A Special Tour of a Special Prison (M/FFFFFF)
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:50 pm
A Special Tour of a Special Prison
"This is a bad idea."
Jess Harding sighed. Mike just wasn't going to let it go.
"Okay, why is it a bad idea?" Mike asked. "Come on, share your wisdom with the class."
Mike ignored the sarcasm.
"I'll pretend that you are serious and really want to know the answer." Mike Howard replied. "First, there's the cost."
"Which is nothing for most of us." Daniel Gold laughed. "I usually lose more than that most nights in the casino."
Mike knew that he was the odd one out where money was concerned, but it took something like this to remind him. Normally he accompanied his cousin Barry Ivey and kept him out of trouble, with the family picking up Mike's expenses so there would be someone to talk sense into Barry when Barry needed straightening out. Normally Mike was just one of the crowd, but every now and then something happened to drive home the point that he was the poor cousin. This conversation might be reminding the others that he was part of the great unwashed horde, but he had to soldier on.
He had to try to stop Barry from making a huge mistake. Or at least do everything he could to stop him. Barry was old enough to make his own mistakes, but Barry's parents expected Mike to do his best to stop those from happening.
"Then there's blackmail." Mike continued. "If there are cameras everywhere..."
"Technically we aren't breaking any laws." Allen Hansen pointed out. "And we can trust these people."
"Even we can trust them, if a reporter hears something or gets proof and ..."
"This place is fucking discreet." Gus Ferguson interrupted. "The press never hears anything, and if they did then the press would be handled."
"I've heard that they have reporters on the inside." Mike said with a smile. "And they get treated like everyone else."
"Then there's the girls." Mike continued. "If we do this we should do it stag. Endangering any of the girls could lead to..."
"Danger? There's no fucking danger." Gus said. "I've researched this place. It's safe as shit. Besides, if anything the girls will be safer with us there."
Barry Ivey sighed.
"I know that you're just looking out for me." Barry said. "But Mike, the plan's a go. It has been for weeks."
Days would be more like it; Mike knew that Barry and the crew couldn't plan weeks in advance, not without an executive assistant to do all the real work. He also knew that Barry wasn't going to change his mind and that if Barry was going than Mike had to go to keep an eye on things.
"If that's the way you want it, then that's the way it's going to be." Mike told his cousin. "But here's a deal: I won't say I told you so if you don't say that I never warned you."
"Done." Barry nodded.
Discussion settled, the six of them quickly met up with the girls. Mike noted that a few of the girls seemed slightly nervous, but most of them were treating this like the start of a great adventure. Then they were off to the plane and the adventure began.
The prison was a short drive from the private airport. A private airport that served a single customer and was linked to that customer by a private road. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that you flew in and out of this remote location. Flying in, even Barry had noticed the isolated terrain and lack of roads. Which meant that escape would be impossible; even if an inmate got out of the building and over the wall she would have nowhere to go.
A fact that was pointed out at the start of the tour. The chief greeter pointed out all the security measures to the guests, explaining how once an inmate was confined here she was well and truly confined.
None of it was surprising. All of it was expected. All of it, until they were segregated by gender.
"Due to the nature of the uniforms they wear and how the inmates are treated, we find things are less embarrassing when we do two tours." Quentin Brockington explained. "When we do mixed tours we often get feedback indicating that our guests would have said or done things differently if members of the opposite gender hadn't been on the tour with them. By doing two tours we give our guests the freedom to make any sort of comment that they want to."
Mike wasn't sure what Quentin Brockington exact role was here (was he in charge of the prison or did he just run the tours?), but the bit about comments, that did make sense. No one wanted to say how hot an inmate was with his girlfriend standing next to him. On the other hand, it undermined the entire 'the girls will be safer' argument.
Not that any argument mattered now; they were committed.
The next part of the tour felt rushed. Mike was still getting used to the sight of the inmates - women in short skirts, tight tops, and socks (with the lack of shoes being described as another security feature) - when they passed through the exercise rooms and dining areas on a rush to get to the more interesting areas. They watched through one way mirrors as some girls were bound to examination tables and forcibly given medical exams and other one way mirrors as inmates showered. Then it was off to the main event.
The reason that they were there. The reason that Mike had warned them not to go. And of course it involved more one way mirrors. An entire wall of them.
