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Post by s999sloan » Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:03 am



Helen Bailing and Jan Goodstone were both in their late 30s with husbands and kids. They have been friends since their school days during the mid 50's and were still very close.

In Helen's family there is husband Gerard, an engineer, who was often away for weeks on end working at some mine site. They have a older son, Jeff, from Gerard's first marriage. Jeff has been working in various places for three years now. He comes home for some weekends, food and laundry being particular attractions. At school are daughters Alison, 16 and Julie, two years younger.

Helen runs her own sewing business from home doing alterations for several dress shops and word of mouth clients. Jan works for Helen a day most weeks depending on how much there is to do. This arrangement suits them both and has been running for over 5 years.

Jan Goodstone is currently bringing up her son by herself. Garry is 14. Jan's husband has a legal problem and is away for three years, one to go. They still have some money coming in and Jan gets local casual jobs as well. She takes work where she could finish at 4pm so that Garry would not be on his own for too long after school.

When absolutely needed corporal punishment was used in both households. Getting the she strap at school always earned extra pain at home. Recently punishments have not occurred often but the kids never forget about the possibility.

In the Bailing household a springy cane does the job. It is as thin and straight as a pencil, just over 2 foot long and Helen keeps it well waxed. When Gerard is at home he does it, a standard dose of 8, on very tightly stretched underpants. Left to herself Helen uses 10, reasoning that her strokes are less hard. The girls always howled like anything after 3 or 4. Until Jeff left home three years ago he got the same. Particularly when his mum was doing the caning he always tried to tough it out. Helen just added some extra wrist and whip to make sure he was bawling loudly by 6 or 7.

Jan has always been the one to punish Garry. She uses a wooden spoon, a laundry wooden spoon, not one of those flimsy things you use to stir the soup. Some 18 inches long, a hard flat blade the size of her hand with a big hole cut in the middle. She always punished at bed time, no matter when the offence occurred. Pyjama pants off, lie across the bed, legs held together and straight down onto the floor.

The standard punishment was 12 on each cheek. Three whacks low down with one edge of the blade just onto the top of his thigh and the next three go higher up, overlapping the lower ones by half an inch. First the left cheek then the right and then back to do it all again. Even a relatively mild spanking had Garry in tears and sobbing by half way through.

Sewing days at Helen Bailing’s

In the school holidays Jan would take Garry with her on sewing days. In the beginning when he was only 9 Jan could not leave him at home alone. Generally the four kids played and amused each other with games, table tennis and so on. When he happened to be at home Jeff quite liked having Garry around.

Two years ago Garry's attitude changed. Jeff was hardly ever there. Sewing days became boring. He wanted to stay home alone but was not allowed. At that time he thought Alison and Julie tiresome. When Jan made him go to Helen's he actually volunteered to sew on buttons or sat reading a book rather than muck around with the girls.

Then Alison got a new friend, Tania, whose family had moved into a new house down the street. After that Garry got even more isolated. Alison would say she was too busy for him or she simply disappeared to Tania’s place.

This standoff continued until the summer holiday this year. In early January, 4 weeks before school would start again, for some reason Jan insisted on dragging Garry along to another day of sewing. He got really grumpy and sour. Tired of his put on Jan mentioned the wooden spoon and he stopped carrying on.

When they got to there Alison was alone. Julie was staying with her grandmother and Tania's family had gone for a two week beach holiday. To Jan’s surprise Garry and Alison suddenly found that the other one was not such a bore after all. They played table tennis and, would you believe, chess. Garry had realised that he liked looking at Alison. It was exciting to squint down her blouse or look along a casually exposed thigh, all while appearing interested in something different.

The next week Jan was amazed when Garry volunteered to come along. Julie was back but found herself on the outer as her sister and Garry considered themselves that much more grown up. Talk was of school, the latest songs, other friends (real or imagined) and boasting about the sports they played.

That day Garry's interest in looking at Alison got a bit more obvious but it never occurred to him that she would notice or what she thought about it. Again they got on well for the day.

The following week Garry again asked to come along. Jan was pleased and did not give it a second thought.

At this visit things became more complicated. Tania was back and stayed at Alison's place all day. Garry had trouble butting in. From the edges he had plenty of time to consider how Tania had bigger bumps than Alison. Skirts were pretty long in those days and leg viewing was relatively rare. A couple of times the girls went to Alison’s room and Garry was almost driven to sewing on buttons.

