A Ninety-Five Percent Chance Of Safety
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:25 pm
A Ninety-Five Percent Chance Of Safety
"But when can we book another tour?" Rachael asked plaintively.
"We're on vacation with our parents so we're talking about a limited window of opportunity." Dennis added.
"We thought our Aunt Joanne had arranged everything." Rachael said, giving the woman an unkind look.
"I thought I had." Joanne said, staring a hole through institute’s assistant administrator.
"Perhaps if I explained." Mr. Howe offered. "The thing is, we had a rash of last minute cancellations. We are calling people on our standby list, but these cancellations have delayed things. Perhaps even cancelled them."
"Why?" Joanne asked. "Do you have to sell a minimum number of tickets or something?"
"No, but... You have read the pamphlet haven't you?" Mr. Howe asked, turning the tables on the trio.
"Well..." Rachael began, then ran out of words.
"Pamphlet?" Dennis asked.
"I did glance through it, but I didn't study it or anything." Joanne admitted.
"I see." Mr. Howe smiled. "Well, when it comes to younger visitors, that is those between 18 and 21 inclusive, we prefer to send them through in groups of 20."
"Why so many?" Dennis asked.
"Because one member of the tour will be selected, chosen at random from the group, and that selected tour member will go through the admission process." Mr. Howe explained.
"What?" Rachael demanded, her buns tightening at the thought. "You mean that I'm going to be..."
"Probably not." Mr. Howe said quickly. "In fact, there's a 95% that it won't be you."
"Huh? But that means that it can't be me." Rachael replied, wondering if she should be relieved or disappointed.
"It's the odds you see." Mr. Howe explained. "If there's 20 people involved then someone else gets picked 95% of the time, but statistically 5% of the time it's going to be you."
Dennis wasn't sure he liked the sound of that.
"Um, you mean that my sister might be picked?" Dennis asked.
"Her, or you." Mr. Howe answered.
"Me? But... but...um, this place, for females?" Dennis stammered, struggling to find the words.
"Oh, it's not going to be you 95% of the time, but the chance does exist." Mr. Howe confirmed, used to repeating information until it sank it. "Which is why we try to do the tour in groups of 20. If there are only ten on the tour then the chance doubles to 10%. In theory the two of you could go though alone but then each of you would have a 50/50 chance to be picked and that wouldn't be fair."
Brother and sister exchanged looks. As they did so, Joanne considered an unmentioned fact, that even with a full group there was a 1 in 10 chance that one of the two would be picked. That meant a 1 in 10 chance that she would have to explain things to their parents.
"How does the selection happen?" Joanne asked.
"As the tour begins, members of the group draw one of 20 numbered plaques from a box." Mr. Howe explained. "We record who drew what number on a piece of paper. Then a computer spits out a random number. There's no way to know which person will pick a given number and since we record the names on paper there's no way for the computer to know who has which number."
"Um, by admission process, do you mean... um..." Rachael begun.
"Usually the pamphlet covers this, but I'll describe the highlights of the tour." Mr. Howe said. "After the drawing, the remaining 19 members of the tour group go to changing rooms and change into robes."
"They all have to change?" Joanne asked. "Why?"
"Um, we'll get to that, but not as subtly as the pamphlet does." Mr. Howe told her. "Once they are changed they accompany the volunteer to the first station. There the volunteer is ordered to strip and place her; now I'll use the female pronoun this time because the last time I explained this I used the male pronoun which is why I'm saying her this time; until we develop a gender neutral pronoun the policy is to alternative while being consistent in each example. Then she places her clothes, all of them, into a box. If necessary the staff helps with that."
"Everything?" Dennis asked with a grin.
"Everything." Mr. Howe explained. "Then the volunteer is take to the shower room and hosed her down the way we hose down new inmates. Once that first layer of filth is washed off then the showers turn on, usually soaking everyone in the room as she is washed down."
"Um, why soak everyone?" Rachael asked.
"For the same reason that the tour group changes into robes." Mr. Howe replied. "At one time we didn't do that but there were times where the males on the tour were very embarrassed. Especially when a female was being processed. Let's just say that something sometimes pops up. As for the wet robes, many male members found watching her being admitted to be an 'explosive' experience. A bit of water in the shower room means that you don't have to worry about wet spots on the front of your clothes."
"Oh." Dennis said.
He shifted uncomfortably as he thought about seeing a girl being washed down in the shower. He had to admit that it would be exciting, at least as long as the girl wasn't his sister.
"But wouldn't the robes get plastered to your skin?" Rachael asked.
Dennis thought about that, then shifted again.
"Some people, including the males, wear underwear under their clothing." Mr. Howe informed her. "Keeping your bras and panties on means that you wouldn't be showing more than you do in a bikini, regardless of how wet your robe gets. As for the males, underwear keeps 'excitement' from becoming too obvious."
Dennis nodded, but Rachael wasn't convinced. She knew that her thong covered much less than any suit that she had ever dared wear to the beach. If she had known she would have worn bikini briefs or even full bottom ones, but it was too late to change now.
"After the shower, the volunteer is dried and has her hair cut to fit the institute’s normal style." Mr. Howe continued. "If the volunteer is particularly hirsute then other hair is removed. Now most people think that the next step would be putting the volunteer into her new uniform, but they are wrong about that. No, from there the volunteer is given her welcome to the institute. She goes over a bench, or horse, and her bottom is taught what it means to be an inmate here. Only after that is she dressed in a uniform and permitted to follow the group as the tour continues. Some people might think that everything following that is anticlimactic, but the tour ends with them witnessing an actual inmate receiving a normal institutional punishment."
"You beat someone just so the tour group can watch it?" Joanne queried.
"Oh, of course not." Mr. Howe assure her. "Hardly a day goes by without at least one inmate earning a good seeing to. All we do is delay things until a tour group is in position to see it. But now you can see why things have been delayed until we have a full group for the tour. Otherwise the odds wouldn't be fair or even acceptably low enough for anyone to take the tour. At least not for the younger tourists."
"Um, about that." Joanne said. "You described what they would see, but not my part of the tour."
"Oh, you would see various things as the volunteer is processed. You would meet up the younger group when the volunteer was getting her official welcome. You would witness that and of course the inmate's punishment at the end." Mr. Howe told her. "On the times that a male is picked as a volunteer the older group witnesses both a male and a female being seen to."
"Huh? Oh, right." Dennis said. "I forgot that it might be a guy picked. Maybe even me."
"It's 95% certain not to be you." Mr. Howe reminded him.
"Um, you keep calling the person a volunteer." Rachael pointed out. "But isn't it a random pick? Or does sometime does someone actually volunteer?"
"Technically when you begin the tour you sign a release covering your possible admission." Mr. Howe informed her. "Which means that technically whoever is picked has volunteered."
Joanne glanced at her niece and nephew. For a moment she wondered which of them she would like to see take the role of 'volunteer'. She knew that she would need to explain things if either was selected but since they were officially volunteering for the role, well that would make explaining things so much easier.
"And yes, occasionally someone does volunteer to go through a small part of the admissions process." Mr. Howe added. "Often there's a certain level of curiosity over what a strap or cane feels like. Usually the person only wants to be horsed and to know what a single stroke feels like and sometimes that is what they experience."
Dennis' eyes lit up when Mr. Howe mentioned the possibility of volunteering, then dimmed when it was implied that those volunteers were only sometimes accepted.
"You turn people down when they ask to go over benches? When they are old enough to make decisions about their own bodies." Joanne asked in disbelief.
"We rarely, if ever, do that, but sometimes things work out differently than planned." Mr. Howe revealed, sharing a look with Joanne.
Rachael and her brother seemed confused, but neither voiced their confusion.