The view was at angle, not straight on. That was so there could be two rooms. Two rooms, so both genders could relax as they watched. Two of the benches were angled, one each pointing straight on to one set of mirrors to give the observers a full on view, but the other four were set perpendicular with the wall and had to be watched from an angle.
And the benches had one and only one use; to bend and hold an inmate during the degrading spectacle known as punishment night. Bend their bare asses so they could be punished. The watchers could see everything, and thanks to the sound system they could hear everything that happened in the room.
Then there were the inmates mixed in with their group. Trustees, carrying wine and treats for the men to sample. Those women were another reason men were there, and those women were mostly naked. And available. Mostly their mouths, but the visitors were free to let their hands roam at will. Hands and lips and anything else the boys wanted to use to touch them. Drinks were provided, as were little blue pills. Not that any of them had a problem getting it up, not the first time, but pills ensured repeat performances and the boys wanted the fun to last all night long.
"Look at her squirm." Barry laughed.
"The one on the left; she looks like she's really into it." Daniel sneered.
The women serving them tried to smile and stay happy, but they knew that on another night they could, nom they would be on the other side of the glass. That trustees or not, every inmate took her turn over those benches.
"What's that oneess ins for?" Allen slurred. "Whats she did to get sent here like this?"
He addressed the question to the inmate kneeling by his chair, holding a tray of wine glasses up for him. The woman was wearing only a thin white skirt with nothing under it.
"I don't know sir. They don't always tell us."
Quentin Brockington, never happy to see an inmate using her mouth for the wrong purpose, quickly interrupted the conversation.
"Girls don't always tell each why they've been sentenced her." Quentin Brockington interjected.
Mike, sober and alert (as alert as anyone could be with a glorious redhead sucking at his balls) heard an alternative meaning in the conversation. He had to wonder if some girls arrived here without the slightest clue of why they had been imprisoned.
'That would suck.' Mike thought to himself. 'If they don't know why they're here then how will they know how long their sentences are?'
"Holy FUCKING fuck!" Gus exclaimed. "Is that who I think it is?"
"Fucking coming into the room." Gus said.
Eyes lifted from the girl being helped up from a bench and turned towards the girl being led in. Several of them gasped at the sight.
"That's Annie Harman!" Allen gasped. "WTF?"
"Her outfit does kind of..." Jess suggested.
There was a babble of voices. Mike had to agree that if you squinted and ignored the designer labels, then Annie's outfit might be mistaken for one of the uniforms. If the light was bad. Very bad.
Speaking of bad, Mike couldn't think of how this situation could get much worse. Annie Harman did the same basic thing that Mike did; look out for a wealthier relative. She was the poor cousin responsible tagalong of the girls' group. Had she been set up? Had someone screwed up and made Annie throw herself on the resulting consequence? Whatever was happening, there was nothing he could do to help Barry now.
"Um, at this point I should remind people that this is a one way affair." Quentin Brockington said quickly. "We can see and hear, but we can't interfere with the operation of the prison."
"SHUSH!" Daniel declared. "Someone turn up the volume."
Watching strangers being punished was one thing, but this was one of their one. One from the edge of the crowd, but still one of us.
"There's been a mistake made." Annie said calmly to the warden leading her in.
"Perhaps, but it's been made."
"Not yet." Annie said hopefully. "There's still time to stop it."
"No, there isn't. The final decision has been made. The sentence will be carried out."
Annie gave a sighed of resignation.
Mike felt a pang of lust as Annie removed her skirt, lowered and stepped out of her panties, then allowed herself to be positioned over the bench. Mike stared as the warden pinioned Annie's ankles and strapped her slim, firm thighs together just above the knees.
"Fuck they're fucking doing it." Gus moaned.
Mike jerked the girl's mouth from his balls and slid his dick in her willing mouth.
The warden measured a cane against Annie's bottom, tapping it gently.
"Let me the fuck go."
Mike twisted his eyes from Annie's bottom as another girl was led, no, dragged into the room. Two wardens were dragging her along. Jennifer Cannatella was fighting them, but they had no problem in forcing her onto a freshly vacated bench. Jennifer, whose family had millions. Jennifer, who might have been the one to suggest coming here.
"This is fucked." Gus said, his voice full of awe.
