A daddy ...
Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:12 pm
The school year was coming to a close. Lizzie was doing really well, both at home and at school. She couldn’t believe she was almost a third grader. In a few weeks, her Uncle Dom and her sister, Melinda, would be celebrating their first anniversary. It couldn’t have been a year, but yet it was! Aunt La-La was going to come and baby-sit Lizzie that weekend, while Dom and Lin went away.
At school, they were getting ready for Father’s Day. There were poems to write, coupons to make, and cards and projects. Everyone was excited. Even Lizzie. Uncle Dom was the best daddy she would ever have, even if he wasn’t her daddy.
Jordyn came over to Lizzie’s desk. “What are YOU making, Lizzie?” she asked.
“A card for Father’s Day, like everyone else. What did you think I was making?”
“But you don’t have a father. Not like me. I have two fathers,” Jordyn said proudly.
Lizzie frowned. It was true. Jordyn did have two fathers. She wasn’t sure exactly how it worked, but there were two men that Jordyn called ‘Daddy’. She thought it had something to do with her mommy getting married again, but Lizzie wasn’t sure, and never asked.
“Yeah, you don’t have anyone to call Daddy,” Jordyn teased.
“Well, Uncle Dom is like my daddy. He takes care of me, and stuff,” Lizzie said in return.
A few other kids came over then. “What’s going on?” Thomas asked.
Jordyn pointed to Lizzie and said, “She’s making a Father’s Day card for her uncle!”
Thomas said, “So?”
“So, it’s FATHER’S DAY, not Uncle’s Day,” Jordyn said, sneering.
Lizzie didn’t like the way Jordyn said it. It made her feel bad and nervous inside.
“It doesn’t matter!” Lizzie shouted. “He’s just like a daddy, and I can make him a card if I wanna!”
“You can if you want, but it’s not the same!” Jordyn shouted back.
Lizzie felt all mad inside. She couldn’t stop herself, and just swung back her arm and hit Jordyn really hard. Jordyn was shocked for a minute, but then she recovered and pulled Lizzie’s hair. No sooner had it started than the two girls were rolling around on the floor, hitting and pushing and screaming.
“FIGHT! FIGHT!” the kids yelled.
The teacher came running over. She had been talking to another teacher in the doorway, and heard all the ruckus.
“What is going on over here? Girls, you stop that this second!” she warned.
Thomas and Bobby managed to pull the two girls apart for their teacher. Mrs. Grant took a girl in each hand and kept them from reaching out to hit again. “What has gotten into you two? Who would like to tell me what this is all about?”
Lizzie started to cry. All she wanted right then was to be in her uncle’s arms, even if he spanked her afterward for fighting. She wanted to go home to him that second.
“She hit me first!” Jordyn cried.
“You did?” Mrs. Grant asked Lizzie. All Lizzie could do was nod. She was so upset right then.
Thomas interjected. “Mrs. Grant? Jordyn was teasing Lizzie because she doesn’t have a daddy.”
“I see. Well, she has her uncle, Jordyn. He’s like a father to Lizzie,” Mrs. Grant said, leading the children to the carpet. She sat down in her big chair and put both girls in front, but apart from each other.
“You see, girls, and everyone,” she said, as the class gathered around her. “Father’s Day is not necessarily just for fathers. That’s what they call the holiday. But the day is for all men who are like fathers: uncles, grandfathers, stepfathers,” she paused then and looked at Jordyn, then resumed, “anyone who is a man and takes care of children or just sees them once in a while, can get a card on Father’s Day.”
“Yes, Mrs. Grant,” Jordyn said. She turned to Lizzie then, “I’m sorry, Lizzie.”
Lizzie nodded. She had stopped crying, but didn’t trust herself to speak. But then she realized Mrs. Grant was staring at her. She was supposed to apologize back. She really didn’t want to, but she knew she had to.
She looked at Jordyn. “I’m sorry I hit you. You just made me feel all mad inside,” she admitted honestly.
Jordyn nodded. Then the two shook hands. “I won’t call your parents, this time,” Mrs. Grant added. But I trust that you’ll tell them what happened anyway.”
Lizzie sighed. She knew she would have to tell Uncle Dom that she had been fighting. He would be really disappointed in her. They had had many discussions before and his biggest rule was that she was NOT to hit anyone. She knew this was going to be at least a belt spanking.
Lizzie worried about it the rest of the day. She tried working on her card, but couldn’t concentrate. She wanted to just tell her uncle and then he’d spank her. It would hurt, but then at least it’d be over, and the guilty feelings would go away. But when she got home, she found her neighbor, Ms. Eliza, there.
“Where’s Lin?” she asked.
“Sit down, Lizzie. Everything’s going to be okay. But your sister had to take your uncle to the hospital.”
“WHYYYY?” Lizzie cried. “Is he going to be okay?”
“Well, I’m sure he will be. But we’ll know more when your sister calls us. Your uncle was at work and had really bad stomach pains, so they took him to see the doctor.”
Lizzie wasn’t at all sure she liked what she was hearing. When she had a tummy ache, Lin rubbed it and she went potty, but this was different. Her uncle was at a hospital. This sounded much too serious.