Late in the day they suddenly reappeared, very chatty and friendly, asking Garry to come with them. Garry’s fascination and imagination leap frogged. Both girls were showing off. Alison pushed Garry so he stumbled against Tania. They all giggled. Garry had no idea what, if anything, was going on. He liked feeling accepted. Tania's loose shirt gave him lots of glimpses of swelling flesh.

Jan had already called him once to go home. Suddenly Garry noticed his penis pushing against his shorts. An instant deep blush. He quickly turned away and hurried off to go home. There were giggles behind him but he was sure they couldn't possibly have noticed.


With school starting in 10 days time the coming Tuesday would be the last sewing day for Garry until the end of Term 1. To put it mildly he was keen. At school next week Alison would barely say hello to him.

It quickly turned into a good day. Tania was there but she was OK. Garry looked at tops of breasts at every opportunity but tried not to make it obvious. Julie hovered in the background except when someone deigned to notice her. For the three big ones it was good fun all around.

Helen and Jan had just stopped for afternoon tea. They heard some shouts and then an almighty scream from the backyard. It was Alison’s voice. She screeched again. Both mothers rushed out to see what was wrong. By the time they got to the back door Alison was running towards them. Red face, maybe some tears, hands in front of her chest. No obvious blood, no broken bones, so God what was it?

Tania, Garry and Julie were also running and shouting. No one could think straight with all the yelling.

“What’s the matter, what’s the matter.” Helen took Alison by the shoulders to search for damage. One glance showed it all. A dirty, dusty brown handprint all over her left breast.

“Mum, he grabbed me, he squeezed and made it hurt. He just did it.” Some sobs but in her mother's arms Alison calmed down.

Helen and Jan were shocked. This was truly awful. Jan helped make the other three shut up. Everyone got herded into the lounge room with more growls about keeping quiet.

“Now, Alison, calm down, tell me what happened.”

“Mum, it was Garry. He suddenly just grabbed at me, here. I yelled at him to let go and he wouldn’t. He pushed me and squeezed hard, it hurt, it…..”

Garry started ranting and shouting that he hadn’t done that, nothing like that at all, Alison had pulled his hand against her chest.

Tania joined in. “I saw him, I saw his hand there. He wouldn’t let go."

Garry turned on Tania, looked like he wanted to hit her.“You liar, your a dirty liar, you cow, you and her are just trying to get me into trouble. I hate you all, hate you.” And he started crying with frustration.

Garry would not stop. “They made it all up you….” Jan shook him to make him keep quiet.

It took the two mothers another couple of minutes to get full control. Alison had to repeat her story. Jan quietened Garry every time he tried to interrupt. Tania still said she had seen him do it.

Helen then asked Julie if she had seen what happened. The answer was quite clear. Yes, Garry had his hand on Alison’s front and didn’t look like he was going to let go.

“No.” Garry shouted, and kept on insisting that Alison had held his hand down on herself, that she wouldn't let go. He kept on and on, it just wasn't fair. It was all a trick.

Helen made them keep quiet for a whole minute. Then Garry got his chance to talk. He was so upset he couldn’t think of anything else to say except to repeat how he had not done it and that Alison was a liar, Tania too.

Alison knew how to fight back.“Don’t pretend Garry. You’ve been looking down my shirt every chance you could get. All these weeks I’ve had to be careful of you.”

Tania jumped in. “He did it to me too.” Shoulders back, her young breasts stood well out.

The stakes had been severely increased.

Jan touched Helen’s arm. “We need to talk. Garry, out on the veranda till we call you. You girls, into the kitchen, shut the door and keep quiet.”

The two mothers tried to work out the truth of it all. Both said how serious it was. The dirt mark showed that Garry’s hand had been on Alison’s front all right but who was to blame. Helen clearly thought it was Garry but she let Jan speak first.

After some more thought Jan said, “Helen, it really hurts me to say this and I am very sorry about it all but I think Garry did it.”

Jan went on, “This is how I see it, tell me what you think. I believe it quite unlikely that Alison pushed his hand onto her breast. Why do that? On the other hand I can see three reasons for believing Alison's side of the story. You know how she said Garry had been looking down her shirt these last few weeks. Well, for two years before this holiday he would do anything to avoid coming here. Then all of a sudden this month I couldn’t stop him. I think he was getting interested in Alison alright, boy's hormones, and I believe her about him looking.” Helen nodded.