Mike was beginning to wonder if he was going to have fight his way out of here.
"Oh that hurts!" Annie screamed.
Mike's eyes shot back to Annie, whose lily white ass was now sporting a cane line.
Watching Jennifer being stripped as Annie squealed under the cane was too much for Mark to take. Maybe it was seeing Annie (who was holding out for a rich husband and normally wouldn't give him the time day) getting caned. Maybe it was watching super rich Jennifer being stripped and restrained. Maybe it the trustee's talented tongue. Whatever it was, Mike shot his load before he was ready to.
And the talented trustee teased every drop cum from his dick.
"This is so fucked." Gus grunted, cumming.
Despite the pills, all six of them came before Jennifier's caning ended.
"That was so..." Barry moaned.
"Does that happen a lot?" Mike asked girl who had finished swallowing his cum. "Guests ending up in that room?"
The girl hesitated, and Quentin Brockington's filled that moment of silence.
"We don't permit the trustees to reveal the inner workings of the system." Quentin Brockington said quickly. "It's a matter of security. I'm sure that you understand."
The girl's face turned ashen at those words, but her smile never wavered.
Once Jennifer was helped out of the room, it was time for new round of drinks and pills as they watched more inmates meeting their fates on punishment night. At least most indulged; Mike held off, knowing that he might have to be sober if things went bad.
But for the rest of them, the night vanished in a haze of booze, sex, and pretty girls getting their pretty little asses whacked.
Morning brought sore heads for most. They spent the night in the observation room and been served a light breakfast before heading back to the airport. While waiting to board the plane, Mike couldn't help noticing that there were now three groups. The boys, the girls, and Annie.
Annie stood apart from the others, looking dejected.
But Mike wasn't worried about her. A quick head count showed that they were one short, with Jennifer being the missing the missing girl. There seemed to be a general assumption that Jennifer was late, and some giggling about how Jennifer had spent the night in a cell, but as the plane's door open, Quentin Brockington made announcement.
"Um, I am sorry to have to have say this, but one of your number won't be joining you today. It seems that last night she assaulted several wardens, with each assault being either a class C felony or a class B misdemeanour. There can be no doubt of her guilt as her crimes were captured on several security cameras. As a result she will incarcerated here ad hoc until a judge holds a hearing and sentences her accordingly."
"What?" Tiffany Duke demanded. "What the fuck do you think you're fucking pulling? She might have volunteered for last night but..."
At the first 'what' Annie was on the move, soon whispering in her cousin Tiffany's ear, causing Tiffany's voice to trail off. Mike caught various phrases, things like "obvious set up", "her family", and "her idea" drifted over as Annie frantically worked to hush her cousin. Mike though that was a wise thing to do. He wasn't sure what result a protest might bring, but until they were safely off the plane it just wouldn't be a smart move to object to anything that might or might not be happening to Jennifer.
Annie didn't sit much on the flight home. Once they were off the plane, Mike made a few phones then honestly told his cousin that he was doing everything he could to help Jennifer. He heard Annie saying the same, without making the calls and felt that she was merely saving time. Jennifer was gone, already sentenced to spend years in that place, and there was nothing they could do about it. Not without attracting so much publicity that their names and faces would be all over the news. And maybe her family had set her up, or she had set herself up. The trip had been her idea and anything was possible.
"It was exciting, but maybe not completely safe." Barry admitted.
"It was fucking hot." Gus exclaimed. "When do we do it again?"
"It was dangerous as hell." Mike interjected. "But it was hot. You know what? We can get the best of both worlds. A couple of calls and we can have a brothel put on a play. They do the same set up and we get to fuck them. I mean, blowjobs are good, but not being able to stick it in the pink because the place can't be bothered to put the girls on the pill? WTF was that? And if we do it in Nevada then it will all be legal."
The legality of a Nevada brothel was the deciding factor. Following the conviction of one of their own, no one wanted to take unnecessary legal risks. At least not for the next few weeks.
Mike thought that would be the end of things, but no. Two months later, while he and the fellows were enjoying themselves in an isolated brothel, the girls made the trip again. This time they all returned, but Mike thought they were tempting fate. That it would only be a matter of time before, one by one, they either joined Jennifer in the cellblock or stopped going there altogether.