Ms. Eliza took Lizzie’s hand and squeezed it. “I’m sure everything will be fine.”
Lizzie tried to do her homework, but she couldn’t concentrate. All thoughts about her fight with Jordyn went right out of her head. All she wanted was for her uncle to be home and to be fine.
Shawn came over to keep Lizzie company. His mom made them both macaroni and cheese for dinner. Lizzie barely ate. She couldn’t stop thinking about her uncle.
Sometime after dinner, the phone rang. Eliza picked it up on the second ring. She listened. Lizzie stood about a foot away, frozen. She thought it was going to be horrible news.
But then she saw Ms. Eliza smile. “Okay, no problem, I’ll tell her.” She hung up the phone and looked at Lizzie. “Your uncle’s going to be okay. They just had to do an emergency appendectomy on him.”
“What’s that?” Lizzie asked, in horror.
“It means that your uncle had a tummy problem called appendicitis. And it hurt so much, that the doctors had to take it out of his body so it wouldn’t hurt him anymore. It’s called surgery. But your sister said he’s in the recovery room and he’s going to be just fine.”
Lizzie was in shock. She had never known anyone who had surgery before. She started to cry and couldn’t stop. “I want my sister!” she cried. “I want my uncle!”
“Your sister will be home to tuck you into bed. But I’m afraid your uncle won’t be home for a couple of days, maybe even a week.”
“A week! I can’t wait a week to see him. I need him!” she yelled. “I need to tell him what happened at school today, and about the card, and also I need him to tuck me in!”
Lizzie fell to the floor, sobbing. Shawn just looked at his mom. He was eleven and had no idea how to deal with a sobbing little girl. Eliza scooped Lizzie up and held her in her lap. “It’s okay, sweetie. You’ll get to visit him or talk on the phone.”
“It’s not the same!” Lizzie cried.
“No, it isn’t, but at least it’s something.”
“I guess.”
“Come on, how bout a nice, warm bubble bath?” Eliza asked her.
Lizzie sobbed and looked up at her neighbor. “Okay, I guess.”
“It’ll make you feel better.” She turned to Shawn. “You stay here.”
The two of them walked off for the bathroom. It was a nice bath, but Lizzie was still depressed an hour later when Eliza was trying to get her into bed. Shawn had gone back home by then. She was only waiting for Melinda to get back from the hospital.
Eliza tried reading Lizzie some books but she wasn’t paying attention. They were just sitting and snuggling when finally they heard a key in the lock.
“Lin’s home!” Lizzie shouted, jumping up from bed. Before Eliza could stop her, Lizzie ran to the front door and practically knocked her big sis down.
Melinda smiled wearily at Eliza over Lizzie’s head and hugged her little sister. She was exhausted; it had been quite the day.
“You’re still up!” Lin said.
“Uh, huh, how’s Uncle?” Lizzie asked.
“He’s going to be okay. When I left the hospital, he was sound asleep. But he did ask for you when he first woke up. And he told me to tell you that he’s going to be fine, and that he misses you,” Lin told her.
“I miss him, too. Can I go visit him tomorrow?” Lizzie asked.
“I’ll find out,” Lin told her.
But it turned out that children under ten weren’t allowed on that floor of the hospital, so she would have to wait to see him when he got home. That just depressed Lizzie more. She hadn’t told Melinda about her fight at school, but she was going to. She just hadn’t found the right moment.
Lizzie talked to her uncle every day on the phone. She still hadn’t told anyone about the fight she had at school. She kept meaning to tell her sister, but she just hadn’t. And every time she spoke to Uncle Dom on the phone, she felt like she was lying to him.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” he asked one night.
“I miss you, Uncle Dom,” Lizzie cried. “This Sunday is Father’s Day and I wanted to give you something that I made at school.
“Well, I should be home by then, baby,” he promised.
“But you won’t feel well and you won’t wanna do nothing, and and and,” Lizzie couldn’t even talk; she just burst into tears.
“And what?” he asked.
“Something happened, Uncle.”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Lizzie lied. “I just miss you and can’t wait for you to come home.”
After Lizzie got off the phone, Dominic told Melinda that he thought Lizzie was hiding something from them, and told her to find out.
She went into her little sister’s room at bedtime. “Come on, kiddo, time to get into bed.”
“Okay, Lin,” Lizzie said, putting down her chapter book.
“Did you wash up and brush your teeth?”
“Uh huh.”
“Lizzie? Is there something wrong? Your uncle had a feeling you weren’t telling us something.”
Lizzie looked at her feet. Then she looked up at her sister. “Well, um, the day Uncle hadda go to the hospital?”
“Yes?” Lin asked, annoyed. She had had a really bad day at work and all she wanted to do was go into the other room and relax. She wasn’t really up for a confession.
“I kinda got into a fight.”
“I see,” Lin said.
Lizzie started to whine, “Don’t saaaaayyy that!” ‘I see’ was usually a sign that she was in trouble. Even though she knew she would be for this, she still hated to hear it.
“Don’t tell me what to say. Let me warn you I have had the most frustrating day I’ve had in a very long time. Today is NOT the day to push me.”
