your legs are going have intricate patterns all over them before I’m finished and your going to be so sore when I have done with you that you wont be able to sit for weeks, the main aim of this exercise is to mark you so badly that the scars will never fade”
He ignored her cries and swung the cane up as high as he could reach and slashed it down on the centre on her bottom, a deep red tramline appeared and a blood oozed out straight away.
Her scream was more like a howl it was like that of a person being slashed to pieces, it was so loud that it was heard by the staff on the oval, the power of that slash was then duplicated over and over again as the cane like a flash of liquid light came down through the air an collided with her body.
He was very artistic in the beating, alternating the strokes from one place to another so that she would not know when or where the next would land, he was creating patterns as he said he would, as worked his way all the way down one leg to her ankles then up the other side making sure that he covered the inside of her thighs, when he reached the top again, her entire lower body was bleeding so badly that small pools of blood were gathering on the table.
“Now for the very best bit that pretty little pussy is still unmarked, I think it should be the same colour as the rest of her, let me see If I can get it to bleed too,” little did he know that Julie had passed out and he was talking to himself?”
He said to Joe pull her down a bit so that the cane can go between her legs I think a few on her pussy parts if I can do enough damage she will never be able to pee of have sex again that will make her remember this beating forever.
He raised the cane and reached over her so that he could thrash down between her legs, it was then that Brad crashed into the classroom, he hurled across the room and with one punch he clubbed Joe to the floor, his next punch almost took the Deans head off, his forward motion allowed him to reach George, who he just grabbed by his cloths and threw him bodily through the air, he crashed into the wall then landed in a heap tangled up with chairs and table legs completely unconscious, Brad then turned and looked with horror at what Jackson had done to Julie, the screams had carried, the students and teachers from the oval rushed into the room, those that saw Julie cried out in horror, Brad asked some of them to stay and help, the others he ushered out trying to give Julie some privacy.
Brad then asked some teachers to restrain the Dean and the boy’s many just sat on them, while others went to comfort Julie, they discovered she was unconscious, Mark covered her up and pulled her legs together, he asked would someone get a wet towel, a pillow and blanket from the dispensary.
Brad then turned to the students “All of you back in your seats get a piece of paper and start writing in your own words what happened here today, all of you boys who have belts give them to me now”, he turned to the teachers sitting the Dean and the boys “drag these pieces of trash out in to the open and tie them up uncomfortably I want the to suffer like they have made Miss Austin suffer, just don’t kill them”.
He the opened his mobile and dialled 911 to get the police.
He then turned back to Julie to comfort her, slowly she came too and she whispered, “Brad please take care of me, I don’t want anyone else to touch me but you.”
It seem only minutes before the Police they arrived, Brad explained to the Sergeant what had happened he then told him of the reign of terror the Dean and his sons had run and all the terrible things that the staff had endured, Brad asked that all the officers, students, and teachers be moved to another classroom for interviews to be conducted, he then asked if just the Sergeant and the Police photographer could complete the investigation in this room.
When the room was cleared, the Sergeant then saw the damage to Julie, he turned in anger and kicked the Dean in the face and purposely stamped on the boys hands, oops he said I nearly fell over, then he got Brads statement while the photographer took sufficient shots to be to successfully presented in court.
The Paramedics had arrived and after covering her body with compresses Julie was carefully moved to a stretcher and taken to the Ambulance, she insisted that Brad go with her she didn’t want to be parted from him for any reason.
At the Hospital Julie was taken to the emergency room for treatment, again she was most adamant that Brad be with her, the Doctor reluctantly agreed, Brad stayed at her bedside while they treated her wounds, she was then taken to a ward and given a sedative to make her to sleep.
Brad remained by her with her most the time, only leaving while she was asleep, it was almost two weeks before she was released.
At the door to her flat, Julie turned to Brad and said, “I don’t want you to leave me, please move in with me and stay till I can face the world again.”
Three weeks later Brad and Julie returned to school and received a standing ovation from all both students and Staff.
