Kirsty was enjoying sharing a second bottle of red wine with her good friend Emma. She was celebrating starting her first job as a teacher, but the drink was mainly to calm her nerves.
Kirsty discussed the details of her meeting with the headmaster. She finally got to the part she had been most eager to discuss - giving disipline.
As Kirsty told how she would be able to give a spankings with a ruler as a punishment Emma began to giggle. Emma made light of the situation and could not see her friend as a strict disiplinarian.
After some light hearted banter Emma challenged Kirsty by asking if she thorght she could give a good spanking. Kirsty knew well that she could from her days in college when her and her roommates would often spank eachother for fun. But that was a few years ago and not something she had ever brought up with Emma, or anyone else outside of the group.
Kirsty suggested to Emma that maybe they should find out. Emma was a little taken back and paused for a second, but then laughed. Kirsty tried to laugh off the situation also, and hoped that her friend would see it as a tipsy joke. Emma then delighted her by saying 'Ok then, show me how its done... Miss' before giving a cheeky wink.
'Are you sure?' 'Yea sure, you'll need the practice for all the naughty girls at your school' 'Ok then... i'll be back in a minute'
Kirsty went upstairs to find a ruler. She managed to find a 30cm/12in plastic ruler in with her files. She took a monent before returning to try and contain her excitment.
Emma waited on the sofa. She thorght her friend would be just going to give her a few friendly swats. Emma hadn't been given a spanking as an adult. While she had some painful memories from spankings in her youth she didnt see Kirsty the way she saw her strict teachers from school.
Kirsty returned with the ruler in hand. She patted it against her other hand and asked if Emma was ready. Emma smiled and nodded. She asked where she wanted her. Kirsty instructs her to kneel on the sofa with her hands on the back. Then lean forward to stick her bottom out.
Emma does as she is told and swipes her long red hair behind her ears before grasping the back of the sofa. Then she asks Kirsty if she is happy with her position. Kirsty admires her friends round bottom in her tight jeans as she gives her approval.
Kirsty feels the ruler in her hand before placing if against Emma's soft bottom. She stokes it up and down and enjoys seeing Emma flinch. She then asks if she is ready, to which Emma takes a deep breath before confirming. Kirsty smiles as she pulls the ruler back and takes aim.
Emma flinches as the first smack hits her lower bottom. Her clothing absorbed most of the blow but she can still feel it as Kirsty takes the next few swats to her. She closes her eyes as kirsty takes her time lining up strokes all around the lower part of her bottom.
After 10 smacks Kirsty asks how she is doing. Emma says she is doing good, but it isn't as bad as she thorght it might be. Kirsty points out that she wouldnt be spanking her students over Jeans, so maybe she should try without. Emma takes this in for a moment as she realises what her friend is suggesting. Then asks If Kirsty wants her to lower her jeans, to which Kirsty gleefully agrees.
Kirsty watches as Emma straightens up then unbuttons and unzips her jeans, then lowers them to her knees. She stares at her pink underwear which cover most of her bottom, except a little bit of already pinking skin at the bottom which becomes clearer as Emma leans back into position. Realising she still has a job to to she takes the ruler again to her bottom. This time without the jeans as protection a clear swat is heard.
Emma really begins to feel it now and struggles to stay composed as further whacks rain down on her bottom. She now feels like the naughty schoolgirl she is pretending to be. Kirsty is also getting into the role she will soon have for real and Between smacks asks Emma if she thinks she deserves what she is getting. To which Emma, remembering her deserved spankings of old agrees.
Emma then holds her breath as she feels kirstys thumbs at either side of her underwear before they are lowered to her thighs to reveal her bare bottom. She then yelps as the first smack goes against her exposed skin.
Kirsty feels more assertive as she continues the practice punishment. She takes her time and ensures each smack counts, she gets some some good smacks in higher up her friends bottom to match the redness of the rest.
After 10 on her bare Emma is yelping after each swat. She is shortlt releaved as Kirsty pauses, however this is go inform her that she has another 10 remaining which she will need to count. She braces herself as as Kirsty lines up her bottom.
Whack! 1, Whack ooowww..2
Kirsty took her time to savor the occasion. She took great pleasure in hearing her friend yelp as she struggled to count the next few swats
Emma felt her eyes watering as she went into her final 5 smacks. She tried to hold it in but by number 8 she could feel a tear running down her cheek.
Kirsty saw her friend was struggling but was determined to finish the punishment well and ensured the final 2 whacks were as hard as the ones that came before it. As she finished she took a minute to admire her work. Emmas bottom was a nice shade of red with good straight stripes from the ruler.
Emma kept her head down as she took in that she had just recieved a good spanking. Her first in a good few years. She awaited further instruction from her.
Kirsty gave her friend a few minutes to compose herself while she got them some more wine. She returned to see Emma still in her position on the sofa with her bottom nicely on display.
Kirsty placed the wine on a table then went behind her friend and rubbed her bottom. She smiled as she felt that a good job had been done. 'come on then Emma, as much as I could admire your bottom all night I best let you put it away and finish your wine' both ladies giggled
Emma stood, 'wow. I really felt like a naughty schoolgirl again while you were doing that, I'm sure you'll make good use of that ruler.'
Kirsty grinned 'I think you might have deserved it. Maybe I'll try something else out on you next time...
CGS - Kirsty 1 - Good Practice
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