Joanne thought for a moment. If they allowed volunteers to go over horses and benches, then what had he meant?
"In any case, we are slowly getting another group together." Mr. Howe told them. "If the two of you would like to step that way you can wait in the junior reception area. Hopefully it won't take long to fill your tour group; it's a very popular one in certain circles."
A thought struck Rachael as she turned to leave, prompting her to stay to ask one final question.
"Do you ever repeat customers on the tour?" Rachael asked. "The junior tour, not the regular one?"
"Surprisingly yes." Mr. Howe smiled. "But not usually after the person is selected as volunteer. Some tourists even want to push their luck, turning it into a gamble. There's currently a group of five girls who have dared each other to take the tour 20 times. I've tried to explain that statistics and probability doesn't work that way, but they are still doing the dare. They've all gone four times already and so far none of them have been selected, which should prove to them that the odds don't build, but it hasn't."
"Huh? But none of them have gone 20 times." Rachael pointed out.
"Ah, but between them they have gone 20 times without being selected." Mr. Howe pointed out.
"But they've only gone four times, not 20." Dennis interjected.
"Five girls going four times each is a total of 20 times on the tour and the odds of being selected is 1 in 20." Mr. Howe replied, doing the math for them. "Statistically they are overdue to have one of their number chosen, but if they go on the tour today they would each only have the five percent chance of being selected. It's a non repeating random event so the odds reset each time."
"Oh, I see." Rachael lied.
After the pair moved to the junior reception area, Joanne asked a question of her own.
"I'm still unclear on one thing." Joanne said. "You said that sometimes there are volunteers who are disappointed but then you said you accepted all volunteers."
"I chose my words carefully there, so no one can claim they weren't warned." Mr. Howe responded. "That usually the person only wants to be horsed and to know what a single stroke feels like and they only sometimes experience that."
"Exactly." Joanne agreed.
"Sometimes they feel a single stroke, but after going through the trouble of positioning them we rarely stop with just one." Mr. Howe explained. "Often they get the full treatment, or something close to it."
"Ah." Joanne grinned. "Now that makes sense."
"The only times they experience a single stroke is when the person escorting them on the tour signs a form limiting things to that." Mr. Howe elaborated.
"Really? That must been mentioned in the pamphlet I didn't read." Joanne replied with a smile. "If I had seen then of course I would have signed that form, but I didn't read it carefully so I don't even know that the form exists. It's a shame that you didn't think to mention it."
"It is." Mr. Howe agreed with a smile. "But if the tour does go ahead, would you have a preference over who gets picked?"
"To be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing either or both of them horsed." Joanne revealed. "If I did mind then I would have never suggested they take this tour. It would mean having to explain things to their parents, but after you explained things in such detail and they know that technically they are volunteering I don't see that as a major problem."
"Your nephew seemed interested when the subject of volunteering was raised." Mr. Howe noted. "Do you think that he's likely to speak up or to try to convince someone else to try it?"
"I really couldn't say." Joanne answered. "After I suggested this tour he emailed me to confirm that this was facility for girls and not males, but I don't know if he wanted to see the female inmates or if he was thinking about the risks that a male might face. I know that both of them have been exploring your website, but I don't think they learnt much from it."
"Well we can't put everything on that website, not where the public can see it." Mr. Howe explained. "It shows some inmates in uniforms and certain images might show hints of red or pink around their clothed bottoms, but we don't go into details. Not where prospective young visitors can see it."
"Speaking of information and pamphlets, would you happen to have a copy of it handy?" Joanne asked.
"Yes, but we also have other literature that we don't distribute." Mr. Howe told her. "Things that are too graphic to hand out. They are kept in the senior reception room. Now when I say graphic, most people assume I'm referring well marked bottoms, but while we have those they aren't the only items. The photos of the other end, the facial expressions of the volunteers, are some of the most amusing things you will ever see. The shock, disbelief, and in some cases outrage, are a fine thing to see."
"I'd love to see those." Joanne said with a smile.
Dennis couldn't believe his luck. Who would have thought that he could hook up in the waiting area of a place like this? He wouldn't have believed, not until a causal nod led to a few words which led to his new friend Jessica sneaking into the men's room with him and sucking him off in a stall.
She bobbed like an expert. She even swallowed.
"Thanks." Jessica said, licking her lips. "I like how guys taste and I might not taste that for a while."
"Um, why not?" Dennis asked, blood slowly returning to his head.
"I've got a bet on." Jessica revealed. "If I get picked in the draw I have to ask about staying here. I might even be here a few weeks."
"What? That's possible?" Dennis asked in confusion.
"If you're a girl and you ask then maybe. I don't really know." Jessica revealed. "Now turn around."
"I want to see your ass." Jessica clarified.
"Um, sure... I guess."
"Now those are nice buns." Jessica said. "Have you thought about volunteering? I'd love to see those buns smacked red."
"Um, well, um..."
"How about we make a deal?" Jessica purred.
She stood, raised her skirt, and lowered her panties halfway down.
"If I get picked and you get to see this smacked then you volunteer for some too." Jessica purred. "Come on. I get picked I might have to stay here. And you owe me. You won't be hard and cumming in your pants when you see a girl getting picked. Or be stiff if it's you that gets picked. Being stiff then, that would look bad."
As Jessica entertained Dennis in the bathroom, Rachael had her head together with two other girls, muttering since she couldn't text them. As she talked, she discovered that she wasn't the only there in a thong. One of the girls was wearing one as well while the other smirked and whispered that she was going commando.
Cassandra, the one in a thong, glanced around the near empty room.
"There's only five of us, counting your brother, but I say we risk it." Cassandra whispered. "A one in five chance, that's good enough, right?"
"One in five?" Rachael asked incredulously. "That doesn't sound right."
Sandra, who was going commando, nodded.
"Five isn't enough, but how about if we have at least ten?" Sandra suggested. "If it's one in ten than it's 90% not me. That's almost as good as 95% not me."
"Um, well..."
"That's settled then." Cassandra smiled. "We tell the staff that we'll go if there's at least 10 and tell them to hold us to it."
Rachael saw many flaws in that plan, but only mentioned one.
"What about Dennis and, um., what was that girl's name?"
"Jessica." Sandra supplied. "And she'll go for it. I know her. She's up for anything."
Cassandra raced off to the receptionist, telling her about the new plan before Rachael could say anything else. Rachael was thinking of what to say when Dennis and his new friend sneaked back into the room. Moments later five girls and two guys entered the room, bringing the total number to 12.
Rachael eased over to the receptionist and asked something about how things stood now. The answer shocked her.
"There's 12 people here, so even if the others don't want to take the risk you three are committed."
One in three was too much to risk, so Rachael quickly arranged for her confused brother and Jessica to speak to the receptionist. One in five wasn't good odds, but it was better than one in three.
The wait drug on, then there was another rush of new faces. Five more girls, three more guys, bringing the total to 14 girls and 6 guys.
That was when Joanne stuck her head in.
"Hey there." Joanne said, calling her niece and nephew over to the door.
"Um, some more people showed up." Rachael pointed out, wondering if she should be happy or nervous. One in twenty was much better than one in five, but it was still more of a risk than she thought that she would be facing here.
"I heard." Joanne said with a smile. "Now the tour can go ahead. I have to get back to the other group, but here's hoping that the drawing goes the way you want it."
"Um, thanks?" Rachael answered.
"The way we want?" Dennis asked, trying to decipher those words.
"That's right." Joanne nodded, smiling.
Rachael's heart was in her throat as the tour began. She rotely selected her plaque, recorded her number on the piece of paper, then waited with a blank expression on her face as she waited for her fate to be revealed.
