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Free Spanking Stories - Spanko.net • Child of sorrow part 10
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Child of sorrow part 10

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:05 am
by derry-boychild
Deidre was so very relieved when school ended that Friday afternoon. She was surprised when her aunt arrived at the school gate. At that point she felt even better.

“Deidre, as you are biologically 16 it is not legally essential for be at school, would you like to help aunty with little Jessica.”

Deidre hugged her aunty and said:


Then on Saturday Aunt Mildred told Deidre that they would be going shopping. Deidre did not make too much of a fuss about being strapped into a child seat next to her toddler cousin.
Norma insisted on holding one of Deidre’s hands. Aunt Mildred held the other and also heard Jessica’s hand. They walked into a kid’s store. Deidre saw one of the store clerks. Moira had been her best friend forever, or so she thought.

Deidre’s old classmate beamed:

“You look ADORABLE!”

Deidre’s blushed as she stood there, in her pigtails and jumper style dress. Her aunt talked to Moira:

“Jessica is ready for proper potty training. I hate disposables so I do not want pull ups. I understand you may have some trainers that would suit her.”

Moira went to the back. She produced a pair of terry cotton panties with plastic backing.
Aunty smiled:

“No more diapers for Jess’ca.”

Norma then embarrassed Deidre:

“Dee dee here has had some accidents, would you have something in her size?”
Deidre blushed. It got worse. Moria’s boss said:

“Well potty training is getting later and some pre schoolers are a bit overweight so I think maybe we could find something.”

The older lady came out the back room holding much large sized training panties in Deidre’s size but Jessica’s style. Aunt Mildred said:

“They will suite Deidre.”

There were Moms and little ones in the store. Deidre was horrified:

“Aunty PLEASE!!

Mildred smiled:

“Deidre is 16 at last she has learned to ask nicely. Norma can you help Jessica into her new undies and I will see to Dee dee.”

They had a couple of little changing rooms. The red faced teen in pig tails allowed herself to be led into the room. Her aunt lifted her jumper and pulled off her cartooned cotton panties. Deirdre remembered that her aunt always carried that hairbrush in her purse.

Aunty then pointed to a slight yellow stain on Deidre’s old panties:

Not for the first time Deidre thought this cannot get worse. Not for the first (or last time) she was wrong.
The changing room got full. Norma and Jessica joined them.

“Look Dee dee and Jess’ca can be twins.”

Norma held up a dress matching the toddler’s in style but in Deidre’s size. Deidre surrendered to this new shame.
The 16 year old was relieved when she got home. She saw the new potty chair with Jessica’s name on it. (It did seem better than the bigger one the toddler had previously used.)
Deidre sat down. She heard drilling upstairs. A few minutes later Norma joined them in the living room.
Deidre watched the soap which her older cousin was also watching on tv. At the second commercial break she was aware that she needed to leave the room. She walked upstairs to the bathroom.
She could not open it.

“Hey who’s in the damn! Toilet?”

Her cousin came upstairs:

“Does oo needs to go potty?”

Deidre nodded

“Yes I do NEED to PISS!

Norma then put a key in the bathroom door. She opened it and went in, locking her older cousin out. A short while later the 16 year old heard the flush.

Norma emerged and explained:

“Dee dee needs to help show Jess’ca about potties. So go downstairs and say ‘potty please’ to my Mom.”

Deidre went downstairs. She looked at her aunt

“P-potty please?”

Mildred had some even worse news:

“Deidre you are supposed to be a BIG girl. Aunty is busy can you wait a bit?”
Deidre stamped her foot:

“This is crazy I need to F****g piss”

Mildred took her ear and walked her to the sink. A yellow bar of soap went under the water tap/

“Open your mouth!”

The 16 year old opened her mouth. The soap filled it.

Aunt Mildred led her niece to a corner.

Deidre stood in the corner with the awful taste in her mouth. She was soon doing the pee pee dance.
After about 20 minutes Deidre heard her little cousin say:

“Me pp NOW!

Mildred talked to her daughters. OK I’ll get you on the potty Jess’ca, Norma can you see to Deidre
Deidre felt the fingers on her ear. As she was turned around she saw her little cousin being sat on the potty chair. She saw the second large potty chair. In large letters she saw: ‘Dee dee’s potty chair’
She felt her dress going up and her diaper like panties coming down to her knees.

The worst part was going tinkle in the potty was in fact a relief. Her aunt addressed the toddler:

“Is Jessica being a big girl using the potty and wearing dry panties.”

Deidre saw her cousin nodding and smiling as her mom hugged.
Deidre noticed that the tinkle sound was rather loud. At last she finished. She did not protest or resist when her year younger cousin wiped her:

“Is Deidre being a big girl using a potty chair and wearing dry panties?”

Deidre nodded and was hugged.

Her aunt then whispered. Deidre had permission to rinse the awful soap from her mouth. She curtsied:

“Tank oo aunty for cleaning my dirty mouth, I pwomise not to use naughty words again.”