Knowing she would be going too far if she complained, Lizzie just said, “Yes, ma’am. I’s sorry.”
Lin nodded. “All right, come on, into bed with you. We can talk about this another time.”
“But I was just defending myself, Lin. Jordyn made fun of me because…”
But Melinda cut her sister off. “Not now, Lizzie. It’s late and I’m cranky and tired. You can discuss this with your uncle when he gets home.”
“No. I haven’t seen him for days. I don’t wanna have to tell him bout this when he gets home. He’s too sick to deal with me right now. I don’t want him to get sicker!” she cried. She then turned over and put her head into her pillow and cried.
Then Melinda felt bad. She hadn’t realized how Lizzie was feeling. She put her hand on Lizzie’s back and rubbed it. “Oh sweetie, Uncle Dom’s going to be fine. He won’t get sicker! The doctors took his appendix out and now the hurt went away. He’s just still in the hospital resting.”
“I miss him!” Lizzie sobbed into her pillow.
“I know, sweetie. I do, too. But guess what? He’ll be home on Friday. That’s only two days away.”
Lizzie looked up then. “Friday?”
Lin nodded and smiled. “Yep.”
“Okay.” She slid under the covers then and got all comfy, holding tight to the doggie Uncle Dom had given her. Its name was Haley.
Lin bent down and kissed Lizzie on the forehead. “You get some sleep now.”
“Yes, sweetie?” Lin asked, as she turned on the night-light and turned off the main light.
“Are you gonna tell Uncle Dom that I was in a fight?”
“No. I’m going to let you tell him. Now go to sleep!”
Lizzie thought about it all night. Wednesday morning she decided she had better tell Uncle Dom about her fight before he got home. She didn’t want him to think she was lying to him. So on Wednesday night she called him. But he wasn’t having a good night. He said his stitches were really hurting him. She didn’t have the heart to tell him.
But then Thursday night came. He was feeling much better. She spoke to him after dinner. “You all ready to come home tomorrow, Uncle?” she asked.
“Yes, baby, I am. I really miss you a lot,” he told her.
“But Uncle? Will you still be glad to see me, even if I misbehaved?” she asked cautiously.
“Lizzie, I will always be happy to see you, no matter what you do, because I love you so very much.”
Lizzie started to cry. “I love you, too, Uncle.”
“So what do you have to tell me about?”
“Oh, forget it, Uncle, it can wait,” Lizzie said, starting to get really nervous.
“Elizabeth Marie? Is this something I’m going to be real upset over?”
Lizzie nodded, but since they were on the phone, Dominic couldn’t see her. “Elizabeth? Answer me right now.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Then maybe you better tell me about it.”
“I don’t wanna tell you, Uncle, cuz you’s gonna be so ‘spointed in me, and I hasn’t gotten to see you in forever, and I miss you so much,” Lizzie said, crying.
“Stop crying and tell me, Elizabeth.”
Lizzie knew it was no use waiting any longer. Her uncle would be upset but she wouldn’t see him til the next day, and so maybe it was better that way. He would calm down by the time she saw him. She already knew she was going to be spanked for it, anyway.
She took a deep breath and said, “I got into a fight, Uncle.”
“ A fight?”
“Uh huh. This girl at school teased me about something and I hit her. I was just defending myself.”
“Wasn’t your teacher around? Why couldn’t you talk to her about it?”
“I don’t know. There wasn’t time, sir. It was my first reaction.” Lizzie stared at the floor. Then she said into the phone, “I knew you wouldn’t be happy with me, sir.”
“You’re right; I’m not.”
“I can’t help it, Uncle. I always wanna hit!”
“Then I guess I’ll keep spanking you til you stop.”
“But I don’t wanna spanking!” Lizzie said, crying again.
“You should have thought about that before you hit this girl. I’m afraid you’re going to be crying a lot more when I see you tomorrow afternoon.”
“No, cuz you’ll be too sick then, so it don’t matter!” Lizzie said, frowning.
Dominic could almost hear Lizzie crossing her arms through the phone. “Don’t you speak to me like that, little girl. You’re already in enough trouble, so you had better lose the attitude,” Uncle Dominic warned. “You’re going to be punished and you know it. There’s no excuse for you hitting like that.”
Lizzie was quiet for a long time and then she said, “Yes, sir.” In a way she missed this. She had gotten away with so many little things during the week; it wasn’t even funny. She needed a firm hand, even if she was too little to know or admit it.
The next day went very slowly for Lizzie. She wanted it to just be over already. She was excited to see her uncle, but she also knew a big spanking awaited her.
After school, Ms. Eliza picked her up. When they went home, Lizzie was so excited when she saw her uncle’s car. It had been at his work the whole time he was gone. Now it was back in its right spot in the driveway. She ran into the house, happy, forgetting momentarily about her upcoming spanking.
“Uncleeeeeeeeeee!” she yelled.
He smiled and put his arms out and she ran right into them. “Hi baby!” he called, hugging her tight. “I missed you so much!”
“Not as much as I missed you, Uncle Dom,” she cried, holding onto him tight. She never wanted to let go.
