I remember my first spanking like it was yesterday. I was ten years old and it was a couple weeks before Christmas and I had messed up big time and my mother told me that I could be sure Santa wasn't going to be happy and she was positive I was on his naughty list. Yes at ten I still believed in Santa , hell I still do! I kept telling my mother how sorry I was and asked what I could do to get off the naughty list and she said I needed to be on my best behavior and hope it was enough. I was scared to death Christmas morning I would find coal and switches instead of real gifts. About day three of being on my extra best behavior my next door neighbor asked me why I was acting so sad and I started crying and told him the whole story. It was great to be able to tell someone and the fact if was the boy next door who normally acted like I wasn't even alive was a real bonus. He took my hand in his and turned me to face him.
"Susie , your mom's being naughty herself! There is a way to get off Santa's naughty list and it works every time."
Well I wiped the tears from my eyes and asked him if he would tell me what it was and he just smiled.
"Sure , kids have to stick together. Your mom is right , talking back the way you did sure will get you on the naughty list but if you get spanked for it then you get off the naughty list. If you want me to I can spank you."
My face began to burn , I'd never been spanked in my life and didn't know anyone who was spanked but I wasn't going to tell Brian.
"A spanking? Oh man , is there any other way?"
He looked down at the ground and kind of shook his head.
"Well you can listen to your mother and just stay on your best behavior and hope but it's easy to get on the naughty list and hard to get off. You can chance it if you like , your normally a good girl so you may have a chance."
I wasn't ready to take any chances when it came to Christmas.
"You'll spank me? Does that count? Are you sure?"
He looks back up and smiles at me.
"Yea I'm positive , I got three girls off the naughty list last year and two already this year. You know them but I can't tell you who they are because I always promise I'll never tell anyone about their spanking. My mom is gone so we can go in my house and do right now if you want to."
Now I was so upset about being on the naughty list I would have believed anything! I wasn't thrilled at the idea of being spanked but I sure wasn't taking any chances with Christmas! I tell him Ok and he smiles and takes my hand and in his house we went. He asks if I wanted something to drink and if I had any questions and I just shook my head no and told him we just needed to get it over with. He pulls a chair out from the kitchen table and sits down and looks at me with a big smirk on his face.
"OK Susie , I'll never tell anyone about this , not ever. Now take your pants off , undies too and we can get started."
I just stood there frozen for a second then my face begins to burn worse than ever. I tell him I wasn't expecting to have to take my pants off and I sure wasn't taking my undies off. He just smiles.
"I take it you haven't been spanked before. I understand your embarrassed and if you've changed your mind about getting off the naughty list it's not a big deal. Want to go to the park or something?"
He knew what he was doing , if he had said it was Ok if I had changed my mind about being spanked I would have said I had but he said changed my mind about getting off the naughty list and I wanted off the naughty list so bad I would do anything! I walk directly in front of him and my plan was to ask if he could just give me a longer spanking could I keep my clothes on and if that didn't work beg to keep my panties on. He didn't give me that chance. Once I was in front of him her reaches out and unsnaps my jeans and in a blink of an eye they are down to my feet. I was so shocked I just stood there and didn't even try to stop him when he pulled my panties down then told me to step out of my jeans. I did as I was told and stood there happy my shirt was long enough to cover me. Turned out that wasn't a good thing because he said the shirt was a problem and before I know what's happening he pulls it over my head and off and there I am in nothing but my socks. He just sits back looking for a couple of minutes then takes my hand and puts me over his lap. Now I didn't know what to expect but I sure didn't expect him to start rubbing my butt and telling me what a great butt I had! Then he begins spanking me and it hurt so bad and I was squirming all over his lap. He counted out twenty smacks , ten to each side then he helps me up.
"You did very good for someone who's never been spanked before! You can rub if you like and I'll get the paddle so we can get to the real spanking. I have to say that of all the girls I've ever spanked you have the best butt!!!"
I stood there rubbing my sore little butt and wondering why my stomach was full of butterflies again. I no longer cared that I was naked in front of a boy that I've had a crush on forever , I just wanted to get the spanking over with to get off the naughty list. He gets a paddle from a drawer then sits back down and puts me over his lap. He rubs the paddle over my burning butt then tells me this time I have to count the smacks and I'll be getting thirty. It sounded easy but counting out smacks that are landing on your own burning butt is anything but easy! I finally count out the last smack and I'm so close to crying. Brian is rubbing my butt and asks if I'd like him to get some lotion and I tell him no but not to stop rubbing yet. When he does let me up it was just as embarrassing to have him sit there and watch me get dressed as it was to have him undress me. I ask if he promises he'll keep my spanking a secret and if he was sure I was off the naughty list. He kisses me on the cheek and says the strangest thing.
'I'm positive your off the naughty list but I have a feeling I'm on it and will never get off of it!"
He walks me to the park and even pushes me on the swing then takes me to the corner store for a soft drink. It was so funny that he was paying such attention to me. I was on my best behavior after that , not wanting another spanking to get off the naughty list a second time! I even bought Brian , well my mother did , a very nice Christmas present. Brian didn't bring up the spanking but we were really great friends after that. Then just as the school year was coming to an end a girl at school told me the truth about Santa and my mom confirmed it. It was like part of my childhood has ended and I should have been so mad at Brian for the trick he had played on me but I wasn't. The first day of summer vacation I went to his house and we head to the park and I tell him I found out the truth about Santa and he got a strange look on his face and asked if I was mad at him and I laughed and told him I was but not for the reason he may think. Blushing from head to toe I told him as much as the spanking hurt it did help me be a good girl till Christmas and when Christmas was over I went back to being a bit of a brat and if he REALLY cared about me the way he said maybe he should make me be a good girl year round! He tried not to smile but he couldn't help himself.
"Your right Susie but the good thing is it's never too late for a spanking!"
After that Brian would find a reason to spank me about twice a month even if he had to make up a reason. But that first spanking is the one I'll always remember. Every Christmas I seem to remember my Christmas spanking , just this week I sent the kids to stay with mom and Brian spent the entire weekend making very sure I was off Santa's naughty list and just like when I was ten I'm pretty sure he's on it and will never ever get off of it!
The naughty list
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Re: The naughty list
Great Story!
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