Childhood Spanking Games – Windmill f-m-f-m-f R/L

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Childhood Spanking Games – Windmill f-m-f-m-f R/L

Post by bigdaddy » Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:58 am

Caution: This is a real life memory of childhood spankings many years ago, back in the 1950’s. If that subject makes you uncomfortable please read no further.

Back in the summer of 1960 a few months before my 10th Birthday I was playing outside with my buddy Kevin, while the next door neighbor girls Linda (who was about 3 years older than me) and her younger sister Kathy (who was about a year younger than me) were outside playing with one of Linda’s friends (I think her name was Mary).

After awhile Linda asked me and Kevin whether we wanted to play the windmill game.
When we asked what that was, Linda explained that it was when all of the kids line up with their legs apart and we take turns crawling through while they smack our butts. After looking at each other for a moment, we agreed.

I can’t recall how it was decided who would go first, second, etc. but I believe the order was Linda, Kevin, Kathy, me, and then Mary. Once we were all lined up, Linda got down on her hands and knees and started crawling:

Smack, Smack, Tap, Smack

I remember being surprised at how fast Linda could crawl because I barely tapped her before she was through.
Then it was Kevin’s turn: Smack, Smack, Smack-Smack, Smack-Smack

Then it was Kathy’s turn: Smack, Smack-Smack, Smack-Smack, Smack-Smack

Then it was my turn:
Smack-Smack-Smack, Smack-Smack-Smack, Smack-Smack, Smack-Smack

I remember complaining that I got more smacks, and Linda said you have to crawl faster.

Then it was Mary’s turn:
Smack-Smack, Smack-Smack, Smack-Smack, Smack-Smack

Then we all started to go through a second time, and even the second time through I managed to get more smacks.

Just as Mary was getting ready to go through again, my Mother yelled at me that I shouldn’t be playing that game with girls and to come in the house right now. When I came in she lectured me for awhile and sent me to my room. I was glad she didn’t decide to spank me because my butt was already stinging.

At the time I thought the reason I got more spanks was that I couldn’t crawl as fast as the others, but now when I look back on it, I think maybe part of me was enjoying having these girls smack my butt.


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Re: Childhood Spanking Games – Windmill f-m-f-m-f R/L

Post by goodgulf » Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:23 pm

I remember that as well - at school on our birthdays we had to crawl through the "hot oven" (i.e. all of our classmates lined up and we had to crawl through their legs while they smacked). Most only delivered a smack or two (and some weren't fast enough for that) but if a kid was mean they would trap you with their legs and deliver three or four before the teacher told them to stop.


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Re: Childhood Spanking Games – Windmill f-m-f-m-f R/L

Post by coach » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:22 am

We used to call it "the old mill" and it was always part of a game called "Spud". Loser went through the mill. I recall even then though, thinking that this was lame - girls who lose should go over my knee! (and in fact, many neighborhood girls did during my childhood "spanking discovery" years!

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