Melinda looked at them and smiled. She had been so glad to welcome her husband home, as well.
The three of them went into the kitchen and sat with Lizzie while she had her snack. They talked about trivial matters and what she had done at school. Lizzie proudly showed them her spelling test with the 100% on it and the big happy face her teacher had drawn. Dominic patted her back and told her how proud he was of her.
It was great to have her uncle home. But Lizzie had butterflies flying around inside her stomach. She knew it was only a matter of time before her uncle remembered what he had to do. After a bit, Lizzie finally said, “Uncle?”
“Yes, Lizzie?”
“Are you going to spank me for fighting?”
“Yes, sweetie, I am. Do you want to do that now or wait til bedtime?”
Lizzie thought about it. She said, “Never?”
“I’m sorry, Elizabeth, but that’s not an option.”
“Well, I don’t like to have to wait, so I guess now,” she said sadly.
Dominic nodded and stood up. He gave Melinda a kiss on the cheek. “Go to your room and wait for me in the corner,” he told Lizzie.
“Yes, sir,” she said, running to her room.
Dom went to his niece’s room and sat down on the bed. “Come here, please, Elizabeth.”
The little girl walked over to her uncle, slowly. She couldn’t help thinking that even though she was about to get a spanking, how glad she was that he was home.
Dominic looked down at Lizzie. She looked at her feet. “You know better than to be hitting anyone, don’t you?”
Lizzie nodded.
“And is this the first time you're being punished for this?”
She shook her head. “No, sir.”
“No, it isn't,” he said. “Nor is it the second time.”
“No, sir,” Lizzie said, fidgeting.
Dominic picked Lizzie up and put her across his lap. She gulped as he pushed down her shorts and panties and positioned her just so. Lizzie cringed as she felt her uncle raise his hand. He brought it down hard on her bare bottom.
Lizzie jumped. “Owwww!” she cried.
{SMACK! SMACK!} “I’m not {SMACK! SMACK!} going to put up {SMACK! SMACK!} with you disobeying me {SMACK! SMACK!} that way, Elizabeth.” {SMACK! SMACK!}
“Owwwwww! I wasn't disobeying you! I was defending myself!” she cried. She kicked her legs. She wanted to rub so badly, but she didn’t dare, and she also knew that her uncle had barely begun.
{SMACK! SMACK!} “You could {SMACK! SMACK!} have called {SMACK! SMACK!} your teacher {SMACK! SMACK!} for help.” {SMACK! SMACK!}
Lizzie cried. “Owwwww, I didn’t thinkkkkkkk!” she sobbed.
{SMACK! SMACK!} “Well, maybe you will next time!” her uncle said. {SMACK! SMACK!} {SMACK! SMACK!} {SMACK! SMACK!} {SMACK! SMACK!}
Lizzie cried and cried. She tried to get off his lap but he held her firm. “I’m sorry to have to do this my first night back, but you know better than this, young lady.”
Then from almost out of nowhere, Lizzie heard the whoosh of her uncle’s belt. She had known that might happen, but now that it was happening, she became hysterical.
“Nooooo, Uncle! I not want that!” she cried, putting her hands back. She knew it was a no-no, but she felt she had to.
Her uncle moved her hands out of the way, and brought that belt down on her bottom. {TTHHWWAACCKK!}
Lizzie didn’t even react at first. She was in shock. Then the next one came. {TTHHWWAACCKK!} “You will NOT HIT anyone!”
“Owwwwwwwww, okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!” she said, screaming.
{TTHHWWAACCKK!} “I don’t want to have to do this again, Lizzie.” {TTHHWWAACCKK!} {TTHHWWAACCKK!}
“Me eitherrrrrrrrrrr!” she sobbed.
{TTHHWWAACCKK!} “But I will, if I have to.” {TTHHWWAACCKK!}
Lizzie screamed again. She was in pain, for sure.
Dominic put the belt down and pulled his niece up onto his lap. She cried and held onto him tight. Dom cuddled the little girl and rubbed her back. “That hurrrrrrrrt!” she sobbed.
“I’m sure it did. It hurts me to have to do it,” Dom told her.
Lizzie nodded, sobbing. She clung to her uncle. He smiled and kissed her cheek and she knew she was forgiven. “I’m sorrrry, Uncle!” she cried. “I really was just defending myself. Do you still love me?”
“With all my heart, sweetie. Nothing you could do would ever make me stop loving you.”
“You promise?”
“I promise. I love you, forever and ever.”
Dominic held her and comforted her and made sure she knew she was loved. After a while, he asked, “So what was Jordyn teasing you about, Lizzie?”
Lizzie thought about it. Should she tell him? When she felt her uncle staring at her, she sighed. She took a deep breath and told him.
“Oh, I see,” Dom said. “Well, next time you tell your teacher, okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
A few days later, on Father’s Day, Lizzie gave Dominic his present and cards. He got a tear in his eye when he read the card, “To the best daddy ever. I love you. Love Lizzie.”
