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Free Spanking Stories - Spanko.net • the rod part 1
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the rod part 1

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 3:17 pm
by edward
it is Tuesday evening as jenny ferguson squeezes into the skintight white drawstring jodhpurs for her weekly visited to the rev atkins,she will meet sarah adams at main door of school they will walk together to his house on schoolgrounds
the 19 year olds wear raincoats to hide their jodhpurs which they will promptly remove when butler opens back door to clergyman's house
jenny is almost 6ft in her heels and a size 12 while sarah is 5ft8 and a size 10
they knock back door butler opens it and says good evening ladies as they step in and hang up their raincoats
the butler leers at the gleaming white jods and the well parted cheeks.

the ladies lead way to study the butler follows enjoying the view,as they enter study the ladies see the rod rack teeming with fresh willows
sarah and jenny choose best 3 rods and place them in order on top of rack ,a 3ft nutty tapered rod is the girls first choice they then go to cupboard and take a dildo each from cupboard and put them in lube

the ladies then check and retighten jods in mirror the jods fit so smooth and tight it is obvious the girls are not wearing panties
butler nods the ladies outside study and tells miss adams to fetch clergyman she wiggles of to drawingroom she knows the ritual well
she knocks door takes 3 paces in turns and waits the clergyman is enjoying a brandy and sarah can feel his gaze on her rump
the rev stands up and sarah leads off wriggling so much it is as if she is teasing the rev
they all enter study the ladies take the men's coats hang them up theirs as well
there are 2 trestles adjacent to each other the men discuss the rods as the ladies hang a dildo on each trestle the men enjoy the view as the girls lean over to hang the dildoes on trestles
jenny locks the study door and both ladies stand palms of hands resting on front of thighs just above knees they stare at the rev

the rev swishes the rod the suspense grows then he says "miss ferguson would u oblige me by going first" jenny steps to trestle calmly undoing drawstrings of jods she peels down and bendsover
the rev drapes the rod over the cheeks (24 strokes is the usual) jenny hisses as first stroke cuts deep ,she knows if she takes it well the rev might find her a rich husband,next strokes cut deep she grips trestle hard
about 40 seconds between strokes for the last 8 the rev will administer vertically standing at her head and whipping down
jenny seems in a trance as rev puts great effort into each stroke ,miss adams looks at the butler who is smiling
jenny stripes are oozing ,16 stripes across and 8 down
as last stroke is administered butler moves in and lifts dildo jenny spreads her legs ,it is a new dildo with a large head butler seems unsure if it will fit but rev assures him she will stretch
butler teases the anus before beginning to push jenny gasps and pants
butler is moving it slowly miss adams watching jenny grips trestle as he slides it in further

the rev turns to miss adams and says "miss adams sorry for the delay I would grateful if u would present" sarah steps to trestle calmly undoing jods