meeting my girlfriends family

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meeting my girlfriends family

Post by shimon » Thu Jan 10, 2013 2:49 pm

I was 24, Alice was 22, and we had been dating for awhile. She lived with her mom and 2 sisters 24 and 26. One evening, I brought her home and she invited me in. when we entered the living room, I saw her mom standing nose in the corner. Alice spotted her mom, then looked at me and giggled. She tried to suppress the giggle but couldn't.
When her mom heard her giggle, she turned her head and said, "if you think its funny you can get into the corner too". Mom was standing in a corner that had a beam that went from floor to ceiling creating 2 corners next to each other. On command, Alice went nose into the corner near her mom.
Just then grandma walked and told mom to get that nose back in the corner, which mom did. Grandma asked me why Alice was in the corner and i told her. She told me that was between her daughter and granddaughter and she wasn't going to mix in. however she told her daughter to stand nose in the corner and keep her mouth shut and expected her to do that.
Meanwhile she invited me to sit down and we had a chat like nothing unusual was going on. All the while Alice and her mom stood each in their corner next to each other.
I didn't want to steer, but i kept sneaking looks at them. After all there they were, 2 girls with hot bubble butts in tight pant. and with their noses bent into the corner their butts looked even hotter. And they stood there quietly the entire time I was there. Alice's mom couldn't move because grandma wouldn't let her and Alice was stuck because her mom couldn't open her mouth too let her go. When I left 2 hours later they were still standing there.
Several weeks later when i came to pic Alice up on a date, her mom answered the door. She invited me in but told me Alice couldn't go out because she was being punished. She told me she had things to do in the kitchen but that I could wait in the living room. So I went into the living room and I saw Alice standing in the same corner she stood in last time.
I decided to tease her. I went over to her and said, " you are 22, why don't you get out of there". I said things like, are you a child, is the little girl afraid to move, you look silly. She didn't move a muscle or say a word.
So I thought I would really have some fun teasing her. I put my nose in the the second corner near her, the corner her mom had stood in the other night. I then said see its easy. You step out like this, as I stepped out of the corner. I kept stepping in and out of the corner saying in out in out its that easy.
What I didn't realize was that her mom heard it all and got angry. She came into the room and just as I put mt nose in the corner again, she shouted FREEZE!!! I don't know why, but I froze. She then said, with a satanic laugh, if you think its funny you can stay there too.
I was never so embaresed in my life. After all, here I was an adult and I was being treated as a child. Moreover, even though I was an adult, I was afraid to move. But worst of all, here I was just making fun of my girlfriend for not moving and now i was doing the same thing. Four hours later, when she finally let us out a had to pee so bad, but i dint ask to use the bathroom. I just left.

Posts: 293
Joined: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:37 pm

Re: meeting my girlfriends family

Post by Often123 » Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:09 pm

An intriguing beginning here, shimon.

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