That night when Lizzie went to bed, she found a note on her pillow. It said, “Dear Lizzie, I loved the present and the cards you gave me. I am glad you think I am a good daddy. I hope I always will be. You’re a good little girl. And I love you very much, and always will. Love Daddy.”
Lizzie fell asleep thinking about her daddy.
At school, they were getting ready for Father’s Day. There were poems to write, coupons to make, and cards and projects. Everyone was excited. Even Lizzie. Uncle Dom was the best daddy she would ever have, even if he wasn’t her daddy.
Jordyn came over to Lizzie’s desk. “What are YOU making, Lizzie?” she asked.
“A card for Father’s Day, like everyone else. What did you think I was making?”
“But you don’t have a father. Not like me. I have two fathers,” Jordyn said proudly.
Lizzie frowned. It was true. Jordyn did have two fathers. She wasn’t sure exactly how it worked, but there were two men that Jordyn called ‘Daddy’. She thought it had something to do with her mommy getting married again, but Lizzie wasn’t sure, and never asked.
“Yeah, you don’t have anyone to call Daddy,” Jordyn teased.
“Well, Uncle Dom is like my daddy. He takes care of me, and stuff,” Lizzie said in return.
A few other kids came over then. “What’s going on?” Thomas asked.
Jordyn pointed to Lizzie and said, “She’s making a Father’s Day card for her uncle!”
Thomas said, “So?”
“So, it’s FATHER’S DAY, not Uncle’s Day,” Jordyn said, sneering.
Lizzie didn’t like the way Jordyn said it. It made her feel bad and nervous inside.
“It doesn’t matter!” Lizzie shouted. “He’s just like a daddy, and I can make him a card if I wanna!”
“You can if you want, but it’s not the same!” Jordyn shouted back.
Lizzie felt all mad inside. She couldn’t stop herself, and just swung back her arm and hit Jordyn really hard. Jordyn was shocked for a minute, but then she recovered and pulled Lizzie’s hair. No sooner had it started than the two girls were rolling around on the floor, hitting and pushing and screaming.
“FIGHT! FIGHT!” the kids yelled.
The teacher came running over. She had been talking to another teacher in the doorway, and heard all the ruckus.
“What is going on over here? Girls, you stop that this second!” she warned.
Thomas and Bobby managed to pull the two girls apart for their teacher. Mrs. Grant took a girl in each hand and kept them from reaching out to hit again. “What has gotten into you two? Who would like to tell me what this is all about?”
Lizzie started to cry. All she wanted right then was to be in her uncle’s arms, even if he spanked her afterward for fighting. She wanted to go home to him that second.
“She hit me first!” Jordyn cried.
“You did?” Mrs. Grant asked Lizzie. All Lizzie could do was nod. She was so upset right then.
Thomas interjected. “Mrs. Grant? Jordyn was teasing Lizzie because she doesn’t have a daddy.”
“I see. Well, she has her uncle, Jordyn. He’s like a father to Lizzie,” Mrs. Grant said, leading the children to the carpet. She sat down in her big chair and put both girls in front, but apart from each other.
“You see, girls, and everyone,” she said, as the class gathered around her. “Father’s Day is not necessarily just for fathers. That’s what they call the holiday. But the day is for all men who are like fathers: uncles, grandfathers, stepfathers,” she paused then and looked at Jordyn, then resumed, “anyone who is a man and takes care of children or just sees them once in a while, can get a card on Father’s Day.”
“Yes, Mrs. Grant,” Jordyn said. She turned to Lizzie then, “I’m sorry, Lizzie.”
Lizzie nodded. She had stopped crying, but didn’t trust herself to speak. But then she realized Mrs. Grant was staring at her. She was supposed to apologize back. She really didn’t want to, but she knew she had to.
She looked at Jordyn. “I’m sorry I hit you. You just made me feel all mad inside,” she admitted honestly.
Jordyn nodded. Then the two shook hands. “I won’t call your parents, this time,” Mrs. Grant added. But I trust that you’ll tell them what happened anyway.”
Lizzie sighed. She knew she would have to tell Uncle Dom that she had been fighting. He would be really disappointed in her. They had had many discussions before and his biggest rule was that she was NOT to hit anyone. She knew this was going to be at least a belt spanking.
Lizzie worried about it the rest of the day. She tried working on her card, but couldn’t concentrate. She wanted to just tell her uncle and then he’d spank her. It would hurt, but then at least it’d be over, and the guilty feelings would go away. But when she got home, she found her neighbor, Ms. Eliza, there.
“Where’s Lin?” she asked.
“Sit down, Lizzie. Everything’s going to be okay. But your sister had to take your uncle to the hospital.”
“WHYYYY?” Lizzie cried. “Is he going to be okay?”
“Well, I’m sure he will be. But we’ll know more when your sister calls us. Your uncle was at work and had really bad stomach pains, so they took him to see the doctor.”
Lizzie wasn’t at all sure she liked what she was hearing. When she had a tummy ache, Lin rubbed it and she went potty, but this was different. Her uncle was at a hospital. This sounded much too serious.
Ms. Eliza took Lizzie’s hand and squeezed it. “I’m sure everything will be fine.”