When a different number was called, one belonging to one of the unknown latecomers Rachael relaxed. The girl shrieked when she was picked, but a pair of stout women moved in on the volunteer. It didn't seem real to Rachael until she was in the changing room and changing into a robe with a dozen other girls. Girls who were debating what to wear. If it was better to wear a bra or to let their wet robes cling to their rock hard nipples.
"That water is cold." Sandra pointed out. "Cold enough that the high beams will be on."
"They always are." Jessica agreed. "Especially when it's a cute girl being put through. Someone who I can think might be me."
The talk in the men's changing room was courser as the boys changed as fast as they could.
"Did you see her ass?"
"Not yet! Wait until the shower."
"Wait until she's bent and getting it."
"It's good when a looker gets picked."
"Amen." Dennis chimed in.
Rachael couldn't identify her emotions as she watched that girl being put through her paces. When the two groups met up, Joanne stood behind her relatives.
"Are you two wearing anything under those robes?" Joanne hissed to them.
"Um, yes." Rachael squeaked.
"And did the draw go the way you wanted it?" Joanne pressed.
Rachael tried to get a handle on her feelings, leaving Dennis to answer.
"She's a nice looking one." Dennis agreed, his eyes on the naked girl. "Very nice looking."
After the welcoming ended, Rachael felt oddly vulnerable. She (and the others) were still in their drying robes while the chosen girl was now securely dressed in an inmate uniform. That girl might have tears in her eyes but at least she was completely dressed.
Which mattered when the girls went through an "inspection". After watching inmates being forced to bend over a counter with their skirts up to see if they were wearing regulation panties (as if they had access to any other type) one of the girl's boyfriend dared her to do the same. She dared another girl and soon all the girls in robes were bent over the counter with their robes up. At least she still had her thong on, unlike a few of the girls who had joined Sandra in the commando club. Still, it felt weird to do that, especially with the older tour group looking on.
After the inmate was punished, Mr. Howe announced that most of the group would be moving on, but then pointed out that if someone wanted to volunteer they could stay behind and sample how it felt. As he spoke he was careful not to specify what 'it' was.
That was when Joanne lend forward and muttered a question, asking if either them was at all curious.
"It might be a year or three before you're back in this part of the country." Joanne reasoned. "You'd be too old for this part of the tour then. So if you're at all curious then this is your only chance to find out what that feels like."
Rachael hesitated while Dennis stayed to be with his sister. Unable to decide, Rachael's hesitation became her decision as the others left them behind.
"Um, just one?" Rachael muttered.
"Chicken." Dennis snorted. "I'm volunteering for as many as three."
That was when they discovered they were sampling it without their robes. Rachael was able to keep her bra but that was all they wore when they got their 'sample'. They were secured in position before Mr. Howe asked one of his assistants about a form and Joanne loudly proclaimed that this was the first that she had heard of any form. Tears were soon flowing, not that tears could bring an early end to the "sample" they were getting.
Watching their buns shift colour, Joanne decided that this sight was worth any amount of explaining that she might have to do.
But it was hours before Joanne saw their parents. The pair were over their tears before they left the institute, each amazed that they had photos of their experience. Not only theirs, but a photo booklet that showed the "volunteer's" processing, the "panty inspection" of the inmates and the girls on the junior tour, the sibling's volunteering, and some parts of the tour they had missed while recovering: an inmate and member of the tour getting enemas, Jessica with her legs in stirrups getting a "medical exam", and finally one of Sandra's nude body as she lay lengthwise on a whipping bar. She wasn't actually punished, but Rachael winced as how that bar pressed up into the girl. Seeing that, Rachael was initially glad that she had been on a spanking bench, but on reflection, maybe she wasn't.
Joanne had that photo booklet and video of the subjects as they were dealt with. The videos were split screen ones, half the screen showing the bottom and the other half showing their facial expressions as it happened. The inmates were more accepting, the siblings were surprised and shocked, but Sandra was special to watch. The girl clearly hadn't expecting the bar to feel the way it did nor to spread her inner lips the way it had. The audio track from Sandra's clip was another surprise, with Sandra all but saying that if she took the tour again she would volunteer for much more than just getting over the bench.
To Joanne's surprise, the siblings didn't complain to their folks when they met up at the hotel. Neither of them even mentioned that they had done anything but seen inmates during their tour. Then came a bigger surprise; Dennis spoke up, wondering if they could visit their aunt again later this summer. Rachael’s eyes went wide at that suggestion, but then she added her support to the idea.
Everyone agreed that was something to think about. When the siblings begged off from accompanying the others to dinner (falsely claiming to have eaten), Joanne decided to stay with them to find out why.
"Now I know we haven't eaten, and I'm fine with taking you to a different restaurant, and I'd love for you to visit again, but I didn't quite catch the logic behind it." Joanne told them.
"Um, I kind of made up the bit about eating because I didn't want to sit in the restaurant." Rachael admitted shamefacedly. "And I was surprised as you were when Dennis said that. Dennis?"
Dennis couldn't keep a smile off of his face.
"Well I want to see that place again." Dennis confessed. "Who wouldn't? And next time that form will be signed so we won't have to worry about it, right?"
"I'll know about the form next time." Joanne agreed neutrally.
"And Rachael, I saw your eyes when you saw Sandra stretched out that way." Dennis said. "I'm not saying you wanted to check that out, but you were thinking about it."
"Um, not really." Rachael said, shifting her feet. "But I wouldn't mind taking another tour, now that I know what's coming."
Joanne realised that both of them had forgotten one thing: next time one of them might be picked. That it might be Rachael getting a new haircut or Dennis being hosed down in the shower.
"We can talk about that later." Joanne said. "In the meantime, why don't we hit MacD's? I'm sure you won't be the first to eat there with sore bottoms."
"Yeah, just the oldest." Dennis joked.
Joanne knew that he was wrong about, but that was another she keep quiet on.
Rachael shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Her brother was talking with their aunt, asking about next time and they would stay at a hotel or at her place. Joanne didn't have enough spare room to put everyone up, but if it was just the two of them maybe things would be different. With them staying at her house the costs would be lower and that might be the selling point they needed.
Ignoring him, Rachael was focusing on how Sandra looked in that picture. Her reaction had been one of surprised outrage, unable to image how it would feel to straddle that bar. She hadn't even considered doing it herself, not until her brother suggested it. And now that he had mentioned it.... Maybe she could do something similar. Maybe with a sawhorse or the headboard of her bed? That would almost kind of be like the position Sandra had been in.
But that position wasn't really the point, was it? Rachael couldn't help remembering how she had squirmed on the spanking bench. If there was a bar between her legs, holding her open as she squirmed, then...
If the headboard thing felt good, then maybe she might volunteer to ride that bar. And maybe, just maybe, she would tell her aunt not to sign that form on her behalf. Just so she could claim that she hadn't intended that happening to her.
"I'm not sure your folks would support the two of you staying alone at a hotel." Joanne told her nephew. "Or maybe the best tact is to ask them to trust you to stay on your own without putting their house at risk. Oh, and Rachael? If you really want to see how Sandra felt, then I'm sure we could talk to the people there. Before we left I asked how Sandra had managed that without us seeing it. It turns out she waited until after the tour to ask. You two were off recovering when she went back there and took that position. That way no one saw her."
"No one saw?" Rachael asked incredulously. "But it was in the booklet."
"Most people didn't bother getting the booklet." Joanne informed her. "And I think you were the only ones on the junior tour that got it. I know I had to sign a form before you could buy it."
"I wonder how they got those booklets finished so soon?" Dennis mused aloud.
"Oh, I asked about that too." Joanne said, pausing to swallow a fry. "They have a special printer. They can do their own print on demand things."
