Paying the price for being a brat!MFf

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Paying the price for being a brat!MFf

Post by IMSOMEAN » Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:20 pm

I stood in the corner with a stomach full of butterflies thinking that standing in the corner was the worst punishment in the world but at the same time I had a feeling that very soon I was going to find out there was something worse. I wondered if I would have confessed about using a couple of bad words if I had known how much trouble I was going to be in but deep down I knew I would have. I hear them come back into the room and my legs begin to shake. I tell myself that being in the corner plus another lecture was going to be my entire punishment. He calls me out of the corner and when I turn around and see him sitting in a chair her had brought from the kitchen I knew my fate was sealed. I look over and see her face and she looked as scared as I felt. I pull up my knee socks just to delay things then slowly take my place in front of him , he looks pissed!

"Holly I'm not going to take a lot of time explaining that that kind a talk is not acceptable behavior. You already know that , we both know you do."

In a split second I'm over his lap with my skirt pulled up with my feet or hands unable to touch the floor. I've never been spanked in my life and honestly not sure what to expect. I feel his hand come down , barely , then a second time and a third. I think how this isn't too bad, kind of disappointing to tell the truth after all that wait in the corner. I couldn't see her because my bottom was facing her but I sure heard her.

"Honey , I know we agreed you would be in charge of this , but what are you doing? She not even feeling that!` She's laughing at you!"

Now I can be a brat , so I raised up and turned my head around so I could see her and then stuck my tongue out at her.

"I am not! He doesn't need you making fun of him either! Nothing wrong with spanking like a girl!"

Not sure if it what SHE said or what I said but things sure changed. The next smack made me gasp and after five more I was kicking and squirming. When I couldn't squirm off his lap I tried the next best thing between smacks , I began to beg and when that didn't work I tried making promises but that just got me spanked harder. Each smack was setting a new fire and I just knew I'd never be able to sit again. Somehow I managed not to cry. He helped me off his lap and warned me not to rub. I thanked god it was over but I guess he wasn't listening because I see the letter from school.

"Now I guess we need to take care of the next bit of business little one."

He picks up the letter he had next to his chair and my heart was racing even faster. I know he's already read it and wished I had burned it and still mad that she gave it to him. Now I'm praying he sends me to the corner to give my butt a break. Then things got worse. The amen corner starts up again.

"Honey ,, before you get to the letter. I was wondering , if she's been saying those three bad words she told you about , well , do you really think those are the only ones she's been using , I'm not so sure."

I make the meanest face I can come up with and look at her and stick my tongue out at her again. I thought she was on my side but she sure isn't helping ME. I decide there is not need to admit to anything else , I saw what that got me. I changed my mind when he turns me back around to face him. He gave me a look that made me too afraid to even think of lying to him. Without him saying a word to me I tell him about the other bad words I've said including the F word. He has my arm and about to put me back over his lap when SHE starts up again.

"Honey , she should have told you about those in the first place , and the F word! Don't you think those panties should come down this time?"

I was about to turn and tell her what I thought about all her help but I felt his hands go under my skirt. I've never been so embarrassed in my whole life , he was pulling my panties down! He didn't pull them down just a little either , he pulled them all the way down then told me to step out of them and put them on the coffee table. I did stick my tongue out at her again in the process then he's about to put me over his lap when she must have thought someone pulled her chain to talk again!

"Sweetheart , those are her good school clothes and she's already shown she can't be still when you spank her and I'm afraid those clothes are going to end up a wrinkled mess , maybe it's best for them to come off , just a suggestion."

Now I am a brat and couldn't help myself. I turned to face her and put my hands on my hips for effect. I know I'm just going to make things worse for my butt but I didn't care at that point.

"Can I tell you where to stick your suggestion? Besides ,, did you hear that? It's your mother calling you ,, she needs your help more than he does , thank you very much!"

She covered her face I guess to hide the fact she was laughing at me but he must not of found it funny because he pulled up the back of my skirt and smacked my naked butt then turned me back around to face him.

"Don't be such a smart ass young lady!"

I still don't know why I did it but I did. I took a step backwards and pointed a finger at him.

"You said a bad word! You said a BAD WORD! You need a spanking!"

He didn't even try to hide the fact he was laughing at me. Then he got my hand and moved me closer to him.

"She'll take care of that right before she tucks me into bed. Now lets get you undressed."

I wasn't done yet plus wanted to delay having to undress . So I stick both hands on my hips and act like I'm pouting.

"NOT FAIR! Not fair at all , I wanted to watch!"

