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Free Spanking Stories - Spanko.net • The Little Girl Learns
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The Little Girl Learns

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:19 am
by dracula1969
Above the age of consent and old enough to know better yet here she is..

And Oh no ...Daddy is now pulling her ruffle panties down and she calls out...

" No Daddy please...please I will be good..." all to late for word or deed she is over his lap and this is her fate.

Tears well up in her eyes and her tummy flips upside down as the cool air wickedly caresses her now bare bottom. Arms flail and legs kick yet Daddy holds her firmly. She has been bad and now the price is to be paid. The hated mirror stands where Daddy placed in front of her so she could see his hard hand rise and about to spank her naughty bottom!

The hand rises in the mirror and she pouts and cries out ...

" No...no ...Daddy please no!!! " and then with dread she sees it fall behind her and the sting of correction burns into her flesh.

She bounces and struggles but is held fast as Daddy does what he must and spanks his little girl to tears and sobs.

Usually she is a mature woman and in full control but not today, she is not allowed to be the woman but only the little girl as Daddy spanks and spanks making her howl and plead for mercy.

When she is hanging over his lap the sobs and gasping all but done he ask her...

" Well Baby will you do as you were supposed to??? " Daddy ask calmly.

" YYYYyyeessss DDDaaddddy . " she barely gets out but she knows in her heart she has done wrong and had to be punished!

A kiss and a hug and Baby then after freshening up walks out with her burning cheeks two blocks to return the over due library book which got her poor little girl bottom oh so tanned.


Re: The Little Girl Learns

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:54 pm
by Often123
A good one, short and to the point. No excesses here, nor were any needed.

Re: The Little Girl Learns

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:34 pm
by babygirl
sighhhhhhhhh loving caring firm Daddy makes me want that even more......even at my age

Re: The Little Girl Learns

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:36 pm
by Often123
babygirl, you're not old, and as for age - no one feels very old when they are otk.