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Free Spanking Stories - Spanko.net • Chrystal's knickers
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Chrystal's knickers

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:17 pm
by derry-boychild
Chrystal’s knickers

It was not the first time Chrystal had been caught shop lifting. It was not even the first time the police had been called. The procedure required that, in the case of a minor, a parent would be called.

Chrystal’s dad was in Bristol, 80 miles away, negotiating a contract. Still her mother was now available. Chrystal expected that her mummy would also be super understanding. As it happened Susan Rogers understood her daughter.

The local police were busy. Susan Rogers arrived before the law. The store detective was with the small 16 year old. She started with a gentle lecture

“Chrystal I am so disappointed. I had heard you had been in trouble. I hoped that with your father and I reconciling you would have behaved better. I thought you wanted me back with you.”

Chrystal started by being apologetic.

“Mother, I do not know what came over me. It will not happen again.”

Jane Peter’s, the store security officer, had heard it before.

“The police will be here in ten minutes...”

Chrystal was slightly concerned


Miss Peters said:

“You were warned.”

When, ‘the police’ arrived it was a surprise. Chrystal had been Jessica Steven’s little sister’s best friend. They had both enjoyed making her uncomfortable about her weight.

The 18 year old Woman Police Constable was not pretty. She was overweight. She wore glasses. This was to be her first arrest. She was nervous.

Chrystal made a face, and a comment,

“When are you due?”

Jessica was a very moral single woman. She was big but the implication that she would have had sex and got pregnant was upsetting.

She spoke slowly.

“Chrystal Rogers, I am arresting you on suspicion of theft...”

Susan was observing what was happening. She found herself sympathetic to the young woman trying to do her difficult job. The police officer continued.

“You are not ob, obli obliged to say anything...

“B but anything you do say will b be taken d down...”

The nervous 18 year old spoke slowly. Chrystal did not understand how much trouble she was in. She thought herself very clever. She then yelled at the representative of the law


Jessica burst into tears. She feared she would lose her job

Susan then lost her temper with her daughter.

“As you wish Chrystal.”

Though she shared her mother’s pretty face Chrystal had inherited her small stature from her father. Susan was very athletic tall and strong. She grabbed her daughter’s arm and pulled her to a bench

“What the...”

Asked Chrystal. It was 8 years since her last spanking. She saw in a mirror her skirt go up. She hated her green old fashioned school knickers. She saw and felt her mother’s fingers in the waistband

Knickers were indeed taken down.

For a minute Chrystal felt her bottom sting as her mother’s large strong hand hit it.

Chrystal pleaded

“You can’t do this.”

For a few seconds the spanking stopped, but she was still over her mum’s knees. Then she picked up a hairbrush



The next two minutes felt like two hours to Chrystal. She cried and bucked and kicked. She was hardly aware of the shame. The pain was so great.

She was so relieved when it finally stopped that she was willing to do anything.


For the previous six years Chrystal Rogers had been trouble.

Her father had become very forgiving. Every time she got into difficulties at school her dad would phone the head mistress. He would explain how hard it was for Chrystal. She missed her real mother.

It had started with her parent’s divorce. In 1960 being divorced for adultery was a big blow to a woman. Susan Rogers had of course not got custody.

Chrystal’s father had re married a very pretty but not very intelligent lady. .

Things had really got out of hand after the second divorce. A series of housekeepers had been instructed to tolerate whatever Chrystal did.

Frank Rogers had finally come to realise two things. Firstly that he really loved Susan. Secondly that the basis for his divorce was a horrible misunderstanding.


Susan told Frank what happened at the shop security office.

At first Frank had been shocked to hear of what happened. Not only had Susan spanked her daughter in front of two other people but also she had not urged that she be let off

Chrystal did plead guilty to the theft of expensive lingerie. She asked for sixty two other offences to be taken into account. The fine £100 was a LOT of money in those days.

Her parents did pay the fine. However Chrystal had to repay the money. Susan found her a job as a dish washer in the refectory at a local factory. She had to work hard for 8 hours every Saturday. Chrystal’s pocket money allowance also disappeared.

Chrystal did not need many other spankings. However she was aware that this was a risk until she was 21.