"But how did they do the layout so fast?" Dennis asked.
"They said there were always common elements." Joanne explained. "The volunteer goes through the same process. There's the panty inspection, and half the time the tour group joins in, so that's all laid out. There's always at least two bits and they have lay out set up in case there's a volunteer or tow or three. It's all just copying and pasting the formatting from the last booklet, then importing the photos."
"Well, I guess that makes sense." Dennis said.
"Excuse me, I couldn't help overhearing."
The three of them turned towards the speaker, a man carrying his tray towards the nearest garbage receptacle.
"Are you talking about the booklet after the tour? The photo booklet?"
"Why yes we are." Joanne confirmed with a smile.
The man chuckled.
"I thought you were. There's only so many places that have a print on demand setup, then there's the way she's been shifting in her seat."
Rachael blushed, realising that he knew why she was shifting in her seat.
The man went on:
"I can see by your hairstyle that you weren't selected, but I would love to be on a tour when you were. Let me guess: you asked how a certain bench felt like and a certain form wasn't filled out?"
Rachael blushed deeper.
"That was my fault." Joanne said without the slightest hint of guilt in her voice. "I didn't read that pamphlet they sent out."
The man nodded sagely.
"Personally, I don't think that form should exist. No girl should sit comfortably after going on that tour. Why all of my out of state nieces have taken that tour and none of them have sat comfortably afterwards."
Rachael couldn't think of a think of a thing to say to that, so shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The man chuckled at her silence, then dumped his tray in the trash and left.
After he was gone, Rachael made her first contribution to the conversation.
"Maybe we shouldn't talk about this here?"
"Then where should we?" Joanne asked with aplomb. "At the hotel in from of the family? We don't have a lot of time alone together. This might be the only time we get unless you visit again."
Not that Joanne couldn't think of other places to talk (they could have gotten the food to go and talked in her car), but she was enjoying seeing the pretty blush on Rachael's face.
"I still can't believe that Jessica volunteered for that." Dennis said, wanting to change the subject. "Or that I wasn't there to see it."
"That's another thing that Rachael might want to try." Joanne suggested. "It happened while you two were recovering, but from what happened I'd say they tease or cajole a girl from every group into that position. The girl, did you say her name was Jessica? Well Jessica tried to change her mind after things started, but once her feet were in those stirrups she was committed."
"They wouldn't let her back out?" Rachael asked in surprise, although she wasn't certain why she was surprised. No one had let her out of her own predicament.
"They pointed out that it wasn't her first tour so she knew what to expect." Joanne explained. "Just as Rachael would know if she tours again."
"Um, I don't think so." Rachael said.
"Jessica is up for anything." Dennis commented. "Completely anything."
"You mean absolutely anything." Joanne corrected.
Rachael left them to talk, sitting there uncomfortably and lost in her thoughts.
MacDonald's might not serve real food, but it was fast. Rachael made it back to the hotel with time to enjoy a long, soothing bath before everyone else returned. A very soothing one, seeing how the hotel had whirlpool bathtub and Rachael took the photo booklet into the bathroom with her. Looking how the selected girl had been treat, viewing the punishments of the selected girl, the inmate, Sandra's positioning, and her own thrashing, Rachael couldn't help positioning herself in an awkward position in front of a water jet, holding her booklet with one hand as the other went to work. Before she was finished she mentally vowed to explore Sandra's uncomfortable position before any possible second tour.
Days later, as the vacation came to a close, the decision was made. Dennis and Rachael would return later that summer to see spots of the city that they had missed this time around. Dennis had made a very exhaustive list of attractions that they hadn't had time to visit and there was agreement that they should spend more time here.
After the decision was announced and while the last minute packing was happening, Joanne drew the pair aside and assured them that she would book them on the one tour that they really wanted to take when they return.
"I think I can get you there on your first day back, and maybe on your last day too." Joanne told them.
Dennis grinned, thanked her, then went back to help carrying bags to the lobby. When Rachael went to leave, her aunt held her back.
"I was thinking about where you would stay while you were here." Joanne told her niece. "There's no way your folk would pay for two room and even with double beds, well there's a good chance that Dennis will bring a date back to his room and that would be awkward."
"Date?" Rachael snorted. "Don't you mean escort? He's more likely to pay than to get lucky."
"Anyway, I asked a few questions and I think I might have an answer." Joanne said pleasantly. "That place you want to tour? It seems that they take in short term boarders."
"They do what?" Rachael asked.
"Here's how it would work." Joanne continued. "You would take the tour as normally. If you happened to be the one selected, then after the tour ended you would be shown to your new room. You weren't selected, then you would be admitted after the tour ended."
"What?" Rachael asked nervously.
"Then, on the last stay of your stay here, Dennis would take the tour again and you'd leave with him." Joanne finished.
"Um, but if I stayed there, how would they treat me?" Rachael asked. "Like a tourist?"
"Oh no, that wouldn't work." Joanne told her. "If you stay there then you will be treated like another inmate."
"Um, but..."
"You took the tour." Joanne said. "You know how they are treated. That's how you would be treated."
"Um, but..."
"Of course we couldn't do this without you signing a form indicating that you want to stay there." Joanne informed her niece.
"Um, but, um, well..."
"We don't have to decide now." Joanne told her. "We could see how you feel after the next tour."
"Um, well..."
"Of course, if you get selected, then maybe we should say that that's what make it official then." Joanne suggested.
"Um, maybe Dennis should take the tour alone?" Rachael suggested weakly.
"Remember how Sandra poised for that picture?" Joanne began. "Well there's nothing like it. You might try sitting on something uncomfortable but you won't be able to get the same angle. She was on a specially built device and her arms and legs were strapped down, forcing her into that position. You can never know what that felt like unless you take that tour again. Never. And you know that if you don't come back this summer then you'll be too old the next time you're in this state. Coming back will be your one and only chance to know how that feels like."
"Anyway, think about that. I hope to see you later this summer, but if I don't then it's been fun showing you sites." Joanne said, then she hugged her niece. "I think the last load of suitcases are going down. I guess I'll see you when I see you."
"Um, sure." Rachael nodded, her head swimming.
She was almost sure that her aunt had to be joking about boarding there. And if even if there was a way for her to stay there, there was no way they would treat her like an inmate. That part almost certainly had to be joke. At worse she would be risking being selected, but 95% against was practically a sure thing.
Not that there was a real risk. Rachael was sure (and wrong) that being selected for the mock admission process wouldn't hurt worse than what happened today. All she was really risking was a new hairstyle. It wasn't like she would even see any of the others on the tour again, not after she returned home.
Everything settled in her mind, Rachael left with her family, determined to return for another tour.
After that tour, Rachael discovered that her aunt hadn't been joking about them taking in boarders. To her horror, Rachael found that her aunt had left before the end the tour, and that once her aunt had signed those papers then Rachael's opinion didn't matter, not in the slightest. Dennis was told that Rachael had volunteered to stay, and he didn't learn differently until after his second tour.
When he did learn, Dennis was forced to consider things from a very selfish point of view: if Rachael hadn't stay there then he wouldn't have had the hotel room to himself. Without having his own room he wouldn't have had a place to meet Jessica.
Jessica, who was a fun loving, adventurous girl who had taken both tours with him. Jessica, who hadn't looked nervous when she had been picked on that last tour. Jessica, who would be moving into Rachael's old room for at least a week. Jessica, who had brought a belt, hairbrush, and wooden spoon with her on her second trip to Dennis' room and showed him how to use them on her bare bottom. If Rachael hadn't stayed where she had, the Dennis might have never, ever turned a girl's bottom red. This second vacation might have sucked for Rachael, but Dennis couldn't regret his sister's fate, not when it had meant so much fun for him and Jessica.