Julie returned to her class to receive hugs and kisses not only from the girls but from the boys too.
Brad continued to live in the flat with Julie, but in a totally platonic state, she slept in the main bedroom, he slept in the spare room, each respected one anothers space, although they cooked together, and went out as a couple, they paid no concern to the looks and suggestions that were directed at them
Chapter 7
Two months after the arrest Mark Jackson appeared in court, the case being of such a delicate nature it was held in Camera.
Only the Prosecution and the defence Lawyers, Mark, Joe and George, Julie and Brad, Christine, Marion, Janet, the arresting Sergeant and the Judge were present, when all were settled the Judge asked for the charges to be read out.
It took quite some minutes for the Bailiff to read out all the charges, the litany of offences had the Judge scratching his head in amassment.
As the offences were connected all three were charged together each were charged with Deprivation of Liberty, Aggravated Assault, Grievous Bodily Harm. Common Assault, Thuggery, Violation of Human Rights, Attempted Blackmail, Subversive Photography to be used for Blackmail, Unauthorised use of School Funds and Theft.
When all the assaulted teachers had given their evidence, the Prosecutor then read out a selection of almost 100 notarised statements all confirming the witness’s evidence. He then produced the photographs of the girls injuries they had sustained in the change rooms, followed by the video evidence. It was then the turn of the School Auditor and forensic officers evidence.
The Judge looked at the defence Lawyer “do you wish to make a statement in their defence.”
The Lawyer stood up, “Your Honour for 22 years I have practiced in this state and I all the cases I have defended I have been able to highlight some small thing that could be used to mitigate the offences, in this case I can find absolutely nothing that could be said in their defence. The Defence rests.
The Judge said I will give my verdict in 24 hours Case closed.
The next day the Judge delivered his verdict.
“In all my years on the bench I have never been confronted with such a disgusting case, you three are the depravest individuals that could be imagined.
As you were the Dean of West Haven College it was up to you to set an example of good conduct you have failed in every area of human dignity and human rights, I therefore sentence you Mark Jackson to 30 Years Hard labour with no option for Parole.
He then looked at the twins, Joseph Jackson and George Jackson for your complicity in these disgusting acts, I sentence you both to 10 years Jail with hard labour with no opportunity for parole, at the completion of that time you are to be enlisted in the armed services to serve a minimum of 6 years.
In addition I will be endorsing all your papers with the notation of my judgement, that if any of you survive jail and are eventually released, you are expressly warned that you are never to come within 100 miles of this state for any purpose for as long as you live.
In addition any attempt to coerce any other party to cause harm to any of your accusers in any way, will automatically increase your sentence by 20 years, or you will be re-arrested and charged again for the same offences again.
It was almost twelve months before all the cosmetic surgery was completed to the scars on Julie’s body, at last she was home and she could lie in bed and not have the embarrassment of some doctor or nurse looking at her bare body.
It took a further five months before all her scars had faded and disappeared, during that time Julie had been writing to a Guard Peter Abbott at the state Prison, one of the boys she had taught was the son of the Guard, he was in charge in the wing that Mark was incarcerated.
After a few letters to Peter she made sure he was fully aware what Jackson had done to Julie, so he made sure Jackson had a hard life.
One evening she said to Brad “do you know what I want to do, it is now 18 months since the case, I would like to go and visit Mark Jackson just so that I can prove to him that all his cruelty did not work, I think if I confront him with the truth it will make his time there just that much more unbearable, to see that I have recovered
I can’t do anything to him physically but it will ensure he won’t be able to rest in his cell comfortably again”.
Brad laughed his surprise and agreed that it would make life that much more difficult for him, “what would you do when you got there”?.
Julie replied “I would rather not say you may be shocked, but I wont go unless you go too, I’m still a bit frightened on my own.”
Two weeks later they travelled to the State Capitol and then to the Jail, their request to see Jackson, was considered unusual he hadn’t had any visitors since he had been there, no one liked him enough to bother.
