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Free Spanking Stories - Spanko.net • Child of sorrow part 6
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Child of sorrow part 6

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:02 am
by derry-boychild
Deidre just stood there. Norma took her cousin’s hand. Harriet will you get the hairbrush, the big on in the bathroom. Her friend went upstairs.

Deidre tried to pull away but her cousin was too strong. The other girls watched as Deidre was pulled over Norma’s knees. Harriet took hold of the 16 year old’s hands to make sure she could not get away or interfere. The other girls watched.

The junior uniform went up. Deidre’s panties came down. Norma lifted the brush.

Whap! It hurt more than Deidre expected. And again WHAP! Norma hit harder still WHAP!!!.

In less than 10 seconds Dee dee was crying and kicking. Again the pain was intolerable. From where Deidre was lying and kicking- the spanking seemed to go on for about a year.

Norma’s friends giggled and applauded.

At last that spanking was over. The punishment was not. Norma took Deidre’s ear and walked her to the sink.

“You know what happens to rude little girls, open your mouth.”[i/]

Deidre was too defeated to resist. The yellow icky soap filled her mouth.

As instructed Deidre lifted her dress, She allowed Harriet 2 pull her panties 2 her knees.

Corner time only lasted 20 minutes.

Norma then said:

“Before your next punishment I think Dee dee ought to go potty.”

Deidre’s face went as red as her rear. Still she allowed herself 2 be sat on the potty chair in front of other teens. She did need to urinate and did so.

Norma said

“Deidre you need another spanking to punish you for disobeying. Harriet has volunteered.”

Deidre did not resist. She was broken. She lay across her cousin’s friend’s knees. There followed five more minutes of pain and humiliation. Her kicking and crying created an embarrassing spectacle

Then Norma announced:

“Bath time! Harriet will help.”

Deidre’s bottom was too sore for her to resist or even protest. It was soo embarrassing for two younger teens be undressing her. She kind of liked the feelings as she was bathed but it was embarrassing.

Norma’s friend Sarah giggled when she showed her Dee dee’s ‘jammies’. Deidre allowed herself again to be dressed in the infantile garment. Norma took her cousin’s hand and walked her to the living room.
Norma’s class mates all laughed as they saw the 16 year old in the baby jammies. Then she announced
“You do not need to go to bed at 7pm. It is 6.15 your bed time for tonight.”
Deidre cried herself to sleep

links to earlier parts

Links part 1 http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... 276#p12276

Part 2 http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... f=3&t=3143

Part 3 http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... f=3&t=3144

Part 4 http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... f=3&t=3157

Part 5 http://www.spanko.net/spanking_forums/v ... f=3&t=3168

Re: Child of sorrow part 6

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 4:28 am
by devonboy
Spanked botty while the other girls watch and giggle and a bath too like a little has ,best spanks .