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Free Spanking Stories - Spanko.net • S/M Shhhhh - Graphic Fantastical Hardcore Prose
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S/M Shhhhh - Graphic Fantastical Hardcore Prose

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:29 pm
by Alyce-MMB
If you find graphic imagery offensive click back now. This was written and inspired after I viewed some disturbing, yet oddly appealing S&M photos a few years back. Made me wonder what the "story" would be behind them so I wrote this.

S/M Shhhhhhh

When should I stop?
Before or after you bleed my naughtiest one?
Regardless, you love it, you want it, you NEED it.
A hand, a paddle, a finger, a strap, my fist...
It hardly makes a difference!

Soon salty tears form, drops of thankfulness that cradle a face
distorted in pleasure/pain ecstasy.
Their arrival infects me, hot, scorching...
my thighs burn, shake, rub, wish...
I squirm like the whore we both are.

Between cries barbarous nipple clamps applied
to assist in prolonging sensual suffering.
All the while cursing, cumming, cruelty cuts deep,
and my rosebud glows magnificently
wet, swollen, hard.

No longer can I deny your thirst.
Creeping along the crack my snaking tongue enters.
More appealing is your beautified body
once the blood, sweat, and tears have dried.
Precisely marked flesh must rest.

We'll begin again soon my love...
addicted we are.
Bound forever through your lovely misery.
I can't wait to beat you, whip you, fuck you,
slide into what you really are...

Re: S/M Shhhhh - Graphic Fantastical Hardcore Prose

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:41 pm
by Artistspectrum
Wow. Thank you for posting this passionate, forbidden piece of poetry. I can't wait to read more of your posts.

Re: S/M Shhhhh - Graphic Fantastical Hardcore Prose

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 1:54 pm
by MaMaBlue
Just dropping some love here for me...as this was posted under my alternate profile :)