Claire and Sally Night Out Part 1

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Claire and Sally Night Out Part 1

Post by lispank » Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:45 am

Sally had worked her butt off and got all caught up on her school work and with little reminders here and there when the final grades for her classes came out she passed with flying colors. To celebrate Claire decided that it was time for them to have a fun night out, first they when and had manicures and pedicures and then went home to get dressed up. Things were going really well until Sally came down in a teeny tiny little black halter dress. "Please go put something more appropriate on." Claire stated calmly. Sally rolled her eyes "What's wrong with this? Isn't this suppose to be a reward for me, so I should be able to wear whatever I'd like?" she asked putulently. "If you don't go change right now and drop the attitude young lady the only place that you will be going is up to bed with a sore bottom." Sally knew better than to argue with her and since she really wanted to go, went up and changed even though she did pout about it for awhile.

Claire took her out to a nice little restaurant that they both enjoyed going to. Things were going beautifully and they were both enjoying each other conversation and the wonderful meal. That's is until Claire had to go use the restroom leaving Sally alone at the table, Sally thought that she would be able to get away with ordering a cocktail while she was gone and that she would either have it drank before she got back or that maybe she wouldn't be too upset or at the very lest would not say anything until they got home. There are a lot of stupid plans that pop into your head and it's hard not to try to justify them to yourself with the words well they will never know or how upset can they really be? Best advice to give a friend that you know is having one of those thoughts is DON'T DO IT!. But since she was sitting alone she didn't have anyone to give her this wise advice and besides we all know she wouldn't have listened if she did. She got the waitresses attention and ordered a pineapple upside down cake drink, it's a little drink and can be finished quickly.

She was just taking her second drink when Claire set back down at the table. "What do you have there?" she asked suspiciously. Sally made an audible gulp as she swallowed " Just a drink, no big deal." What kind of drink would that be juice,soda....?" "Not exactly but it is really good want to try it?" she smiled sweetly at her. Raising her eyebrow Claire asked again "What type of drink is it? It better not have alcohol young lady, you are NOT old enough to drink." "Well it does but not much and it is such a little glass what could it hurt?" she said in her most convincing voice. "What it could hurt is you could get into trouble with the law as well as getting the poor waitress in a lot of trouble! Come with me I think we need to have a quiet little talk." she said after she had moved the drink away from Sally's spot and stood up. "Um what do you mean 'talk'?" "I said come with me unless you want to cause a scene right here, where everyone will see just want happens to naughty little girls." Claire led Sally to a family restroom that they have so that a parent can take their child in to the restroom without any worries as soon as they were both in the door she turned to lock it.

"What were you thinking, you know that you can not have alcohol!" she stormed. "I was thinking that it is a special day that you might not mind if I had a little, teeny, tiny drink." At this point she was actually thinking why in the hell did I think that was a good idea? "We don't have time to go into it all right now so let get this over with lean over and place your hands on that bench." Claire commanded. Sally stomped her foot " You can't do that here!" she whined. "Do it now or we really will cause a scene and I would really like to avoid that." Sally wasn't sure what would happen if she didn't listen but she did not what to take the chance and find out. Almost immediately after placing her hand she felt the thud of a well placed hairbrush swat. Jumping up and grabbing hold of her bottom " Where did that come from?!" "My purse, not back down!" After about 19 more of these her butt was burning. "Get up, lets go finish our dinner and we can finish this discussion after we get home." and she calmly unlocked the door and headed out to the table.

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Re: Claire and Sally Night Out Part 1

Post by Often123 » Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:38 pm

So many bright ideas don't seem so bright after a while, as Claire has helped Sally find out. I think that discussion at home will be one Sally remembers well. It's a good thing she listened earlier regarding the dress, or she'd have been sitting very uncomfortably at dinner. Part 2 should be a good one. :)

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Re: Claire and Sally Night Out Part 1

Post by kelli_f4f » Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:16 pm

Wonderful story - pushed so many buttons, with a tantalizing promise for the next installment. A fantasy that would only be better if it were me, and non-fiction!

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Re: Claire and Sally Night Out Part 1

Post by lispank » Fri Sep 21, 2012 5:19 pm

Thank you for reading and for commenting, it always makes me want to write more when I know that someone has enjoyed what I've written.

often are they still following the way you would like to see them go? If not let me know and I'll make whatever changes you would like. Thank you again for letting me write about these characters for you.

kelli- let me know if there is anything you would like to read about and I will try to make another story that you would enjoy.

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Re: Claire and Sally Night Out Part 1

Post by Often123 » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:03 pm

You're quite welcome, lispank. I'm honored you chose to write them for me. :)

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Re: Claire and Sally Night Out Part 1

Post by rachelredbum » Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:51 pm

I liked the story. It certainly sounded believable. I would certainly be mortified if I had to "go have a talk" like that :)

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Re: Claire and Sally Night Out Part 1

Post by lispank » Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:38 pm

Thank you for commenting and I'm glad that it was believable I wasn't sure if it would come out that way if I put the "talk" in the restroom in but as someone who has had a quick trip to the restroom with my friend Glitzy I know that it is possible if your careful since it is not uncommon for ladies to go together. I hope to write the other part of the story this week just have to decide how intense to make the spanking at home.

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Re: Claire and Sally Night Out Part 1

Post by Often123 » Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:17 am

Ah yes, the little trip to the restroom. ;) I can now try to imagine the scene to gollow when they get home. Claire wasn't amused at all with Sally's behavior.

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