"But when can we book another tour?" Rachael asked plaintively.
"We're on vacation with our parents so we're talking about a limited window of opportunity." Dennis added.
"We thought our Aunt Joanne had arranged everything." Rachael said, giving the woman an unkind look.
"I thought I had." Joanne said, staring a hole through institute’s assistant administrator.
"Perhaps if I explained." Mr. Howe offered. "The thing is, we had a rash of last minute cancellations. We are calling people on our standby list, but these cancellations have delayed things. Perhaps even cancelled them."
"Why?" Joanne asked. "Do you have to sell a minimum number of tickets or something?"
"No, but... You have read the pamphlet haven't you?" Mr. Howe asked, turning the tables on the trio.
"Well..." Rachael began, then ran out of words.
"Pamphlet?" Dennis asked.
"I did glance through it, but I didn't study it or anything." Joanne admitted.
"I see." Mr. Howe smiled. "Well, when it comes to younger visitors, that is those between 18 and 21 inclusive, we prefer to send them through in groups of 20."
"Why so many?" Dennis asked.
"Because one member of the tour will be selected, chosen at random from the group, and that selected tour member will go through the admission process." Mr. Howe explained.
"What?" Rachael demanded, her buns tightening at the thought. "You mean that I'm going to be..."
"Probably not." Mr. Howe said quickly. "In fact, there's a 95% that it won't be you."
"Huh? But that means that it can't be me." Rachael replied, wondering if she should be relieved or disappointed.
"It's the odds you see." Mr. Howe explained. "If there's 20 people involved then someone else gets picked 95% of the time, but statistically 5% of the time it's going to be you."
Dennis wasn't sure he liked the sound of that.
"Um, you mean that my sister might be picked?" Dennis asked.
"Her, or you." Mr. Howe answered.
"Me? But... but...um, this place, for females?" Dennis stammered, struggling to find the words.
"Oh, it's not going to be you 95% of the time, but the chance does exist." Mr. Howe confirmed, used to repeating information until it sank it. "Which is why we try to do the tour in groups of 20. If there are only ten on the tour then the chance doubles to 10%. In theory the two of you could go though alone but then each of you would have a 50/50 chance to be picked and that wouldn't be fair."
Brother and sister exchanged looks. As they did so, Joanne considered an unmentioned fact, that even with a full group there was a 1 in 10 chance that one of the two would be picked. That meant a 1 in 10 chance that she would have to explain things to their parents.
"How does the selection happen?" Joanne asked.
"As the tour begins, members of the group draw one of 20 numbered plaques from a box." Mr. Howe explained. "We record who drew what number on a piece of paper. Then a computer spits out a random number. There's no way to know which person will pick a given number and since we record the names on paper there's no way for the computer to know who has which number."
"Um, by admission process, do you mean... um..." Rachael begun.
"Usually the pamphlet covers this, but I'll describe the highlights of the tour." Mr. Howe said. "After the drawing, the remaining 19 members of the tour group go to changing rooms and change into robes."
"They all have to change?" Joanne asked. "Why?"
"Um, we'll get to that, but not as subtly as the pamphlet does." Mr. Howe told her. "Once they are changed they accompany the volunteer to the first station. There the volunteer is ordered to strip and place her; now I'll use the female pronoun this time because the last time I explained this I used the male pronoun which is why I'm saying her this time; until we develop a gender neutral pronoun the policy is to alternative while being consistent in each example. Then she places her clothes, all of them, into a box. If necessary the staff helps with that."
"Everything?" Dennis asked with a grin.
"Everything." Mr. Howe explained. "Then the volunteer is take to the shower room and hosed her down the way we hose down new inmates. Once that first layer of filth is washed off then the showers turn on, usually soaking everyone in the room as she is washed down."
"Um, why soak everyone?" Rachael asked.
"For the same reason that the tour group changes into robes." Mr. Howe replied. "At one time we didn't do that but there were times where the males on the tour were very embarrassed. Especially when a female was being processed. Let's just say that something sometimes pops up. As for the wet robes, many male members found watching her being admitted to be an 'explosive' experience. A bit of water in the shower room means that you don't have to worry about wet spots on the front of your clothes."
"Oh." Dennis said.
He shifted uncomfortably as he thought about seeing a girl being washed down in the shower. He had to admit that it would be exciting, at least as long as the girl wasn't his sister.
"But wouldn't the robes get plastered to your skin?" Rachael asked.
Dennis thought about that, then shifted again.
"Some people, including the males, wear underwear under their clothing." Mr. Howe informed her. "Keeping your bras and panties on means that you wouldn't be showing more than you do in a bikini, regardless of how wet your robe gets. As for the males, underwear keeps 'excitement' from becoming too obvious."
Dennis nodded, but Rachael wasn't convinced. She knew that her thong covered much less than any suit that she had ever dared wear to the beach. If she had known she would have worn bikini briefs or even full bottom ones, but it was too late to change now.
"After the shower, the volunteer is dried and has her hair cut to fit the institute’s normal style." Mr. Howe continued. "If the volunteer is particularly hirsute then other hair is removed. Now most people think that the next step would be putting the volunteer into her new uniform, but they are wrong about that. No, from there the volunteer is given her welcome to the institute. She goes over a bench, or horse, and her bottom is taught what it means to be an inmate here. Only after that is she dressed in a uniform and permitted to follow the group as the tour continues. Some people might think that everything following that is anticlimactic, but the tour ends with them witnessing an actual inmate receiving a normal institutional punishment."
"You beat someone just so the tour group can watch it?" Joanne queried.
"Oh, of course not." Mr. Howe assure her. "Hardly a day goes by without at least one inmate earning a good seeing to. All we do is delay things until a tour group is in position to see it. But now you can see why things have been delayed until we have a full group for the tour. Otherwise the odds wouldn't be fair or even acceptably low enough for anyone to take the tour. At least not for the younger tourists."
"Um, about that." Joanne said. "You described what they would see, but not my part of the tour."
"Oh, you would see various things as the volunteer is processed. You would meet up the younger group when the volunteer was getting her official welcome. You would witness that and of course the inmate's punishment at the end." Mr. Howe told her. "On the times that a male is picked as a volunteer the older group witnesses both a male and a female being seen to."
"Huh? Oh, right." Dennis said. "I forgot that it might be a guy picked. Maybe even me."
"It's 95% certain not to be you." Mr. Howe reminded him.
"Um, you keep calling the person a volunteer." Rachael pointed out. "But isn't it a random pick? Or does sometime does someone actually volunteer?"
"Technically when you begin the tour you sign a release covering your possible admission." Mr. Howe informed her. "Which means that technically whoever is picked has volunteered."
Joanne glanced at her niece and nephew. For a moment she wondered which of them she would like to see take the role of 'volunteer'. She knew that she would need to explain things if either was selected but since they were officially volunteering for the role, well that would make explaining things so much easier.
"And yes, occasionally someone does volunteer to go through a small part of the admissions process." Mr. Howe added. "Often there's a certain level of curiosity over what a strap or cane feels like. Usually the person only wants to be horsed and to know what a single stroke feels like and sometimes that is what they experience."
Dennis' eyes lit up when Mr. Howe mentioned the possibility of volunteering, then dimmed when it was implied that those volunteers were only sometimes accepted.
"You turn people down when they ask to go over benches? When they are old enough to make decisions about their own bodies." Joanne asked in disbelief.
"We rarely, if ever, do that, but sometimes things work out differently than planned." Mr. Howe revealed, sharing a look with Joanne.
Rachael and her brother seemed confused, but neither voiced their confusion.
Joanne thought for a moment. If they allowed volunteers to go over horses and benches, then what had he meant?