"Then today I think something must have snapped in him. Maybe Tania being here had something to do with it. Anyway Tania says the same as Alison. What really clinches it for me is that little Julie also saw it happen.” She paused, this was hard to say.“I think he wanted to do it, maybe he planned it or maybe it was spur of the moment, but he did it. I should have taught him better about girls and his feelings. It has to be my fault as well but that's another matter. He is going to have to be seriously punished.”

“I have to agree with you Jan. I can’t imagine Alison dreaming this up just to cause trouble. It’s not the sort of thing a girl would do, is it? And Garry just loses his temper whenever he tries to tell us his version. It is hard to believe him when the other three all say much the same thing. So Jan, What are you going to do?”

Jan could see no alternative.“Helen, in front of all of the girls he has got to admit what he has done and say how sorry he is about it. Then I will announce that tonight at bedtime he will get two dozen extra hard whacks with my wooden spoon. Believe me, that is serious pain. He is normally bawling his eyes out after about 6. Do you think that will do?”

Helen agreed and went to call them all back in.

Little did the mothers guess that the real drama was yet to start.


The girls gathered in one cluster and Garry stood as far away as he could.

Jan had asked to do the talking. After all it was her son at fault.

“I am going to tell you all what we have decided. Garry, I believe that for four weeks now you have taken an increasing interest in Alison as a developing young lady. That is fine but you know it is not permitted to look down shirts and touch a girl. Then today you went overboard, you actually attacked Alison. That is totally bad, unacceptable and reprehensible.”

The girls squirmed, Garry had been declared guilty. He started repeating his earlier ranting performance. Deep red face, some swear words, calling them liars, stamping his feet and swinging his arms around. Sobbing tears of frustration or guilt.

Jan went on and he shut up. “Garry you will now apologise to Alison, the other girls and to Mrs Bailing. Tonight at bed time you will get two dozen extra hard whacks with the spoon.” Only he knew how seriously painful that threat was. He sobbed and he begged, not fair, not his fault, Alison did it and so on. It looked a shameful display.

In contrast Alison, and it could be said Tania, looked plain excited. Alison could not stop herself from gloating.

“I hope you get it really hard, make you scream and hurt all night long. You deserve every …..” Helen shut her up but it was too late.

Garry, outraged beyond endurance, rushed at Alison and punched her. At the last moment he sort of held back. The blow was not really hard but the deed had been done. Jan jumped at him, pushed him into a lounge chair and just stopped herself from slapping his face.

“Oh God, Helen, I’m so sorry about this.” Then, her own face red and fiercely angry, Jan turned on Garry, “I’m disgusted with you. How dare you hit Alison like that. I’m not going to wait till tonight to spank you. You’re going to get it right here and now, in front of everyone. Then when you’ve stopped howling you will apologise. Tonight I might still give you the whacks I promised before.”

Everyone stood back staring at Garry, his head now down and crying. He looked defeated, sobbing with self pity. Alison managed to stay quiet.

“You sure about this?” asked Helen.

“Too right I am Helen. Could I please borrow the biggest wooden spoon you’ve got. Just for ten minutes or so.”

“Feel free but I think you won’t find what you are looking for. All my spoons are fairly flimsy, not made for pounding a teenage bottom. However as you know, in this house we use a cane and you are welcome to borrow that.” Serious sobbing and sniffling from Garry.

“Ah, your cane Helen, yes, that’s a good suggestion but you know I’ve never used one before. Anyway I’m sure it will do the job, so yes please. Would you mind if I put him over the arm of the lounge?”

“That’s fine Jan but I’ll show you how Gerard or I normally do this. We think it's a good system. The cane is kept in the laundry broom cupboard. It hasn’t had an outing for at least 4 months.”

“Want me to get it mum, Should I bring the trestle too?”Alison face was flushed, this time by the promise of excitement. Helen nodded.

“Come and help me Tania” Some clanging and bagging noises and they were back. Alison with the cane, swishing it around like an old hand and Tania with what looked like a heap of timber.

"Let me show you how this works Jan. Here, hold the cane.” Jan took it at both ends, flexed it and gave a swish.“I’ll show you how to use that later. The trestle gets put up first. I normally use it to extend my work table when I have to cut up big pieces of material.”

The pieces of wood did come together to make a table high trestle. The top was a narrow but solid bit of timber, a two foot length of 3x2 inch. The legs came folded underneath, screwed onto the top at each corner with strong hinges. The front and back pairs of legs were each held together by a wooden cross piece. Curiously the cross piece on one set of legs was half way up while the other was near the floor. With the legs spread out it became an A frame. The A was then held rigid by two other bits of wood that bolted between the legs at each end. The frame was the perfect height for supporting a table or for presenting a bottom for punishment. Jan watched and played with the cane.