Picturing them in his mind, Mike couldn't decide which ending he hoped they met.
"This is a bad idea."
Jess Harding sighed. Mike just wasn't going to let it go.
"Okay, why is it a bad idea?" Mike asked. "Come on, share your wisdom with the class."
Mike ignored the sarcasm.
"I'll pretend that you are serious and really want to know the answer." Mike Howard replied. "First, there's the cost."
"Which is nothing for most of us." Daniel Gold laughed. "I usually lose more than that most nights in the casino."
Mike knew that he was the odd one out where money was concerned, but it took something like this to remind him. Normally he accompanied his cousin Barry Ivey and kept him out of trouble, with the family picking up Mike's expenses so there would be someone to talk sense into Barry when Barry needed straightening out. Normally Mike was just one of the crowd, but every now and then something happened to drive home the point that he was the poor cousin. This conversation might be reminding the others that he was part of the great unwashed horde, but he had to soldier on.
He had to try to stop Barry from making a huge mistake. Or at least do everything he could to stop him. Barry was old enough to make his own mistakes, but Barry's parents expected Mike to do his best to stop those from happening.
"Then there's blackmail." Mike continued. "If there are cameras everywhere..."
"Technically we aren't breaking any laws." Allen Hansen pointed out. "And we can trust these people."
"Even we can trust them, if a reporter hears something or gets proof and ..."
"This place is fucking discreet." Gus Ferguson interrupted. "The press never hears anything, and if they did then the press would be handled."
"I've heard that they have reporters on the inside." Mike said with a smile. "And they get treated like everyone else."
"Then there's the girls." Mike continued. "If we do this we should do it stag. Endangering any of the girls could lead to..."
"Danger? There's no fucking danger." Gus said. "I've researched this place. It's safe as shit. Besides, if anything the girls will be safer with us there."
Barry Ivey sighed.
"I know that you're just looking out for me." Barry said. "But Mike, the plan's a go. It has been for weeks."
Days would be more like it; Mike knew that Barry and the crew couldn't plan weeks in advance, not without an executive assistant to do all the real work. He also knew that Barry wasn't going to change his mind and that if Barry was going than Mike had to go to keep an eye on things.
"If that's the way you want it, then that's the way it's going to be." Mike told his cousin. "But here's a deal: I won't say I told you so if you don't say that I never warned you."
"Done." Barry nodded.
Discussion settled, the six of them quickly met up with the girls. Mike noted that a few of the girls seemed slightly nervous, but most of them were treating this like the start of a great adventure. Then they were off to the plane and the adventure began.
The prison was a short drive from the private airport. A private airport that served a single customer and was linked to that customer by a private road. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that you flew in and out of this remote location. Flying in, even Barry had noticed the isolated terrain and lack of roads. Which meant that escape would be impossible; even if an inmate got out of the building and over the wall she would have nowhere to go.
A fact that was pointed out at the start of the tour. The chief greeter pointed out all the security measures to the guests, explaining how once an inmate was confined here she was well and truly confined.
None of it was surprising. All of it was expected. All of it, until they were segregated by gender.
"Due to the nature of the uniforms they wear and how the inmates are treated, we find things are less embarrassing when we do two tours." Quentin Brockington explained. "When we do mixed tours we often get feedback indicating that our guests would have said or done things differently if members of the opposite gender hadn't been on the tour with them. By doing two tours we give our guests the freedom to make any sort of comment that they want to."
Mike wasn't sure what Quentin Brockington exact role was here (was he in charge of the prison or did he just run the tours?), but the bit about comments, that did make sense. No one wanted to say how hot an inmate was with his girlfriend standing next to him. On the other hand, it undermined the entire 'the girls will be safer' argument.
Not that any argument mattered now; they were committed.
The next part of the tour felt rushed. Mike was still getting used to the sight of the inmates - women in short skirts, tight tops, and socks (with the lack of shoes being described as another security feature) - when they passed through the exercise rooms and dining areas on a rush to get to the more interesting areas. They watched through one way mirrors as some girls were bound to examination tables and forcibly given medical exams and other one way mirrors as inmates showered. Then it was off to the main event.
The reason that they were there. The reason that Mike had warned them not to go. And of course it involved more one way mirrors. An entire wall of them.