"In any case, we are slowly getting another group together." Mr. Howe told them. "If the two of you would like to step that way you can wait in the junior reception area. Hopefully it won't take long to fill your tour group; it's a very popular one in certain circles."
A thought struck Rachael as she turned to leave, prompting her to stay to ask one final question.
"Do you ever repeat customers on the tour?" Rachael asked. "The junior tour, not the regular one?"
"Surprisingly yes." Mr. Howe smiled. "But not usually after the person is selected as volunteer. Some tourists even want to push their luck, turning it into a gamble. There's currently a group of five girls who have dared each other to take the tour 20 times. I've tried to explain that statistics and probability doesn't work that way, but they are still doing the dare. They've all gone four times already and so far none of them have been selected, which should prove to them that the odds don't build, but it hasn't."
"Huh? But none of them have gone 20 times." Rachael pointed out.
"Ah, but between them they have gone 20 times without being selected." Mr. Howe pointed out.
"But they've only gone four times, not 20." Dennis interjected.
"Five girls going four times each is a total of 20 times on the tour and the odds of being selected is 1 in 20." Mr. Howe replied, doing the math for them. "Statistically they are overdue to have one of their number chosen, but if they go on the tour today they would each only have the five percent chance of being selected. It's a non repeating random event so the odds reset each time."
"Oh, I see." Rachael lied.
After the pair moved to the junior reception area, Joanne asked a question of her own.
"I'm still unclear on one thing." Joanne said. "You said that sometimes there are volunteers who are disappointed but then you said you accepted all volunteers."
"I chose my words carefully there, so no one can claim they weren't warned." Mr. Howe responded. "That usually the person only wants to be horsed and to know what a single stroke feels like and they only sometimes experience that."
"Exactly." Joanne agreed.
"Sometimes they feel a single stroke, but after going through the trouble of positioning them we rarely stop with just one." Mr. Howe explained. "Often they get the full treatment, or something close to it."
"Ah." Joanne grinned. "Now that makes sense."
"The only times they experience a single stroke is when the person escorting them on the tour signs a form limiting things to that." Mr. Howe elaborated.
"Really? That must been mentioned in the pamphlet I didn't read." Joanne replied with a smile. "If I had seen then of course I would have signed that form, but I didn't read it carefully so I don't even know that the form exists. It's a shame that you didn't think to mention it."
"It is." Mr. Howe agreed with a smile. "But if the tour does go ahead, would you have a preference over who gets picked?"
"To be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing either or both of them horsed." Joanne revealed. "If I did mind then I would have never suggested they take this tour. It would mean having to explain things to their parents, but after you explained things in such detail and they know that technically they are volunteering I don't see that as a major problem."
"Your nephew seemed interested when the subject of volunteering was raised." Mr. Howe noted. "Do you think that he's likely to speak up or to try to convince someone else to try it?"
"I really couldn't say." Joanne answered. "After I suggested this tour he emailed me to confirm that this was facility for girls and not males, but I don't know if he wanted to see the female inmates or if he was thinking about the risks that a male might face. I know that both of them have been exploring your website, but I don't think they learnt much from it."
"Well we can't put everything on that website, not where the public can see it." Mr. Howe explained. "It shows some inmates in uniforms and certain images might show hints of red or pink around their clothed bottoms, but we don't go into details. Not where prospective young visitors can see it."
"Speaking of information and pamphlets, would you happen to have a copy of it handy?" Joanne asked.
"Yes, but we also have other literature that we don't distribute." Mr. Howe told her. "Things that are too graphic to hand out. They are kept in the senior reception room. Now when I say graphic, most people assume I'm referring well marked bottoms, but while we have those they aren't the only items. The photos of the other end, the facial expressions of the volunteers, are some of the most amusing things you will ever see. The shock, disbelief, and in some cases outrage, are a fine thing to see."
"I'd love to see those." Joanne said with a smile.
Dennis couldn't believe his luck. Who would have thought that he could hook up in the waiting area of a place like this? He wouldn't have believed, not until a causal nod led to a few words which led to his new friend Jessica sneaking into the men's room with him and sucking him off in a stall.
She bobbed like an expert. She even swallowed.
"Thanks." Jessica said, licking her lips. "I like how guys taste and I might not taste that for a while."
"Um, why not?" Dennis asked, blood slowly returning to his head.
"I've got a bet on." Jessica revealed. "If I get picked in the draw I have to ask about staying here. I might even be here a few weeks."
"What? That's possible?" Dennis asked in confusion.
"If you're a girl and you ask then maybe. I don't really know." Jessica revealed. "Now turn around."
"I want to see your ass." Jessica clarified.
"Um, sure... I guess."
"Now those are nice buns." Jessica said. "Have you thought about volunteering? I'd love to see those buns smacked red."
"Um, well, um..."
"How about we make a deal?" Jessica purred.
She stood, raised her skirt, and lowered her panties halfway down.
"If I get picked and you get to see this smacked then you volunteer for some too." Jessica purred. "Come on. I get picked I might have to stay here. And you owe me. You won't be hard and cumming in your pants when you see a girl getting picked. Or be stiff if it's you that gets picked. Being stiff then, that would look bad."
As Jessica entertained Dennis in the bathroom, Rachael had her head together with two other girls, muttering since she couldn't text them. As she talked, she discovered that she wasn't the only there in a thong. One of the girls was wearing one as well while the other smirked and whispered that she was going commando.
Cassandra, the one in a thong, glanced around the near empty room.
"There's only five of us, counting your brother, but I say we risk it." Cassandra whispered. "A one in five chance, that's good enough, right?"
"One in five?" Rachael asked incredulously. "That doesn't sound right."
Sandra, who was going commando, nodded.
"Five isn't enough, but how about if we have at least ten?" Sandra suggested. "If it's one in ten than it's 90% not me. That's almost as good as 95% not me."
"Um, well..."
"That's settled then." Cassandra smiled. "We tell the staff that we'll go if there's at least 10 and tell them to hold us to it."
Rachael saw many flaws in that plan, but only mentioned one.
"What about Dennis and, um., what was that girl's name?"
"Jessica." Sandra supplied. "And she'll go for it. I know her. She's up for anything."
Cassandra raced off to the receptionist, telling her about the new plan before Rachael could say anything else. Rachael was thinking of what to say when Dennis and his new friend sneaked back into the room. Moments later five girls and two guys entered the room, bringing the total number to 12.
Rachael eased over to the receptionist and asked something about how things stood now. The answer shocked her.
"There's 12 people here, so even if the others don't want to take the risk you three are committed."
One in three was too much to risk, so Rachael quickly arranged for her confused brother and Jessica to speak to the receptionist. One in five wasn't good odds, but it was better than one in three.
The wait drug on, then there was another rush of new faces. Five more girls, three more guys, bringing the total to 14 girls and 6 guys.
That was when Joanne stuck her head in.
"Hey there." Joanne said, calling her niece and nephew over to the door.
"Um, some more people showed up." Rachael pointed out, wondering if she should be happy or nervous. One in twenty was much better than one in five, but it was still more of a risk than she thought that she would be facing here.
"I heard." Joanne said with a smile. "Now the tour can go ahead. I have to get back to the other group, but here's hoping that the drawing goes the way you want it."
"Um, thanks?" Rachael answered.
"The way we want?" Dennis asked, trying to decipher those words.
"That's right." Joanne nodded, smiling.
Rachael's heart was in her throat as the tour began. She rotely selected her plaque, recorded her number on the piece of paper, then waited with a blank expression on her face as she waited for her fate to be revealed.