Lizzie tried to do her homework, but she couldn’t concentrate. All thoughts about her fight with Jordyn went right out of her head. All she wanted was for her uncle to be home and to be fine.
Shawn came over to keep Lizzie company. His mom made them both macaroni and cheese for dinner. Lizzie barely ate. She couldn’t stop thinking about her uncle.
Sometime after dinner, the phone rang. Eliza picked it up on the second ring. She listened. Lizzie stood about a foot away, frozen. She thought it was going to be horrible news.
But then she saw Ms. Eliza smile. “Okay, no problem, I’ll tell her.” She hung up the phone and looked at Lizzie. “Your uncle’s going to be okay. They just had to do an emergency appendectomy on him.”
“What’s that?” Lizzie asked, in horror.
“It means that your uncle had a tummy problem called appendicitis. And it hurt so much, that the doctors had to take it out of his body so it wouldn’t hurt him anymore. It’s called surgery. But your sister said he’s in the recovery room and he’s going to be just fine.”
Lizzie was in shock. She had never known anyone who had surgery before. She started to cry and couldn’t stop. “I want my sister!” she cried. “I want my uncle!”
“Your sister will be home to tuck you into bed. But I’m afraid your uncle won’t be home for a couple of days, maybe even a week.”
“A week! I can’t wait a week to see him. I need him!” she yelled. “I need to tell him what happened at school today, and about the card, and also I need him to tuck me in!”
Lizzie fell to the floor, sobbing. Shawn just looked at his mom. He was eleven and had no idea how to deal with a sobbing little girl. Eliza scooped Lizzie up and held her in her lap. “It’s okay, sweetie. You’ll get to visit him or talk on the phone.”
“It’s not the same!” Lizzie cried.
“No, it isn’t, but at least it’s something.”
“I guess.”
“Come on, how bout a nice, warm bubble bath?” Eliza asked her.
Lizzie sobbed and looked up at her neighbor. “Okay, I guess.”
“It’ll make you feel better.” She turned to Shawn. “You stay here.”
The two of them walked off for the bathroom. It was a nice bath, but Lizzie was still depressed an hour later when Eliza was trying to get her into bed. Shawn had gone back home by then. She was only waiting for Melinda to get back from the hospital.
Eliza tried reading Lizzie some books but she wasn’t paying attention. They were just sitting and snuggling when finally they heard a key in the lock.
“Lin’s home!” Lizzie shouted, jumping up from bed. Before Eliza could stop her, Lizzie ran to the front door and practically knocked her big sis down.
Melinda smiled wearily at Eliza over Lizzie’s head and hugged her little sister. She was exhausted; it had been quite the day.
“You’re still up!” Lin said.
“Uh, huh, how’s Uncle?” Lizzie asked.
“He’s going to be okay. When I left the hospital, he was sound asleep. But he did ask for you when he first woke up. And he told me to tell you that he’s going to be fine, and that he misses you,” Lin told her.
“I miss him, too. Can I go visit him tomorrow?” Lizzie asked.
“I’ll find out,” Lin told her.
But it turned out that children under ten weren’t allowed on that floor of the hospital, so she would have to wait to see him when he got home. That just depressed Lizzie more. She hadn’t told Melinda about her fight at school, but she was going to. She just hadn’t found the right moment.
Lizzie talked to her uncle every day on the phone. She still hadn’t told anyone about the fight she had at school. She kept meaning to tell her sister, but she just hadn’t. And every time she spoke to Uncle Dom on the phone, she felt like she was lying to him.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?” he asked one night.
“I miss you, Uncle Dom,” Lizzie cried. “This Sunday is Father’s Day and I wanted to give you something that I made at school.
“Well, I should be home by then, baby,” he promised.
“But you won’t feel well and you won’t wanna do nothing, and and and,” Lizzie couldn’t even talk; she just burst into tears.
“And what?” he asked.
“Something happened, Uncle.”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Lizzie lied. “I just miss you and can’t wait for you to come home.”
After Lizzie got off the phone, Dominic told Melinda that he thought Lizzie was hiding something from them, and told her to find out.
She went into her little sister’s room at bedtime. “Come on, kiddo, time to get into bed.”
“Okay, Lin,” Lizzie said, putting down her chapter book.
“Did you wash up and brush your teeth?”
“Uh huh.”
“Lizzie? Is there something wrong? Your uncle had a feeling you weren’t telling us something.”
Lizzie looked at her feet. Then she looked up at her sister. “Well, um, the day Uncle hadda go to the hospital?”
“Yes?” Lin asked, annoyed. She had had a really bad day at work and all she wanted to do was go into the other room and relax. She wasn’t really up for a confession.
“I kinda got into a fight.”
“I see,” Lin said.
Lizzie started to whine, “Don’t saaaaayyy that!” ‘I see’ was usually a sign that she was in trouble. Even though she knew she would be for this, she still hated to hear it.
“Don’t tell me what to say. Let me warn you I have had the most frustrating day I’ve had in a very long time. Today is NOT the day to push me.”
Knowing she would be going too far if she complained, Lizzie just said, “Yes, ma’am. I’s sorry.”