Julie asked if she speak with Peter Abbott the senior Guard in “E” Wing, again there was surprise at this request, when Peter arrived he asked who wanted him, Julie stepped forward “Hello Peter, I’m Julie Austin, Peter looked at her and large grin cracked his face as he gathered her in his arms, “Hello little lady at last I get to meet you, first let me give you a big kiss for getting my boy into Uni, I suppose this is the visit that will send you know who around the bend?”
Julie just smiled, “please let me introduce Brad Anderson my personal protector,” she grinned,
Peter shook Brads hand “I’ve heard a lot about you and I don’t have to ask you to look after out Julie I know you will.
“Now little lady, what do you want to do”
Julie said “ could we visit him in a secured cell with him in one and Brad and I in the other, also could we have the cameras turned off for our visit, if you need to search us then so be it, we would only be a few minutes in there, this visit is to give him some information.
Peter looked at her “ can you tell me what you are going to do”
Julie asked Brad if he would allow them to speak privately,
Brad moved away, Julie said to Peter, “ you do remember what I told you in our letter, Peter nodded “for abusing you mostly”
“Well you may not know while he was thrashing me with his cane, he was crowing about how he was going to scar me for life, I want to rub his nose in it I have spent the past 15 months getting plastic surgery I haven’t got any scar’s now and when I get in there I want to be able show him how he failed,”
Peter looked at her and laughed out loud “what a great thing to do” he said “good on you little darling” he put his arm around her shoulders and squeezed her and said “go for it, love rub his nose in it, the cameras are off now, so go and flash him, it will send him mad and it serves him right.”
The security door opened and they went in Mark Jackson looked terrible his hair had almost gone, he was haggard and sick, there were bruises on his chin an he had a black eye, he looked up at them, an immediately recognised them, “What the hell do you want have you come to gloat”
“ Well yes Mark that’s why we are here” said Julie smiling at him sweetly, “I just wanted to bring you up to date, your sons are doing it tough, incidentally they’re in different prisons so they cannot contact one another, one is carrying bricks on a building site the other is digging post holes for a cattle fence, I can tell you they’re not well.”
The main reason for this visit is to rub your nose in your threat.
Do you remember what you said to me while you were thrashing me, you said that you were going to mark me for ever so that I will never forget you, well I’m so sorry Mark it didn’t work, all the marks and scars are gone you failed there is nothing to show you ever touched me.
I know you don’t believe me so perhaps this will convince you, with that she turned her back to him pulled her dress all the way up to her arm pits and pulled her panties down to her knees and waggled her bare bottom at him allowing him to see all sides of her legs, she even bent over so he could see her pussy “see that you scum, suck on all of that you filthy, slimy, crab, your cruel beating to leave scars didn’t work. I hope you rot here, I can now go and completely forget I ever heard of you.”
She pulled her pants up and left, Mark was completely stunned not believing what he had just seen, it then hit him and he went berserk, running around the cell screaming bashing his head against the cell bars completely out of his mind.
Outside again Peter opened his arms to her and he cuddled her and kissing her cheeks and forehead, he looked at Mark “she’s a little darling , look after her,” to Julie he said “ I can just imagine what Mark though when he saw your bare bottom by the sound of it he’s gone berserk, I’ve now got more ammunition to torment him with, I’ll remind him every so often, best of luck to you little girl have a good life”.
After a coffee with Peter, and a promise to make Mark’s life hell, and a promise from Julie to help Peter’s youngest son get into her class next term they left the Jail, Brad couldn’t help chuckling all the way home, and after supper they sat on the lounge together watching TV, suddenly Julie turned down the sound and sat for a while subdued and very quite.
Suddenly she looked up at Brad, “Do you really love me Brad,”
Brad looked at her astounded, “I have loved you with all my heart for years”.
Julie said nothing for a moment then she lifted her eyes to him again, “I love you too Brad I have only realised it these last few months but I have been afraid to say anything.”