The view was at angle, not straight on. That was so there could be two rooms. Two rooms, so both genders could relax as they watched. Two of the benches were angled, one each pointing straight on to one set of mirrors to give the observers a full on view, but the other four were set perpendicular with the wall and had to be watched from an angle.
And the benches had one and only one use; to bend and hold an inmate during the degrading spectacle known as punishment night. Bend their bare asses so they could be punished. The watchers could see everything, and thanks to the sound system they could hear everything that happened in the room.
Then there were the inmates mixed in with their group. Trustees, carrying wine and treats for the men to sample. Those women were another reason men were there, and those women were mostly naked. And available. Mostly their mouths, but the visitors were free to let their hands roam at will. Hands and lips and anything else the boys wanted to use to touch them. Drinks were provided, as were little blue pills. Not that any of them had a problem getting it up, not the first time, but pills ensured repeat performances and the boys wanted the fun to last all night long.
"Look at her squirm." Barry laughed.
"The one on the left; she looks like she's really into it." Daniel sneered.
The women serving them tried to smile and stay happy, but they knew that on another night they could, nom they would be on the other side of the glass. That trustees or not, every inmate took her turn over those benches.
"What's that oneess ins for?" Allen slurred. "Whats she did to get sent here like this?"
He addressed the question to the inmate kneeling by his chair, holding a tray of wine glasses up for him. The woman was wearing only a thin white skirt with nothing under it.
"I don't know sir. They don't always tell us."
Quentin Brockington, never happy to see an inmate using her mouth for the wrong purpose, quickly interrupted the conversation.
"Girls don't always tell each why they've been sentenced her." Quentin Brockington interjected.
Mike, sober and alert (as alert as anyone could be with a glorious redhead sucking at his balls) heard an alternative meaning in the conversation. He had to wonder if some girls arrived here without the slightest clue of why they had been imprisoned.
'That would suck.' Mike thought to himself. 'If they don't know why they're here then how will they know how long their sentences are?'
"Holy FUCKING fuck!" Gus exclaimed. "Is that who I think it is?"
"Fucking coming into the room." Gus said.
Eyes lifted from the girl being helped up from a bench and turned towards the girl being led in. Several of them gasped at the sight.
"That's Annie Harman!" Allen gasped. "WTF?"
"Her outfit does kind of..." Jess suggested.
There was a babble of voices. Mike had to agree that if you squinted and ignored the designer labels, then Annie's outfit might be mistaken for one of the uniforms. If the light was bad. Very bad.
Speaking of bad, Mike couldn't think of how this situation could get much worse. Annie Harman did the same basic thing that Mike did; look out for a wealthier relative. She was the poor cousin responsible tagalong of the girls' group. Had she been set up? Had someone screwed up and made Annie throw herself on the resulting consequence? Whatever was happening, there was nothing he could do to help Barry now.
"Um, at this point I should remind people that this is a one way affair." Quentin Brockington said quickly. "We can see and hear, but we can't interfere with the operation of the prison."
"SHUSH!" Daniel declared. "Someone turn up the volume."
Watching strangers being punished was one thing, but this was one of their one. One from the edge of the crowd, but still one of us.
"There's been a mistake made." Annie said calmly to the warden leading her in.
"Perhaps, but it's been made."
"Not yet." Annie said hopefully. "There's still time to stop it."
"No, there isn't. The final decision has been made. The sentence will be carried out."
Annie gave a sighed of resignation.
Mike felt a pang of lust as Annie removed her skirt, lowered and stepped out of her panties, then allowed herself to be positioned over the bench. Mike stared as the warden pinioned Annie's ankles and strapped her slim, firm thighs together just above the knees.
"Fuck they're fucking doing it." Gus moaned.
Mike jerked the girl's mouth from his balls and slid his dick in her willing mouth.
The warden measured a cane against Annie's bottom, tapping it gently.
"Let me the fuck go."
Mike twisted his eyes from Annie's bottom as another girl was led, no, dragged into the room. Two wardens were dragging her along. Jennifer Cannatella was fighting them, but they had no problem in forcing her onto a freshly vacated bench. Jennifer, whose family had millions. Jennifer, who might have been the one to suggest coming here.
"This is fucked." Gus said, his voice full of awe.
Mike was beginning to wonder if he was going to have fight his way out of here.