Lin nodded. “All right, come on, into bed with you. We can talk about this another time.”
“But I was just defending myself, Lin. Jordyn made fun of me because…”
But Melinda cut her sister off. “Not now, Lizzie. It’s late and I’m cranky and tired. You can discuss this with your uncle when he gets home.”
“No. I haven’t seen him for days. I don’t wanna have to tell him bout this when he gets home. He’s too sick to deal with me right now. I don’t want him to get sicker!” she cried. She then turned over and put her head into her pillow and cried.
Then Melinda felt bad. She hadn’t realized how Lizzie was feeling. She put her hand on Lizzie’s back and rubbed it. “Oh sweetie, Uncle Dom’s going to be fine. He won’t get sicker! The doctors took his appendix out and now the hurt went away. He’s just still in the hospital resting.”
“I miss him!” Lizzie sobbed into her pillow.
“I know, sweetie. I do, too. But guess what? He’ll be home on Friday. That’s only two days away.”
Lizzie looked up then. “Friday?”
Lin nodded and smiled. “Yep.”
“Okay.” She slid under the covers then and got all comfy, holding tight to the doggie Uncle Dom had given her. Its name was Haley.
Lin bent down and kissed Lizzie on the forehead. “You get some sleep now.”
“Yes, sweetie?” Lin asked, as she turned on the night-light and turned off the main light.
“Are you gonna tell Uncle Dom that I was in a fight?”
“No. I’m going to let you tell him. Now go to sleep!”
Lizzie thought about it all night. Wednesday morning she decided she had better tell Uncle Dom about her fight before he got home. She didn’t want him to think she was lying to him. So on Wednesday night she called him. But he wasn’t having a good night. He said his stitches were really hurting him. She didn’t have the heart to tell him.
But then Thursday night came. He was feeling much better. She spoke to him after dinner. “You all ready to come home tomorrow, Uncle?” she asked.
“Yes, baby, I am. I really miss you a lot,” he told her.
“But Uncle? Will you still be glad to see me, even if I misbehaved?” she asked cautiously.
“Lizzie, I will always be happy to see you, no matter what you do, because I love you so very much.”
Lizzie started to cry. “I love you, too, Uncle.”
“So what do you have to tell me about?”
“Oh, forget it, Uncle, it can wait,” Lizzie said, starting to get really nervous.
“Elizabeth Marie? Is this something I’m going to be real upset over?”
Lizzie nodded, but since they were on the phone, Dominic couldn’t see her. “Elizabeth? Answer me right now.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Then maybe you better tell me about it.”
“I don’t wanna tell you, Uncle, cuz you’s gonna be so ‘spointed in me, and I hasn’t gotten to see you in forever, and I miss you so much,” Lizzie said, crying.
“Stop crying and tell me, Elizabeth.”
Lizzie knew it was no use waiting any longer. Her uncle would be upset but she wouldn’t see him til the next day, and so maybe it was better that way. He would calm down by the time she saw him. She already knew she was going to be spanked for it, anyway.
She took a deep breath and said, “I got into a fight, Uncle.”
“ A fight?”
“Uh huh. This girl at school teased me about something and I hit her. I was just defending myself.”
“Wasn’t your teacher around? Why couldn’t you talk to her about it?”
“I don’t know. There wasn’t time, sir. It was my first reaction.” Lizzie stared at the floor. Then she said into the phone, “I knew you wouldn’t be happy with me, sir.”
“You’re right; I’m not.”
“I can’t help it, Uncle. I always wanna hit!”
“Then I guess I’ll keep spanking you til you stop.”
“But I don’t wanna spanking!” Lizzie said, crying again.
“You should have thought about that before you hit this girl. I’m afraid you’re going to be crying a lot more when I see you tomorrow afternoon.”
“No, cuz you’ll be too sick then, so it don’t matter!” Lizzie said, frowning.
Dominic could almost hear Lizzie crossing her arms through the phone. “Don’t you speak to me like that, little girl. You’re already in enough trouble, so you had better lose the attitude,” Uncle Dominic warned. “You’re going to be punished and you know it. There’s no excuse for you hitting like that.”
Lizzie was quiet for a long time and then she said, “Yes, sir.” In a way she missed this. She had gotten away with so many little things during the week; it wasn’t even funny. She needed a firm hand, even if she was too little to know or admit it.
The next day went very slowly for Lizzie. She wanted it to just be over already. She was excited to see her uncle, but she also knew a big spanking awaited her.
After school, Ms. Eliza picked her up. When they went home, Lizzie was so excited when she saw her uncle’s car. It had been at his work the whole time he was gone. Now it was back in its right spot in the driveway. She ran into the house, happy, forgetting momentarily about her upcoming spanking.
“Uncleeeeeeeeeee!” she yelled.
He smiled and put his arms out and she ran right into them. “Hi baby!” he called, hugging her tight. “I missed you so much!”
“Not as much as I missed you, Uncle Dom,” she cried, holding onto him tight. She never wanted to let go.
Melinda looked at them and smiled. She had been so glad to welcome her husband home, as well.