Then she dropped another bomb shell “Will you marry me Brad?
will you marry me as soon as we can, I don’t want to waste another minute of my life waiting around for the right time, there is no right time, and I don’t want to loose you to someone else, I cant expect you to wait forever”.
Brad just looked at her with tears in his eyes, “I would have waited forever Julie, yes of course I’ll marry you, tomorrow if you like.
She scrambled over the lounge and into his arms, “I’ve waited long enough my sweetheart please take me to bed and make love to me all night, although there is one thing you will have to be careful the first time, I’m still a virgin so it might be a bit messy,”
He just laughed “well I hope you know how, because so am I,”
She said “well I never a couple of beginners, it should be a good night discovering what to do,” as she walked toward the bedroom dropping her clothes as she went “last one naked and in bed has to get breakfast in the morning.”
Chapter 8
After making all the arrangements they got married a month later and honey mooned in Greece, then the most astounding thing happened on their first night in the plush hotel bed in Athens.
Julie was laying there watching Brad get ready for bed, when she said out of the blue, “Brad darling I have a little confession to make, when Mark was strapping me for a while I sort of liked it, then after a while the strangest sensation overcame me and if the spanking had stopped then I’m sure I would have had a very powerful sexual experience.”
“Of course as the beating continued I just switched off and after a time I fainted, well my request to you is to discover if that exquisite feeling could be captured again, do you think you could give me a spanking please, in fact I’m surprised you haven’t given me one yet, come now my lad your slipping in your husbandly duties.”
Mark looked at her and said “I thought you would never ask I have wanted to put you over my lap for ages some of the things I have had to do for you have frustrated the hell out of me, come here and lay over my lap young lady,”
Julie said “Huh, Huh oh no you have to catch me first.”
Two years later on her 32 birthday Julie with a baby in her arms was appointed Dean of West Haven College the youngest person to ever have achieved that position.
Brad was appointed as her deputy to allow Julie continue to teach Science as before. So it was that Brad officiated as Dean and aliased with Julie on any contentious matters.
I was at the end of term, and all the awards had been given out, Julie as usual was with her class, Brad thought he would play a joke on Julie. He asked Janet to page Miss Austin.
The intercom ding donged and Secretary Janet said in a sweet voice “Would Miss Austin please come to the Deans office at your earliest convenience.”
A few minutes later Julie arrived and dutifully she knocked on the door and Brad called “come in.”
Julie said with a big smile “yes sir you rang, is there anything can I help you with,”
Brad said sternly “please come in Miss Austin and would you mind locking the door,” when she had, Brad said “ despite repeated my requests for your quarterly expenditure sheets you have again neglected to submit them. Do you have an explanation?”.
Julie taken aback by Brads tone and the stern expression, looked twice at him to see if she was mistaken was he joking or was he serious, she temporarily forgot that she was in fact the Dean, and she subconsciously slipped back the Jackson regime.
“Well I’m very sorry sir, I have just so much to attend to that it has slipped my mind, I will attend to it straight away”
“That’s not good enough Miss Austin, you are always late with them, everyone else manages to get them in on time why cant you,” Brad was struggling to keep a straight face.
Julie still hadn’t cottoned on said contritely “I’m sorry Ill do them now.”
“I’m afraid I cant allow you to continually flout college rules, requests have been made too many times, I think you should be punished then maybe you will remember to submit them on time”
At last Julie woke up and saw it for what it was, “Brad you devil you had me going there, that sounded like Mark Jackson all over again” and skipped around the desk and sat on his lap.
“My dear Miss Austin you forget that while I’m in this chair I have the advantage to reprimand you, so my dear you are the wrong way up, I cannot punish you on this side”.
With that he flipped her over pulled down her shorts and panties and paddled her bottom playfully, when it was a nice pink he restored her sitting position “let that be a lesson to you get you sheets in on time.”.
Julie looked at his serious face and saw the cracking of a smile, then they both laughed together while kissing between each chuckling.
The End
The New Dean of West Haven College M/F
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