Prep school - true story

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Prep school - true story

Post by andy7788 » Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:33 am

Prep school - true story

Most people don't believe it when i tell them about this, but it is all true and quite vivid in my memory.

I went to a private juinor school in the early to mid 80's, in england. Whilst corporal punushment schools had been stopped in state schools, private/independant schools could do what they want.

I have always wondered whether my parents knew this before they sent me or knew that it was actively used. The reason I say that is that smacking was not something they believed in and I was never smacked during my childhood. This is not something I have ever discussed with them, so I am still none the wiser.

Anyway, this isn't a story as such, more an account of a bit of what i saw.

Like I said before, I was never spanked growing up and this applied at school to. This was partly due to thd fact that i was well behaved, but also due to the fact that my teacher and head mistress absolutely terrified me. To be honest I was a bit of a wuss at that age (7/8).

Some of my classmates however, were rather less well behaved and there was 3 or 4 who were always in trouble. Our teacher was horrible, she was always nice as pie when parents were around, but turned evil as soon as they left. She would just lose it and shout all the time.

For me this was enough, to correct any behaviour, but for others a little more was needed.

In terms of the school policy, I've no idea what the official policy was. There was talk ofbeimg sent to the pe (physical education) teacher to get the slipper, but other than stories, I never saw or directly heard of anyone who got that. It might have been something reserved for the older kids. Also many people associate the cane with english schools, but this was even less discussed than the slipper. But again all this might have been to do with my age.

What was used from all that I saw was the hand and fairly frequently. Mostly this was a quick swat to the bottom. For example, one time I remember we were queuing up to go into tge dinner hall and one boy was getting a bit too raucous. He didn't notice the headmistress coming. She said absolutely nothing throughout, but simply stood towering over the boy until he noticed she was there. He turned around eyes wide, clearly the headmistress' was feared by more than me. She made a silent swirling gesture, that I remember not understanding, but the boy understood and promotly spun around to face away from her. Two quick swats to his seat and it was over, with the headmistress just walking off, again without saying a word. Nevertheless it worked as the queue was silent as we walked in.

Another recollection was frommy classroom. I can't honestly remember, some of the detail about how it came about. I'm not sure if it was break time or we were waiting fir the lesson to start. But eitherway some of the boys were being pretty boisterous. Again I can't really remember what the boy did, but I vividly remember our teacher losing it, she was furious. She ran round the side of her desk to try and grab hold of him. He saw her coming and ducked out of the way. Bad move as this made her even more mad. She lunged at him again and this time she was sucessful, grabbing a hold of his arm. Still holding him she perched on the edge of her desk and dragged him face down across her, landing 5 or 6 firm amacks to the seat of his school shorts. After that she dragged him back onto his feet as roughly as she had dragged him off them, still screaming at him.

These types of incidents were reasonably frequent, but it was always the boys. I never once saw a girl get anything more than a telling off, most unfair!

The more serious offences, resulting in a more formal punishment and this happened during assembly. Assembly consisted on all the junior years sat in rows, cross-legged on the sports/assembly hall floor. The headmistress or deputy head would always take assembly. On only two occaisions whilst I was at the school was there an assembly hall punishment. One was for a quite chubby asian boy and another was for a slim white boy, both were a couple of years above me so I don't know what they were called. On both occaisions the ritual was the same.

The boys name is called and he his asked to go to the front. The headmistress is sat in a chair in the middle at the front. The boy stands next to her, on her right side. She would then explain why the boy was there and whilst I can't remember what they did I do remember how ghe headmistress announced it. It was sonething along the lines of "This boy is about to go over my knee, because......". She would then take him across her knee. When there, she would lift the boys blazer out of the way to give clear access to boys bottom. Three sharp cracks would ring out and it was all over. I don't think it was the worlds most painful punishment, but with the formality and being in front of the school massively added to it. I remember the asian boy didn't show much reaction, but the other boy was sat quite near me afterwards and he had tears rolling down his cheeks.

Anyway, thats it, hopefully some of you found it interesting. I do wonder if these experiences are the cause or shaped my interest in spanking, but I'm not sure. I certainly remember being fascinated by it at the time and these events are by far my most vivid recollections from those couple of years at that school, so maybe not. After two years we moved house and I went to the local state junior school, so that was my last exposure to school corporal punishment. Despite going to a private secondary school, where it was techinally possible to receive CP, I never heard of a single incident throughout 5 years of high school and 2 years of 6th form.

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Re: Prep school - true story

Post by Often123 » Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:48 am

Andy, it's very likely that sparked your interest. It's too bad your teacher couldn't have had better control over herself, but both she and the headmistress were no-nonsense ladies. I also noted they put their hands to good use.

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