The three of them went into the kitchen and sat with Lizzie while she had her snack. They talked about trivial matters and what she had done at school. Lizzie proudly showed them her spelling test with the 100% on it and the big happy face her teacher had drawn. Dominic patted her back and told her how proud he was of her.
It was great to have her uncle home. But Lizzie had butterflies flying around inside her stomach. She knew it was only a matter of time before her uncle remembered what he had to do. After a bit, Lizzie finally said, “Uncle?”
“Yes, Lizzie?”
“Are you going to spank me for fighting?”
“Yes, sweetie, I am. Do you want to do that now or wait til bedtime?”
Lizzie thought about it. She said, “Never?”
“I’m sorry, Elizabeth, but that’s not an option.”
“Well, I don’t like to have to wait, so I guess now,” she said sadly.
Dominic nodded and stood up. He gave Melinda a kiss on the cheek. “Go to your room and wait for me in the corner,” he told Lizzie.
“Yes, sir,” she said, running to her room.
Dom went to his niece’s room and sat down on the bed. “Come here, please, Elizabeth.”
The little girl walked over to her uncle, slowly. She couldn’t help thinking that even though she was about to get a spanking, how glad she was that he was home.
Dominic looked down at Lizzie. She looked at her feet. “You know better than to be hitting anyone, don’t you?”
Lizzie nodded.
“And is this the first time you're being punished for this?”
She shook her head. “No, sir.”
“No, it isn't,” he said. “Nor is it the second time.”
“No, sir,” Lizzie said, fidgeting.
Dominic picked Lizzie up and put her across his lap. She gulped as he pushed down her shorts and panties and positioned her just so. Lizzie cringed as she felt her uncle raise his hand. He brought it down hard on her bare bottom.
Lizzie jumped. “Owwww!” she cried.
{SMACK! SMACK!} “I’m not {SMACK! SMACK!} going to put up {SMACK! SMACK!} with you disobeying me {SMACK! SMACK!} that way, Elizabeth.” {SMACK! SMACK!}
“Owwwwww! I wasn't disobeying you! I was defending myself!” she cried. She kicked her legs. She wanted to rub so badly, but she didn’t dare, and she also knew that her uncle had barely begun.
{SMACK! SMACK!} “You could {SMACK! SMACK!} have called {SMACK! SMACK!} your teacher {SMACK! SMACK!} for help.” {SMACK! SMACK!}
Lizzie cried. “Owwwww, I didn’t thinkkkkkkk!” she sobbed.
{SMACK! SMACK!} “Well, maybe you will next time!” her uncle said. {SMACK! SMACK!} {SMACK! SMACK!} {SMACK! SMACK!} {SMACK! SMACK!}
Lizzie cried and cried. She tried to get off his lap but he held her firm. “I’m sorry to have to do this my first night back, but you know better than this, young lady.”
Then from almost out of nowhere, Lizzie heard the whoosh of her uncle’s belt. She had known that might happen, but now that it was happening, she became hysterical.
“Nooooo, Uncle! I not want that!” she cried, putting her hands back. She knew it was a no-no, but she felt she had to.
Her uncle moved her hands out of the way, and brought that belt down on her bottom. {TTHHWWAACCKK!}
Lizzie didn’t even react at first. She was in shock. Then the next one came. {TTHHWWAACCKK!} “You will NOT HIT anyone!”
“Owwwwwwwww, okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!” she said, screaming.
{TTHHWWAACCKK!} “I don’t want to have to do this again, Lizzie.” {TTHHWWAACCKK!} {TTHHWWAACCKK!}
“Me eitherrrrrrrrrrr!” she sobbed.
{TTHHWWAACCKK!} “But I will, if I have to.” {TTHHWWAACCKK!}
Lizzie screamed again. She was in pain, for sure.
Dominic put the belt down and pulled his niece up onto his lap. She cried and held onto him tight. Dom cuddled the little girl and rubbed her back. “That hurrrrrrrrt!” she sobbed.
“I’m sure it did. It hurts me to have to do it,” Dom told her.
Lizzie nodded, sobbing. She clung to her uncle. He smiled and kissed her cheek and she knew she was forgiven. “I’m sorrrry, Uncle!” she cried. “I really was just defending myself. Do you still love me?”
“With all my heart, sweetie. Nothing you could do would ever make me stop loving you.”
“You promise?”
“I promise. I love you, forever and ever.”
Dominic held her and comforted her and made sure she knew she was loved. After a while, he asked, “So what was Jordyn teasing you about, Lizzie?”
Lizzie thought about it. Should she tell him? When she felt her uncle staring at her, she sighed. She took a deep breath and told him.
“Oh, I see,” Dom said. “Well, next time you tell your teacher, okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
A few days later, on Father’s Day, Lizzie gave Dominic his present and cards. He got a tear in his eye when he read the card, “To the best daddy ever. I love you. Love Lizzie.”
That night when Lizzie went to bed, she found a note on her pillow. It said, “Dear Lizzie, I loved the present and the cards you gave me. I am glad you think I am a good daddy. I hope I always will be. You’re a good little girl. And I love you very much, and always will. Love Daddy.”
Lizzie fell asleep thinking about her daddy.