1930`s Style - 2

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1930`s Style - 2

Post by Don_Brown » Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:58 pm

1930`s Style - 2 - Don Brown 1998

Of course the cook and housekeeper with the help of the butler, administered the ordinary day-to-day punishments of the staff. Boys or girls it made no difference.

Often on entering the kitchen, cook would have some scullery maid or one of the young house boys bare bottomed and feeling her father’s old belt, she not only did it out of duty, but looked as though she enjoyed it.

It hung on the outside of the larder door as a reminder to all.

For more serious offences, although not too serious to send to Me, one of the older boys or footman would have the girl oh his back, piggyback fashion. Cook would lower her undergarment and pin up her blue and white stripped dress.

The footman would bend forward thrusting the naughty girls bottom high in the air.

They always tried to kept their legs tightly closed to cover their private parts, never worked after the first few welts.

Then Jones, my head of below stairs, would administer the belt, an strap cut from an old harness, very unforgiving, a full 10 from her bottom to lower legs.

Having got the girls full attention and blubbering apologies for her misdemeanour, he would finish with 6 evenly spaced cuts of the cane.

I often watched and enjoyed the sight of a young girl being chastised. The strap welts and cane stripes always stirred a feeling in my groin.

Boys requiring Jones attention would be taken into the old stables, stripped and whipped.
The younger boys would be over his knee first for a sound spanking, its what happened then and was accepted by all.

But to be fair it was a happy household, always merriment and the Mistress and I treated them fair. They soon learnt the error of their ways as they approached 40.

Only twice in the last 3 years have I needed to punish cook, and she is over 50, but age is no barrier, if they are wrong they get what for.

The last time was cook put salt in the sugar basin instead of sugar, making the mistress sick, so over the block she went, bare arsed for 20 with My belt, witnessed by the Mistress.

We later heard she had almost taken the hide off Charlie, the scullery maids bottom who’s job it was to fill them, so I had her brought to my study.

Still bare bottomed I made her bend and could not fashion to give her more she was so sore, so just lectured her and had her report to me a week after for a punishment, I was lenient even then.

After cook had left the Mistress asked for 6 herself, for whom I obliged then, i then took her from behind, but I digress…………..

The great hall clock chimed 4 and I had all the staff stood in a semi circle with Charlie stood next to me, shaking.

I explained to them what Charlie had done and although she should have been dismissed, I had decided in this case to offer her the chance of a public punishment, to which she asked for.

I had the staff’s full attention and looked at the trembling girl, I nodded, a pre arranged arrangement, and Charlie walked forward and began to undress.

She took everything off very very slowly and stood completely naked in front of them all. Her hands were on her head, her back arched thus making her 18 year old girly tits stick out forward, her pussy was combed and neatly trimmed.

I pulled my chair into the center of the room and Charlie walked toward me and lowered herself across my knees. She placed her hand firmly and flat onto the floor. My chair positioned so her bottom faced the arc of staff.

I began to spank her still pink bottom, gently at first, increasing with every spank. She soon began to whimper and wriggle as I finished with 6 hard spanks.

I let her rest a few seconds then stood her up. She immediately put her hands back onto her head. I spoke to the staff, you will notice the harshness of this girls punishment, and accept the trouble she has put me to, to administer it, the staff to a man said yes sir.

I could see the bulge in the boy’s pants as they stared at this naked girl, her arms in the chicken wing position thus thrusting out even further her delicious nipples.

I began to unbuckle my belt as I spoke and held it in my hands. I walked towards the snooker table and beckoned Charlie towards me. I took her to the corner of the table and she bent over, she spread her legs as wide as they would go aside of the corner leg, to a gasp from the staff.

I rolled the buckle end around my hand, stood back, raised my arm to my shoulder and released a whooossshhh and a ccrraacckkk which met its target with a hard smack, Charlie grunted.

The second landed just below the first, the third brought her first cry. That was my signal to increase the strength of the next set of strokes.

Charlie was soon crying out at every lash and took all 10 without moving from the table. I gave her time to recover as I replaced my belt. By this time the boys were fidgeting with their pants and the unlucky ones had their bulges stuck out front, which did not go unnoticed by Jones and cook, who both took retribution against the boys when back below stairs.

10 deep red tram lines covered her young bottom and legs.

I walked to the hall dresser and picked up the junior cane. 3 foot long, half an inch thick and whippy enough to bend double. I walked back to the snooker table and touched Charlie on the bottom with it, she stood at once, hands on head.

She followed me back to my chair, placed her hands on the seat, arched her back and stuck up her bottom as high as it would go.

Legs as wide as they would go to show her open pussy lips.

I tapped her bottom gently 9 or 10 times then CRACK, with force on the fullest part of her bottom, "Agh, one thank you sir", I gave her a minute or two, tap, tap, tap, 9 or 10 times again, CRACK, on the crease of her bottom and the tops of her legs, Owwwwwwwww, two thank you sir, and so it went on until the last.

Tap, tap, tap, this time the cane well above my head, then CCRRAACCKK, across the last 5 stokes at an angle. OOOOOWWWWWWWNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO, 6 tttthhhaannkk yyoouu ssiirr.

Charlie was crying hard and loud, some of the girl staff could not bear to watch, the boys could not get near enough.

I walked to the dresser and replaced my cane, turned and walked back to Charlie.

Pointing to her thrashed bottom I addressed the staff. Now you have all witnessed the new level of punishment I will issue for serious offences in the household, dismissed.

All turned and left in silence as Charlie kept her position.

The Mistress left to join friends for afternoon tea in the village, a pre arranged arrangement.

To my study girl, Charlie rose and placed her hands on her head and followed me sobbing. I closed my door and faced her, my hands fondling her tiny breasts, I pinched her nipples to peaks of hard mounds.

She moaned as I stretched them by pulling them towards me.

Still sobbing with hands on her head I cupped her pussy, firstly rubbing my hands through her well groomed bush, pulling and tugging and making her stand on tiptoes.

This afternoon she would also learn the pleasures of love and to make her Master happy as I take away her virginity and make her My plaything……………………..

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Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:33 am

Re: 1930`s Style - 2

Post by whitebaretail » Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:35 am

I have see this type story before but still gets me go!!! Thank-you for this one.

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