Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 12:01 pm
The twinge of anxiety as I approach
The mantra channeled “He needs this. He needs this. He needs this.”
The whispered plan resonating in your ear
The look of momentary confusion before realization dawns
The short walk back to private space that feels like miles
The sharp, carefully-chosen words
The mournful glance when no reprieve comes
The familiar sound of belt buckles and zippers
The soft lap that awaits
The anxious shifting in the final moments of anticipation
The solemn promise
The rhythmic echoes
The battle of wills
The hand that falls with increased tempo, certainty
The first tears
The resistance faltering
The plaintive pleas
The decision made to let go, to trust
The physical, mental and emotional tension released
The regret pouring out
The stilled hand, resting
The reassuring voice amidst the sobs
The time stopped, wrapped in an embrace
The peace
The mantra channeled “He needs this. He needs this. He needs this.”
The whispered plan resonating in your ear
The look of momentary confusion before realization dawns
The short walk back to private space that feels like miles
The sharp, carefully-chosen words
The mournful glance when no reprieve comes
The familiar sound of belt buckles and zippers
The soft lap that awaits
The anxious shifting in the final moments of anticipation
The solemn promise
The rhythmic echoes
The battle of wills
The hand that falls with increased tempo, certainty
The first tears
The resistance faltering
The plaintive pleas
The decision made to let go, to trust
The physical, mental and emotional tension released
The regret pouring out
The stilled hand, resting
The reassuring voice amidst the sobs
The time stopped, wrapped in an embrace
The peace