When a different number was called, one belonging to one of the unknown latecomers Rachael relaxed. The girl shrieked when she was picked, but a pair of stout women moved in on the volunteer. It didn't seem real to Rachael until she was in the changing room and changing into a robe with a dozen other girls. Girls who were debating what to wear. If it was better to wear a bra or to let their wet robes cling to their rock hard nipples.
"That water is cold." Sandra pointed out. "Cold enough that the high beams will be on."
"They always are." Jessica agreed. "Especially when it's a cute girl being put through. Someone who I can think might be me."
The talk in the men's changing room was courser as the boys changed as fast as they could.
"Did you see her ass?"
"Not yet! Wait until the shower."
"Wait until she's bent and getting it."
"It's good when a looker gets picked."
"Amen." Dennis chimed in.
Rachael couldn't identify her emotions as she watched that girl being put through her paces. When the two groups met up, Joanne stood behind her relatives.
"Are you two wearing anything under those robes?" Joanne hissed to them.
"Um, yes." Rachael squeaked.
"And did the draw go the way you wanted it?" Joanne pressed.
Rachael tried to get a handle on her feelings, leaving Dennis to answer.
"She's a nice looking one." Dennis agreed, his eyes on the naked girl. "Very nice looking."
After the welcoming ended, Rachael felt oddly vulnerable. She (and the others) were still in their drying robes while the chosen girl was now securely dressed in an inmate uniform. That girl might have tears in her eyes but at least she was completely dressed.
Which mattered when the girls went through an "inspection". After watching inmates being forced to bend over a counter with their skirts up to see if they were wearing regulation panties (as if they had access to any other type) one of the girl's boyfriend dared her to do the same. She dared another girl and soon all the girls in robes were bent over the counter with their robes up. At least she still had her thong on, unlike a few of the girls who had joined Sandra in the commando club. Still, it felt weird to do that, especially with the older tour group looking on.
After the inmate was punished, Mr. Howe announced that most of the group would be moving on, but then pointed out that if someone wanted to volunteer they could stay behind and sample how it felt. As he spoke he was careful not to specify what 'it' was.
That was when Joanne lend forward and muttered a question, asking if either them was at all curious.
"It might be a year or three before you're back in this part of the country." Joanne reasoned. "You'd be too old for this part of the tour then. So if you're at all curious then this is your only chance to find out what that feels like."
Rachael hesitated while Dennis stayed to be with his sister. Unable to decide, Rachael's hesitation became her decision as the others left them behind.
"Um, just one?" Rachael muttered.
"Chicken." Dennis snorted. "I'm volunteering for as many as three."
That was when they discovered they were sampling it without their robes. Rachael was able to keep her bra but that was all they wore when they got their 'sample'. They were secured in position before Mr. Howe asked one of his assistants about a form and Joanne loudly proclaimed that this was the first that she had heard of any form. Tears were soon flowing, not that tears could bring an early end to the "sample" they were getting.
Watching their buns shift colour, Joanne decided that this sight was worth any amount of explaining that she might have to do.
But it was hours before Joanne saw their parents. The pair were over their tears before they left the institute, each amazed that they had photos of their experience. Not only theirs, but a photo booklet that showed the "volunteer's" processing, the "panty inspection" of the inmates and the girls on the junior tour, the sibling's volunteering, and some parts of the tour they had missed while recovering: an inmate and member of the tour getting enemas, Jessica with her legs in stirrups getting a "medical exam", and finally one of Sandra's nude body as she lay lengthwise on a whipping bar. She wasn't actually punished, but Rachael winced as how that bar pressed up into the girl. Seeing that, Rachael was initially glad that she had been on a spanking bench, but on reflection, maybe she wasn't.
Joanne had that photo booklet and video of the subjects as they were dealt with. The videos were split screen ones, half the screen showing the bottom and the other half showing their facial expressions as it happened. The inmates were more accepting, the siblings were surprised and shocked, but Sandra was special to watch. The girl clearly hadn't expecting the bar to feel the way it did nor to spread her inner lips the way it had. The audio track from Sandra's clip was another surprise, with Sandra all but saying that if she took the tour again she would volunteer for much more than just getting over the bench.
To Joanne's surprise, the siblings didn't complain to their folks when they met up at the hotel. Neither of them even mentioned that they had done anything but seen inmates during their tour. Then came a bigger surprise; Dennis spoke up, wondering if they could visit their aunt again later this summer. Rachael’s eyes went wide at that suggestion, but then she added her support to the idea.
Everyone agreed that was something to think about. When the siblings begged off from accompanying the others to dinner (falsely claiming to have eaten), Joanne decided to stay with them to find out why.
"Now I know we haven't eaten, and I'm fine with taking you to a different restaurant, and I'd love for you to visit again, but I didn't quite catch the logic behind it." Joanne told them.
"Um, I kind of made up the bit about eating because I didn't want to sit in the restaurant." Rachael admitted shamefacedly. "And I was surprised as you were when Dennis said that. Dennis?"
Dennis couldn't keep a smile off of his face.
"Well I want to see that place again." Dennis confessed. "Who wouldn't? And next time that form will be signed so we won't have to worry about it, right?"
"I'll know about the form next time." Joanne agreed neutrally.
"And Rachael, I saw your eyes when you saw Sandra stretched out that way." Dennis said. "I'm not saying you wanted to check that out, but you were thinking about it."
"Um, not really." Rachael said, shifting her feet. "But I wouldn't mind taking another tour, now that I know what's coming."
Joanne realised that both of them had forgotten one thing: next time one of them might be picked. That it might be Rachael getting a new haircut or Dennis being hosed down in the shower.
"We can talk about that later." Joanne said. "In the meantime, why don't we hit MacD's? I'm sure you won't be the first to eat there with sore bottoms."
"Yeah, just the oldest." Dennis joked.
Joanne knew that he was wrong about, but that was another she keep quiet on.
Rachael shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Her brother was talking with their aunt, asking about next time and they would stay at a hotel or at her place. Joanne didn't have enough spare room to put everyone up, but if it was just the two of them maybe things would be different. With them staying at her house the costs would be lower and that might be the selling point they needed.
Ignoring him, Rachael was focusing on how Sandra looked in that picture. Her reaction had been one of surprised outrage, unable to image how it would feel to straddle that bar. She hadn't even considered doing it herself, not until her brother suggested it. And now that he had mentioned it.... Maybe she could do something similar. Maybe with a sawhorse or the headboard of her bed? That would almost kind of be like the position Sandra had been in.
But that position wasn't really the point, was it? Rachael couldn't help remembering how she had squirmed on the spanking bench. If there was a bar between her legs, holding her open as she squirmed, then...
If the headboard thing felt good, then maybe she might volunteer to ride that bar. And maybe, just maybe, she would tell her aunt not to sign that form on her behalf. Just so she could claim that she hadn't intended that happening to her.
"I'm not sure your folks would support the two of you staying alone at a hotel." Joanne told her nephew. "Or maybe the best tact is to ask them to trust you to stay on your own without putting their house at risk. Oh, and Rachael? If you really want to see how Sandra felt, then I'm sure we could talk to the people there. Before we left I asked how Sandra had managed that without us seeing it. It turns out she waited until after the tour to ask. You two were off recovering when she went back there and took that position. That way no one saw her."
"No one saw?" Rachael asked incredulously. "But it was in the booklet."
"Most people didn't bother getting the booklet." Joanne informed her. "And I think you were the only ones on the junior tour that got it. I know I had to sign a form before you could buy it."
"I wonder how they got those booklets finished so soon?" Dennis mused aloud.
"Oh, I asked about that too." Joanne said, pausing to swallow a fry. "They have a special printer. They can do their own print on demand things."
"But how did they do the layout so fast?" Dennis asked.