"Oh that hurts!" Annie screamed.
Mike's eyes shot back to Annie, whose lily white ass was now sporting a cane line.
Watching Jennifer being stripped as Annie squealed under the cane was too much for Mark to take. Maybe it was seeing Annie (who was holding out for a rich husband and normally wouldn't give him the time day) getting caned. Maybe it was watching super rich Jennifer being stripped and restrained. Maybe it the trustee's talented tongue. Whatever it was, Mike shot his load before he was ready to.
And the talented trustee teased every drop cum from his dick.
"This is so fucked." Gus grunted, cumming.
Despite the pills, all six of them came before Jennifier's caning ended.
"That was so..." Barry moaned.
"Does that happen a lot?" Mike asked girl who had finished swallowing his cum. "Guests ending up in that room?"
The girl hesitated, and Quentin Brockington's filled that moment of silence.
"We don't permit the trustees to reveal the inner workings of the system." Quentin Brockington said quickly. "It's a matter of security. I'm sure that you understand."
The girl's face turned ashen at those words, but her smile never wavered.
Once Jennifer was helped out of the room, it was time for new round of drinks and pills as they watched more inmates meeting their fates on punishment night. At least most indulged; Mike held off, knowing that he might have to be sober if things went bad.
But for the rest of them, the night vanished in a haze of booze, sex, and pretty girls getting their pretty little asses whacked.
Morning brought sore heads for most. They spent the night in the observation room and been served a light breakfast before heading back to the airport. While waiting to board the plane, Mike couldn't help noticing that there were now three groups. The boys, the girls, and Annie.
Annie stood apart from the others, looking dejected.
But Mike wasn't worried about her. A quick head count showed that they were one short, with Jennifer being the missing the missing girl. There seemed to be a general assumption that Jennifer was late, and some giggling about how Jennifer had spent the night in a cell, but as the plane's door open, Quentin Brockington made announcement.
"Um, I am sorry to have to have say this, but one of your number won't be joining you today. It seems that last night she assaulted several wardens, with each assault being either a class C felony or a class B misdemeanour. There can be no doubt of her guilt as her crimes were captured on several security cameras. As a result she will incarcerated here ad hoc until a judge holds a hearing and sentences her accordingly."
"What?" Tiffany Duke demanded. "What the fuck do you think you're fucking pulling? She might have volunteered for last night but..."
At the first 'what' Annie was on the move, soon whispering in her cousin Tiffany's ear, causing Tiffany's voice to trail off. Mike caught various phrases, things like "obvious set up", "her family", and "her idea" drifted over as Annie frantically worked to hush her cousin. Mike though that was a wise thing to do. He wasn't sure what result a protest might bring, but until they were safely off the plane it just wouldn't be a smart move to object to anything that might or might not be happening to Jennifer.
Annie didn't sit much on the flight home. Once they were off the plane, Mike made a few phones then honestly told his cousin that he was doing everything he could to help Jennifer. He heard Annie saying the same, without making the calls and felt that she was merely saving time. Jennifer was gone, already sentenced to spend years in that place, and there was nothing they could do about it. Not without attracting so much publicity that their names and faces would be all over the news. And maybe her family had set her up, or she had set herself up. The trip had been her idea and anything was possible.
"It was exciting, but maybe not completely safe." Barry admitted.
"It was fucking hot." Gus exclaimed. "When do we do it again?"
"It was dangerous as hell." Mike interjected. "But it was hot. You know what? We can get the best of both worlds. A couple of calls and we can have a brothel put on a play. They do the same set up and we get to fuck them. I mean, blowjobs are good, but not being able to stick it in the pink because the place can't be bothered to put the girls on the pill? WTF was that? And if we do it in Nevada then it will all be legal."
The legality of a Nevada brothel was the deciding factor. Following the conviction of one of their own, no one wanted to take unnecessary legal risks. At least not for the next few weeks.
Mike thought that would be the end of things, but no. Two months later, while he and the fellows were enjoying themselves in an isolated brothel, the girls made the trip again. This time they all returned, but Mike thought they were tempting fate. That it would only be a matter of time before, one by one, they either joined Jennifer in the cellblock or stopped going there altogether.
Picturing them in his mind, Mike couldn't decide which ending he hoped they met.