“That’s it Jan. You get to put the strokes over a very tightly stretched bottom. Much more effective than bending them over the arm of the lounge. The last pair of panties in that position were bright pink.”

Alison to blushed and whined. "Mum, don't tell everyone about that."


arry just stood there and Jan was obviously uncertain about how to do this. “Helen, you’ll have to show me. Why don’t you give him half and then I’ll give him the rest. He should get 12 so that’s 6 each. Show me how to make it really hurt. Tell Garry to do whatever you want. If he doesn’t obey just give him extras.”

Garry had stopped glaring at Alison. As the moment came closer he started begging to have the girls sent out, it was not fair to let them watch, begging to just get it at bedtime like he usually did, begging his mum not to use the cane. Then he just gave in.

Helen took the cane and told Garry to stand in front of the trestle, against the side with the high crossbar.

“Take your shorts off. We cane on underpants here.” He hesitated, Jan stepped forward, undid the top button and yanked the elastic waistband right down and off. Garry held his hands down in front.

“Now, Garry, step right over that crossbar, both legs, come on, climb in, quickly.” He climbed in and was trapped between the trestle top and the bar behind his knees. Just not quite enough space for him to stand up straight.

"Now, up on your toes a bit, good, bend over, tighter than that, right over and fold your hands behind your ankles, pull your legs forward. Do not let go. If you let go I'll just hit you a few more times.”

Tears of shame and fear ran down his nose and dripped on the floor. In those days boys underpants were very full cut. Even stretched as he was the whole bottom was covered. The thin material stretched so hard that the cleft between his cheeks became a tight line. Quite a fascinating sight. The girls stared with no sign of embarrassment.

“What do you think Jan. Stretched tight as a drum. Helps make him really feel it.”

“Yes, perfect Helen. Give him your 6 and I’ll watch closely how you do it. If you put them over the top half I’ll put mine underneath. What do you do if he can’t take it and puts his hands in the way or stands up.”

“They often stand up after the first few Jan. They always get surprised by how much it hurts and how much it gets worse as I go along. They can’t get away because their legs are trapped by that crossbar. If they put their hands in the way or stand up I just keep on finding a spot to hit without counting the strokes. It is amazing how they always manage to make themselves get back into position. Last time for instance the owner of the pink panties begged for me to give her a minute to put herself back down."

"Right boy, six really hard ones coming up just over this part here.” Helen tapped the cane over the top half of the underpants. "You heard what I said about letting go of your ankles."

Jan watched closely. Helen stepped back a bit, lifted the cane behind her head. She paused and then came forward, bending her body into the down swing and straightening her wrist just as the cane slashed across the buttocks. It dented the tight pants and flesh in a straight line, a bit below the middle. A bellowing howl from Garry. It hurt so much more than he expected. His head tossed back, then teeth clenched trying to hold in any more cries. Tight as he was stretched his bottom still squirmed as the burning stripe made him dance from foot to foot. He was determined not going to howl again, just to show the girls. He desperately wanted to be tough.

All three girls gasped, hands over their mouths, clearly wanting to keep watching.

Helen pointed at the line with the tip of the cane. "He felt that alright. Did you see how I did it?" Jan nodded and swung her arm in an approximate imitation, including a particularly severe wrist flick at the end.

"That's it Jan, you've got it in one. Make sure you start off by bringing that arm down as fast as you can. Now I'm going to fill in above that first line. I always give them a bit of time between strokes, to feel it peak before the next gets added."

Helen continued with increased vigour. However, that first perfectly placed stroke had been a fluke. She certainly had power but not much control. The second curled from the middle of the left buttock to the upper right one. The third turned into a diagonal cutting over bits of the previous two, the tip going way down to the top of his right thigh.

"Sorry Jan, I didn't mean to have that one go so low and cut across your half, just happened."

"That's alright Helen, help yourself. I can always go down his thighs like I do with the spoon."

Garry howled, he could not hold it in any longer. The girls hearing him did not seem to matter any more. He couldn't stop bawling his eyes out, his whole body was shaking, pleading with his mum to stop it.

Neither mother noticed but Alison and Tania were loving the performance, moving around to get the best view. Tania went in front, looking into Garry's face when the stinging burn from a fresh stroke made him throw his head back and screech.

Helen gave him the fourth from the other side. The cane slashed down at a crazy angle and Garry really screamed. This was beyond anything he had ever felt before.