I hear her laugh and he just smiles for a second and shakes his head at me then begins to unbutton my blouse. I couldn't believe it , he didn't tell me to get undressed he was undressing me , like I was a three year old! When my blouse was off I could tell he was really going to drag this out because he hands me the blouse and tells me to fold it and put it on the coffee table with my undies. I did as I was told but took my sweet time doing it , I guess I took to long because my skirt got lifted and my butt got another smack. Then he told me to raise my arms so he could take my tee shirt off. The tee shirt was extra small and very tight to flatten out what I did have up top but once he managed to get it off that secret was out and I was blushing so bad. I fold that and next was my skirt , he unzipped it and let it fall to the floor then told me to pick it up and put it with my other clothes. I learned something picking that skirt up , never turn your back to a person who's been spanking you and bend over for any reason because they can't help themselves , they will smack your butt.

I begged to keep my socks on so my feet wouldn't get cold and they both laughed at me which hurt my feelings, but looking back it had to be funny with me standing there naked except for my socks and me worried about my feet getting cold.

Well turned out I should have been worried about my butt instead of my feet. The second he got me over his lap he started smacking hard and fast. I tried not to squirm which lasted all of ten seconds. I swore I wouldn't kick and I made it a whole minute on that one. He made me pay the price when I kicked , he would spread my legs open and smack the inside of my thighs every time for that. Those smacks had an extra sting to them but worse than that was when I realized when he spread my legs like that he could see everything I had between my legs and what a show she was getting too. I begged , I said I was sorry , I told him I'd learned my lesson , I made promises but nothing seemed to slow him down. I stopped fighting it and while I wasn't actually crying I did have tears running down my face and I couldn't help but notice when the tears started she got up and left the room. She came back when the spanking stopped and he had me standing there telling me I wasn't allowed to rub and I was going back to the corner. This time the corner seemed like a great place to be!

I hear him say I'd be in the corner for a bit to let my butt cool down and asked if she would like a cup of coffee. How rude! I'm standing in the corner with my butt on fire and they are going to drink coffee and look at my butt! I decide I can't be in much more trouble and I let the brat out.

"While your in the kitchen can you bring me a couple of ice cold beers please and thank you?"

It was a quiet as a church for a good minute.

"Have you totally lost your mind little girl! Get that nose in the corner and be quiet!"

I never have been one to leave well enough alone so...

"I wasn't going to drink them silly butt! I was going to hold them on my butt seeing your being so mean and not letting me rub!"

They both laugh and I hear footsteps as he heads to the kitchen. She comes over and checks on me , just to make sure I'm OK and even gives my butt a nice rub explaining that he hadn't said she couldn't rub it for me. She hurries back to the couch when she hears him coming back. I hear them whispering and it took everything in me not to tell them it wasn't nice to whisper. The corner was getting boring but not so boring I was in any hurry to go back over his lap. But it wasn't like I had much choice in the matter.

"OK Holly , turn around please. You want to talk about this letter from school?"

Now it wasn't a time to try to be funny but I was going to try anything to delay what was about to happen. I turn to her and make a face like I had just heard something I didn't understand.

"Has the cheese fell of his cracker or something , why would I WANT to talk about that letter it's just going to get me in trouble! Besides I think he's telling a big fib when he says he wants to TALK."

She covers her face with both her hands and he just shakes his head and tells me to get my butt over there. Still wanting to delay things as long as I can I start taking baby steps in his direction, which turned out to be a mistake. He gave me a look to let me know he wasn't happy with the way I was walking then rubbed his hands together.

"Girls I can tell you that we are going shopping for a paddle first thing in the morning! My hand is not used to this."

I start walking a little faster with my head down not looking at either of them but she betrays me.


I stop and bite my lower lip then start walking towards him again hoping he hasn't figured out she knows something he doesn't. I manage two whole steps.


I stomp over to my book bag and take out a nice(?) oval wooden paddle. Next I walk over to her and put my hands on my hips.

"You still here? Honest , your mom is calling you and needs your help more than HE does!"

Next I stomp over to him not waiting for a reaction from her. I put on my best puppy dog look and hand him the paddle. I point at her.

"IT made me get one today , guess I forgot to give it to you."

He just rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm SURE you just forgot to give it to me. Let me tell you what I'm not going to forget to give you! Twenty with the paddle for smoking , twenty for doing it at school and getting sent home for three days , plus an extra ten for not telling us about it. And little one your going to count each one out loud as they land."

He pulls me over his lap and I'm ready to cry and not sure if I can take fifty licks with the paddle. I do OK counting the first five and he didn't make it easy landing this five on the exact same spot. I didn't do as well when he switched sides and lands the next five and wonder what kind of spanking I'd get if he could read my mind and know the kind of bad words I'm thinking when that paddle lands. The next five were dead center on my poor butt and I got all messed up counting because I was gasping for breath and begging again. He tells me I don't have to count anymore and begins landing rapid fire smacks on my butt, mostly on the lower part of my butt. I don't think I really got fifty total smacks but I sure wasn't about to argue about it. He has me standing in front of him and the truth is I was looking forward to going to the corner. He had other ideas and made me stand there sore and naked while he talked to me and what an embarrassing talk that turns out to be.

