I grew up in an Irish Catholic family with two sisters one a year older and one a year younger. My father was a police officer and mother a stay at home mom. My parents were very strict and definitely spanked for serious infractions. We were all spanked and usually by Dad but Mom had no problem putting us over her knee. Spankings were typically done in our bedroom where we had to wait for Dad - he would come in for a lecture then he would sit on the bed and we would have to take our pants down and go over his knee for a bare bottom spanking with his hand. Our parents never used anything but their hands but they could spank long and hard!
My last spanking I was believe it or not 14 and got caught with two other boys smoking at school and suspended. My mother came to the school to pick me up and told me to wait in my room till my father got home as she wanted to discuss the situation with him. Now I had not been spanked in over a year so was not sure what was going to happen maybe grounded? Well on this particular day my older sister Liz's best friend Heather had to work on a school project and were doing it after school at our house. Since I was in my room I didn't see them or really realize they were there. My father got home from his shift at like 5 and both he and my mother came into my room to "discuss" the situation. My mother started lecturing me how disappointed she was blah blah and during that lecture I rolled my eyes at her and said like "whatever". Well I still remember to this day my father said young man you have been developing an attitude and today you are going to get an attitude adjustment! He yanked me up from the bed sat down yanked down my shorts and underwear and gave me the hardest spanking of my life! I resigned to try and take it like a man but ended up crying like a little boy by the end. I was told to stay in my room for the rest of the evening.
Now since we were all spanked spankings were usually always private and we all felt sorry for the spanked one. Well the next day Liz came to my room to say she was sorry what happened and how I was doing. She also told me that Heather was over and they heard the spanking. I was embarrassed and she said don't worry Heather wasn't going to say anything as she had just been spanked 6 months ago for shoplifting! Now this was late 70's where spankings were still quite common!
So fast forward to when I was 17 and Heather was just going on 18 and now her and i had become "like" friends. One day when were were alone at a park after school she brought up the day she was there for my spanking! I was embarrassed and she sensed that and described in detail her last spanking 6 moths previous to mine. It was almost the same in her room over her fathers knee bare bottom! She told me that when she heard my spanking she felt so sorry for me that she wanted to comfort me and at that point held my hand and we kissed. To this day I love to speak with others sharing spanking memories.
Last Spanking
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