"They said there were always common elements." Joanne explained. "The volunteer goes through the same process. There's the panty inspection, and half the time the tour group joins in, so that's all laid out. There's always at least two bits and they have lay out set up in case there's a volunteer or tow or three. It's all just copying and pasting the formatting from the last booklet, then importing the photos."
"Well, I guess that makes sense." Dennis said.
"Excuse me, I couldn't help overhearing."
The three of them turned towards the speaker, a man carrying his tray towards the nearest garbage receptacle.
"Are you talking about the booklet after the tour? The photo booklet?"
"Why yes we are." Joanne confirmed with a smile.
The man chuckled.
"I thought you were. There's only so many places that have a print on demand setup, then there's the way she's been shifting in her seat."
Rachael blushed, realising that he knew why she was shifting in her seat.
The man went on:
"I can see by your hairstyle that you weren't selected, but I would love to be on a tour when you were. Let me guess: you asked how a certain bench felt like and a certain form wasn't filled out?"
Rachael blushed deeper.
"That was my fault." Joanne said without the slightest hint of guilt in her voice. "I didn't read that pamphlet they sent out."
The man nodded sagely.
"Personally, I don't think that form should exist. No girl should sit comfortably after going on that tour. Why all of my out of state nieces have taken that tour and none of them have sat comfortably afterwards."
Rachael couldn't think of a think of a thing to say to that, so shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The man chuckled at her silence, then dumped his tray in the trash and left.
After he was gone, Rachael made her first contribution to the conversation.
"Maybe we shouldn't talk about this here?"
"Then where should we?" Joanne asked with aplomb. "At the hotel in from of the family? We don't have a lot of time alone together. This might be the only time we get unless you visit again."
Not that Joanne couldn't think of other places to talk (they could have gotten the food to go and talked in her car), but she was enjoying seeing the pretty blush on Rachael's face.
"I still can't believe that Jessica volunteered for that." Dennis said, wanting to change the subject. "Or that I wasn't there to see it."
"That's another thing that Rachael might want to try." Joanne suggested. "It happened while you two were recovering, but from what happened I'd say they tease or cajole a girl from every group into that position. The girl, did you say her name was Jessica? Well Jessica tried to change her mind after things started, but once her feet were in those stirrups she was committed."
"They wouldn't let her back out?" Rachael asked in surprise, although she wasn't certain why she was surprised. No one had let her out of her own predicament.
"They pointed out that it wasn't her first tour so she knew what to expect." Joanne explained. "Just as Rachael would know if she tours again."
"Um, I don't think so." Rachael said.
"Jessica is up for anything." Dennis commented. "Completely anything."
"You mean absolutely anything." Joanne corrected.
Rachael left them to talk, sitting there uncomfortably and lost in her thoughts.
MacDonald's might not serve real food, but it was fast. Rachael made it back to the hotel with time to enjoy a long, soothing bath before everyone else returned. A very soothing one, seeing how the hotel had whirlpool bathtub and Rachael took the photo booklet into the bathroom with her. Looking how the selected girl had been treat, viewing the punishments of the selected girl, the inmate, Sandra's positioning, and her own thrashing, Rachael couldn't help positioning herself in an awkward position in front of a water jet, holding her booklet with one hand as the other went to work. Before she was finished she mentally vowed to explore Sandra's uncomfortable position before any possible second tour.
Days later, as the vacation came to a close, the decision was made. Dennis and Rachael would return later that summer to see spots of the city that they had missed this time around. Dennis had made a very exhaustive list of attractions that they hadn't had time to visit and there was agreement that they should spend more time here.
After the decision was announced and while the last minute packing was happening, Joanne drew the pair aside and assured them that she would book them on the one tour that they really wanted to take when they return.
"I think I can get you there on your first day back, and maybe on your last day too." Joanne told them.
Dennis grinned, thanked her, then went back to help carrying bags to the lobby. When Rachael went to leave, her aunt held her back.
"I was thinking about where you would stay while you were here." Joanne told her niece. "There's no way your folk would pay for two room and even with double beds, well there's a good chance that Dennis will bring a date back to his room and that would be awkward."
"Date?" Rachael snorted. "Don't you mean escort? He's more likely to pay than to get lucky."
"Anyway, I asked a few questions and I think I might have an answer." Joanne said pleasantly. "That place you want to tour? It seems that they take in short term boarders."
"They do what?" Rachael asked.
"Here's how it would work." Joanne continued. "You would take the tour as normally. If you happened to be the one selected, then after the tour ended you would be shown to your new room. You weren't selected, then you would be admitted after the tour ended."
"What?" Rachael asked nervously.
"Then, on the last stay of your stay here, Dennis would take the tour again and you'd leave with him." Joanne finished.
"Um, but if I stayed there, how would they treat me?" Rachael asked. "Like a tourist?"
"Oh no, that wouldn't work." Joanne told her. "If you stay there then you will be treated like another inmate."
"Um, but..."
"You took the tour." Joanne said. "You know how they are treated. That's how you would be treated."
"Um, but..."
"Of course we couldn't do this without you signing a form indicating that you want to stay there." Joanne informed her niece.
"Um, but, um, well..."
"We don't have to decide now." Joanne told her. "We could see how you feel after the next tour."
"Um, well..."
"Of course, if you get selected, then maybe we should say that that's what make it official then." Joanne suggested.
"Um, maybe Dennis should take the tour alone?" Rachael suggested weakly.
"Remember how Sandra poised for that picture?" Joanne began. "Well there's nothing like it. You might try sitting on something uncomfortable but you won't be able to get the same angle. She was on a specially built device and her arms and legs were strapped down, forcing her into that position. You can never know what that felt like unless you take that tour again. Never. And you know that if you don't come back this summer then you'll be too old the next time you're in this state. Coming back will be your one and only chance to know how that feels like."
"Anyway, think about that. I hope to see you later this summer, but if I don't then it's been fun showing you sites." Joanne said, then she hugged her niece. "I think the last load of suitcases are going down. I guess I'll see you when I see you."
"Um, sure." Rachael nodded, her head swimming.
She was almost sure that her aunt had to be joking about boarding there. And if even if there was a way for her to stay there, there was no way they would treat her like an inmate. That part almost certainly had to be joke. At worse she would be risking being selected, but 95% against was practically a sure thing.
Not that there was a real risk. Rachael was sure (and wrong) that being selected for the mock admission process wouldn't hurt worse than what happened today. All she was really risking was a new hairstyle. It wasn't like she would even see any of the others on the tour again, not after she returned home.
Everything settled in her mind, Rachael left with her family, determined to return for another tour.
After that tour, Rachael discovered that her aunt hadn't been joking about them taking in boarders. To her horror, Rachael found that her aunt had left before the end the tour, and that once her aunt had signed those papers then Rachael's opinion didn't matter, not in the slightest. Dennis was told that Rachael had volunteered to stay, and he didn't learn differently until after his second tour.
When he did learn, Dennis was forced to consider things from a very selfish point of view: if Rachael hadn't stay there then he wouldn't have had the hotel room to himself. Without having his own room he wouldn't have had a place to meet Jessica.
Jessica, who was a fun loving, adventurous girl who had taken both tours with him. Jessica, who hadn't looked nervous when she had been picked on that last tour. Jessica, who would be moving into Rachael's old room for at least a week. Jessica, who had brought a belt, hairbrush, and wooden spoon with her on her second trip to Dennis' room and showed him how to use them on her bare bottom. If Rachael hadn't stayed where she had, the Dennis might have never, ever turned a girl's bottom red. This second vacation might have sucked for Rachael, but Dennis couldn't regret his sister's fate, not when it had meant so much fun for him and Jessica.