He reached his hands back over his bottom, pleading with his mother, begging not to get any more, it hurt so much already. Then another scream because the cane had cracked across his knuckles. Helen gave him a minute to work it out. As predicted Garry got back into position, hands together behind his ankles. Still asking his mother to make it stop.

Helen thrashed down number five and six, each on a different erratic line, crossing and on top of rising welts, visible ridges showing through his undies. If anything Garry howled and screamed a bit less but clearly he was a real mess and there were six more to come.


Helen handed the cane to Jan. "Better wait till he
stops carrying on like that."

Jan knew about pacing a spanking. Some principles were the same, cane, spoon or whatever. She waited for 2 or 3 minutes until he held almost still, except for those deep shaking sobs.

"Alright Garry, now six from me. First stand up, come on straight as you can." Turning to Helen she went on, "You do it on pants but I always spank on the bare bottom."

Jan grabbed the sides of the underpants and whipped them down to knee level.

Garry howled like he had been hit by three canes at once. His hands crossed over his penis. Six crazy dark red welts across his bottom glowed with a light of their own. The girls scampered around for the best view, front or back.

"Helen, seeing you've put welts over most of his bottom I'll take it from the under curve here and go down his thighs." Jan tapped against the curving underslope to about three inches down his thighs.

"Garry, bend over again, up on your toes, now right over like before, tighter than that, back right down, that's it, hands right behind your ankles, pull against your legs. OK, I guess that's about as hard as you can stretch."

Jan stepped into position, sort of alongside Garry's head. From there a forward step and shoulder dip would bring her arm into the perfect line for landing the cane horizontally, making the tip whip right across the right buttock.

Jan lifted the cane, set herself, concentrated on the line just above the crease and started her swing.

"No Jan, No! No! Stop. Goodness, Now I can see why Gerard said to always leave their pants on. You couldn't see from you were standing Jan but come back here. Look."

Everyone did. About two inches below the stretched crease separating thighs and buttocks, the lower end of Garry's young scrotum pocked out, ready for direct contact with any cane stroke that sank into the back of his legs.

Gasps all around . The only one who did not know what was going on was Garry. The girls did not really understand the significance of what had just been avoided but they loved the sight. They knew exactly what they were looking at.

Helen heard Tania's stage whisper, "Oh my God!, look, it's his little ball bag. I've never seen one before. There, you can sort of see one of them bulge, down near the bottom."

"Stand up, Garry." He did hoping quite wrongly that it was over. Jan yanked his pants up again, pulling the scrotum well under his crotch. Garry still had no idea why his pants were back on his bottom.

A bit shaken but not inclined to show any mercy Jan said. "I'll make up for the lack of bare bottom at bedtime tonight. Now get down, just like you were."

Garry did not move. He pleaded and begged to be let off. Jan hesitated but Helen had seen this sort of thing before.

"Let me help Jan. I'll put him in place and hold him down. Just concentrate on hitting him as you like. Anywhere is safe now. Give him an extra for not going down when you said."

The instant reward for Jan’s first cut was a scream, followed by another. She had good body, arm and wrist movement, the stroke was certainly severe.

Her aim was a bit better than Helen’s. Not that this mattered. Accuracy was not really needed. Jan swung horizontally so going too high was not a problem. By the end four strokes overlay each other across the top bit of his thighs.

Jan finished. Garry kept on howling as the waves of pain just went on sweeping through him. He sort of hung over the trestle like a rag, hands slowly creeping up towards the burn on his thighs. After a couple of minutes Helen lifted him up and helped him get over the trestle crossbar.

"Jan, we usually make them stand with hands on heads for 15 minutes. What do you think?"

"Good idea Helen."

So there he stood, in his underpants, tears pouring down his face. Dancing in pain from leg to leg, twisting forwards and backwards, begging for the pain to stop but it just wouldn't. Nothing helped, it got just a little better as the minutes passed.

Julie had run away but Alison and Tania stayed to watch every gyration. The scarlet welts below his underpants and in the front, the outline of his penis pointing downwards were sights they did not want to miss.

No one had any doubt how much Garry was hurting. Both mothers thought it just about right for a boy who squeezed a breast and punched a girl.

After the 15 minutes was up Jan gave him a hug and put his shorts back on.

Then Garry had to apologise, to everyone in turn. He started crying again but eventually got through it. At least he did not say it wasn't his fault anymore.

An hour later Jan drove them home, Garry lying face down on the back seat. Suddenly his sobbing got loud again. He started begging about bedtime that night.

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