"Holly, you may have thought you were too old to be spanked but I guess now you now know that's not the case. Just because you have boobs and a bit of hair down there doesn't mean a thing when it comes to how you can and will be punished."

It was bad enough I was standing there naked and he decided to talk about my tits and pub hair but when he said the word boobs he pinched my nipple and when when he talked about the other he pulled my hair and not the hair on my head! Then he starts pulling at my small little patch of curls again.

"Now little one to help remind you that your not as grown up as you may think I want this gone when you take your shower in the morning , you handle it or I will!"

I'm sure my mouth dropped open and my face found a way to get even redder.

"On the other side of things little one, those tight little tee shirts can't be comfortable or good for you for that matter and you shouldn't be hiding what god gave you up top. So for the rest of this weekend anyway no undies for you ,, top or bottom and that includes those awful tee shirts. Now you are going to need your rest because we will be having these talks the whole weekend so lets get you to bed."

He smacks my butt and points towards the bedroom. He follows me and she's right behind him. He pulls the covers down and has me get in bed and again treating me like a three year old he takes off my knee socks and then pulls the covers up then kisses me on the cheek and tells me good night. I wasn't ready to go to sleep so I pull the cover off and flip to my stomach.

"Please rub lotion on my bottom ... it's really on fire!'

He just smiles and turns to leave the room but she surprises me by picking up the lotion off the table next to my bed. She was full of surprises because she kisses my forehead and hands me the lotion and tells me good night. The light gets cut off and they shut the door as they leave. Such much for getting pampered! How rude! This was going to be a long night , I knew better than to turn the TV on or even my music and I have a hard time sleeping on my tummy. I reach back and see my butt is really on fire but put the lotion back on the table. Then I hear a strange sound and it scares me at first , then I hear it again and just cover my face and shake my head. They are doing IT and I can hear them! I have to do something so I turn back on my back and bend my knees and start thinking about my spanking , only instead of him spanking me it's this guy I have a big crush on , and he's not as mean , lot of rubbing and after he pinches my nipples he kisses them to make them better and he rubs more than my butt , well you get the idea and so did my fingers. I don't know how long I was at it but I did stop and start several times when I'd start getting that funny feeling down there but I must have been making more noise than I thought. The lights come on and there he stands in just his pants and she's right behind him and it looks like she's thrown on his shirt and it's not even buttoned for gods sake.

"I told you she wasn't crying! She's fine so lets go back to bed."

For the first time all night she is really trying to help me but he's ignoring her. I reach for the covers but he pulls them totally off the bed and he looks really pissed.

" You scared me to death! I'm in my room hearing you , thinking I'd been too hard on you and you were crying yourself to sleep and I come in and find you doing that! I guess I didn't take care of business as well as I thought I had little one so let's fix that right now! Turn over and if I was you I'd grab two hands fulls of pillow because if your hands come even close to your little ass you WILL regret it."

I turn over and bury my face into the pillow more than a little scared. When I hear that sound a belt makes when it's being pulled off a chill goes down my spine.

"Sweetheart , are you sure , it's not like she was really doing anything ........"

He must of gave her some kind of look because she stopped in mid sentence. The folded belt lands twelve time , all on the lower half of my bottom and the last two were actually just under my butt cheeks on my thighs. Then he pats my butt leans down and kisses my cheek and tells me to go to sleep and he leaves. Much to my surprise she sits on my bed and picks up the lotion then covers both her hands and begins to rub my bottom. Neither of us said a word at first and the lotion felt wonderful. She begins rubbing my upper thighs and even the inside when he had spanked earlier when I was kicking. I hear her take a deep breath.

"Holly , I just don't have the words to thank you! This will be a birthday he'll never forget!"

I raise up just enough to see her face.

"I should be thanking you! I've been in heaven sense I walked in the door tonight , this has been a dream come true for me. Funny how we both ended up on that same spanking site and after all our talking we find out we work for the same place".

"Holly, he stopped tonight when he did because he was about to explode! After we put you in bed he was ripping at my clothes before your door was totally shut and he would have had them off except I was ripping at his at the same time its a wonder we didn't end up fucking right outside your door. I told him he had permission from both of us to get as naughty as he wanted as long as he didn't fuck you but I think he's worried about how I'll feel if he starts messing with you that way. The truth is I was worried last night on how I'd feel with another woman getting his attention but I had the time of my life tonight , I hate getting spanked but I sure liked watching you get it. I have a feeling he'll REALLY open up more in the morning."

I'm just hoping this is just the beginning and not the end of my new friends.

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